Dev Blog - Sith Triumvirate Raid Rewards - 4/2/18 [MEGA]


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    “We are implementing the rewards on the Sith Raid first in our upcoming hotfix update (slated for next week), and will make similar changes to The Pit and AAT in the coming months.”

    “After monitoring early results & player feedback, we will do a similar pass on AAT & Pit Raid rewards in the coming weeks.”

    @CG_Carrie which one is it here? Will the rancor and HAAT be looked at / changed in the coming months or weeks?

    Also will the chance for full Carbanti’s, cuffs and guns increase with taking their salvage completely out of the mix? These are some of the toughest gear in the game to that nearly every toons needs to progress even from g7/8 all the way to g12.
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    Just wanted to send out a big thanks to Marvel Strike for helping breath some life back into this game
  • egtrip
    23 posts Member
    if you have a budget for new hires, look for a great copy editor ; )

    PS, consider simplifying the language/words used, "will be handsomely rewarded"
    think about players with english as a second language who translate or need to describe an abstract idea with simpler ideas and words.

    [/quote]Whoops, good catch. I don't have a timeframe right now, so it's probably safer to say months. We have a lot of stuff that we are actively working on that needs to take precedent, and we also need to see how the boost in Sith Raid Rewards impacts the economy.[/quote]
  • BlackHawk25k
    17 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Thank you all so much for being so transparent with us here lately. I have really enjoyed hearing from y'all. I hope to here more from y'all in the near future.
    Thank you again!
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    Thank you Very much I am a completely F2P player who started 2 months after the game launched and I have a GP of 2.3 million. I am in a guild that has a GP of 60 million and I play with my two brothers who both started much later and I help them out every way I can But this leveling of the gear field will help them and the less developed players in our guild catch up more and make us all do better together. Thanks!
  • Narfink
    19 posts Member
    These changes are desperately needed for The Pit, where RNG determines everyone’s finish in our guild. Hopefully they prioritize it a little higher.
  • QJinX
    219 posts Member
    I knew someone was going to make this connection. I am SURE its just a coincidence.... /s
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    Wrath wrote: »
    What’s my incentive to bust my butt on this sith raid if getting #1 gets the same gear as #50, I don’t give 2 craps about “extra currency”, I want that better gear! So I use my whole roster to take #1 and I get scraps and pieces, where as #50 thanks to CG’s wonderful RNG algorithm will give #50 6 fully crafted pieces. Horrible changes. No incentive to try hard

    You should give a crap about extra of the two most important currencies in the game right now (besides crystals obviously), which give you the ability to buy the gear and characters you want. And from the sound of this week’s posts, it seems more characters will be coming to these stores in the future. So guild tokens and guild event tokens are only going to become more and more valuable. You’re also getting double the Traya shards. Which is **** nice.
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    I think the communication frequency has improved but the posts are very long and often don’t communicate a clear “bottom line message”. I suspect the messages are difficult to grasp if the English language is not the reader’s primary language.
    For myself, I just want the BLUF with less fluff. CG claims the rate of communication is not likely to continue. I suggest shorter, concise messages as if written in the format of an information paper and less the blog style.
    One item, I think was misunderstood by CG during the Q&A was the request for “what’s next”. I recommend the communication writers take a look at old CG posts were the last line of a message was a cryptic clue to the big event the next month. This month’s clue could have been something about Thrawn mythic event return , like “back from the blue”. Players were not requesting the detailed plan of the calendar but a sentence to play with on the forum to guess what the clue indicated.
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    Ploosh wrote: »
    2.5 years and finally challenge gear is removed from raids... Brings a tear to my eye. Thank you !

    Insane that after a million ignored and disregarded posts about this issue, it took Marvel Strike Force coming out to finally get their attention. Super glad it finally happened tho. They’re making sure swgoh is the far superior game. Great day for Star Wars.

    Even though it's clearly because of marvel strike force, I'm still happy to see it
  • Delmon_Ciiidrr
    504 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    This are awesome news! So happy to hear this, with that one of the most frustrating points is going away and rewards are finally rewards. Thank you!

    For HAAT and Rancor this hopefully comesalso in the next weeks (and not months), and it should nit be a question of economics but just keeping rewards as rewards. With TB and TW there are so many toons that need to be geared up so people will still struggle.

    The same change should also made for TW rewards too!
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    Wrath wrote: »
    Kodimus wrote: »
    Wrath wrote: »
    What’s my incentive to bust my butt on this sith raid if getting #1 gets the same gear as #50, I don’t give 2 craps about “extra currency”, I want that better gear! So I use my whole roster to take #1 and I get scraps and pieces, where as #50 thanks to CG’s wonderful RNG algorithm will give #50 6 fully crafted pieces. Horrible changes. No incentive to try hard

    The incentive is you make your guild stronger.

    You are way more noble than I am if that’s your attitude dude. Strikes me as another attempt to further balance out player base so no one has advantages, kraken or F2P... hmmm dollar doesn’t to stretch as far anymore with these changes... makes me curious about that other... nameless new game... go ahead CG, look up my account, see how much I’ve spent and if my opinion is worthwhile to your bottom line

    Glad I am not in your guild. No Wrath in Team. Nobody cares that you spend money. So do I. A stronger guild means more rewards.
  • Rebel_yell
    928 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Wrath wrote: »
    Kodimus wrote: »
    Wrath wrote: »
    What’s my incentive to bust my butt on this sith raid if getting #1 gets the same gear as #50, I don’t give 2 craps about “extra currency”, I want that better gear! So I use my whole roster to take #1 and I get scraps and pieces, where as #50 thanks to CG’s wonderful RNG algorithm will give #50 6 fully crafted pieces. Horrible changes. No incentive to try hard

    The incentive is you make your guild stronger.

    You are way more noble than I am if that’s your attitude dude. Strikes me as another attempt to further balance out player base so no one has advantages, kraken or F2P... hmmm dollar doesn’t to stretch as far anymore with these changes... makes me curious about that other... nameless new game... go ahead CG, look up my account, see how much I’ve spent and if my opinion is worthwhile to your bottom line

    Such a strange outburst, but against my better judgement I’ll bite. 2 things worth considering

    1) non-performers are easily replaced on top guilds by those that try hard. If your peers don’t carry their weight, drop them.

    2) the extra currency applies to the most gear and character rich shops in the game. What you lose in random drops you gain in applying currency to more gear of your choice.

    Raids, and STR, specifically sometime require a player to sacrifice a top score for the betterment of the guild. Two examples, when my guild first started clearing HAAT I was asked to use my resistance team in P2 because it did the most dmg. I traded doing 7-8 mil dmg for the guild when this same team could solo P4 and give me a higher rank. Same with STR, I have the best JTR team so I save it for when / if we struggle in a phase. I give up my top score for the benefit of the guild. This new reward structure will relflect that team approach. It’s a shame you don’t see it that way, but can’t please everyone I suppose.
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    CG_Carrie wrote: »
    Sneekypete wrote: »
    Just curious don't kill me here , you mentioned the sith raid reward changes delayed to announce changes across all raids. Then announce aat and pit won't be affected by these changes for a few months, just curious why the change to that ? Thanks for the change guild has been farming lower tiers of sith simply for faster gear lol so we will move back up.
    We did want to address them all together, and the way that worked is we rolled out the Sith Raid, saw how people were progressing, did all the tuning and balancing and then implemented changes. At the point of implementation, we decided to roll out the Sith Raid rewards first (so we could do it sooner), but we did need to hold and see what the cadence of playing through the raid looked like with all three in rotation together. Now that we've figured out generally how they're being played, this allows us to increase the Sith Raids more than we would have if we were looking at them in a vacuum.

    Gotcha, makes sense I kinda figured. As much as it would be cool to gear ultra fast with all three being gear funnel I can see where that actually would hurt the game without proper planning. Thanks for the response, now if you could only comment on Revan this year ....
  • Haruk
    108 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Players apparently caused such an uproar on the boards, that the devs hosted an impromptu Q&A, at a time not good for anybody, to help fix the problems the player base were having.

    In said Q&A, they let every one know more communication was coming.

    But clearly, this all actually due to an entirely different mobile game.

    Some of ya'll just can't be happy, period, right? Gotta cast shade, even as you're being given the things you want.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Well I must say this is a very welcome breath of fresh air. I know the daily gifts and communication is over, but if we get weekly (or almost weekly updates) then I’m sure the community will be happy. But thank you for FINALLY taking challenge gear out of the sith raid.
    I understand waiting for the flattening of gear drops and such, but there’s no need to wait for the challenge gear removal from HAAT. Same goes for Mk4 carbantis
  • Tifer
    130 posts Member
    How come no one mentioned this? G13?

    When released, the next set of gear will enter circulation at first exclusively through the Tier 7 (Heroic) mystery box.
  • QJinX
    219 posts Member
    Since we are addressing the rewards can we go ahead and address the other issue about the sith raid.... its not fun. At all. Being able to complete something and get a reward that has value is great. But this is still a GAME, and games are supposed to be fun. No really have you guys at CG actually played it through a players lens and not a developer account? Not fun.
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    Tifer wrote: »
    How come no one mentioned this? G13?

    When released, the next set of gear will enter circulation at first exclusively through the Tier 7 (Heroic) mystery box.

    I mentioned this on Page 2, asking in my long winded way if that is actually what this means... If that is what it means (not even necessarily actual g13, but even if it's just 2 more pieces working further toward finishing g12), I just can't believe this is how they would choose to announce something that big as far as an overall increase in across-the-board power creep, but also how it will only benefit those who don't need that power creep to help reach Heroic Sith viability. It will just make the Raid that much easier for those who can already do it and more than likely destroy the massive majority of other Guilds in the Community. Please, please let this be a mis-understanding...
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    A welcome change in the sense that devs finally saw the writing on the wall.
  • Ploosh
    565 posts Member
    Tifer wrote: »
    How come no one mentioned this? G13?

    When released, the next set of gear will enter circulation at first exclusively through the Tier 7 (Heroic) mystery box.

    I mean, this is kinda what I expected when the sith raid originally dropped, along with a lvl increase, so I’m not all that surprised to hear it now. Kinda sucks tho, cuz my guild won’t be beating heroic until they release characters other than Rey that can make a dent. We’ve got like 25 Rey’s, but no way is it enough.
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    Ploosh wrote: »
    Tifer wrote: »
    How come no one mentioned this? G13?

    When released, the next set of gear will enter circulation at first exclusively through the Tier 7 (Heroic) mystery box.

    I mean, this is kinda what I expected when the sith raid originally dropped, along with a lvl increase, so I’m not all that surprised to hear it now. Kinda sucks tho, cuz my guild won’t be beating heroic until they release characters other than Rey that can make a dent. We’ve got like 25 Rey’s, but no way is it enough.

    Your guild is far more ahead than mine. We have one member with RJT. And maybe only 2 or 3 others semi actively working on vets to even get her. One being myself. But I'm in a primarily F2P guild that's very laid back and not a hardcore well managed guild. Sure I could jump ship and try for placement in a stronger higher guild. But honestly I've been in this guild since I started and I get more enjoyment helping new members develop their rosters and squads then I would get being told whom to farm, whom to gear, and have to be at the beckon call of guild leaders. So although the changes are great, I would have agree with someone's comments earlier that the a strong guilds get stronger and the weaker guilds get left behind. And unfortunately thats the vast majority of the guilds out there.
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    Well I made this account to complain so it's only fair that I also acknowledge when you guys have done a good job. I would say rewards were near the top of the list for community concerns.

    I think you guys have done a much better job of communicating, and more importantly actually addressing what the community has been clamouring for. Please keep it up!

    I'm sure there will be more disagreements in the future but it is a lot easier to stomach when you are building a supporting ecosystem for players, which I feel you have made a great start towards.
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    More like pay to play players will be rewarded, thats such crap!!!
  • Dztn
    48 posts Member
    I'm happy about that gear changes.

    But i've got a bad feeling in my stomach. In my position i have the same Problem with mk3 ability materials as with carbantis, stun cuffs etc.
    I would prefer to get more of the mk3 materials - at least in the crystal shop.
  • jeiaden
    34 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Excellent changes!!! Ty dev's those are great changes Forget about selfish money spender says " i bought everything they deserve nothing " it really helps guilds to improve and at end of the day all will be improve their roster.
  • Vohbo
    332 posts Member
    While I am very grateful for the improvement of the rewards for this raid, it does not fix the real problem, and I'm afraid this will get buried: The Sith raid is, for many people, unpleasant and/or boring.
    You can improve the rewards all you want, and that might alleviate the complaints about it, but it doesn't fix the fact that a game should be fun, and this most certainly is not fun.
  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    I thought CG mentioned that they are reworking the raid gear prior to the MSF release date announcement. This assertion that MSF was the main reason for the changes we have seen lately on GoH seems to be mostly speculation fueled by cynicism.
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    So are the number of reward character shards also being flattened? It is a group effort and with the well known bugs in P4 of HSTR it can change ranks drastically and unfairly. Even when this is fixed (hopefully soon), it’s still a team effort, so flattening (like TB and TW) would be nice to see.
  • Revi
    573 posts Member
    "When released, the next set of gear will enter circulation at first exclusively through the Tier 7 (Heroic) mystery box."

    Thinks its a bit early to be mentioning G13/G12 complete as the current content being released is seriously underwhelming.

    Would expect to see at least one enjoyable raid/content release before we see G13, is that really too much to ask for on a game we play everyday and put time and in some cases money into?

    Not been "excited" or even bothered by any content release since Territory Battles.
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