Dev Blog - Sith Triumvirate Raid Rewards - 4/2/18 [MEGA]


  • Dztn
    48 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Why should non heroic people compete with heroic people?
    Right now arena is a mess. Everyone can with little to no effort compete. That's the most annoying thing we ever had in arena.
    It's time to draw this people back were they belong.

    No effort? What for an effort? To farm all day, knowing the Basics about this characters and know to counter them? Knowledge about tactics and how this game works are reserved for the elite or what? I don't think so. RNG still doesn't exist, mh?

    Everyone that farm all day, knowing all this stuff and try to do their best should have access to gear, mods and characters. Not only the guys with no patience (that leaving guilds, cause to be afraid to miss something). The only difference should be how long it takes to get this stuff. For 1-5% of the playerbase it should be enough to comes first to that. But you can't demand something that the rest of all don't have access to gear above gear12 (3/6) and characters.

    Why should a PvE player competitive in PvP? Their still not the same things. Do not compare pears and apples.
    You can play both with these "Characters" in this game. The only thing in PVP you have an Impact on are Mods and Characters (and how to Combine them). Every player has access to mods. In this case gear and maybe a powerful character that possibly dominates the Arena (we didn't know that at this time) are reserved for 1-5% of all Players. Well done.
    It's time to draw this people back were they belong.

    Not a very social thought. You can't hide the social thought behind this game. All that we do - in this game or somewhere else in this life lives from "with one another."
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    It sounds good
  • Spang
    286 posts Member
    Dagobond wrote: »

    New content should not be either designed for 1% of the population or made so inaccessible to the majority of the players that it fractures guilds as people either have to leave to find a guild which can handle the new content or accept they will just get smoked in every other aspect of the game such as arena when the 1% gets the latest overpowered character.

    They CAN play with the new content. That's why the said new content has 7 tiers to allow this.
    And that 1% were and always will be ahead of them in terms of owerpowered toons and arena as well. They will probably never meet each other in TW. And there are no other PvP aspects where their advances would hurt them.
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    The main benefit of reallocating some rewards from the mystery box to the guild currency / Guild Event Token payout is to provide players with agency around what gear they need

    This is the best thing you could have said ever. A paradigm shift from the randomized "Gachapon" rewards of output randomness to a more currency reward system with players chosing rewards. This is exactly the mentality it will take to make this game great and I thank you profusely for expressing it.
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    Crowtalker wrote: »
    I didnt know there was a problem with the payout, I thought the biggest complaint was about the "cheating" of the AI in the sith raid and how horrible it was to play. I guess we just ignore the big white elephant in the room.

    The problem was with the raid being so onerous and the rewards not being worth the effort... Now that the rewards are being revamped, people will actually want to finish the raid as quick as possible, to launch the next raid. Instead of saying, who cares.
  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    Dztn wrote: »
    I think it will split the community, if only the 1% domintating with that gear the arena. We will see when it comes to the time. Maybe they do it available for all players before it comes to this point. And there is Traya ... and i think she will have a huge impact or unfluence at this point for the arena. To balance PVP/PVE was in every game and act of futility. I hope they don't open the scissor to large. -

    Why should non heroic people compete with heroic people?
    Right now arena is a mess. Everyone can with little to no effort compete. That's the most annoying thing we ever had in arena.
    It's time to draw this people back were they belong.

    As someone who has spent more in recent months than I'll ever admit, I have to say that I disagree with the tone of this post. I'll just say that the "rock, paper, scissors" approach that we currently see has made arena more enjoyable for me. Those that spend have a fair advantage, but I like the fact that a smart FTP player can compete along side me and win. They arguably put in more effort than those that pay. Arena is fine.
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    As a high ranking full ftp, i absolutely have to disagree with you here.
    1)This competitiveness is annoying when your competitor is a person with much, much lower gp/ way worse roster than you. Your five teams are better than their one arena team. Just makes us refresh more to reach higher ranks. Would i want that to change? Yeah, definitely. But wouldn't mind even if it isn't, since most people like it this way.
    2) Uh-huh. I wouldn't necessarily call us *smart* tbh. The only big advantage you(p2p) have against us is mods. All other advantages can be easily mitigated by simple tactics which you learn over time. And no, we don't necessarily put in more effort. We all get what we deserve for our efforts, just through different means.

    Thanks for supporting the game, btw. :)

    Jeric wrote: »
    As someone who has spent more in recent months than I'll ever admit, I have to say that I disagree with the tone of this post. I'll just say that the "rock, paper, scissors" approach that we currently see has made arena more enjoyable for me. Those that spend have a fair advantage, but I like the fact that a smart FTP player can compete along side me and win. They arguably put in more effort than those that pay. Arena is fine.

  • AggelosV82
    52 posts Member
    edited April 2018
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    The Sith raid is too complex, at least for me. I look at mobile games as a more casual environment, and to be honest I was never fond of WOW type raids anyway. This game is getting too complex. The HAAT raid was complex enough or maybe a bit much for my tastes.

    Now I have spent thousands on this game, but I don't see why I should anymore. You guys are going in the wrong direction for me. Even with the quality of life improvements which I greatly appreciate seriously, the Sith Raid is just way too much investment of time and effort. It has really killed this game for me.

    Sadly, it looks like Darth Traya (Keria, which btw is my favorite character ever in any game, well along side HK47 meatbags), is going to be the ultra-meta character and those without her are going to be SOL in arena for a very long time.

    It would be nice if character shards dropped at a reduced rate in the lower tier raids. Right now my guild is doing T5 because over half our members don't have JTR, so it will be a long time coming before we could ever get to T7.

    I have to ask myself, what value is this to me. My answer is... it isn't. Sad because I have invested a lot of time and money in this game and at its core I really love it. This latest raid just saps all that enjoyment out. Thanks for reading if you got this far.
  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    ErrorX wrote: »
    The Sith raid is too complex, at least for me. I look at mobile games as a more casual environment, and to be honest I was never fond of WOW type raids anyway. This game is getting too complex. The HAAT raid was complex enough or maybe a bit much for my tastes.

    Now I have spent thousands on this game, but I don't see why I should anymore. You guys are going in the wrong direction for me. Even with the quality of life improvements which I greatly appreciate seriously, the Sith Raid is just way too much investment of time and effort. It has really killed this game for me.

    Sadly, it looks like Darth Traya (Keria, which btw is my favorite character ever in any game, well along side HK47 meatbags), is going to be the ultra-meta character and those without her are going to be SOL in arena for a very long time.

    It would be nice if character shards dropped at a reduced rate in the lower tier raids. Right now my guild is doing T5 because over half our members don't have JTR, so it will be a long time coming before we could ever get to T7.

    I have to ask myself, what value is this to me. My answer is... it isn't. Sad because I have invested a lot of time and money in this game and at its core I really love it. This latest raid just saps all that enjoyment out. Thanks for reading if you got this far.

    Gaming evolves. The console experience is different now than it was even just 10 years ago. Mobile will continue to evolve too.

    If almost half your guild has JTR then you are well on your way to beating the heroic tier, and closer than some. I'm assuming it's at least close to half since you didn't say 'most' or another word that has a stronger connotation with significantly less than half. I'm assuming you are least within the standard deviation. If the BH rework add value to the STR, you might be able to still pull it off with 20 with strong enough comps for the other phases.
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    YaaaAWN. The raids themselves are boring auto combat fests.
  • Notnukin
    83 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    So we finished our first sith heroic raid tonight and I was stoked to get 4th place. But then I got crap rewards.
    Post edited by Notnukin on
  • Pa_lin
    80 posts Member
    Reworks to t4-7 sound great.
    I feel sorry for guilds stuck doing t1-3. They are the ones being let down by cg here.
    This could have been a great update. Instead just average. Didn’t expect much anyway.
  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    i hope (for the future of this game) EA/CG is planning a buyable toon that is much better/stronger than the darth traya toon... (soon ... in august .. or the next content release, which feels like it never occurs since announcement)

    i don´t think that anyone in a non-heroic-sithraid-guild who supported this game will put a dime in this game anymore once they realise that fighting in arena is useless as long as you don´t have darth traya^^
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Pa_lin wrote: »
    Reworks to t4-7 sound great.
    I feel sorry for guilds stuck doing t1-3. They are the ones being let down by cg here.
    This could have been a great update. Instead just average. Didn’t expect much anyway.

    guild doing 1-3 are weak guilds. it's like being sorry for guilds doing rancor and aat...
    jedilord wrote: »
    i hope (for the future of this game) EA/CG is planning a buyable toon that is much better/stronger than the darth traya toon... (soon ... in august .. or the next content release, which feels like it never occurs since announcement)

    i don´t think that anyone in a non-heroic-sithraid-guild who supported this game will put a dime in this game anymore once they realise that fighting in arena is useless as long as you don´t have darth traya^^

    I remember my first poe/rey/wiggs/chaze/cls/jtr meta
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    jedilord wrote: »
    i hope (for the future of this game) EA/CG is planning a buyable toon that is much better/stronger than the darth traya toon... (soon ... in august .. or the next content release, which feels like it never occurs since announcement)

    i don´t think that anyone in a non-heroic-sithraid-guild who supported this game will put a dime in this game anymore once they realise that fighting in arena is useless as long as you don´t have darth traya^^

    You sure are making some pretty huge assumptions, I'm fairly confident that traya is not going to be unstoppable like she is being portrayed.

  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    jedilord wrote: »
    i hope (for the future of this game) EA/CG is planning a buyable toon that is much better/stronger than the darth traya toon... (soon ... in august .. or the next content release, which feels like it never occurs since announcement)

    i don´t think that anyone in a non-heroic-sithraid-guild who supported this game will put a dime in this game anymore once they realise that fighting in arena is useless as long as you don´t have darth traya^^

    You sure are making some pretty huge assumptions, I'm fairly confident that traya is not going to be unstoppable like she is being portrayed.

    Aye, and if she is it will last two months tops before a counter comp is released.
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    Is this still planned for the 10th?
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    jedilord wrote: »
    i hope (for the future of this game) EA/CG is planning a buyable toon that is much better/stronger than the darth traya toon... (soon ... in august .. or the next content release, which feels like it never occurs since announcement)

    i don´t think that anyone in a non-heroic-sithraid-guild who supported this game will put a dime in this game anymore once they realise that fighting in arena is useless as long as you don´t have darth traya^^

    You sure are making some pretty huge assumptions, I'm fairly confident that traya is not going to be unstoppable like she is being portrayed.

    i hope so, maybe the bountyhunter rework and bossk or the new han/chewie are the answer... or an other old toon, time will tell. but i only wanted to say, hopefully the devs have an eye upon the seems to be unstoppable toon...
  • Revi
    573 posts Member
    Ploosh wrote: »
    2.5 years and finally challenge gear is removed from raids... Brings a tear to my eye. Thank you !

    Insane that after a million ignored and disregarded posts about this issue, it took Marvel Strike Force coming out to finally get their attention. Super glad it finally happened tho. They’re making sure swgoh is the far superior game. Great day for Star Wars.

    Been playing Strike Force for a week or so now and its clear that swgoh is most certainly not far superior. I don't even know if I would consider swgoh better at this point considering the demoralization of the player and content. There has been not interesting/good/playable updates since JTR release.
  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Revi wrote: »
    Ploosh wrote: »
    2.5 years and finally challenge gear is removed from raids... Brings a tear to my eye. Thank you !

    Insane that after a million ignored and disregarded posts about this issue, it took Marvel Strike Force coming out to finally get their attention. Super glad it finally happened tho. They’re making sure swgoh is the far superior game. Great day for Star Wars.

    Been playing Strike Force for a week or so now and its clear that swgoh is most certainly not far superior. I don't even know if I would consider swgoh better at this point considering the demoralization of the player and content. There has been not interesting/good/playable updates since JTR release.

    i fully agree with your "demoralization of the player and content" except that i think it has begun earlier: since the waiting and getting no response for the second arrival of cls^^
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    Strike force is terrible.
  • zhtd17
    948 posts Member
    edited April 2018
  • Bones
    456 posts Member
    DISAPPOINTING as usual. They start doing better with communication just to give us a HUGE slap in the face. We finally had something to look forward to playing the Sith Raid to get some actually decent rewards every few days, and now its turned into something I could care less about......Guess its back to logging only zeros......(thats makes it logging zeros in all 3 raids now.) GOOD JOB GUYS!!! You really know how to motivate people to play the game.
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    @CG_Carrie Is this what was intended? The rewards used to be quite good. These are.... Rancor worthy at best.
    Not to mention... sure looks like the old CG is back with deleting threads. Can't find the thread anymore where this was posted originally.
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    If what I’ve been seeing are actual Sith Raid rewards then this is extremely disappointing. I don’t remember ANYONE complaining about the heroic rewards so I’m honestly unclear about why they needed to be adjusted to the levels we’re seeing.
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    We only asked to remove challenge gear we had tons of, you actually removed everything. Be ashamed.
  • Pyrefly
    1254 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Not to mention... sure looks like the old CG is back with deleting threads. Can't find the thread anymore where this was posted originally.
    Threads aren't being deleted. Threads directly pertaining to the update referenced in the [MEGA], however, are being merged with the [MEGA], as that is, indeed, the exact purpose of a [MEGA]. profile: Pyrefly -- Check out my Galactic Power Tables and my TB Phase Info Tables !!
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    If you say [MEGA] three times, something bad happens, but I don't know what yet.
    I need a new message here.
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