Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


  • Ruprecht
    112 posts Member
    So, a few days in an I still hate ships 2.0.
    The worst thing besides the reduction from5v5 to 3v3 is clearly that no ship challenge can be won now, it seems.
    They have to change them, I can't beat a single one of them.
    Not only the dailies but the capital ship challenges as well.
    The tier IV for the capital ships requires 4* ships with lvl 75 at least.
    But with this horrible 3v3 it's just unbeatable even with meeting the requirements and having pilots at gear 8+.
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    Never seen so many multiple polls about a single update with this game before. And with every poll it's a landslide of people that perfered the way it was before. Devs normally do a good job..I don't know about this one though...
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    Agreed, ships are horrible now
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    Never seen so many multiple polls about a single update with this game before. And with every poll it's a landslide of people that perfered the way it was before. Devs normally do a good job..I don't know about this one though...

    My poll is the only legitimate one though. Come vote in it!
    I need a new message here.
  • NasRegal
    142 posts Member
    Every fight I'm in seems one sided, and I'm not on the winning side.
    It used to be a chore to hit the top 20 but doable if I had the time, or could be bothered but now, I just seem to lose and most times I don't see how the fight gets away from me.
    Every team around me or above me now has the exact same squads, it's actually worse than Arena ever was.
    It's a shame, I used to love ships, I do love the whole reinforcement stuff but quite honestly, I'm finding if you don't shoot first, it doesn't matter what you've got, you just end up losing.
    It's a real shame.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Roboklopp wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    8Tequila3 wrote: »
    The new system sucks. Much more RNG now. It isn't really funny to play.
    Just sayin'

    Everyone is saying "Much more RNG now" but not actually explaining what that means or giving any examples. It's at risk of becoming a meaningless excuse.

    The folks who HAVE given examples cite TFP, which actually had its dodge reduced, which makes it LESS random compared to ships 1.0.

    Yes...except when going against said tfp...the ai magically dodges the rng is actually worse than it was before because of less ships to attack while avoiding tfp

    I eat TIE Fighters for breakfast. Poe, Darth Vader, Clone Trooper Sergeant. Can't dodge an undodgeable attack.

    As I said earlier--it feels like a lot of the complaints are people who want to keep the old meta that they profited by in place. I get that. But metas change, strategies change, you change with them if you want to keep those profits. Or, as I said in another thread that was then merged into this one, you call it a job well-done and you don't keep up, knowing that you're still going to get 1000 fleet tokens a day so who cares? You already made your fortune.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Bane1492 wrote: »
    Hardware abilities are pretty much worthless. Some look good on paper, but once they're used, ok, it's over. It's not like a normal ability that carries throughout the match and can be reused. I fully upgraded 3 reinforcements. Tried them all in various combinations. Nothing. Helped. It doesn't matter which one I use, it's still the same game of whichever fleet gets the best RNG.
    There's quite a few that last. Clone Trooper ARC lasts, Poe's lasts if you can keep finishing off ships (Ever notice how many people still use TIE Fighter even though its health is reduced to the point where a high gear Poe can one-shot it?), Scimitar's lasts, Special Forces TIE lasts, Command Shuttle lasts, Resistance X-Wing lasts, TIE Silencer lasts (unfortunately it's made of carnival glass so IT doesn't last :P ). There's a lot that last, and a lot with powerful effects that would be broke as hell if they lasted--which is exactly why they don't.

    The new system is a lot more in depth than people give it credit for. You panicked and you picked the wrong ones because you were tied to the old ways instead of open to the new.

    It's only RNG if you let it be RNG. Use lower-risk, more reliable ships and pay attention to when to use them.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Bane1492
    121 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    NicWester wrote: »

    It's only RNG if you let it be RNG. Use lower-risk, more reliable ships and pay attention to when to use them.

    Oh no. When your team won't target lock, even with the omegas that increase the chances, and the other team target locks you to death and dodges like mad, there's nothing you can do but take an L. It's the same as before in that aspect, only now there's much less chance to recover and win.

    As for any reinforcement abilities that could potentially last past the entrance, none look good imo. I guarantee I'd see no difference if I chose those ships instead, some of which are pretty bad all around.

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    It's easier to generate a complaint than it is to generate a compliment amongst complaints. Just because the complainers are more vocal doesn't necessarily mean they are the majority.

    I disagree, in fact it's easier to make a compliment because those aren't being removed or merged 5 minutes after being posted, unlike their counter parts. Also this fleet update has upset many players whether they are in the forums or not
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Bane1492 wrote: »
    Hardware abilities are pretty much worthless. Some look good on paper, but once they're used, ok, it's over. It's not like a normal ability that carries throughout the match and can be reused. I fully upgraded 3 reinforcements. Tried them all in various combinations. Nothing. Helped. It doesn't matter which one I use, it's still the same game of whichever fleet gets the best RNG.
    There's quite a few that last. Clone Trooper ARC lasts, Poe's lasts if you can keep finishing off ships (Ever notice how many people still use TIE Fighter even though its health is reduced to the point where a high gear Poe can one-shot it?), Scimitar's lasts, Special Forces TIE lasts, Command Shuttle lasts, Resistance X-Wing lasts, TIE Silencer lasts (unfortunately it's made of carnival glass so IT doesn't last :P ). There's a lot that last, and a lot with powerful effects that would be broke as hell if they lasted--which is exactly why they don't.

    The new system is a lot more in depth than people give it credit for. You panicked and you picked the wrong ones because you were tied to the old ways instead of open to the new.

    It's only RNG if you let it be RNG. Use lower-risk, more reliable ships and pay attention to when to use them.

    Nic I have you down as one of the few that speak sense on this forum and I have to agrre with you again. I dont think it is so cut and dry as this shio is good others are bad. I personally am managing fairly well with rex in my startong line up. Before now he would have been considered trash. I dont even have tfp or reaper in my squad.

    People may say I'm not in the most competitive shard but what works for me is the end of it as far as unconcerned.
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    So CG wanted to make Fleet more active. So they nerfed the ships people used and buffed the ones that no one uses. I almost had myself talked into this would be okay. Since no one would have an advantage as no one were using those ships anyway. So I could get them while still staying at the top. Thinking about new abilities and ships I was starting to almost get behind it. I have the ships starred but don't have the crews geared. Thinking about getting Ghost, Phantom, Bistans UWing and Cassian's UWing geared up to use. Then I realized I would need close to 3000 Carbantis. 3000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me!!! It's crap like this that CG didn't think through that will keep people from investing more in ships. In Geos need a bunch of Carbantis. CG please tell me how you think this is remotely a good idea and something you think will encourage spending time in fleet? None of these toons are useful in Arena. There use in TB is limited as they don't need to be maxed to complete all the waves. They aren't useful in raids. This gear crunch is getting ridiculous. @CG_SBCrumb
  • PUBGplayer90
    61 posts
    edited May 2018
    CG we know it's your game but WE are the ones who are playing it! I understand you had your reasons for the fleet changes but honestly can you not see that they aren't welcome by the community? The new fleet isn't good and we all know it. Diversity wasn't achieved, the same ships who were broken before will still be broken, with the exceptions of ships like Tie reaper which is probably the most difficult ship to get up and running which makes no sense!

    I am becoming tiring but I can't stress this enough, this change is bad for the game. You're the developers, we are the consumers, whose feelings matter more? Whose opinion about the product is more important? Do the decent thing and revert those changes, we don't need to reinvent the wheel. The fleet wasn't perfect before, problems existed but the solutions were simple:

    1. Bring a few extra tanks that are viable
    2. Create diversity with reinforcement ships so it's not always scimitar 90% of the time.
    3. Nerf the reaper a little so it's not an automatic win
    4. Add 1-2 more capital ships and 2-3 more fighters

    That's all you had to do and I'm sure we'd all be happy. Nobody ever asked for a 3x3 set up, nobody asked for a Chimaera only meta.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    nobody asked for a Chimaera only meta.

    That existed with Ships 1.0 and there's more Executrix now with Ships 2.0 so this is a weird thing to say.
    I need a new message here.
  • Bane1492
    121 posts Member
    Nomad1941 wrote: »
    So CG wanted to make Fleet more active. So they nerfed the ships people used and buffed the ones that no one uses. I almost had myself talked into this would be okay. Since no one would have an advantage as no one were using those ships anyway. So I could get them while still staying at the top. Thinking about new abilities and ships I was starting to almost get behind it. I have the ships starred but don't have the crews geared. Thinking about getting Ghost, Phantom, Bistans UWing and Cassian's UWing geared up to use. Then I realized I would need close to 3000 Carbantis. 3000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me!!! It's **** like this that CG didn't think through that will keep people from investing more in ships. In Geos need a bunch of Carbantis. CG please tell me how you think this is remotely a good idea and something you think will encourage spending time in fleet? None of these toons are useful in Arena. There use in TB is limited as they don't need to be maxed to complete all the waves. They aren't useful in raids. This gear crunch is getting ridiculous. @CG_SBCrumb

    That's how they've operated ever since raids started. Making some obscure toon useful in one event so you have to waste resources on it if you want to compete.

    Frankly I'm done trying to figure out what will work next. I invested full g12 gear on my current pilots. If they aren't good enough now, I guess it's time to just try to stay in the top 50 to get a couple crystals. I'm having less and less desire to play this game.
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    People are using Chimera because that’s what they were using. And it’s not just because people are resistant to change it’s because that’s how the dynamics worked so people geared for that. This sudden change because you didn’t give us a heads up on the changes didn’t allow people to plan for the change. That and all the gear and time we spent gearing ships that aren’t the top ones is what is pudding evegone off. Then CG goes and makes the best ships the ones that require unusually high amounts of gear. Then they don’t provide any relief to the gear crunch. In fact they want to reduce the gear given in raids as they tried to do with Sith. CG if you go and make it seem almost impossible to gear ships. Fleet arena will remain barren. With the dynamics of fleet changing you should have given everyone a bunch of resources based on there past investment in fleet so they could adjust it. 3000 carbantis for 4 ships. Phantom, Ghost, Bistan’s UWing and Cassian’s UWing. That’s a ridiculous amount of time and gear to spend on toons that aren’t that helpful anywhere else.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    It's easier to generate a complaint than it is to generate a compliment amongst complaints. Just because the complainers are more vocal doesn't necessarily mean they are the majority.

    I disagree, in fact it's easier to make a compliment because those aren't being removed or merged 5 minutes after being posted, unlike their counter parts. Also this fleet update has upset many players whether they are in the forums or not

    Honestly, I doubt people are gonna come here just to say good job. I’d rather post to address a real concern I have with the game
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    Bane1492 wrote: »

    That's how they've operated ever since raids started. Making some obscure toon useful in one event so you have to waste resources on it if you want to compete.

    Frankly I'm done trying to figure out what will work next. I invested full g12 gear on my current pilots. If they aren't good enough now, I guess it's time to just try to stay in the top 50 to get a couple crystals. I'm having less and less desire to play this game.

    A toon here a toon there I’m okay with that. But what they did with ships is crazy. There’s no opportunity to catch up in fleet now while staying revelant in other areas. And yes I know I could mortgage my house but not going to do that. I was strategic in building up teams for all aspects of the game and now get screwed. Just scrap fleet because at this point you’ve just managed to upset everyone and can only make it worse trying to adjust it. Maybe you could get out of it by introducing a bunch of good ships with pilots that don’t require a toon gear. But we know that won’t happen. Can’t make money off of that. We get it you’re a business and have to make money. But you sir are just pricing yourself out of the market.
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    Need to fix Tarkin Retribution on Boba and Maul. Both were re-enforcement ships, both had retribution above them. Each was attacked by the AI a total of 7 times and they just sat there not firing back. No debuffs, in any Player Controled ship. Lots of debuffs on Jedi Consular and Ahsoka. It cost me the match.

    Also ITF is not giving Tarkin his buff on dodge. My ITF lasted the entire match, dodged all but Vader’s basic and the enemy Capital Ship still went first with its ultimate. Again JC and Ahsoka grant no special moves to Capital ships. His initial line up was Tie Advanced, Boba, Ashoka. Mine was Biggs, Tie Advanced, ITF. His Capital Ship was 147 speed to my 158.
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    NasRegal wrote: »
    ...I'm finding if you don't shoot first, it doesn't matter what you've got, you just end up losing.

    I just hit #1 in my shard. Every battle I'm in, my opponent gets TWO shots off before I get to go. Yet I'm winning more often than not. You have to find the right strategy, and I'll tell you right now very few are running what I'm running.
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    nobody asked for a Chimaera only meta.

    That existed with Ships 1.0 and there's more Executrix now with Ships 2.0 so this is a weird thing to say.

    Yeah, Chimaera is still tough, but it's closer to the other cap ships now. Not sure why everyone thinks Chimaera is so great with the update.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Degs29 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    nobody asked for a Chimaera only meta.

    That existed with Ships 1.0 and there's more Executrix now with Ships 2.0 so this is a weird thing to say.

    Yeah, Chimaera is still tough, but it's closer to the other cap ships now. Not sure why everyone thinks Chimaera is so great with the update.

    Have you just not read peoples posts or have you skipped to the end of the thread?

    Chimera on defence gets its ulti off before anyones elses ulti gets off, currently on defence the capital ship beats out every single other capital ship. That's just one reason. There is many reasons.

    Seven star Chim means you will never lose to anyone unless they have a seven star chim.

    And your other post, again, using "What people are not using" and then sounds like you are still losing on defence, means your team can't hold, whereas if you go the current meta, your team can hold.

    Or you are lucky and rng is in your favour, honestly the only people I see liking this update are people with obscene luck.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Bane1492 wrote: »
    As for any reinforcement abilities that could potentially last past the entrance, none look good imo. I guarantee I'd see no difference if I chose those ships instead, some of which are pretty bad all around.
    So, basically, what you're saying is that you have a very firm opinion but no information to base that opinion on, got it. Cool. Excellent. Glad you're the one giving feedback.
    Nomad1941 wrote: »
    None of these toons are useful in Arena. There use in TB is limited as they don't need to be maxed to complete all the waves. They aren't useful in raids. This gear crunch is getting ridiculous.
    There's more to the game than arena. There's more to the game than arena. There's more to the game than arena.

    Furthermore, it's demonstrably false because you're literally talking about fleet ARENA.
    Bane1492 wrote: »
    That's how they've operated ever since raids started. Making some obscure toon useful in one event so you have to waste resources on it if you want to compete.

    Frankly I'm done trying to figure out what will work next. I invested full g12 gear on my current pilots. If they aren't good enough now, I guess it's time to just try to stay in the top 50 to get a couple crystals. I'm having less and less desire to play this game.
    They've said since Tournaments that their goal is to give people a reason to use every character on their roster. Maybe it's an event, maybe it's a raid, maybe it's fleet, whatever, but they want to reward people who have developed a wide roster instead of a tall roster. They've been very upfront about that, so I don't get why people are still kvetching about "They want me to farm characters I don't want!" If you don't want them, then don't do it. It's fine, no one's making you do anything in this game. Your weird obsession with being top of the leaderboard at 8:00pm local time is your own bag, man, not theirs.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Jedi Consular dodges Imperial Tie Swarm. Only ship on the board, target locked and bleeding effect on the ship. Ship 100% took zero damage from Tarkin Ultimate.

    My wallet is about to be forever closed to this game and studio.

    Bug report filed with EA as well as customer service complaint.
  • SirOberon
    40 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    This update so far is nothing but a massive cashgrab. Aside from them dropping huge nerfs on meta ships to make sure we have to farm new ones, they also nerf damage across the board so we have to spend to upgrade our existing ships even more in order to get a reasonable damage output back.The result is even though we were told battles would be faster, battles right now are taking MUCH longer than ever before.

    As far as I can tell right now ships are nothing more than a race to get your capital ship's ult ability to go off first. That's not a step in any positive direction for anything but CG's bank account.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    SirOberon wrote: »
    This update so far is nothing but a massive cashgrab. Aside from them dropping huge nerfs on meta ships to make sure we have to farm new ones
    Why weren't you farming them over the past 18 months, Grasshopper?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Phoenixeon
    1843 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I remembered not long ago ppl complaining about EP and Vader rework.
    Now they're everywhere in the arena and TWs.
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    It was possible to beat Tarkin and Thrawn using Mace before, because the damage immunity could be times right.... Not now.
  • Dblade21
    169 posts Member
    MaestroSNH wrote: »
    It was possible to beat Tarkin and Thrawn using Mace before, because the damage immunity could be times right.... Not now.

    I beat tarkin and thrawn in 90 seconds on a regular basis. My fleet shard has started avoiding me bc of it. It's about having the right team and the right strategy.
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    i have been playing the game since beginning. I have thought that all changes were good. The growth of game has been a benefit. The challenge and fun component of it has been excellent until now

    This update was a major misstep. In essence you told the community all the effort and work you put into characters was a waste of time. I understand balance and evolving the ecosystem but this was a major middle finger.

    I generally do not complain. In fact this is my first complaint in 2 years. Shame on you
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    LOVE IT, simply love it!
    the battles are difficult in mirror matches, I lose about half the battles, sometimes in a row BUT no one knows them, figuring them out is AWESOME, the challange is AWSOME and i fall far less now. It's simply amazing I can beat the top dog on arena with a few trys and he can't allways beat me back, no one blocks 1 2 3 anymore and yes climb is harder, but because of it it feels fresh. I read all the ability and numbers on redit and it feels diffrent AND without the gamechangers establishing the meta and teaching all the patrons how to win in private it's an equal playing field


    Perhaps i'm subjective here and this is just me, but the challange and RNG based warfare is simply amazing, no more attacking out of turn no more blocking top spots and no more snipes since you're not sure you can win and it would cost you a battle

    I hope something similare comes to arena to reward actual skill and testing and not just the best mods or hotest premium OP new buged characters, It's just like the BEST EXPERIENCE EVER...4 me
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