Content Update 4/11/2018 [MEGA]


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    Olddumper wrote: »
    Somebody tell the CG developers to "please do the needful" and change this back. I know it wasn't their fault, they were given marching orders.

    Aaaaah that sets off my PTSD. Haven't talked to those people in 5 months. They finally broke me, I won't contact them anymore about anything, which is probably what their bosses intended.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • RekiemD
    133 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    LOL, Weeks of complaining of Sith Raid Reward finally led to that NERF we were asking for! Hooray for the big ultra new communication style

    EDIT: A final thought, and this time i'm serious, i REALLY don't know if they are trolling us or if they really believe the rewards are now better. I really can't understand why all the effort for the "communication" if it leads to this. All i can see are less rewards and a lot more promises.
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    Why can't we just have kept stuff in many other good chances I could was heading to such a nice position ... and just blow it all up with a direct gut punch to what I felt was THE BEST part of the game at the moment. How exciting it was waiting for the rewards here to there's no place to go for excitement for high level drops that have an impact. Is it really too much to have at least one good source for rewards? The other raids have been so lame for so long...aren't we due for something with some pop?
  • kerwyn
    144 posts Member
    Why can't we just have kept stuff in many other good chances I could was heading to such a nice position ... and just blow it all up with a direct gut punch to what I felt was THE BEST part of the game at the moment. How exciting it was waiting for the rewards here to there's no place to go for excitement for high level drops that have an impact. Is it really too much to have at least one good source for rewards? The other raids have been so lame for so long...aren't we due for something with some pop?

    Worst change so far JSA ..... :(
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    this was kinda huge update where are gamechangers videos now :D lul
  • Olddumper
    3000 posts Member

    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Olddumper wrote: »
    Somebody tell the CG developers to "please do the needful" and change this back. I know it wasn't their fault, they were given marching orders.

    Aaaaah that sets off my PTSD. Haven't talked to those people in 5 months. They finally broke me, I won't contact them anymore about anything, which is probably what their bosses intended.

    I'll never understand it. I know we can hire between 6 and 9 overseas developers for the cost of one quality full time employee here but it isn't even close to worth it. The whole industry is going sour. There is this huge push towards agile/scrum that tries to profit by getting 5/10 work off of a 3/10 developer. Just hire, pay and treat and 8/10 fairly and you will be light-years ahead.
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    Beats wrote: »
    My guild working their butts off to get heroic Sith raid on farm status was worth it to see the excitement when we received our rewards. It was like Christmas morning every time. If the info coming out is indicative of what to expect, I’m very disappointed and feel betrayed. They sold this change to us as a good thing. Then, with the notes, said they’re nerfing rewards for the top spots in lieu of more currency. The problem is the currency doesn’t translate to equal the rewards lost.

    Add in the fact that the 3 most sought after unfarmables have been placed in potentially the most expensive and slowest farming locations is further disappointing. Most people are looking at over 4 months of time and around 35,000-40,000 energy to farm each of them—assuming traditional drop rates hold true. Gross.

    And how much gear / zeta mats / omegas, etc. did you use to get to that point and to achieve more? I bet a lot of activity right? Same here and for many others. So disappointing to see motivation and hard work not rewarded and recognized.
  • Jooms
    74 posts Member
    Is it just me, or are the only ones complaining about the Sith rewards selfish people in top guilds doing heroic.

    I'm leader of a 75 mil gp guild doing tier4 (only because we don't want to spend 94 weeks doing anything higher) and i am excited that that even the lower guys can get the same gear boxes as top finishers. As i see it, it only helps our entire guild get better, not just the top 3 finishers. Top finishes get more currency, even better....Also helps that noone in our guild cares about the Sith raid.
  • Zevox
    172 posts Member
    Okay, not going to comment on the whole heroic raid rewards situation, since my guild isn't doing heroic at this point. Besides, those who are seem to have the reaction I'd have to what looks to be the situation there well communicated at this point.

    What I will do though is ask: guys, what part of talking up that the raid rewards were getting reworked to be better for everyone and then at the last minute going "psyche, if you were placing at the top before, this is actually a nerf for you" sounded like a good idea? Seriously, I was under the impression that you were learning this whole communication thing was important and helpful. This is the opposite, what appears to be a deliberate and malicious bait-and-switch.

    And seriously, as someone who has gotten top 3 rewards (sometimes #1) in tier 4 and 5 of the raid since it came out, it's not like those were that good before. I sincerely doubt it would have been imbalancing to bring these new flat rewards up to that level rather than setting them lower. And you really have to understand, even with the most useless gear removed (which is appreciated - though as an aside, I do still see Mk 4 Carbantis in the tier 5 rewards list, which are pretty useless even if they aren't challenge gear), if the absolute numbers go down, that's going to feel bad, psychologically speaking, because then it feels like the rewards have become less substantial than before.

    Serious suggestion: fewer types of gear but greater quantities of them might be preferable. Getting single-digit amounts of just about anything feels weak for a raid, while getting, say, 20 of one thing and 10 of another might feel much better, assuming they were useful.

    Also, minor thing, but uh, why is Wicket on a hard node? I mean, yeah, he's essential if you want to run Ewoks... but he's not nearly comparable to most other hard node farms, especially not the other top-floor ones. You can't seriously think he's on the same level as Talzin, Baze, Shoretrooper, or Nihilus, right? Even Krennic and FOST, who seem a bit out of place there, make more sense to be on hard nodes than Wicket.
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    Jooms wrote: »
    Is it just me, or are the only ones complaining about the Sith rewards selfish people in top guilds doing heroic.

    I'm leader of a 75 mil gp guild doing tier4 (only because we don't want to spend 94 weeks doing anything higher) and i am excited that that even the lower guys can get the same gear boxes as top finishers. As i see it, it only helps our entire guild get better, not just the top 3 finishers. Top finishes get more currency, even better....Also helps that noone in our guild cares about the Sith raid.

    "..Also helps that noone in our guild cares about the Sith raid"

    Thats your problem right there. Why are you even commenting on an issue not related to you at all?
  • Banth
    158 posts Member
    Jooms wrote: »
    Is it just me, or are the only ones complaining about the Sith rewards selfish people in top guilds doing heroic.

    I'm leader of a 75 mil gp guild doing tier4 (only because we don't want to spend 94 weeks doing anything higher) and i am excited that that even the lower guys can get the same gear boxes as top finishers. As i see it, it only helps our entire guild get better, not just the top 3 finishers. Top finishes get more currency, even better....Also helps that noone in our guild cares about the Sith raid.

    It’s just you
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    Jooms wrote: »
    Is it just me, or are the only ones complaining about the Sith rewards selfish people in top guilds doing heroic.

    I'm leader of a 75 mil gp guild doing tier4 (only because we don't want to spend 94 weeks doing anything higher) and i am excited that that even the lower guys can get the same gear boxes as top finishers. As i see it, it only helps our entire guild get better, not just the top 3 finishers. Top finishes get more currency, even better....Also helps that noone in our guild cares about the Sith raid.

    Yes that is correct. But we need more motivation then you do. That said the raid rewards for lower tiers is way wa overdue and I’m bloody glad that’s improved.

    The nature of the whales and the money they spend on the game is a bit of selfishness. Wanting better rewards not worse rewards. Especially when that is sold as an improvement and it’s clearly not an improvement for top tier. Top tier should have the hardest requirements by a ways and better rewards by a ways.
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    past weeks "improve" communication was forced by refunds.. wonder what will happen now ^_^ cos i dont blame anyone feel like being scammed after sacrifice so much for sith raid
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    It seems like the just dropped the only faction that people used to beat ground war. What do the Ewoks or ugnaughts have to do with the separatists. Must have been too easy for everyone to get those 3 general grievous shards
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    Guys let's consider this before complaining :

    "We are closely monitoring the ability of the current Stores to effectively sink this currency on the gear and shards players need. In the coming weeks, we will be significantly expanding these stores to provide what players need the most, and with more convenience."

    Which probably means Stun Guns and other badly needed gears in the guild shop
    And guild currency rewards have been significantly improved.
    In the long run the changes will probably turn out to be beneficial for everyone.

    For now, let's be patient
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    I may be wrong, so please help me out on this. I am not a frequent top 10 raider, but it looks to me like the gold box for top 3 has been removed and all other boxes have been equalized to the previous rank 1 box? In the spirit of heroic being possible only by all 50 members of a guild performing more or less equally? Kinda like a unintended fix or somebody getting that sweet 5% extra on P4?
    The new loot table has been out for 1 hour and everyone + their granma is already going ape on it because their drops are subpar? For 1 payout?
    CG dev post states that all rewards are up by aprox 20%. ALL rewards. Also challenge gear has been removed. Has this not been the loudest cry?
    I have lost a lot of faith in CG after the recent few fiascos. But I do not see this as their fault. More like people being unhappy because rewards are being redistributed a lot more evenly, thus appearing to be lower.
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    By the way...i just realised achievment rewards for completing Thrawn Mythic Event. It's 50 crystals (i don't care about this, but i think IT should be slightly more) and...10 blueprints for Ghost and Phantom...but u first need have them at 7* and complete legendary to even participate in Mythic so my only reaction was...****?
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    VictorHugo wrote: »
    Guys let's consider this before complaining :

    "We are closely monitoring the ability of the current Stores to effectively sink this currency on the gear and shards players need. In the coming weeks, we will be significantly expanding these stores to provide what players need the most, and with more convenience."

    Which probably means Stun Guns and other badly needed gears in the guild shop
    And guild currency rewards have been significantly improved.
    In the long run the changes will probably turn out to be beneficial for everyone.

    For now, let's be patient

    Then why not implement both at the same time to save themselves the backlash they HAD to know would accompany such a horrible horrible change.

    They are "closely monitoring" just like ship hardware is "coming soon"
  • Broxxor
    595 posts Member
    VictorHugo wrote: »
    Guys let's consider this before complaining :

    "We are closely monitoring the ability of the current Stores to effectively sink this currency on the gear and shards players need. In the coming weeks, we will be significantly expanding these stores to provide what players need the most, and with more convenience."

    Which probably means Stun Guns and other badly needed gears in the guild shop
    And guild currency rewards have been significantly improved.
    In the long run the changes will probably turn out to be beneficial for everyone.

    For now, let's be patient

    Victor - Even if that's true (stun guns in the guild shop) - it would still not be beneficial for the top end player because the Sith Raid was one of the only sources of G12 gear.

    Stun Guns are farmable elsewhere. While, at times, everyone is hurting for those - saying "Stun Guns are in the guild shop!" would be a horrific response to this (even worse than the current response of nothing).

    If they bring G12 gear into the guild shop at a decent rate/price (i.e. not charging 500 currency for one salvage or something ridiculous) - then it's a bit better, but still a significant nerf from the current rewards.
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    You know, @JohnnySteelAlpha brings up a really great point regarding the previous version of sith rewards.

    When I do heroic pit or aat, I don't even care about the rewards because I knew they were regularly poor. Then the sith raid came and changed it. I was legitimately excited to see what I had earned. That is the key word, earned. A lot of players geared and honed their game play skills to help defeat the raid.

    Players want to be excited about the rewards they earn. They don't want to feel like they are going through the motions just because we have to.

    Extra currency isn't exciting--a great chance of awesome gear drops is.
  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    Banth wrote: »
    Jeric wrote: »
    jedilord wrote: »
    Kyleslater wrote: »

    Edit: I understand t5/6 were improved. That’s a good thing. But it’s too much of a nerf to heroic
    Jeric wrote: »
    jedilord wrote: »
    Jeric wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Jeric wrote: »
    Also of note, those that are on TIV-VI should be happy, and as those individuals haven't started the HSTR, their disappointment will be mitigated. This was a decent long term stategy for the company.

    As someone not on heroic, my rewards look like they will be better, and I have agency thanks to the increase in currency.

    The currency does not offset the nerf of the rewards.

    I was speaking on Tier IV-VI

    The rewards are better.

    no they are not, we are playing tier5

    Looks better to me.

    take a closer look, please...
    place1: only one box... they have taken the other box: and give instead only 200 ge-token more and only 1450 guild-token more!

    200 ge-token -> you need 2 raids for 5 pieces of g12^^
    1450 guild-token -> you can buy 15dengar shards ... woooohoooo awful awful!

    they have said, "Special attention has been paid to increasing the rewards to better fit the difficulty of the Sith Raid Tiers 5 & 6 for the population of guilds currently running those Tiers, and to rewarding guilds for "moving up" to, and performing well in, those challenging Tiers."

    with only one box, that drops worse gear than a rancorraid??? and some tiny token more?? that is ridiculing that is

    1st gets less gear, 40th gets more. They both get more currency. It's an improvement in the lower tiers since you need the whole guild to improve to reach and win in Heroic.

    After going through the various images for Heroic, and even though I think the histrionics are a tad over-the-top, they have a point there. The shift seems more noticable and dramatic.

    No. This is giving an inch and taking a mile. Heroic rewards are now worthless. There’s no other way to cut it. And they did it so we’d spend more to get the gear instead of just farming it. It’s plain and simple greed.

    I'm not sure I understand what you are disagreeing with me on. I said lower tiers had an improvement that benefits the whole guild, and heroic seems to be dramatically adjusted downward.
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    Jooms wrote: »
    Is it just me, or are the only ones complaining about the Sith rewards selfish people in top guilds doing heroic.

    I'm leader of a 75 mil gp guild doing tier4 (only because we don't want to spend 94 weeks doing anything higher) and i am excited that that even the lower guys can get the same gear boxes as top finishers. As i see it, it only helps our entire guild get better, not just the top 3 finishers. Top finishes get more currency, even better....Also helps that noone in our guild cares about the Sith raid.

    That's because you didn't put your hands on NORMAL Sith heroic rewards.
    The day you will, you'll regret what you just posted.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Somebody just posted a screen shot of their pre nerf rewards in my guild

    Old rank 35 heroic rewards:
    1 full piece + 39 salvage
    New heroic rewards:
    36 salvage with a considerable lower chance at a full

    If anybody is wondering why heroic raiders are upset, that's why.
    Post edited by Sunnie1978 on
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    I think the gamechangers will love the update!

    I wonder how these shills will spin the positive.
    McMole is the only free man out there posting great videos;-).
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    VictorHugo wrote: »
    Guys let's consider this before complaining :

    "We are closely monitoring the ability of the current Stores to effectively sink this currency on the gear and shards players need. In the coming weeks, we will be significantly expanding these stores to provide what players need the most, and with more convenience."

    Which probably means Stun Guns and other badly needed gears in the guild shop
    And guild currency rewards have been significantly improved.
    In the long run the changes will probably turn out to be beneficial for everyone.

    For now, let's be patient

    Can you explain me how losing 1 or 2 g12 full pieces for some miserable currency can be better in the long run ?

  • Salty01
    105 posts Member
    If you have not been completing heroic raids, you should not even comment on this. The rewards for heroic have been horribly nerfed. Worse than mod gate. This is just stronger reinforcement of my decision to go F2P and not spend on this game.
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    Jooms wrote: »
    Is it just me, or are the only ones complaining about the Sith rewards selfish people in top guilds doing heroic.

    I'm leader of a 75 mil gp guild doing tier4 (only because we don't want to spend 94 weeks doing anything higher) and i am excited that that even the lower guys can get the same gear boxes as top finishers. As i see it, it only helps our entire guild get better, not just the top 3 finishers. Top finishes get more currency, even better....Also helps that noone in our guild cares about the Sith raid.

    See you miss the boat here because now you will never know the satisfaction of getting that good drop. Also - you're commenting on others being upset, but it's also on a subject that you admittedly have no care about. So because you don't care about an issue, no one else can without being called selfish?

    Bottom line here is most players - not just top 2/3 finishers - are getting WAY less rewards than before. This used to give out full pieces well past the top 5-10 rewards.
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    Nebulous wrote: »
    You know, @JohnnySteelAlpha brings up a really great point regarding the previous version of sith rewards.

    When I do heroic pit or aat, I don't even care about the rewards because I knew they were regularly poor. Then the sith raid came and changed it. I was legitimately excited to see what I had earned. That is the key word, earned. A lot of players geared and honed their game play skills to help defeat the raid.

    Players want to be excited about the rewards they earn. They don't want to feel like they are going through the motions just because we have to.

    Extra currency isn't exciting--a great chance of awesome gear drops is.

    Exactly! The rewards were exciting and motivated us at least for heroic.
    I think we would have all liked slightly better rewards from haat... pit we expect to be bleh. But yeah... the previous version of heroic raids were cooler then this new idea.
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    No clones for ground assault? Surely that makes more sense lore wise than ewoks or ugnaught
  • UdalCuain
    5050 posts Member
    By the way...i just realised achievment rewards for completing Thrawn Mythic Event. It's 50 crystals (i don't care about this, but i think IT should be slightly more) and...10 blueprints for Ghost and Phantom...but u first need have them at 7* and complete legendary to even participate in Mythic so my only reaction was...****?

    This is incorrect. The Mythic battle is tied to the Thrawn (character) legendary event, not the Chimaera legendary event. You need ships for Chimaera, not Thrawn.

    However, I agree it's an odd choice of reward, as most people will been farming/have farmed the Phoenix ships at the same time. BB8's Mythic rewards were much more useful.
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