Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


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    Nauros wrote: »
    Has any of the CG folk responded for this fail on ships 2.0? It's really bad. Whoever had the idea of this idea needs to rethink their current position.
    Lower the number of ships
    Nerf the ships that folks grinded for
    (Slash evasion on Tfp with no shields) horrible
    (Reaper is useless) a long horrible grind
    (Bobas seismic charge is useless) matches don't last that long anymore.
    (Target locks are way fewer)
    It's heavy rng based now. What were you thinking? Please shed some light on this.

    Honestly, Reaper had it coming. Changing the passive to something else entirely might have been better, but as it was, it would lead to even more degenerate meta with the bolstered role of reinforcements.
    And Boba is great even without seismic charge, that taunt + counter is one of the best reinforcement abilities available. Seismic charge is just gravy when you manage to pull it off.

    Actually Reaper would have had a more natural nerf had they not touched it. 4 fewer ships in play at the start means 4 fewer chances to reduce the enemy capital ship's tm
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    jjkriv wrote: »
    Not to beat a dead horse but....sigh...ugh...
    I have the better pilots,My tie is faster on paper,I invested heavily in them annnnd the AI will still go 1st,always TL and Thrawn mysteriously gets his special off bf my team...way to make it interesting..thank god "the other game" is new.

    please record it if you can. I can't find any proof of that actually happening.

    I wish I could or knew how,I just did another battle and Thrawns special went off again early and its a mirror match,it only destroyed 2 ships and I weathered the storm,my thrawn went next and I still had 1 more cooldown on his special.Again this is a mirror match.Tie,Vader,of course Biggs with either boba or scimtar coming off the bench.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Has any of the CG folk responded for this fail on ships 2.0? It's really bad. Whoever had the idea of this idea needs to rethink their current position.
    Lower the number of ships
    Nerf the ships that folks grinded for
    (Slash evasion on Tfp with no shields) horrible
    (Reaper is useless) a long horrible grind
    (Bobas seismic charge is useless) matches don't last that long anymore.
    (Target locks are way fewer)
    It's heavy rng based now. What were you thinking? Please shed some light on this.

    Honestly, Reaper had it coming. Changing the passive to something else entirely might have been better, but as it was, it would lead to even more degenerate meta with the bolstered role of reinforcements.
    And Boba is great even without seismic charge, that taunt + counter is one of the best reinforcement abilities available. Seismic charge is just gravy when you manage to pull it off.

    Actually Reaper would have had a more natural nerf had they not touched it. 4 fewer ships in play at the start means 4 fewer chances to reduce the enemy capital ship's tm

    On the other hand, the tm reduction would have greater impact, with reinforcements being much more important due to both the reduction to 3v3 and reinforcement abilities.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    But we didn't even get that. Again, just another item in a very long (and growing) list of things that make Ships 2.0 arguably the worst update in 2 and half years.

    worse than how they released mods and pre-craft?
    the way they released it isn't all that different from when they added protection. Alot of similarities with that update actually. After the initial outrage that update was however pretty well received. I don't think we're gonna reach that point this time.

    I will definitely concede the point on the mods release - then the nerf of them 2 days later as the worst. I remember that week. The forums lost dozens of excellent posters when they all quit. I was almost one of them, as I had dropped a considerable sum of real money on mods...then they nerfed them hard. :'(

    But the rest, while certainly cringe-worthy in their own right, were not worse than the complete reworking of 25+ ships and the nerfing of several of the most difficult farms. Partly because a single ship nerf not only makes the time/resources invested in the ship itself worth less (not worthless) but also diminishes the value of the time, resources, and gear spent leveling and strengthening the pilot(s). This is especially true when both the ship and pilot(s) are hard farms (TIE Reaper/Shore/DT) or difficult to gear.

    I think the protection update was met with mixed feelings at worst. Many people knew it was needed and many of us actually liked the fact that one-shot wonders (Scav. Rey) were going to be mitigated and tanks were going to again be useful in arena.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    well, if you're refreshing more, you're playing more, so one could argue that you're being entertained more ;)

    What is wrooooooong with youuuuu?! Its broken rng, have you even played it?! XD

    i actually started playing fleet because of all the complaints, haha. For me the battles aren't that bad compared to how they used to be. Maybe it will lead to a steady daily 50 crystal income since everyone else seems to dislike fleet so much.

    Ahhh I get it now. You are not top 3.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    well, if you're refreshing more, you're playing more, so one could argue that you're being entertained more ;)

    What is wrooooooong with youuuuu?! Its broken rng, have you even played it?! XD

    i actually started playing fleet because of all the complaints, haha. For me the battles aren't that bad compared to how they used to be. Maybe it will lead to a steady daily 50 crystal income since everyone else seems to dislike fleet so much.

    Ahhh I get it now. You are not top 3.

    yea, the gameplay is totally different in the top50, it's almost like it's an entirely different game mode.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Migux7
    84 posts Member
    Hello boys and girls, its and others.
    I am here to tell a story.
    Once upon a time in a Galaxy far far away. There was a massive empire under the benevolent rule of the LORD AND SAVIOR Sheev Palpatine (may he rest in peace in the Debry field of Endors space). Unfortunately there were some despicable terrorist whom didn't really like him, and so they rebelled and waged war upon his realm. This war took place on 2 fronts one called the squad arena and the other the fleet arena.
    At first the empires army was struggling against the rebel menace and against a group of misfits of a homeless girl and her 2 droids but the February offensive initiated by the gods changed everything. Anyway we are not here to talk about that we are here to talk about the other front fleet arena. The empires navy was excelled at ship combat the best of the best not only because of the excellent ships and their pilots or even fleet commanders, no it was because that one of the terrorists and his ship all alone(might have been drunk or on something else idk he is supposed to be enemy p.s also Lord Vader one-shot him) worked really well with the target lock mechanics which made him an almost an immortal barrier for the empire.
    But cometh May-2018 and everything changed the almighty gods have forsaken the empire and crippled the empires might with something so called "Balancing" and so the ships lost effectiveness almost becoming trash tier, yet the one thing that made the empire untouchable the rebel scum received the favor of the gods and was granted the gift of a Buff.
    Its sad even more so than ever before the military might of the imperial navy is reliant on a terrorist than its own force :( saaaaad.

    Seriously in Ships 1.0 the empire lineup wasn't the meta because the ships were op it was because you could just put them behind Biggs and that's it your lineup was protected. So why the hell did we need to nerf the empire but buff Biggs? looking at my arena we are at the same point as before the only difference is that the FO tie is out of the picture now. Was this Ships 2.0 even tested?
  • TVF
    36762 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    well, if you're refreshing more, you're playing more, so one could argue that you're being entertained more ;)

    What is wrooooooong with youuuuu?! Its broken rng, have you even played it?! XD

    i actually started playing fleet because of all the complaints, haha. For me the battles aren't that bad compared to how they used to be. Maybe it will lead to a steady daily 50 crystal income since everyone else seems to dislike fleet so much.

    I had this thought too. I'm finishing at the top just like I was before, but I'm hoping all the complaints will just mean less new people coming up to the top with me. :smiley:
    I need a new message here.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Not sure what you are complaining about with your story, ship arena is still mostly Vader, Biggs and Tie (or FO tie) under Thrawn or Tarkin, so the Empire's might continues. With the help of a notorious bounty hunter as a reinforcement, but the Empire is known to hire those when the situation calls for it.
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    Down with the emperor!
  • Fade
    7 posts Member
    So devs not gonna respond?
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Pinkz wrote: »
    Not a day since Ships 2.0 has gone by that I haven’t been left in awe at how absolutely awful the new ships battles are. It really is beyond comprehension as to how badly these terrible SWGOH developers screwed this part of the game up.

    It’s as if they are tired of fans playing their game and they said “hey, how can we make this gaming experience so awhile that people will stop playing and we can stop working on this game?” Apparently Ships 2.0 was the answer to this question.

    Not fun at all even when you miraculously win against this waaaaaayyy OP’d AI. I have literally been a mile ahead in collecting TM for my ships, had three of the opponents ships dead to only 1 loss of mine, yet i’m still 1 turn away from using Thrawns ultimate move and the AI somehow miraculously busts out Thrawns ultimate move which kills 3 of my ships and wins the battle. I know for a 100% FACT that I was waaaaayy ahead in TM and there was no effing way in hell the AI should’ve got their ultimate move first!!

    So **** SWGOH developers? It wasn’t enough that you had to screw up the actual mechanics of the game and shift the META to the lamest, money grabbing characters there is? You also had to stack the deck in the AI’s favour so much that you eliminated ALL the fun from this game mode??

    Horrendous update. The team lead/supervisor/manager(s) that we’re reapknsible for this should all be slapped and fired immediately.

    When the day comes where I stop complaining about this update, unless a major revamp comes along that fixes these massive, glaring issues then i’m going to be quitting this game and not spending a single cent more on this atrocity.

    Pinkz, I agree the update was bad, but that just seems like an over exaggeration. It’s not the end of the world, just the functionality of ships for a while
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Between Ships 2.0 and The Last Jedi, I'm having a hard time deciding which was worse for the franchise. I spent a lot of time building up a good fleet only to see them "rebalanced" into something that's atrocious. I guess if you already had everything maxed, you're probably okay with the changes. But for those that only have a handful of good ships ready, the changes are devastating! RNG also plays WAY too much of a role in 2.0.

    Definitely the Last Jedi. But that’s a whole other debate
  • Migux7
    84 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Nauros wrote: »
    Not sure what you are complaining about with your story, ship arena is still mostly Vader, Biggs and Tie (or FO tie) under Thrawn or Tarkin, so the Empire's might continues. With the help of a notorious bounty hunter as a reinforcement, but the Empire is known to hire those when the situation calls for it.

    Well without the Biggs wall the empire ships are nothing that's my problem, Empire ships are only meta and were meta because of Biggs it shouldnt have been the empire ships to get the nerf but Biggs, if I want to run an empire squad I cant do it without Biggs because they were nerfed to oblivion.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Migux7 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Not sure what you are complaining about with your story, ship arena is still mostly Vader, Biggs and Tie (or FO tie) under Thrawn or Tarkin, so the Empire's might continues. With the help of a notorious bounty hunter as a reinforcement, but the Empire is known to hire those when the situation calls for it.

    Well without the Biggs wall the empire ships are nothing that's my problem, Empire ships are only meta and were meta because of Biggs it shouldnt have been the empire ships to get the nerf but Biggs, if I want to run an empire squad I cant do it without Biggs because they were nerfed to oblivion.

    nerfed to oblivion, yet the majority of top50 players still uses them...
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    By any chance does anyone remember how long it was before the sith raid rewards were rolled back to the way it was before the change. Oh wait never mind it wasn't rolled back because it was demanded by the player base it was rolled back because people behind the scenes thought that it was better that way. Sorry I was hoping that there might be a timeframe that we could use in hopes of a roll back to ships 1.0 when ships made some fricking sense.
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    I used to love ships, but after the update that’s has now become hate and dread.

    Always been active with ships from
    Launch, but now everything is based on RNG, and you NEVER get to go first.

    Every match is easily determine by the first shot.

    I used to finish match in 1-2mins max, now every battle takes the full 5 minutes.

    I just dread and hate this update. I don’t even want to play ships no more because of how agitated the update has made me.

    Just venting my frustrations.
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    If they want to keep the ships as they updates them I ask for three (3) big additions

    Clarification on Speed and Mods for Ships

    Must balance the spectrum, Many ships have been nerfed to such a unlikable degree that they went from Grand Master to Novice,

    The Falcon being one of them.

    I sincerely hope they address the update with a better rework. I just Hate it.
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    Ships 2.0 wasn't for the community, they never had the players in mind when they implemented those changes. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I'll throw my opinion out there. I don't want to accuse people of things so this is 100% my opinion and I could be wrong.

    My theory is that they wanted to make money out of ships. Look at the facts:

    1. It disrupts payouts since many people will not be able to climb as high as they used to. Lower star capital ships have a speed disadvantage which translates into not being able to use their signature abilities before the higher star capital ships. The nerf of Tie reaper plays into effect.

    2. Most people were beginning to max out ships like the falcon and the reaper, they were beginning to make greater climbs as a result which allows for more diverse payouts with more players and thus more crystals given out.

    3. Old ships are coming into play which means more shards to farm, and more gear for other pilots. Now all of a sudden everyone wants to gear Geonosians and other pilots who were not relevant before.

    4. Pushing the new materials, obviously, which I don't disagree with. Reinforcement abilities are interesting regardless of being expensive.

    The entire update is about the devs making more money and cutting back on how many crystals they had out for payouts by cutting down the amount of players who can climb to top 5. It's NOT an update for the players and we all saw how many people opposed this update as opposed to how many were in favor. That's my opinion.
  • Ebbda
    261 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    The silence from the Devs on this subject is worse than the update itself.

    Fleet WAS my arena of choice but again experienced RNG slap me firmly in the face. Starting to think ships getting off their ultimate is a new random ability we know nothing about.

    Fleet needed an update but this is a debacle. Until we get a response and the steps to fix this I'm nerfing my wallet like they nerfed Tie Reaper.

    The dread comes from knowing all the effort you've put into toons and ships really boils down to RNG.

    A very unhappy customer here.
  • Options
    Ebbda wrote: »
    The silence from the Devs on this subject is worse than the update itself.

    Fleet WAS my arena of choice but again experienced RNG slap me firmly in the face. Starting to think ships getting off their ultimate is a new random ability we know nothing about.

    Fleet needed an update but this is a debacle. Until we get a response and the steps to fix this I'm nerfing my wallet like they nerfed Tie Reaper.

    The dread comes from knowing all the effort you've put into toons and ships really boils down to RNG.

    A very unhappy customer here.

    90% of players were close to or had just recently managed to max out and started using their reapers. I don't think that's a coincidence that the two correlate. I agree with you 100%, I feel the same way
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Ebbda wrote: »
    The silence from the Devs on this subject is worse than the update itself.

    i'd take silence from the devs over a horrible update tbh.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    I used to love ships, but after the update that’s has now become hate and dread.

    Always been active with ships from
    Launch, but now everything is based on RNG, and you NEVER get to go first.

    Every match is easily determine by the first shot.
    gear up your pilots, bro
  • Dralkyr
    457 posts Member
    I'm 30 shards away from 7* Reaper, just got my Shoretrooper to 7*, and my Death Trooper is at 5* and was moving his up. This update is kitten, absolute kitten. I used to kinda enjoy fighting off the enemy fleet - now I literally just join and retreat from the battle. I'm just staring up ships for TB Platoons now.
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    My speculation is more ships will be released when the ships PvE mode is activated. Thus offering more squad variety and new meta possibilities. All just speculation (hope) though.
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    My speculation is more ships will be released when the ships PvE mode is activated. Thus offering more squad variety and new meta possibilities. All just speculation (hope) though.
    Hey there,

    What a coincidence! That's been my speculation since ships were introduced a year ago!

  • Ebbda
    261 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Ebbda wrote: »
    The silence from the Devs on this subject is worse than the update itself.

    i'd take silence from the devs over a horrible update tbh.

    Lol! You win :smile:
  • Options
    Reading through most of these posts vs. the intent that was expressed to close the gap between newer players and the salt dogs, it doesn't seem to make sense that access to zeta materials would be even more difficult with the 3v3 format and that Sith Raid rewards would be so top heavy. Maybe I confused some information or am remembering incorrectly.
  • Drazhar
    784 posts Member
    From 50 to 1 everyone has the same initial lineup and the same first reinforcement. No wonder it's a different game in that chunk.
  • Lrrr
    172 posts Member
    Ships 2.0 is garbage. Feel like CG owes an explaination to anyone who previously invested in ships to have them nerfed. But I know they don’t give a flying ...about their customers. Never have, never will. This ‘increased’ communication is still the same. We’re right, players are wrong...

    At least they haven’t released anything cool since JTR, so I’m not pressured to open the wallet to panic farm a character...
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