Looking for people playing my shard Prana Reize Panobato


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    Gamey wrote: »
    Thanks Rogan! I was very surprised that I got and held #1 yesterday. And you're right, it has been a long time... Unfortunately I'm rarely free around payout time.

    Ya I've noticed arena time isn't optimal for you. If you find time to rank 1, I'll leave you alone.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Wow I forgot change to a Dooku lead last battle dropped in the 30s furthest I dropped in ages
  • Guppy
    75 posts Member
    I'm in for guild too. I'm assuming raids will be guild led?
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Random question, did we all start playing late November/early December? Remember when Chewdonka was miles ahead of everyone? I see a lot of new names in the shard and I wonder if new people are being added. The devs say they dont do that but it seems like its happening a lot to many people in many different groups.


    Nice little preview for the guild function. Looks like we all do individual tasks to earn special guild currency for everyone in the guild. When the time comes who wants to lead? Ill do it if no one else wants to, though Id prefer mroe of a democracy than a dictatorship.
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    Looks promising. I can be an officer but I'll leave the leading to someone else.
    Slewfoot wrote: »
    Random question, did we all start playing late November/early December? Remember when Chewdonka was miles ahead of everyone? I see a lot of new names in the shard and I wonder if new people are being added. The devs say they dont do that but it seems like its happening a lot to many people in many different groups.


    Nice little preview for the guild function. Looks like we all do individual tasks to earn special guild currency for everyone in the guild. When the time comes who wants to lead? Ill do it if no one else wants to, though Id prefer mroe of a democracy than a dictatorship.

  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Guppy wrote: »
    I'm in for guild too. I'm assuming raids will be guild led?


    With 50 players max, it shouldn't be difficult filling our roster and us being a mature server we have the potential to have a great roster of players. This is good news.
    When the update is live, why don't we form our guild and lets let some time pass and see who the guild leader becomes, I'm thinking it should happen naturally given a bit of time. This way were not rushing.
    Let's take things one step at a time so we form a solid foundation.
    Edit, who ever forms the guild would be a placeholder until we all agree on a leader and I think the majority of us should pitch in as I think the cost to make a guild will be pricey.
    Oh, and we should definitely have high standards when recruiting since it's only a 50 man roster.
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    Speaking of recruiting would my brother and his wife be able to join ? They are both top 25 of their groups and whales.
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    I'm definitely in on democracy as well but looks like they're forcing us to have a leader.

    Dark, I don't have a problem with that, but we should wait and get things going first.
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    Guys, we need a guild name.
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    Just not more then 25 of us posted here so I'm guessing we will have 15-20 spots is all... and omg a name? .....Whales anonymous? ;)
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    Not a bad night... #2 from 29th..grats Rogan ;)
  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member
    Hey guys, I just read last few pages of this thread as there is a lot of posts in this thread like the server I'm on 'sorry Phipps'

    We are in the same boat you guys are. We have about 15-25 who are all top 25 on our mid-late December server. We are all probably going to start a guild up together. I suggested it would be easiest for us to find another active server like ours and just team up with them as that would put us near the amount of ppl needed for a solid 50 member guild.

    We have ppl all over the world (mostly us players) but some Europe/Australia time zones as well.

    Let us know if you guys all want to team up as I think it would be nice to have most players in a guild composed of 2 servers.

    We are most likely looking to wait as well till the details are finalized before formaling getting anything set up, just let us know
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    sounds all fine to me, we should appoint someone to start it up when the time comes. The leader has to fork over the coins to start it, though judging by EA's other games, the cost to start isnt that high.
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    HI Phipps,

    I don't mind this idea, of course, I'll need others in my server's stamp of approval.
    Can you give us some info as to your average rank and about others that want to join.
    The majority of us that communicate here are top 20 in our server.
    Speaking personally, if we were to join, I would like us to be on same footing.


    What are your thoughts guys.
  • Guppy
    75 posts Member
    I think that's a great idea. If they are a top 20 group as we are that would make a solid guild. I'm not so sure we can join across server though since there will be guild events going on and I can only assume that would mean the events might restrict cross server guilds.
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    guilds are not server restricted so you can guild with anyone, combining 2 top 25 guilds is fine with me if thats what the others want. i dont think there are any GvG events planned for now, its mostly GvE that can be done on your own time, as well as guild completeion achievements (i.e. Complete 1000 Galactic Wars) for awards.
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    I read last several of their pages and they seem just like us in rank and attitude. Lol
  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member
    Yeah our chat started with one of the whales apologizing to me about a last second snipe for first.

    From there ppl just started recoginizing my name in the chat and joined up. We're all top 5 during our payouts. We basically have everyone's payout time figured out so we don't waste fights on each other during each other's payout times.

    Then we also provide feedback for each other when trying new squads.

    Best part of arena is there are a few whales who constantly attack all of us and get hammered by the 15-20 of us as we avoid each other when moving up for payout when possible. Some of these ppl must have to fight 20+ arena fights a day to take top 5-10. Love it

    We're sort of in same boat. Wait till all the fine print details are released. Biggest thing will be getting someone to be 'leader' at that time. Then Get a few ppl from each of our servers to be 'officers'. maybe put officers in charge of 'who to let in the guild, although looks like there is room for all of us plus a little room left over to go whale hunting. Have leader and officers set a few guild guidelines like have to be a daily player/max lvl/avg arena payout top 10 or whatever so that way we stay competitive.

    Also think it's good idea to set officers each in 'charge' of a specific faction like rebel, empire, et cetera. Then that officer along with 5 members or whatever are responsible for having all the Rebels constantly maxed and lvled. This way we will have all characters in game evenly maxed and available in case specific factions are better for certain guild events or whatever.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Sounds good to me sounds like a great match
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Ya, and the issue is we have about 15 people to make a guild. I think it's a no Brainer to team up.

    @Gamey are you joining up?.
    @Prana_lama your thoughts?.
    @reizse thoughts?.

    I think we heard of everyone else's opinion.
    Edit, on second thought we don't even have 15.
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    Sounds good to me. As long as we keep a standard like hitting top 10 daily or something like that.
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    Prana_lama wrote: »
    Sounds good to me. As long as we keep a standard like hitting top 10 daily or something like that.

    O, heck yes.
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    Top ten for everyone may be ambitious for 25 people in a shard, maybe top 20, or at least, complete all dailies. Let see what we need to do as a guild to prosper first before making standards.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Well top 10 would be at your pay out which should be doable I'm ok with top 20 lol naw I think we know who is seriously addicted enough by now to help us with our guild missions . My vote for leader is Rogan hehe let him do all the hard stuff any seconds?
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    top 10 is too elitist. 20 is more viable unless we are 100% serious about being top shelf. we don't even know the extent of the activities. they could be brain dead easy, even for a rank 400 player. that shouldn't preclude them from joining as long as they are active. if it's about image, which I suspect we aren't that egotistical, then by all means, restrict membership to top 10 only
    mighty chlorians
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    again I do not wish to be any kind of admin for this guild. I know I'm taking the lazy way out, but I'm a doer, not a talker (do too much talking for a living anyway)
    mighty chlorians
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    Jabba wrote: »
    Well top 10 would be at your pay out which should be doable I'm ok with top 20 lol naw I think we know who is seriously addicted enough by now to help us with our guild missions . My vote for leader is Rogan hehe let him do all the hard stuff any seconds?

    I just want to succeed and have fun playing with you peeps. Thanks for the vote but there may be a better leader with the people were planning to merge with.
    reizse wrote: »
    top 10 is too elitist. 20 is more viable unless we are 100% serious about being top shelf. we don't even know the extent of the activities. they could be brain dead easy, even for a rank 400 player. that shouldn't preclude them from joining as long as they are active. if it's about image, which I suspect we aren't that egotistical, then by all means, restrict membership to top 10 only

    OK, so let's not misconstrue that with elitist ego or w/e. It's more a competitive nature to want to win, (and get them prizes)as I'm sure we all do.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Ok I change my vote too Reize hehe
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    Jabba wrote: »
    Ok I change my vote too Reize hehe

    surely you jest
    mighty chlorians
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    I am lol guess I'm a flip flopper Rogan it is
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