Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


  • Silvoranos
    15 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Ship reinforcement material has an terrible droprate.. from 400 Cantina energy only 1 piece. That’s not normal
    If there is an bug please fix it
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    They even unstickied this thread to try and hide it? lol

    The devs are out there, ignoring the vast amounts of reasons and facts and many many people who dislike the update, I wonder if they keep doing that till we just forget? is that their plan?
  • Bane1492
    121 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    leef wrote: »
    well, if you're refreshing more, you're playing more, so one could argue that you're being entertained more ;)

    What is wrooooooong with youuuuu?! Its broken rng, have you even played it?! XD

    He defends every bad move they make in practically every thread. No one could possibly like this mega rng fest they created. It's way more rng heavy than before, which was still bad. No amount of money, gear, or whatever can help you here. Might as well just hit auto and see which fleet wins.
  • Obi1_son
    656 posts Member
    Ships are just not fun now. Great job cg.... ruined a part of the game I enjoyed.
  • Migux7
    84 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Migux7 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Not sure what you are complaining about with your story, ship arena is still mostly Vader, Biggs and Tie (or FO tie) under Thrawn or Tarkin, so the Empire's might continues. With the help of a notorious bounty hunter as a reinforcement, but the Empire is known to hire those when the situation calls for it.

    Well without the Biggs wall the empire ships are nothing that's my problem, Empire ships are only meta and were meta because of Biggs it shouldnt have been the empire ships to get the nerf but Biggs, if I want to run an empire squad I cant do it without Biggs because they were nerfed to oblivion.

    nerfed to oblivion, yet the majority of top50 players still uses them...

    guess some people just cant read, or understand what is written
  • Eddiemundie
    1070 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Caiaphas wrote: »
    I guess you can ensure that the enemy tie doesn't dodge, by using vader. Which is why everyone is using vader, tie, biggs. Now thats diversity!
    Vader, Poe, Bistan, Clone Sgt... Sun Fac can stun it, then everyone can shoot it dead.

    Yeah, that's diversity alright--An elitist cadre of people who have had their point of view unconsciously biased by the lack of competition and now they're upset that they actually have to earn the priviledges they used to just get passively handed to them, but they refuse to see the value in any ship they haven't already used a million times from 1.0.

    All I know is my experience and the experience of my friends--I liked ships initially, got bored when the meta lasted 15 months straight, now I like them again. My friends hated ships when they came out, improved their opinion to "dislike greatly" when the 4x speed feature came out and battles took less time, continued to not like them until 2.0, now they like them.

    It's not a perfect system, as I said a whole bunch of times before deciding to ignore this thread for a couple days, and there are improvements that need to be made to certain ships and reductions that need to happen to certain others, but all in all 2.0 is great. Quit pouting because now you have to work on "worthless pilots" or because now you have to actually compete for your rewards.

    I have a maxed poe to deal with tfp and i still hate ships 2.0. "Quit pouting" - what a way to dismiss arguments that make sense.

    Much of the discussion here is that in a very mature shard, 3v3 makes the battles so rng dependent that it takes the fun out of everything. Balances have to be made to biggs alright, but as for the starting lineup, we definitely need a change to it or how soon reinforcements come.

    I enjoyed ships 1.0. I hate it now, even more so that they made mace close to useless
  • Eddiemundie
    1070 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Qhue wrote: »
    There is far too much RNG involved now. Its all about whether or not you land a target lock to buff Biggs and whether or not your Tie dodges more often than the opposing Tie.

    whether or not your tie dodges more often than the opposing tie isn't really RNG though, since you can sure the enemy tie never dodges. The AI however won't do that, so in pretty much every match your tie will evade due to foresight. Ofcourse it's still possible that your tie gets killed without a single dodge, but that doesn't happen very often.

    I would just like to point out that your TFP not dodging at all is more statistically likely than not, with a dodge rate of only 25%.

    i'd take that bet.

    That's a cute response - but it's simple math. Over half the time your TFP would take 2 hits (usually more than enough to take it down considering it doesn't have shields) before it dodged. Even 3 hits are over 40% likely. TL;DR: You'd take the bet - but it would be a poor choice on your part. And if you are content on banking your fleet strategy on a coin flip, cool.

    When u are in a maxed fleet, u essentially are playing with coin flips. This is not SA where we can mod our ships speed and adjust our strategy as such. Dont have good mods? U can always sub in han to stun something first. In fleet there isnt such an option since with a 3v3 start, losing 1 ship early means u are screwed.
  • Obi1_son
    656 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Qhue wrote: »
    There is far too much RNG involved now. Its all about whether or not you land a target lock to buff Biggs and whether or not your Tie dodges more often than the opposing Tie.

    whether or not your tie dodges more often than the opposing tie isn't really RNG though, since you can sure the enemy tie never dodges. The AI however won't do that, so in pretty much every match your tie will evade due to foresight. Ofcourse it's still possible that your tie gets killed without a single dodge, but that doesn't happen very often.

    I would just like to point out that your TFP not dodging at all is more statistically likely than not, with a dodge rate of only 25%.

    i'd take that bet.

    That's a cute response - but it's simple math. Over half the time your TFP would take 2 hits (usually more than enough to take it down considering it doesn't have shields) before it dodged. Even 3 hits are over 40% likely. TL;DR: You'd take the bet - but it would be a poor choice on your part. And if you are content on banking your fleet strategy on a coin flip, cool.

    When u are in a maxed fleet, u essentially are playing with coin flips. This is not SA where we can mod our ships speed and adjust our strategy as such. Dont have good mods? U can always sub in han to stun something first. In fleet there isnt such an option since with a 3v3 start, losing 1 ship early means u are screwed.

    I would even go as far to say miss one target lock and you are done. Ships is a one trick pony.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Fleets was never the best part of swgoh, to me it’s always been a funless sidetrack that allows you to get zetas. This update is not perfect, and I can’t say I’m a huge fan either, but it’s for the health of the game. It will come together with more ships. A lot of complaints here don’t take in the future. CG’s not crazy. They would not destroy the fan base purposely by adding a terrible update that doesn’t do what they said it would. You can’t see the updates achievements if you don’t try new things. The meta is changing (finally), no matter how many fleets you see with chimaera, Biggs, etc., there are better options. It just takes a little synergy, strategy, and more ships

    Removed quote and reference to a removed post. -EA_Cian
    Post edited by EA_Cian on
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    Still no word on when they are dumping this dog of an update?
  • Lonit
    35 posts Member
    stop wining ppl and man up and play the game. or ignore this part of the game. or ignore the game altogether. who cares.
  • AbrekV
    54 posts Member
    Well i just did a ship arena battle and use my Thrawn ulti normally all the cooldowns of the opposite capital ships should increase by 1 right so including reinforcement but no the capital ship just go and bring a ship to reinforcement, how is this possible? İs there some bugs with the new update? want to know and please hire a qualified persons to do the codage correctly.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Migux7 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Migux7 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Not sure what you are complaining about with your story, ship arena is still mostly Vader, Biggs and Tie (or FO tie) under Thrawn or Tarkin, so the Empire's might continues. With the help of a notorious bounty hunter as a reinforcement, but the Empire is known to hire those when the situation calls for it.

    Well without the Biggs wall the empire ships are nothing that's my problem, Empire ships are only meta and were meta because of Biggs it shouldnt have been the empire ships to get the nerf but Biggs, if I want to run an empire squad I cant do it without Biggs because they were nerfed to oblivion.

    nerfed to oblivion, yet the majority of top50 players still uses them...

    guess some people just cant read, or understand what is written

    maybe some people just cant write, or dont understand what they wrote...
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Caiaphas
    187 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Caiaphas wrote: »
    I guess you can ensure that the enemy tie doesn't dodge, by using vader. Which is why everyone is using vader, tie, biggs. Now thats diversity!
    Vader, Poe, Bistan, Clone Sgt... Sun Fac can stun it, then everyone can shoot it dead.

    Yeah, that's diversity alright--An elitist cadre of people who have had their point of view unconsciously biased by the lack of competition and now they're upset that they actually have to earn the priviledges they used to just get passively handed to them, but they refuse to see the value in any ship they haven't already used a million times from 1.0.

    All I know is my experience and the experience of my friends--I liked ships initially, got bored when the meta lasted 15 months straight, now I like them again. My friends hated ships when they came out, improved their opinion to "dislike greatly" when the 4x speed feature came out and battles took less time, continued to not like them until 2.0, now they like them.

    It's not a perfect system, as I said a whole bunch of times before deciding to ignore this thread for a couple days, and there are improvements that need to be made to certain ships and reductions that need to happen to certain others, but all in all 2.0 is great. Quit pouting because now you have to work on "worthless pilots" or because now you have to actually compete for your rewards.

    "Quit pouting because now you have to work on "worthless pilots" or because now you have to actually compete for your rewards"?!? Where did I pout, or complain that I have to compete for rewards? No need to attack me for pointing out what is obvious... almost everyone is using the same team! You can argue all you want that there are other teams out there... and I agree. There are. But that still doesn't change the fact that most people use Palp teams in arena (just use thrawn to fracture Sion lolz) and TFP/Tie Advanced/Biggs in Fleet Arena.

    Your argument is no different than saying "Use Thrawn to Fracture lolz" to any point that is made about a team in arena. Also, only Poe on your list is faster than TFP ... Bistan, Clone Sarge, and Sun Fac won't be attacking TFP ... they will be attacking Biggs because they are slower than TFP and Tie Advanced (except a maxxed Bistan, who can be faster than Tie Advanced, but not TFP).

    Personally, I wouldn't hate Ships 2.0 nearly as much if Biggs was nerfed. IMO, 40% protection gain is madness (why not 20% prot and 20% health, for example? That way, while he still has protection, he is effectively only gaining 20%)

    Facing the opening of Tie Fighter target locks (Biggs taunts) or nukes and gets Foresight, Vader target locks (Biggs taunts), Biggs calls an assist on your helpless ship, killing it, making it 2v4, one of which is Taunting, and whenever a target lock expires Biggs heals his prot and taunts again, is, in the end, probably worth pouting about, because it is boooring
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    Not really sure yet if I like the new ship format or not but noticing a pattern that seems to be impossible. So far have tracked since 2.0 came out and I am lucky to win onematch out of 5 a day and have tried many different comboniations. The issue I encounter every time is that their capital ship will always go first regardless what my lineup is. This morning my 7* chimaera (Thrawn g12) went 2nd to a 5* chimeara (Thrawn g10). I am yet to have my capital go first ever since this update. There doesn't seem to be any RNG in this at all it seems to be hard coded that defensive capital gets first turn regardless what lineup I try ( I have all ships unlocked and most 7* so been able to try almost all recommended lineups posted here on the forum). Anyone else noticing this?
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    Gorem wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Migux7 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Not sure what you are complaining about with your story, ship arena is still mostly Vader, Biggs and Tie (or FO tie) under Thrawn or Tarkin, so the Empire's might continues. With the help of a notorious bounty hunter as a reinforcement, but the Empire is known to hire those when the situation calls for it.

    Well without the Biggs wall the empire ships are nothing that's my problem, Empire ships are only meta and were meta because of Biggs it shouldnt have been the empire ships to get the nerf but Biggs, if I want to run an empire squad I cant do it without Biggs because they were nerfed to oblivion.

    nerfed to oblivion, yet the majority of top50 players still uses them...

    Read what he's saying, the majority still use them, still use Biggs because Biggs makes them work.

    He was also not nerfed, even though the only reason he was as strong as he was in ships 1.0, and now 2.0, is because of Dark side ships/ties n such.

    Its really a case of - Do you have Biggs? Congrats your a top 20 team, do you not? Enjoy never getting crystals

    This is exactly how I see it. I have a squad of mostly dark side ships plus one jedi with G12 KRU (Silencer maxed with reinforcments), Kylo, FOST, G11 TFP, FOTFP, Vader, Tarkin and G10 Phasma, Jedi Consular that was entrenched in the top 15, often top 10. Now my fleet power is higher than most of the top 20, yet I have many days when I can't win a single fleet arena battle primarily because I can never take down Biggs. I'm now frantically farming Biggs X-wing, but will miss out on weeks/months of crystals as I sit in the 20-30 range.
  • Options
    Gorem wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Migux7 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Not sure what you are complaining about with your story, ship arena is still mostly Vader, Biggs and Tie (or FO tie) under Thrawn or Tarkin, so the Empire's might continues. With the help of a notorious bounty hunter as a reinforcement, but the Empire is known to hire those when the situation calls for it.

    Well without the Biggs wall the empire ships are nothing that's my problem, Empire ships are only meta and were meta because of Biggs it shouldnt have been the empire ships to get the nerf but Biggs, if I want to run an empire squad I cant do it without Biggs because they were nerfed to oblivion.

    nerfed to oblivion, yet the majority of top50 players still uses them...

    Read what he's saying, the majority still use them, still use Biggs because Biggs makes them work.

    He was also not nerfed, even though the only reason he was as strong as he was in ships 1.0, and now 2.0, is because of Dark side ships/ties n such.

    Its really a case of - Do you have Biggs? Congrats your a top 20 team, do you not? Enjoy never getting crystals

    This is exactly how I see it.

    Any fleet with Biggs beats any fleet without Biggs, which makes it far too binary. I used to beat plenty of different types of fleets and they would beat me.

    I have a squad of mostly dark side ships plus one jedi with G12 KRU (Silencer maxed with reinforcments), Kylo, FOST, G11 TFP, FOTFP, Vader, Tarkin and G10 Phasma, Jedi Consular that was entrenched in the top 15, often top 10. Now my fleet power is higher than most of the top 20, yet I have many days when I can't win a single fleet arena battle primarily because I can never take down Biggs. I'm now frantically farming Biggs X-wing, but will miss out on weeks/months of crystals as I sit in the 20-40 range and lose almost every fleet area battle I fight.
  • Options
    Gorem wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Migux7 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Not sure what you are complaining about with your story, ship arena is still mostly Vader, Biggs and Tie (or FO tie) under Thrawn or Tarkin, so the Empire's might continues. With the help of a notorious bounty hunter as a reinforcement, but the Empire is known to hire those when the situation calls for it.

    Well without the Biggs wall the empire ships are nothing that's my problem, Empire ships are only meta and were meta because of Biggs it shouldnt have been the empire ships to get the nerf but Biggs, if I want to run an empire squad I cant do it without Biggs because they were nerfed to oblivion.

    nerfed to oblivion, yet the majority of top50 players still uses them...

    Read what he's saying, the majority still use them, still use Biggs because Biggs makes them work.

    He was also not nerfed, even though the only reason he was as strong as he was in ships 1.0, and now 2.0, is because of Dark side ships/ties n such.

    Its really a case of - Do you have Biggs? Congrats your a top 20 team, do you not? Enjoy never getting crystals

    This is exactly how I see it.

    Any fleet with Biggs beats any fleet without Biggs, which makes it far too binary. I used to beat plenty of different types of fleets and they would beat me.

    I have a squad of mostly dark side ships plus one jedi with G12 KRU (Silencer maxed with reinforcments), Kylo, FOST, G11 TFP, FOTFP, Vader, Tarkin and G10 Phasma, Jedi Consular that was entrenched in the top 15, often top 10. Now my fleet power is higher than most of the top 20, yet I have many days when I can't win a single fleet arena battle primarily because I can never take down Biggs. I'm now frantically farming Biggs X-wing, but will miss out on weeks/months of crystals as I sit in the 20-40 range and lose almost every fleet area battle I fight.
  • Options
    Gorem wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Migux7 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Not sure what you are complaining about with your story, ship arena is still mostly Vader, Biggs and Tie (or FO tie) under Thrawn or Tarkin, so the Empire's might continues. With the help of a notorious bounty hunter as a reinforcement, but the Empire is known to hire those when the situation calls for it.

    Well without the Biggs wall the empire ships are nothing that's my problem, Empire ships are only meta and were meta because of Biggs it shouldnt have been the empire ships to get the nerf but Biggs, if I want to run an empire squad I cant do it without Biggs because they were nerfed to oblivion.

    nerfed to oblivion, yet the majority of top50 players still uses them...

    Read what he's saying, the majority still use them, still use Biggs because Biggs makes them work.

    He was also not nerfed, even though the only reason he was as strong as he was in ships 1.0, and now 2.0, is because of Dark side ships/ties n such.

    Its really a case of - Do you have Biggs? Congrats your a top 20 team, do you not? Enjoy never getting crystals

    This is exactly how I see it.

    Any fleet with Biggs beats any fleet without Biggs, which makes it far too binary. I used to beat plenty of different types of fleets and they would beat me.

    I have a squad of mostly dark side ships plus one jedi with G12 KRU (Silencer maxed with reinforcments), Kylo, FOST, G11 TFP, FOTFP, Vader, Tarkin and G10 Phasma, Jedi Consular that was entrenched in the top 15, often top 10. Now my fleet power is higher than most of the top 20, yet I have many days when I can't win a single fleet arena battle primarily because I can never take down Biggs. I'm now frantically farming Biggs X-wing, but will miss out on weeks/months of crystals as I sit in the 20-40 range and lose almost every fleet area battle I fight.
  • Karek77
    292 posts Member
    How is it that you were able to make the "NEW" fleet even worse than it was? Ships are by far the worst addition to the game.

    Not fun and 100% RNG dependent (might as well play the loto).

    Also, reevaluate the other servers cuz Im sure they are not well balanced regarding number and type of players.
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    Look at what each ship actually brings into the game when called as a reenfocement. Your starter ships should be hard hitters or dodgers and bring Biggs in as first reenforcement. Look at his kit. Vader should be next brought in do to the DOTs on enetering battle. Boba cleans up.

    This ain’t rocket science. It’s being able to put together a fleet that can survive and makes sense. Tarkin is still good lead, but Ackbar brings the survivability now. We all know they “reworked” the ships so they do less damage until you apply the “new” level 8 abilities. Tier 5 Tie Swarm does not do nearly as much damage as it did pre nerf. It is what it is. They don’t appear to be interested in roll back
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Gorem wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Migux7 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Not sure what you are complaining about with your story, ship arena is still mostly Vader, Biggs and Tie (or FO tie) under Thrawn or Tarkin, so the Empire's might continues. With the help of a notorious bounty hunter as a reinforcement, but the Empire is known to hire those when the situation calls for it.

    Well without the Biggs wall the empire ships are nothing that's my problem, Empire ships are only meta and were meta because of Biggs it shouldnt have been the empire ships to get the nerf but Biggs, if I want to run an empire squad I cant do it without Biggs because they were nerfed to oblivion.

    nerfed to oblivion, yet the majority of top50 players still uses them...

    Read what he's saying, the majority still use them, still use Biggs because Biggs makes them work.

    He was also not nerfed, even though the only reason he was as strong as he was in ships 1.0, and now 2.0, is because of Dark side ships/ties n such.

    Its really a case of - Do you have Biggs? Congrats your a top 20 team, do you not? Enjoy never getting crystals

    This is exactly how I see it.

    Any fleet with Biggs beats any fleet without Biggs, which makes it far too binary. .

    This is false 100 % false... it may seem true because a lot of people are running biggs it's just not true. I can easily take first and not use biggs against other people with biggs..

    Even if you said the majority of fleets without biggs lost to fleets with biggs I would be ok But your post makes it sound like you cannot beat a biggs team without biggs and that's lol

  • Eelppets
    21 posts Member
    Everything I had spent months working prior to the update was nerfed. How could I like the update?
  • Ebbda
    261 posts Member
    Gotta try and get my opinion across here sticking to forum guide lines...

    I think I needed to ask myself if something becomes less enjoyable, when to call it a day. I did. I wouldn't tell folks what to do. They know themselves where to draw a line if one is needed.

    I will say this: after over a week of zero response on the alterations made to fleet from the powers that be and the utterly insane RNG I've encountered, I've made a personal choice: No more.

    Had 2.0 released 6 or so new ships that were more OP than the Reaper, that's cool! We all start again on an even keel. What I think was the straw that broke the camel's back was spending cash on a ship to compete only for 6 weeks later to have it rendered useless.

    Worst part was saying goodbye to the guild I joined the moment I could join one. Amazing people there but I had to make a personal call. I don't personally agree with the situation so I had to today, sadly, uninstall.

    Kept this I hope forum friendly.

    Keep playing and may the Force be with you :smile:
  • Vi1teran_
    218 posts Member
    Ships are far worse now. Everyone with the same 3 ships. First target lock wins. Just like flipping a coin. Thanks for the variety and strategy.
  • Decay
    112 posts Member
    Zero comments from CG and their newly hired communication and forum manager. Why should the forum and players expect actual communication about a disaster of an area? Why should we expect better from CG and their community managers?

    Maybe we will eventually learn our lesson
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    RNG 2.0 (also known as ships 2.0) is the WORST thing in the game to be released (STR is a VERY close second). Massive update that is completely bugged. I don't complain too often but losing consistently to RNG/bugs is not fun. When FOTF comes in and does not apply target lock on Biggs (yes I know when Phantom is present Ghost can't be TLed)...When you fight 6 straight battles and get 0 buff immunity from ITF on TL Biggs...when two of those battles you get 0 TL whatsoever...When the opponent fleet dodges 50% of your attacks (not just ITF)..really just makes me wonder why I still play this game as Marvel Strike Force is cleaner, simpler, and has just as good of a community building (with SEVERAL disgruntled GOH players). I WAS a dolphin and my fleet is pretty maxed (been in the game for 17 months). Thanks for taking a quality product with an AMAZING community and flushing it straight down the toilet in a matter of 3 months CG. Slow down. Get your [censored] together. TEST your updates and game modes THOROUGHLY (see the slow down comment). The community and money will still be here...or rather take it to MSF...while this game dies. You can do better than this.
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    Keeping this right here on top. Thrawn ultimate is firing off before Tarkin despite nothing reducing CS TM gain. 5 battles so far with 5* Thrawn fleets, Tarkin goes first, ITF dodges all attacks giving Tarkin TM gain. Tarkin pulls in reenforcement before ultimate several turns ahead of Thrawn.

    Thrawn suddenly gets 2 Capital Ship turns deploying a reenforcement and then dropping ultimate. Then his remaining ships finish off whatever is left. This was not happening prior to Nest introduction. Maybe stop deploying changes before the weekend.
  • Jed_Eye
    178 posts Member
    Funny thing about ships 2.0. I now only do one ship battle a day and I never change rank. Due to rng I cannot win. And this must be the same for everyone else at the top of my shard as I never lose rank.
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