Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


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    I love that he has an opinion I hope he says more. But most of his judgements are made from below the meta where he can refresh a bit and find a team to beat easily. He is making judgements without seeing things from any other perspective. Do I like ships 2.0? No. But in talking I have learned that as a end game player this update might not be for me. That to keep the game alive we need new players that spend and I am going to grit my teeth and keep going.

    The update would not have been bad if we had time to learn ships 2.0 before they released it. If we had advanced knowledge of the nerfs so we could prepare. I knew I needed genosians but I farmed up heroic sith raid toons instead. My choice no worries.
  • Rimzo
    120 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    5 battles today. Went from 22 to 18. I still dislike that strategy can’t compensate for having lower geared pilots/a non 7* capital ship.
    Before I could use strategy, and a forgiving AI, to win. Now it’s just running into a brick wall.
    I’ve taken 2/3 everyday since I had access to ships. Our top 20 is the exact same as it has been. I just can’t climb now. My shardmates have trouble climbing as well. This update is not great in my opinion.
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    When your Chimaera looks like this, you should be winning--at least more than 20% of your fights!


    10 fleet battles today, 2 wins. I spent 50 crystals to refresh so I could go from 38 to 20. I used to take top 1-3 easily, maybe losing only 1 or 2 fights a day. Since the update, I've done 10-15 fights a day to only win 2 or 3 times a day. And that's with a variety of fleet line ups. I'm trying everything I can.

    I'm afraid to put anything else into Chimaera now. Afraid it won't do any good and the prestige mats will be wasted. I'm completely lost and no idea what will work and where I should dump prestiges or omegas. It seems to be just an entire RNG mess.

    I miss my ships. It was my main source of crystal income for the past year. Plus, I had fun playing them. I invested so much in them. Pleeeeeeeease fix this.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    You will find out 6 months from now when CG makes an offical post on ships and the update and will have a Q and A about how people feel about the update and they will answer 20 questions 18 of them will be when is such and such ship coming and 18 can't tell ya's.... (which is what the Qand A's were this time..... It would be hilarious if it were not true
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Can we just all calm down till August when we will get the offical Q&A concerning feedback on the 2.0 update in which they will answer 20 questions about the update 18 of 20 questions will be when is so and so's characters ships coming to the game and 18 can't tell you replys ok ok ok so nevermind a Q&A won't help........ sorry all tried to brighten some of the rage....August IMO
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Belgarath wrote: »
    Nihion wrote: »

    First of all, what? I’m pretty sure the devs know the law... also, if I get a new TV, I have to relearn the TV’s mechanics...

    There's a difference between legal and ethical and I don't think your example works. This isn't similar to having one TV and then buying another. Using your paradigm, an example would be if you bought a TV and then 6 months later the manufacturer pushes a firmware update that disables the channel up button. You complain but they say you can still accomplish your goal, just use the channel down button and rotate all the way through the channels. Or, they would be happy to re-enable the channel up button if you want to pay extra.

    I don't honestly know whether nerfing content that people have paid for is legal or not. There may be strong potential for a class action case if a lawyer wanted to take it on but I think that's really beside the point. Most people would view this type of action as unethical regardless of whether it is legal or not.

    There's a big difference between introducing a new meta (and not degrading existing characters) and forcefully changing stats to degrade existing content. If the intent was truly to "rebalance" then you can accomplish that goal by boosting less valuable ships, you don't have to neuter good ones.

    My apologies, thank you for clarifying
  • kalidor
    2121 posts Member
    One thing I think they need to change is the default 2% dodge rate that went from a nuisance to a major turning point in a battle. If you get dodged in the first few moves it's nearly unrecoverable now. Same goes for crits, but at least they're more consistent. With starting 3v3 these RNG events have a much bigger impact on the battle. Reduce it to zero - no unbuffed dodges.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Chaoscore wrote: »
    no control from your side at all.

    Your choice of starting lineup is more important now. Your choice to reinforce is more important now. Before it was the exact same battle every single time, with the only differentiation being how many target locks you land, which is completely out of your control. So you have more control now than before. But ok.

    No,its back to facing the same mirror teams-biggs,tie,vader, only difference is the 1st bench guy which is either scimtar or boba fetts ship,rest of the bench is irrelevant bc it never goes that long.
  • Darthpedro
    1175 posts Member
    When your Chimaera looks like this, you should be winning--at least more than 20% of your fights!


    10 fleet battles today, 2 wins. I spent 50 crystals to refresh so I could go from 38 to 20. I used to take top 1-3 easily, maybe losing only 1 or 2 fights a day. Since the update, I've done 10-15 fights a day to only win 2 or 3 times a day. And that's with a variety of fleet line ups. I'm trying everything I can.

    I'm afraid to put anything else into Chimaera now. Afraid it won't do any good and the prestige mats will be wasted. I'm completely lost and no idea what will work and where I should dump prestiges or omegas. It seems to be just an entire RNG mess.

    I miss my ships. It was my main source of crystal income for the past year. Plus, I had fun playing them. I invested so much in them. Pleeeeeeeease fix this.

    You're missing a zeta bud
  • tmntguy86
    447 posts Member
    I’m seeing the same exact fleets in every battle.

    Biggs, a Tie, usually silencer/Vader

    That’s not much variety. About the same as we had before. All running Thrawn’s ship still.
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    I hate Ships 2.0
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Several Thrawn in my shard have switched to Tarkin, and there's more variety in reinforcements now (possibly due to AI having more freedom to call a different one than the one in first position). It's definitely more varied now.
    I need a new message here.
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    Ships are ruined. I see the same squads. RNG is worse. You failed CG and EA but I am sure money and greed was behind this change.
  • Natos
    138 posts Member
    So, after playing 2.0 for a while I think I've figured out what is most infuriating about it to me (and maybe a large number of others): a battle essentially comes down to first blood. Whoever eliminates the first ship will likely win, regardless of what the other player has to reinforce. Why? Because the fight is down to 3 on 2, and in very short order becomes a 4 on 2, thus accelerating the speed of the fight (a stated goal) but otherwise nullifying WHATEVER the other player has left.

    That's infuriating.

    Now MAYBE once the ships have their reinforce abilities maxed out, some semblance of a recovery can be mounted. However, that would be another example of CG balancing from the top down, instead of paying attention to ACTUAL game balance throughout (see also: STR).
  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    I LOVED Ships 2.0...for the first day when I was the only one trying new things and theory-crafting different strategies. But now I agree with the general sentiment of discontent, and light my torch to join the RNG hate mob.
    It's almost as people here (*cough me) predicted this was going to happen...the new changes would shake things up for a while, then everyone would figure out the best combo, and the stale RNG fest would be worse than ever.
    So since we were right about that, trust that we're right about what needs to be done to fix this. ADD NEW SHIPS!!!
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    Natos wrote: »
    CG balancing from the top down, instead of paying attention to ACTUAL game balance throughout (see also: STR).

    Since CG's communication issue has been solved (in my opinion), I believe this is their next big "challenge" to overcome. There is still is disconnect between how CG thinks something is going to go, and how it actually goes. They'll release something awesome (new raid, ships update), but instead of slowly phasing new changes in, and seeing how people react, they make radical decisions and have to spend the following weeks/months/years backpedalling, then slowly re-introducing the desired changes (which they should have done in the first place).
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    15 matches and one win. I was in the top 3 for months and this change is horrible. The game is unplayable. This really is bad and lacks a sense of customer service. Pls fix this horrible mistake
  • Thraxus
    15 posts Member
    I agree the RNG is horrible, talk about a wide variance, but only in favor of the AI. I think the Devs "cheated" rather than balance properly or even attempt to work on the AI. Why work on the AI, when you can just put a virtual thumb on the scale? It's far quicker, and any "variance" can be blamed on the RNG. Unfortunately the RNG has been widened so much that sticking a virtual thumb on the scale is pretty noticeable now.

    Example: Target Locks

    When I'm attacking I get target locked, constantly. In 10 attacks directed at me, I get a target lock inflicted on 8 of them. My other account has gold characters, high level (not maxed anymore, but still close) ships - and I mean all the ships were maxed prior to 2.0 including the Geonosians - and on offense I am constantly getting target locked. If there's a shot, and that character has a chance to target lock, it target locks better than 80-85% of the time. Now it wouldn't be so bad if you had the same odds, but their Biggs (still an unbalanced tank by the by) is near dead and suddenly full shields again with unique 40% regen for every target lock while your Biggs is lucky to get enough to feed his tanking in 10 attacks.

    Example: Dodge

    I think dodge is doubled for TFP on AI defense vs offense. Now, at one point, you just negated the enemy TFP by having Darth Vader. Annoying, but at least it couldn't dodge incessantly an you had your own TFP feeding your capital ship. My TFP has basically a 1 in 4 chance of dodge (25%) but he's dead after 2-3 anyway. The AI constantly (constantly) gets dodges, if I attack 10 times (same TFP, just different rounds) 6-7 are dodged. My Biggs almost never dodges on attack, but you'd better bet even the enemy Biggs dodges more often than my TFP.

    Example: Specials

    When it's defense, and I'd be more than willing to test this with someone, the AI defense's ability to inflict the "optional" effects (e.g. target lock, buff immunity, et al.) is through the roof in comparison to the attacker. If there are 10 attacks for TFP using his special, the attacker will be lucky to get 2 in 10 to inflict buff immunity. If you look at the RNG for the AI defense it's closer to 7 in 10.

    Miscellaneous Possibly Broken:

    I think Ghost is broken (still testing) with stealth being an automatic critical. I think that Phantom II's Maximum Impact might not be apply 2x multiplier to allies, but I haven't used that ship as much. Clone Sergeant torpedo strike critical effect (when enemy is TL) might be broken. TIE Reaper Heavy Interference might still be broken, testing yet, but I've had a couple instances where I nailed FOTP and he still strafed immediately thereafter, but I want to be sure before declaring it broken. Cassian's U-Wing Guerilla Strike might also have a broken critical effect.
  • Thraxus
    15 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Several Thrawn in my shard have switched to Tarkin, and there's more variety in reinforcements now (possibly due to AI having more freedom to call a different one than the one in first position). It's definitely more varied now.

    Weird, we had people switch to 6* Chimera over a 7* Tarkin...

    Incidentally the new AI friendly defensive fleet is:


    Slave I (maxed)
    Scimitar (lvl 2)

    TA and/or TR (lvl 2)
    Phantom II and/or Ghost (Ghost might have a broken critical, Phantom might not be propagating 2x properly)
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    The game is the same for everyone. It's not like u were singled out. If it was unplayable, noone would advance...but they do and u don't. Why is that?

    Are u clinging to the old meta ? Did u test which ships the AI prefers to call "randomly" when u r on defense and upgrade those ?

    Have u looked at assists which r the new meta ? Try going against 3 Geos under AA. The AI calls Boba...EVERY TIME...and u face 2 tanks that taunt and either TL u or stun u while nearly everything they do calls assists and destroys u. The game is over the turn the AI gets its 1st reinforcement.

    See the new meta 4 what it is and join it or b frustrated. It's just like Arena. U can't run the same team u used to run and hope to keep up. Not possible.
  • Pinkz
    29 posts Member
    Mischen1 wrote: »
    So, let's see, the old meta was the same four or five ships all the time, over very quickly. Now the field is wide open, with dozens of viable combinations and synergy with new squads and abilities, so you have to think about who to use and how to defeat your enemy with new combinations of tactics and abilities. Yep, nothing is less diverse than changing from 5 choices to hundreds of choices. Wow, they REALLY SCREWED UP, didn't they?

    Yeah they did. And last I checked there was only about 20 possible ships so how exactly is their “hundreds of choices”?

    Clearly you haven’t been playing this game long. This was just a plain and simple META shift in order to **** off long time players and make them spend a **** ton of money on new characters (geonosians) that literally nobody is going to have right now. In a few months, it’ll be right back to the same 5-7 ships once again. That’s how this game works newb.

    This was an awful update that made my fav part of the game the hands down worst part of the game and it’s going to cost EA tons of players. The AI is absurdly difficult and shouldn’t be smashing us on defence so fricken easily when our ships are all **** near maxed out. There is no foolproof strategy anymore and speed is useless as Fleet is totally RNG dependant.
  • Pinkz
    29 posts Member
    Mischen1 wrote: »
    So, let's see, the old meta was the same four or five ships all the time, over very quickly. Now the field is wide open, with dozens of viable combinations and synergy with new squads and abilities, so you have to think about who to use and how to defeat your enemy with new combinations of tactics and abilities. Yep, nothing is less diverse than changing from 5 choices to hundreds of choices. Wow, they REALLY SCREWED UP, didn't they?

    Yeah they did. Clearly you’re a complete newb or you’d know there was only 20 fricken ships so there isn’t “hundreds of choices” available.

    Had you been playing longer than a couple weeks, you’d know this was A) a META shift designed simply to make people spend money on the new geonosian META since absolutely no one is going to have them powered up right now and B) a game play shift designed to support the new META because the geo’s could never stand up to the old META in a 5v5 battle. The new gameplay is garbage as it has made the game totally RNG dependant and taken all the skill and speed out of the game.

    I’m sure you’ll have to google a few of those acronyms since you haven’t been playing long, but once you do, maybe you’ll understand why this is such a middle finger to all us long time players. Prolly not though...
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Pinkz wrote: »
    Mischen1 wrote: »
    So, let's see, the old meta was the same four or five ships all the time, over very quickly. Now the field is wide open, with dozens of viable combinations and synergy with new squads and abilities, so you have to think about who to use and how to defeat your enemy with new combinations of tactics and abilities. Yep, nothing is less diverse than changing from 5 choices to hundreds of choices. Wow, they REALLY SCREWED UP, didn't they?

    Yeah they did. And last I checked there was only about 20 possible ships so how exactly is their “hundreds of choices”?

    Clearly you haven’t been playing this game long. This was just a plain and simple META shift in order to **** off long time players and make them spend a **** ton of money on new characters (geonosians) that literally nobody is going to have right now. In a few months, it’ll be right back to the same 5-7 ships once again. That’s how this game works newb.

    This was an awful update that made my fav part of the game the hands down worst part of the game and it’s going to cost EA tons of players. The AI is absurdly difficult and shouldn’t be smashing us on defence so fricken easily when our ships are all **** near maxed out. There is no foolproof strategy anymore and speed is useless as Fleet is totally RNG dependant.
    Pinkz wrote: »
    Mischen1 wrote: »
    So, let's see, the old meta was the same four or five ships all the time, over very quickly. Now the field is wide open, with dozens of viable combinations and synergy with new squads and abilities, so you have to think about who to use and how to defeat your enemy with new combinations of tactics and abilities. Yep, nothing is less diverse than changing from 5 choices to hundreds of choices. Wow, they REALLY SCREWED UP, didn't they?

    Yeah they did. Clearly you’re a complete newb or you’d know there was only 20 fricken ships so there isn’t “hundreds of choices” available.

    Had you been playing longer than a couple weeks, you’d know this was A) a META shift designed simply to make people spend money on the new geonosian META since absolutely no one is going to have them powered up right now and B) a game play shift designed to support the new META because the geo’s could never stand up to the old META in a 5v5 battle. The new gameplay is garbage as it has made the game totally RNG dependant and taken all the skill and speed out of the game.

    I’m sure you’ll have to google a few of those acronyms since you haven’t been playing long, but once you do, maybe you’ll understand why this is such a middle finger to all us long time players. Prolly not though...

    Why two posts about the same thing...
    Why so offensive...
    If you believe people will quit the game, and you don’t like the update, then quit. I don’t care, EA has the resources to lose a few whales. But why, (and this is to all of you) come here to shred into this game, this update that’s been out a week, an update that has the same amount of disappointment as all the updates since STR? (Didn’t you see it coming?) I just don’t think the majority of complaints on these 33 pages are constructive.

    Anyone else with me?
    Wait sorry I forgot we all hate this game now, so btw ships 2.0 was pretty bad.

    (Also, bear with my math here, I’m pretty sure 20 ships with 3 slots brings us above 100 possibilities)
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Pinkz wrote: »
    Mischen1 wrote: »
    So, let's see, the old meta was the same four or five ships all the time, over very quickly. Now the field is wide open, with dozens of viable combinations and synergy with new squads and abilities, so you have to think about who to use and how to defeat your enemy with new combinations of tactics and abilities. Yep, nothing is less diverse than changing from 5 choices to hundreds of choices. Wow, they REALLY SCREWED UP, didn't they?

    Yeah they did. And last I checked there was only about 20 possible ships so how exactly is their “hundreds of choices”?

    Clearly you haven’t been playing this game long. This was just a plain and simple META shift in order to **** off long time players and make them spend a **** ton of money on new characters (geonosians) that literally nobody is going to have right now. In a few months, it’ll be right back to the same 5-7 ships once again. That’s how this game works newb.

    This was an awful update that made my fav part of the game the hands down worst part of the game and it’s going to cost EA tons of players. The AI is absurdly difficult and shouldn’t be smashing us on defence so fricken easily when our ships are all **** near maxed out. There is no foolproof strategy anymore and speed is useless as Fleet is totally RNG dependant.
    Pinkz wrote: »
    Mischen1 wrote: »
    So, let's see, the old meta was the same four or five ships all the time, over very quickly. Now the field is wide open, with dozens of viable combinations and synergy with new squads and abilities, so you have to think about who to use and how to defeat your enemy with new combinations of tactics and abilities. Yep, nothing is less diverse than changing from 5 choices to hundreds of choices. Wow, they REALLY SCREWED UP, didn't they?

    Yeah they did. Clearly you’re a complete newb or you’d know there was only 20 fricken ships so there isn’t “hundreds of choices” available.

    Had you been playing longer than a couple weeks, you’d know this was A) a META shift designed simply to make people spend money on the new geonosian META since absolutely no one is going to have them powered up right now and B) a game play shift designed to support the new META because the geo’s could never stand up to the old META in a 5v5 battle. The new gameplay is garbage as it has made the game totally RNG dependant and taken all the skill and speed out of the game.

    I’m sure you’ll have to google a few of those acronyms since you haven’t been playing long, but once you do, maybe you’ll understand why this is such a middle finger to all us long time players. Prolly not though...

    I just deleted that post (accident) but now I think I know why you posted twice. But yeah same thing:
    Why attack that guy?
    And you’re very mad

    Also 20 ships and 3 slots is definitely higher than 100, just got that confirmed with a super cool really smart mathematician (me)

    Sarcasm and sass is hard to portray here, and again have to say I’m not a huge fan of ships 2.0, cause it’s gotta be a meme at this point right?
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    Hello !
    I was one of them that liked ships since the beginning. I just warn all those who will say it's a crying post. It's not, i just wanted to share my feeling and why.

    Most of us dislike the RNG part of the game, and with this ships 2.0, it's more RNG like that ships never was. Plus the nerf of ships to bring other ships at the top of the board instead just boost other ships:
    Empire Tie have no more dodges, Tie of FO is more RNG with less chance of double tap, and Reaper is useless now. There is other just talked about the mains.

    And finally, this 3 ships at the beginning, the worst part IMO. It's not a way to diversify the game, EA just had to move his **** to bring more ships. If we start at 1 ships, then what ? It will more diversity for sure, it's the same way. 4 ships would have be ok maybe.

    Finally, i was one who loved ships, and know, all my shard do hate them included me. We all are playing ships because of Cristal and zetas since the update. We all discuss about that, and if we could stop playing ships we would.
    I personnaly have no fun anymore playing fleet arena.

    Thanks reading this lines. Have a good day.
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    Oh Sorry, i almost forgot. For me the only good part of this update is the reinforcement ability, that i really appreciate.
  • BuffedID
    10 posts Member
    can anyone explain me how worh this fu imperial assault? Before assault i have 3 ships, tie full hp, tie silencer full hp and half def, and biggs full hp and some def, after assault the all die. What sick dmg this assaul gave? Tie silencer has 90k hp and 40k def this assaul make every single target more than 100k dmg. its sick. Fix it
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    How about 3v3 and 5v5 alternate days?

    Example: "3v3" Mon, Wed, Fri, "5v5" Tues, Thurs and Sat.

    On "5v5", there were more interesting tactics possible with greater # of ships on board. 5v5 also lets us use ships we already put effort into (e.g. reaper). More ships means easier focus kill.

    But 3v3 lets underused ships (e.g. cassian, umbaran) use reinforcement abilities more. Was bit of a waste farming cassian only for thrawn, nice to use him, for e.g.


    P.S: I finished first at payout last day of ships 1.0. Also finished first at payout yesterday (ships 2.0). None of this is motivated by unhappiness over fallen rank.

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