Dev Blog - Sith Triumvirate Raid Rewards - 4/2/18 [MEGA]


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    Thanks for the reward @CG_Carrie ! Keep on the good work!
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    iLloydski wrote: »
    I understand the rewards are being flatten except the currency but what about during *Ties*? Has this also been considered? When everyone full solo the rancor and we all got the same score, it's so sad to be at the bottom for no apparent reason.

    This. Any thoughts to hanging the rewards from a full solo of rancor to not be randomly assigned? Especially if rewards are goin to scale up much harder at ranks 1-5
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    2.5 years and finally challenge gear is removed from raids... Brings a tear to my eye. Thank you !
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    What was done with this client restart that just occurred?
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    @Cg_Carrie. One thing that you did not mention was the same score receiving crappier rewards just by virtue of RNG. It makes no sense that a solo reward is rank 35.

    All of these new things will make players happy so I want to say thank you but then I realize the timing of all of these is coincidental with the competition. So I guess thanks to the competition is a better sentiment.

    Better late than never but then again who knows? the competition may screw up and you will be able to retain the loyal followers.
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    I just want more furnace salvage, etc. Please?
  • Ploosh
    565 posts Member
    2.5 years and finally challenge gear is removed from raids... Brings a tear to my eye. Thank you !

    Insane that after a million ignored and disregarded posts about this issue, it took Marvel Strike Force coming out to finally get their attention. Super glad it finally happened tho. They’re making sure swgoh is the far superior game. Great day for Star Wars.
  • iLloydski
    4 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    I understand the rewards are being flatten except the currency but what about during Ties? Has this also been considered? When everyone full solo the rancor and we all got the same score, it's so sad to be at the bottom for no apparent reason. Why can't it be just like the Dailies.
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    I guess my guild is moving back up to T4, instead of doing T3 for the easy rewards/low effort required.

    I am curious about what the changes in the PIT and tank are going to look like and can't wait (I kind of want to ask about a general time-line there).
  • Carth_Onassi1973
    1708 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    @CG_Carrie thank you. Thank you and everyone else for taking the time to address everything we have been asking/complaining/talking about for a while. As a player since December 2015, this is an extremely welcome sight. Big, big fist bump for customer service on this one.

    I’ll admit I’ll be vocal just like many others when things get messy, but likewise, I’ll be just as vocal when you do right by the community.

    And ya’ll did right. Thanks again :smile:
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    I got 1000 crystals!!! Annnnnndddd they’re gone :)

    Thank you Devs! Flattening of the raid rewards gear is much appreciated and your efforts to adapt the rewards with the games growth means I will happily keep playing
  • Bettz
    29 posts Member
    Over all these changes sound great, a question about top 3 though, the advantage used to be that you would get 2 loot boxes, so more overall drops, will that just be one loot Box now so top 3 are seeing a tangible drop in the amount of gear they earn?
  • Ely
    161 posts Member
    Great Job with these changes!! Thanks for listening!
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    I haven't posted on these forums for a long while ever since I started a thread about raid rewards which got deleted very quickly and I got a warning to boot. I very nearly quit the game at that point as I felt we were not being heard. I'm glad I didn't but I did continue to be frustrated by many things that have recently been addressed. @CG_Carrie I applaud you for finally taking the bull by the horns and making the effort to finally reach out to your playerbase. Information has always been something we crave and it's so refreshing to finally see some candor from you all.
    As the proud leader of a fantastic guild who consistently punch above their weight it was a blow to see the apathy from everyone (myself included) towards STR after we received the rewards from our first T6 attempt which took several days to complete. To receive challenge gear almost universally throughout the guild made it more difficult to promote participation as we work towards being ready for Heroic. I am confident this change if implemented well will completely turn that on its head and our members will be clambering to get at the raid to get their rewards sooner. We like to run our guild with a family atmosphere and are determined to achieve Heroic as a team without mergers or mass cullings and you just gave us a much needed boost so a massive thank you on behalf of Ugnaught Kingdom and long may this new relationship with your player base continue.
    May the Force be with you!
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    Nice work Dev's! I hope this game just keeps going and going. Strive to achieve that, and the whole team will have not only pulled off the unbelievable, but broke the mould for these types of games.
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    Awesome thank you @CG_Carrie ! All these changes are great improvements. Thanks for the 1k crystals as well and for pushing them to our inbox rather than via the pop up.
  • Eutus
    232 posts Member
    Alright!! So lets keep this up! This whole past week aside from not releasing Bossk, Darth Marr, and Mr Bones has been exceptional :D give praise where its due!!

    Keep this up into the summer and ill make a push to get you guys some sort of "best developer team of the year" award, even if i gotta make it out of macaroni and send it to ya. Takes real big people to listen to criticism and fix it on your terms. And i feel like youve done a great job with it.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    At first glance very positive changes. At second glance this will cause players in sub heroic tiers to post even more 0 damages (extra Traya shards is an incentive enough, extra guild currency probably isn't if it's not in heaps). Would love to be proven wrong though.
  • egtrip
    23 posts Member
    @CG_Carrie thx for the posts, can you clarify,

    from the 2nd sentence;
    "will make similar changes to The Pit and AAT in the coming months."

    under the section, Sith Raid Reward Changes;
    "will do a similar pass on AAT & Pit Raid rewards in the coming weeks."

    weeks or months?
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
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    Too much love from you guys <3 . It’s overwhelming... I can’t take it anymore. :)@CG_Carrie
  • Carrie
    122 posts Member
    egtrip wrote: »
    @CG_Carrie thx for the posts, can you clarify,

    from the 2nd sentence;
    "will make similar changes to The Pit and AAT in the coming months."

    under the section, Sith Raid Reward Changes;
    "will do a similar pass on AAT & Pit Raid rewards in the coming weeks."

    weeks or months?

    Whoops, good catch. I don't have a timeframe right now, so it's probably safer to say months. We have a lot of stuff that we are actively working on that needs to take precedent, and we also need to see how the boost in Sith Raid Rewards impacts the economy.
    Senior Producer, Galaxy of Heroes
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    Did she just announce a new gear tier? She said something about new gear being in heroic only...
  • Ely
    161 posts Member
    FAQ from our guild @CG_Carrie

    The flattening of rewards - does this mean the top rewards are less (meaning less g12 pieces) or just making sure the bottom also gets better rewards?
  • BobaPhatty
    12 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    CG_Carrie wrote: »
    [*]When released, the next set of gear will enter circulation at first exclusively through the Tier 7 (Heroic) mystery box.

    Am I reading this correctly, that not only will Guilds who were already (or nearly) ready to finish the Heroic Sith Raid when Rey (Jedi Training) returned, have first access to the next more-than-likely Meta breaking Character it rewards, but will now also have the same months-long exclusive access to the next level of g12 gear, not only ensuring their utter dominance in Arena, but also making said Sith Raid that they were already prepared for completely trivial even sooner and on faster, easier farm, pumping out said new g12 gear at an increasingly faster rate, while the other 90% of Guilds who already have however long it takes for Rey (Jedi Training) to come back until they could possibly even consider trying Heroic, are left in the dust?

    I'm a fairly heavy spender in this game and lead a Guild of 120M GP roughly, but because of our diverse makeup of 1.5M-3.5M Members (mostly Free to Play with a few big spenders), we only have 12 of the only character that matters in the Sith Raid (I know it takes a lot of other Units and Squads, but those other Units and Squads are meaningless without enough RJT's) and I can't imagine any Guilds will be able to continue with that kind of diversity. Plenty of "Whales" are willing to hang with their friends of up to 2 years and accept falling behind as far as one Reward Character, maybe miss a Meta, but this sounds like the only way for anyone who has made a serious investment in this game to continue is to find a new Guild if they weren't already in a homogeneous clump of other medium to big spenders.

    Another portion of the post mentioned changes made in order to help Guilds grow together, but it sounds like you want most Guilds to be torn apart, the top ends who find other groups of top ends take two steps forward and then progress together, and everyone else take two steps back, try to pick up the pieces and then progress together.

    Apologies if I did mis-interpret that quote, but if I didn't... Wow.

    For a couple of days I was so excited about all of the new changes and efforts to improve the game, now I have a sick feeling in my stomach.

    Post edited by BobaPhatty on
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    Very pleased with this.
  • Wrath
    16 posts Member
    What’s my incentive to bust my butt on this sith raid if getting #1 gets the same gear as #50, I don’t give 2 craps about “extra currency”, I want that better gear! So I use my whole roster to take #1 and I get scraps and pieces, where as #50 thanks to CG’s wonderful RNG algorithm will give #50 6 fully crafted pieces. Horrible changes. No incentive to try hard
  • Wrath
    16 posts Member
    Crystals are the lame attempt to keep the masses from jumping ship to another recently released game that shall remain nameless
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    Wrath wrote: »
    What’s my incentive to bust my butt on this sith raid if getting #1 gets the same gear as #50, I don’t give 2 craps about “extra currency”, I want that better gear! So I use my whole roster to take #1 and I get scraps and pieces, where as #50 thanks to CG’s wonderful RNG algorithm will give #50 6 fully crafted pieces. Horrible changes. No incentive to try hard

    The incentive is you make your guild stronger.
  • Wrath
    16 posts Member
    Kodimus wrote: »
    Wrath wrote: »
    What’s my incentive to bust my butt on this sith raid if getting #1 gets the same gear as #50, I don’t give 2 craps about “extra currency”, I want that better gear! So I use my whole roster to take #1 and I get scraps and pieces, where as #50 thanks to CG’s wonderful RNG algorithm will give #50 6 fully crafted pieces. Horrible changes. No incentive to try hard

    The incentive is you make your guild stronger.

    You are way more noble than I am if that’s your attitude dude. Strikes me as another attempt to further balance out player base so no one has advantages, kraken or F2P... hmmm dollar doesn’t to stretch as far anymore with these changes... makes me curious about that other... nameless new game... go ahead CG, look up my account, see how much I’ve spent and if my opinion is worthwhile to your bottom line
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