Content Update 4/11/2018 [MEGA]


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    DJphenom wrote: »
    People can't voice their complaints without vitriol and insults? This has got to be one of the most toxic communities next to Destiny. They haven't even finished with all the changes they are making, and they got rid of challenge gear. Patience is a virtue, and it seems the majority of this community is not so virtuous. @CG_Kozispoon - Now I can see why you were "condescending" and "sarcastic". It's the only way you can talk to these people. Its been less than 1 day, and people are throwing fits. Devs are humans too, and if you treated them as such, maybe you would get MORE out of your complaints.

    I don't think I would've described Kozispoon as "condescending" and "sarcastic," maybe "unprofessional" if I was being a little uncharitable and "dismissive" if I was being a lot uncharitable. I think you're confusing Kozi with Diggs.

    If you think the community here is being especially insulting and spewing unfounded vitriol in the face of disappointment on something that they spent (or were going to spend) money on you have never worked a customer service job in your life. Take into account that gamers are renowned for being short-tempered--I mean, the memes write themselves--and save for a few exceptions people here have been remarkably civil.
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    RJ__Brando wrote: »

    I'm sorry but bob always makes me laugh.
    Your rewards make me cry tough.

    Come on @CG_Carrie
    There's a very simple solution to this :
    CG/EA statement :
    Sorry guys, David here from the 3rd floor forgot to include some code. He tripped on his coffee and was away when we uploaded the kit. He's fine by the way no worries.
    Heroic Sith rewards are now on progress and a client restart will occur later tonigh to all previous rewards levels and quantities.
    Move along.
    Life long and prosper.
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    JaggedJ wrote: »
    We just need to stop asking for stuff.

    US: Give us a simple TW Tiebreaker.
    Them: Ok, here's a convoluted formula that will act as a tiebreaker and make the mode more time consuming.

    US: Give is a new raid. HAAT is boring.
    Them: Here you go, this one can be boring from the get go so this way you won't ever yearn for the fun it brought on first release.

    US: Remove challenge gear from raids.
    Them: Oh we're going to remove it alright, we're going to remove its brains out.

    Thanks for making me laugh.
    Its funny because its true
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    After the first few raids at tier 6, the rewards honestly felt like an insult compared to the time and effort. So my guild worked hard to invest gear, mods and zetas and are ready to clear our 3rd heroic raid. Now it seems that we'll get rewards even worse than the joke that was tier 6, the only difference being traya shards and some extra currency that quickly evaporates into a small amount of bottleneck gear salvage. I'm privately furious, but honestly I just feel let down. All the recent improvements in communication from the dev team - which I appreciate! - and yet they completely failed to manage players' expectations whatsoever. This risks undermining trust in communications going forward, which is a real shame considering the effort the devs have been making.
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    Jeric wrote: »
    Jeric wrote: »
    Does anyone have a job where they could consistently perform this poorly, make this many sizable mistakes, had to spend this much time on corrections, and consistently angered your customers? Would you wonder about your boss if they didn’t fire you?

    asking for a friend…

    Welcome to the wonderful world of enterpise level software development.

    We... I mean...My friend does large scale software deployments (with some level of development)... we'd have to close our doors if we continuously operated this way

    As do I, and for a fortune 500 company. Each deployment usually has something that requires remediation. The QA and UAT teams can't catch everything. The result is similar to what we are seeing here, but with more professionalism considering the clients involved are far different than gamers. The PM and BA usually are on conference calls outlining a plan to correct, a patch is developed and tested, and pushed through. We communicate with the clients, and they would communicate with their customers.

    I have yet to see a release in my 23 years in the industry that didn't have require some patch or adjustment.


    How this got out the door amazes me. It’s funny people think this is a code issue. To me this game obviously has an offshore reasource do the majority of their stuff but this had nothing to do with software development. It was 100 percent intended.
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    DJphenom wrote: »
    People can't voice their complaints without vitriol and insults? This has got to be one of the most toxic communities next to Destiny. They haven't even finished with all the changes they are making, and they got rid of challenge gear. Patience is a virtue, and it seems the majority of this community is not so virtuous. @CG_Kozispoon - Now I can see why you were "condescending" and "sarcastic". It's the only way you can talk to these people. Its been less than 1 day, and people are throwing fits. Devs are humans too, and if you treated them as such, maybe you would get MORE out of your complaints.

    You're mixing together daily complaints / issues that people have and post about that are of varying levels of severity incredibly massive nerf to payouts for players. How does eating a negative experience and not liking it equate to us not having patience? Bird in the hand is worth 2 in the no, I'd rather have the Sith raid rewards as they were and pass on other changes. Before change = me happy ... After change = me not're arguing patience in case future changes = me happy, but that's a contingent...sure I could be patient if I knew I would be happy later, but my experience and therefore my expectation is that any other future offset will not get me back to being whole to where I was before the nerf. And this forum is designed to give FEEDBACK .. if we all sat as you did and were "patient" and caved on this negative experience, they wouldn't know we didn't like this particular change.
  • erdna
    12 posts Member
    I absolutely need CG to respond quickly and appropriately to the rewards for heroic sith. My rank 3 rewards were garbage. You can gladly consider me done with this game if something isn't done by tomorrow. That is all.
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    They have deleted both of my posts so far. I just purchased a vault yesterday, I would not have if I knew this is were they were going with the sith heroic raids. They need to communicate with us here, tell us if this was intended or just broken or what.
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    So i have a question.
    Why should i waste time on hsr tomorrow? I cam just register, grt my shards and the same lousy reward. My hard work 2-3 hours on raid vs extra 1k guild store currency????
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    DJphenom wrote: »
    People can't voice their complaints without vitriol and insults? This has got to be one of the most toxic communities next to Destiny. They haven't even finished with all the changes they are making, and they got rid of challenge gear. Patience is a virtue, and it seems the majority of this community is not so virtuous. @CG_Kozispoon - Now I can see why you were "condescending" and "sarcastic". It's the only way you can talk to these people. Its been less than 1 day, and people are throwing fits. Devs are humans too, and if you treated them as such, maybe you would get MORE out of your complaints.

    Mrs Diggs, is that you?

  • Edison
    154 posts Member
    Throwing my unprompted two cents in here

    Regarding overreaction and whether they are necessary or dramatic - I think the reactions are valid, for what it is. I highly doubt any of these people are home knocking over tables and throwing phones they’re so furious about this - but in this forum, on this topic - the passion should come out as to what the change means to someone as a player of the game.

    I know. They said they’re looking into it and we WILL wait to see what they say..

    That said, I imagine there are a lot of situations at companies where they intentionally try to sneak something by, and if they catch enough heat for it they’re prepared to backtrack - but if it happens quietly enough, then they got away with one. If this is just a version of a calculated risk, then I’m glad we have the passionate people here to stand up for the integrity of the game.

    As for mentions of Marvel Strike Force (a game I tried, but didn’t necessarily love on a first play through) and no longer spending money... I mentioned this before on the big topic of Ry_Diggs - until we have a more effective way of promoting real change within this game, that’s the only language the company has shown to comprehend and it’s the only tool as players we have.

    It seemed to get better, changes were being made - but I understand the fatigue of the fan base after feeling like we finally had a voice only to (potentially) have it turn out that because we couldn’t leave “well enough” alone, we got punished indirectly instead.

    I say this as a long time player, who is not actively in a heroic guild and probably benefitted from this update.

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    Great job guys love everything on here keep up the great work.
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    Are other mobile games like this? Not trolling, I don’t play anything else. I have been playing since dec ‘15 and there seems to be so many peaks and valleys. Is this on par for other games?
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    I have a bad feeling I know what the response is going to be. Are you ready?

    -The old rewards mistakenly gave too much gear and had too high of a chance of full gear drops. The intended rewards were much much less/lower. So they fixed the glitch! But on the positive side, the new rewards are totally way better than the old rewards were supposed to be!
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    Thank you for all the updates and the advanced notice of things to come!
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    I can’t believe (Or maybe I can lol) CG would reduce raid rewards by as much as they did!?! Blows my mind and I’m going to be blunt in that this will encourage more 0 posts in raids as it’s not worth time and investment. This is a sad day.
    Line: xSNAKEMAN
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    kello_511 wrote: »
    I have a bad feeling I know what the response is going to be. Are you ready?

    -The old rewards mistakenly gave too much gear and had too high of a chance of full gear drops. The intended rewards were much much less/lower. So they fixed the glitch! But on the positive side, the new rewards are totally way better than the old rewards were supposed to be!

    And you know what - there's zero problem with them just coming out and saying that. It's when they try to add political spin to changes that make people feel manipulated and lied to.

    Would people still be upset? Yeah of course, but it wouldn't be any worse than it is right now.
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    kello_511 wrote: »
    I have a bad feeling I know what the response is going to be. Are you ready?

    -The old rewards mistakenly gave too much gear and had too high of a chance of full gear drops. The intended rewards were much much less/lower. So they fixed the glitch! But on the positive side, the new rewards are totally way better than the old rewards were supposed to be!

    Something close to that indeed
  • Ely
    161 posts Member
    Revert this change. Or add a couple zeroes on the end of the currency. This is the worst nerf y'all have ever done. Worse than modgate.
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    Just here for the salt and arguments.
  • exec79
    156 posts Member
    GJ making t4-6 guilds totally losing interest for T7 raids.... even Heroic guilds wont give a sht making efforts to get higher ranks... I have never been more disappointed since im playing (now more than 2 years). I got it you overpushed rewards in the first place and didnt expect heroic beeing farmed so soon, but cmon, a 10-15% reward nerf would just do it, also still trash challenge rewards on the table.... Just unbeleivable.
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    Pay to play game.....leave your fond memories behind.........another game that only wants your money .....**** you!!!, you have enough money make a fair game if you advertise free to play....**** bloodsuckers!!!!!!
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    They are all Probably sitting in their conference room laughing their heads off. Trying to figure out other ways to ruin the game
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    Great job guys love everything on here keep up the great work.

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    DJphenom wrote: »
    People can't voice their complaints without vitriol and insults? This has got to be one of the most toxic communities next to Destiny. They haven't even finished with all the changes they are making, and they got rid of challenge gear. Patience is a virtue, and it seems the majority of this community is not so virtuous. @CG_Kozispoon - Now I can see why you were "condescending" and "sarcastic". It's the only way you can talk to these people. Its been less than 1 day, and people are throwing fits. Devs are humans too, and if you treated them as such, maybe you would get MORE out of your complaints.

    You're mixing together daily complaints / issues that people have and post about that are of varying levels of severity incredibly massive nerf to payouts for players. How does eating a negative experience and not liking it equate to us not having patience? Bird in the hand is worth 2 in the no, I'd rather have the Sith raid rewards as they were and pass on other changes. Before change = me happy ... After change = me not're arguing patience in case future changes = me happy, but that's a contingent...sure I could be patient if I knew I would be happy later, but my experience and therefore my expectation is that any other future offset will not get me back to being whole to where I was before the nerf. And this forum is designed to give FEEDBACK .. if we all sat as you did and were "patient" and caved on this negative experience, they wouldn't know we didn't like this particular change.

    Preach it brother.....mthey dont care but they should!!!
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    JaggedJ wrote: »
    kello_511 wrote: »
    I have a bad feeling I know what the response is going to be. Are you ready?

    -The old rewards mistakenly gave too much gear and had too high of a chance of full gear drops. The intended rewards were much much less/lower. So they fixed the glitch! But on the positive side, the new rewards are totally way better than the old rewards were supposed to be!

    And you know what - there's zero problem with them just coming out and saying that. It's when they try to add political spin to changes that make people feel manipulated and lied to.

    Would people still be upset? Yeah of course, but it wouldn't be any worse than it is right now.

    Trump supporter ...right here!!!!
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    DJphenom wrote: »
    People can't voice their complaints without vitriol and insults? This has got to be one of the most toxic communities next to Destiny. They haven't even finished with all the changes they are making, and they got rid of challenge gear. Patience is a virtue, and it seems the majority of this community is not so virtuous. @CG_Kozispoon - Now I can see why you were "condescending" and "sarcastic". It's the only way you can talk to these people. Its been less than 1 day, and people are throwing fits. Devs are humans too, and if you treated them as such, maybe you would get MORE out of your complaints.

    You're mixing together daily complaints / issues that people have and post about that are of varying levels of severity incredibly massive nerf to payouts for players. How does eating a negative experience and not liking it equate to us not having patience? Bird in the hand is worth 2 in the no, I'd rather have the Sith raid rewards as they were and pass on other changes. Before change = me happy ... After change = me not're arguing patience in case future changes = me happy, but that's a contingent...sure I could be patient if I knew I would be happy later, but my experience and therefore my expectation is that any other future offset will not get me back to being whole to where I was before the nerf. And this forum is designed to give FEEDBACK .. if we all sat as you did and were "patient" and caved on this negative experience, they wouldn't know we didn't like this particular change.

    What a **** job!!!!!!!
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    I doubt EA/CG is sitting in a conference room laughing. This is way worse than the STH and JTR nerfs. If this is not corrected many big spenders will quit the game or stop spending. This is about a bad a screw up as mod gate, maybe worse.
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    kello_511 wrote: »
    I have a bad feeling I know what the response is going to be. Are you ready?

    -The old rewards mistakenly gave too much gear and had too high of a chance of full gear drops. The intended rewards were much much less/lower. So they fixed the glitch! But on the positive side, the new rewards are totally way better than the old rewards were supposed to be!

    And you know what - there's zero problem with them just coming out and saying that. It's when they try to add political spin to changes that make people feel manipulated and lied to.

    Would people still be upset? Yeah of course, but it wouldn't be any worse than it is right now.

    Trump supporter ...right here!!!!

    What? Not even going to pretend like I understand or care about American politics in a worldwide accessible forum.

    Instead, here's a nod, a smile, and a thumbs up.
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