Looking for people playing my shard Prana Reize Panobato


  • Options
    GG tonight all that Rex team though well done
  • Options
    I finally gave in. I'm sick of losing in Arena so I switched to Luminara, Ahsoka, Rey, Daka, Savage. Hopefully I can get higher than rank 150 tomorrow. :'(
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Options
    Guild datamine hidden behind a spoiler so there isn't a wall of text.
    FeatureLocked_Guilds|GUILDS LOCKED
    FeatureLocked_FleetPvp|FLEET ARENA LOCKED
    FeatureLocked_Raids|RAIDS LOCKED
    FeatureUnlockCelebration_Guilds|You have unlocked Guilds!
    AllyGuildRequestButtonCanInvite|GUILD INVITE
    AllyGuildRequestButtonInvitePending|INVITE PENDING
    FeatureTitle_GuildManagement|Guild Management
    GUILD_ERROR_PROMOTION_NOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_MEMBER_KEY|You cannot promote this guild member.
    GUILD_INVITE_MESSAGE_KEY|You have been invited to a guild!
    GUILD_JOIN_REQUEST_MESSAGE_KEY|This player would like to join your guild.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_0|May the Force be with you.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_1|Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_10|Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_11|You can't stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_12|It's a trap!
    GUILD_MESSAGE_13|Never tell me the odds.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_14|So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_2|You don't need to see his identification. These aren't the droids you're looking for. He can go about his business. Move along.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_3|Use the Force, Luke.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_4|I find your lack of faith disturbing.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_5|I've got a bad feeling about this.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_6|Let the wookiee win.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_7|The Force is strong with this one.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_8|That's no moon, it's a space station.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_9|Do. Or do not. There is no try.
    GUILD_PROMOTED_TO_LEADER_MESSAGE_KEY|Congratulations!\n\nYou have been promoted to guild leader!
    GUILD_PROMOTED_TO_LEADER_SUBJECT_KEY|You have been promoted to guild leader!
    GuildBaseView_GuildActivities|GUILD ACTIVITIES
    GuildCreateView_CreateTitle|CREATE A GUILD
    GuildCreateView_DailyGuildMessageTitle|Daily Guild Message
    GuildCreateView_DisbandButton|DISBAND GUILD
    GuildCreateView_DisbandGuildConfirmMessage|Are you sure you wish to disband your guild? This action cannot be reversed and all members will be removed from the guild.
    GuildCreateView_DisbandGuildConfirmTitle|DISBAND GUILD?
    GuildCreateView_EditTitle|MANAGE MY GUILD
    GuildCreateView_GlobalMessageDefault|Tap here to set an external message for your guild...
    GuildCreateView_GlobalMessageSubTitle|Tap a message to select it as your guild's external message.
    GuildCreateView_GuildNameDefault|Enter Guild Name
    GuildCreateView_InternalMessageDefault|Post an internal-facing message for your guild members...
    GuildCreateView_LackCurrencyMessage|You lack the required currency amount to create a guild.
    GuildCreateView_MinimumLevelToggle|MIN LVL
    GuildCreateView_NoGuildNameErrorMessage|You must enter a name for your guild.
    GuildCreateView_NoGuildNameErrorTitle|NAME REQUIRED
    GuildCreateView_QuantityTitle|SET MINIMUM LEVEL
    GuildCreateView_SelectLogoTitle|Select a logo for your guild
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildLevel|This feature unlocks at [f0ff23]Guild Level {0}[-].
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildLevelAndGuildMemberCount|This feature unlocks at [f0ff23]Guild Level {0}[-] and when you have {1} Guild Members.
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildMemberCount|This feature unlocks when you have {0} Guild Members.
    GuildInvite_Generic_ErrorMessage|There was an error with this guild invitation.
    GuildInvite_GuildLevel|Guild Level: {0}
    GuildInvite_InvalidData_ErrorMessage|There was an error with this guild invitation. You may already be in a guild, or the guild invitation may have expired.
    GuildInvite_NoGuildFound_ErrorMessage|There was an error finding the guild for this invitation. The guild may have been disbanded.
    GuildRosterManagement_LeaveGuildNoOfficerMessage|You must promote a guild member to Officer before you can transfer guild leadership.
    GuildRosterManagement_LeaveGuildNoOfficerTitle|NO OFFICERS
    GuildRosterManagementView_DisbandGuildConfirmMessage|Are you sure you wish to disband {0}? All guild perks and rewards will be lost.
    GuildRosterManagementView_DisbandGuildConfirmTitle|Confirm Disband
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_GuildXp|GUILD XP
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_NoneFound|No Guild Member Found
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_PlayerLevel|PLAYER LEVEL
    GuildRosterManagementView_HUDTitle|MY GUILD
    GuildRosterManagementView_LeaveGuild|LEAVE GUILD
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberDemoteConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to demote {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberDemoteConfirmTitle|Confirm Demote
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberLeaveConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to leave {0}? You will lose all guild perks and rewards.
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberLeaveConfirmTitle|Confirm Leave
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberPromoteConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to promote {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberPromoteConfirmTitle|Confirm Promote
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberRemoveConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to remove {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberRemoveConfirmTitle|Confirm Remove
    GuildTransferLeaderView_LastLoginTime|Last Login:\n{0}
    GuildTransferLeaderView_SubTitle|Select a member to take over leadership of the guild:
    GuildTransferLeaderView_Title|TRANSFER LEADERSHIP

    If anyone is from Oceania or has a special connection to it you're more than welcome to join ANZGC.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    Guild datamine hidden behind a spoiler so there isn't a wall of text.
    FeatureLocked_Guilds|GUILDS LOCKED
    FeatureLocked_FleetPvp|FLEET ARENA LOCKED
    FeatureLocked_Raids|RAIDS LOCKED
    FeatureUnlockCelebration_Guilds|You have unlocked Guilds!
    AllyGuildRequestButtonCanInvite|GUILD INVITE
    AllyGuildRequestButtonInvitePending|INVITE PENDING
    FeatureTitle_GuildManagement|Guild Management
    GUILD_ERROR_PROMOTION_NOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_MEMBER_KEY|You cannot promote this guild member.
    GUILD_INVITE_MESSAGE_KEY|You have been invited to a guild!
    GUILD_JOIN_REQUEST_MESSAGE_KEY|This player would like to join your guild.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_0|May the Force be with you.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_1|Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_10|Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_11|You can't stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_12|It's a trap!
    GUILD_MESSAGE_13|Never tell me the odds.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_14|So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_2|You don't need to see his identification. These aren't the droids you're looking for. He can go about his business. Move along.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_3|Use the Force, Luke.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_4|I find your lack of faith disturbing.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_5|I've got a bad feeling about this.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_6|Let the wookiee win.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_7|The Force is strong with this one.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_8|That's no moon, it's a space station.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_9|Do. Or do not. There is no try.
    GUILD_PROMOTED_TO_LEADER_MESSAGE_KEY|Congratulations!\n\nYou have been promoted to guild leader!
    GUILD_PROMOTED_TO_LEADER_SUBJECT_KEY|You have been promoted to guild leader!
    GuildBaseView_GuildActivities|GUILD ACTIVITIES
    GuildCreateView_CreateTitle|CREATE A GUILD
    GuildCreateView_DailyGuildMessageTitle|Daily Guild Message
    GuildCreateView_DisbandButton|DISBAND GUILD
    GuildCreateView_DisbandGuildConfirmMessage|Are you sure you wish to disband your guild? This action cannot be reversed and all members will be removed from the guild.
    GuildCreateView_DisbandGuildConfirmTitle|DISBAND GUILD?
    GuildCreateView_EditTitle|MANAGE MY GUILD
    GuildCreateView_GlobalMessageDefault|Tap here to set an external message for your guild...
    GuildCreateView_GlobalMessageSubTitle|Tap a message to select it as your guild's external message.
    GuildCreateView_GuildNameDefault|Enter Guild Name
    GuildCreateView_InternalMessageDefault|Post an internal-facing message for your guild members...
    GuildCreateView_LackCurrencyMessage|You lack the required currency amount to create a guild.
    GuildCreateView_MinimumLevelToggle|MIN LVL
    GuildCreateView_NoGuildNameErrorMessage|You must enter a name for your guild.
    GuildCreateView_NoGuildNameErrorTitle|NAME REQUIRED
    GuildCreateView_QuantityTitle|SET MINIMUM LEVEL
    GuildCreateView_SelectLogoTitle|Select a logo for your guild
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildLevel|This feature unlocks at [f0ff23]Guild Level {0}[-].
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildLevelAndGuildMemberCount|This feature unlocks at [f0ff23]Guild Level {0}[-] and when you have {1} Guild Members.
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildMemberCount|This feature unlocks when you have {0} Guild Members.
    GuildInvite_Generic_ErrorMessage|There was an error with this guild invitation.
    GuildInvite_GuildLevel|Guild Level: {0}
    GuildInvite_InvalidData_ErrorMessage|There was an error with this guild invitation. You may already be in a guild, or the guild invitation may have expired.
    GuildInvite_NoGuildFound_ErrorMessage|There was an error finding the guild for this invitation. The guild may have been disbanded.
    GuildRosterManagement_LeaveGuildNoOfficerMessage|You must promote a guild member to Officer before you can transfer guild leadership.
    GuildRosterManagement_LeaveGuildNoOfficerTitle|NO OFFICERS
    GuildRosterManagementView_DisbandGuildConfirmMessage|Are you sure you wish to disband {0}? All guild perks and rewards will be lost.
    GuildRosterManagementView_DisbandGuildConfirmTitle|Confirm Disband
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_GuildXp|GUILD XP
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_NoneFound|No Guild Member Found
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_PlayerLevel|PLAYER LEVEL
    GuildRosterManagementView_HUDTitle|MY GUILD
    GuildRosterManagementView_LeaveGuild|LEAVE GUILD
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberDemoteConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to demote {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberDemoteConfirmTitle|Confirm Demote
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberLeaveConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to leave {0}? You will lose all guild perks and rewards.
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberLeaveConfirmTitle|Confirm Leave
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberPromoteConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to promote {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberPromoteConfirmTitle|Confirm Promote
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberRemoveConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to remove {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberRemoveConfirmTitle|Confirm Remove
    GuildTransferLeaderView_LastLoginTime|Last Login:\n{0}
    GuildTransferLeaderView_SubTitle|Select a member to take over leadership of the guild:
    GuildTransferLeaderView_Title|TRANSFER LEADERSHIP

    If anyone is from Oceania or has a special connection to it you're more than welcome to join ANZGC.

    whoa nice
    mighty chlorians
  • Options
    reizse wrote: »
    Guild datamine hidden behind a spoiler so there isn't a wall of text.
    FeatureLocked_Guilds|GUILDS LOCKED
    FeatureLocked_FleetPvp|FLEET ARENA LOCKED
    FeatureLocked_Raids|RAIDS LOCKED
    FeatureUnlockCelebration_Guilds|You have unlocked Guilds!
    AllyGuildRequestButtonCanInvite|GUILD INVITE
    AllyGuildRequestButtonInvitePending|INVITE PENDING
    FeatureTitle_GuildManagement|Guild Management
    GUILD_ERROR_PROMOTION_NOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_MEMBER_KEY|You cannot promote this guild member.
    GUILD_INVITE_MESSAGE_KEY|You have been invited to a guild!
    GUILD_JOIN_REQUEST_MESSAGE_KEY|This player would like to join your guild.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_0|May the Force be with you.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_1|Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_10|Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_11|You can't stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_12|It's a trap!
    GUILD_MESSAGE_13|Never tell me the odds.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_14|So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_2|You don't need to see his identification. These aren't the droids you're looking for. He can go about his business. Move along.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_3|Use the Force, Luke.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_4|I find your lack of faith disturbing.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_5|I've got a bad feeling about this.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_6|Let the wookiee win.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_7|The Force is strong with this one.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_8|That's no moon, it's a space station.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_9|Do. Or do not. There is no try.
    GUILD_PROMOTED_TO_LEADER_MESSAGE_KEY|Congratulations!\n\nYou have been promoted to guild leader!
    GUILD_PROMOTED_TO_LEADER_SUBJECT_KEY|You have been promoted to guild leader!
    GuildBaseView_GuildActivities|GUILD ACTIVITIES
    GuildCreateView_CreateTitle|CREATE A GUILD
    GuildCreateView_DailyGuildMessageTitle|Daily Guild Message
    GuildCreateView_DisbandButton|DISBAND GUILD
    GuildCreateView_DisbandGuildConfirmMessage|Are you sure you wish to disband your guild? This action cannot be reversed and all members will be removed from the guild.
    GuildCreateView_DisbandGuildConfirmTitle|DISBAND GUILD?
    GuildCreateView_EditTitle|MANAGE MY GUILD
    GuildCreateView_GlobalMessageDefault|Tap here to set an external message for your guild...
    GuildCreateView_GlobalMessageSubTitle|Tap a message to select it as your guild's external message.
    GuildCreateView_GuildNameDefault|Enter Guild Name
    GuildCreateView_InternalMessageDefault|Post an internal-facing message for your guild members...
    GuildCreateView_LackCurrencyMessage|You lack the required currency amount to create a guild.
    GuildCreateView_MinimumLevelToggle|MIN LVL
    GuildCreateView_NoGuildNameErrorMessage|You must enter a name for your guild.
    GuildCreateView_NoGuildNameErrorTitle|NAME REQUIRED
    GuildCreateView_QuantityTitle|SET MINIMUM LEVEL
    GuildCreateView_SelectLogoTitle|Select a logo for your guild
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildLevel|This feature unlocks at [f0ff23]Guild Level {0}[-].
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildLevelAndGuildMemberCount|This feature unlocks at [f0ff23]Guild Level {0}[-] and when you have {1} Guild Members.
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildMemberCount|This feature unlocks when you have {0} Guild Members.
    GuildInvite_Generic_ErrorMessage|There was an error with this guild invitation.
    GuildInvite_GuildLevel|Guild Level: {0}
    GuildInvite_InvalidData_ErrorMessage|There was an error with this guild invitation. You may already be in a guild, or the guild invitation may have expired.
    GuildInvite_NoGuildFound_ErrorMessage|There was an error finding the guild for this invitation. The guild may have been disbanded.
    GuildRosterManagement_LeaveGuildNoOfficerMessage|You must promote a guild member to Officer before you can transfer guild leadership.
    GuildRosterManagement_LeaveGuildNoOfficerTitle|NO OFFICERS
    GuildRosterManagementView_DisbandGuildConfirmMessage|Are you sure you wish to disband {0}? All guild perks and rewards will be lost.
    GuildRosterManagementView_DisbandGuildConfirmTitle|Confirm Disband
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_GuildXp|GUILD XP
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_NoneFound|No Guild Member Found
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_PlayerLevel|PLAYER LEVEL
    GuildRosterManagementView_HUDTitle|MY GUILD
    GuildRosterManagementView_LeaveGuild|LEAVE GUILD
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberDemoteConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to demote {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberDemoteConfirmTitle|Confirm Demote
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberLeaveConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to leave {0}? You will lose all guild perks and rewards.
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberLeaveConfirmTitle|Confirm Leave
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberPromoteConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to promote {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberPromoteConfirmTitle|Confirm Promote
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberRemoveConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to remove {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberRemoveConfirmTitle|Confirm Remove
    GuildTransferLeaderView_LastLoginTime|Last Login:\n{0}
    GuildTransferLeaderView_SubTitle|Select a member to take over leadership of the guild:
    GuildTransferLeaderView_Title|TRANSFER LEADERSHIP

    If anyone is from Oceania or has a special connection to it you're more than welcome to join ANZGC.

    whoa nice

    This is the part that worries me.

    GuildCreateView_LackCurrencyMessage|You lack the required currency amount to create a guild.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    reizse wrote: »
    Guild datamine hidden behind a spoiler so there isn't a wall of text.
    FeatureLocked_Guilds|GUILDS LOCKED
    FeatureLocked_FleetPvp|FLEET ARENA LOCKED
    FeatureLocked_Raids|RAIDS LOCKED
    FeatureUnlockCelebration_Guilds|You have unlocked Guilds!
    AllyGuildRequestButtonCanInvite|GUILD INVITE
    AllyGuildRequestButtonInvitePending|INVITE PENDING
    FeatureTitle_GuildManagement|Guild Management
    GUILD_ERROR_PROMOTION_NOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_MEMBER_KEY|You cannot promote this guild member.
    GUILD_INVITE_MESSAGE_KEY|You have been invited to a guild!
    GUILD_JOIN_REQUEST_MESSAGE_KEY|This player would like to join your guild.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_0|May the Force be with you.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_1|Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_10|Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_11|You can't stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_12|It's a trap!
    GUILD_MESSAGE_13|Never tell me the odds.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_14|So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_2|You don't need to see his identification. These aren't the droids you're looking for. He can go about his business. Move along.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_3|Use the Force, Luke.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_4|I find your lack of faith disturbing.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_5|I've got a bad feeling about this.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_6|Let the wookiee win.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_7|The Force is strong with this one.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_8|That's no moon, it's a space station.
    GUILD_MESSAGE_9|Do. Or do not. There is no try.
    GUILD_PROMOTED_TO_LEADER_MESSAGE_KEY|Congratulations!\n\nYou have been promoted to guild leader!
    GUILD_PROMOTED_TO_LEADER_SUBJECT_KEY|You have been promoted to guild leader!
    GuildBaseView_GuildActivities|GUILD ACTIVITIES
    GuildCreateView_CreateTitle|CREATE A GUILD
    GuildCreateView_DailyGuildMessageTitle|Daily Guild Message
    GuildCreateView_DisbandButton|DISBAND GUILD
    GuildCreateView_DisbandGuildConfirmMessage|Are you sure you wish to disband your guild? This action cannot be reversed and all members will be removed from the guild.
    GuildCreateView_DisbandGuildConfirmTitle|DISBAND GUILD?
    GuildCreateView_EditTitle|MANAGE MY GUILD
    GuildCreateView_GlobalMessageDefault|Tap here to set an external message for your guild...
    GuildCreateView_GlobalMessageSubTitle|Tap a message to select it as your guild's external message.
    GuildCreateView_GuildNameDefault|Enter Guild Name
    GuildCreateView_InternalMessageDefault|Post an internal-facing message for your guild members...
    GuildCreateView_LackCurrencyMessage|You lack the required currency amount to create a guild.
    GuildCreateView_MinimumLevelToggle|MIN LVL
    GuildCreateView_NoGuildNameErrorMessage|You must enter a name for your guild.
    GuildCreateView_NoGuildNameErrorTitle|NAME REQUIRED
    GuildCreateView_QuantityTitle|SET MINIMUM LEVEL
    GuildCreateView_SelectLogoTitle|Select a logo for your guild
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildLevel|This feature unlocks at [f0ff23]Guild Level {0}[-].
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildLevelAndGuildMemberCount|This feature unlocks at [f0ff23]Guild Level {0}[-] and when you have {1} Guild Members.
    GuildFeatureLocked_GuildMemberCount|This feature unlocks when you have {0} Guild Members.
    GuildInvite_Generic_ErrorMessage|There was an error with this guild invitation.
    GuildInvite_GuildLevel|Guild Level: {0}
    GuildInvite_InvalidData_ErrorMessage|There was an error with this guild invitation. You may already be in a guild, or the guild invitation may have expired.
    GuildInvite_NoGuildFound_ErrorMessage|There was an error finding the guild for this invitation. The guild may have been disbanded.
    GuildRosterManagement_LeaveGuildNoOfficerMessage|You must promote a guild member to Officer before you can transfer guild leadership.
    GuildRosterManagement_LeaveGuildNoOfficerTitle|NO OFFICERS
    GuildRosterManagementView_DisbandGuildConfirmMessage|Are you sure you wish to disband {0}? All guild perks and rewards will be lost.
    GuildRosterManagementView_DisbandGuildConfirmTitle|Confirm Disband
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_GuildXp|GUILD XP
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_NoneFound|No Guild Member Found
    GuildRosterManagementView_FilterSort_PlayerLevel|PLAYER LEVEL
    GuildRosterManagementView_HUDTitle|MY GUILD
    GuildRosterManagementView_LeaveGuild|LEAVE GUILD
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberDemoteConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to demote {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberDemoteConfirmTitle|Confirm Demote
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberLeaveConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to leave {0}? You will lose all guild perks and rewards.
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberLeaveConfirmTitle|Confirm Leave
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberPromoteConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to promote {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberPromoteConfirmTitle|Confirm Promote
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberRemoveConfirmMessage|Are you sure you want to remove {0}?
    GuildRosterManagementView_MemberRemoveConfirmTitle|Confirm Remove
    GuildTransferLeaderView_LastLoginTime|Last Login:\n{0}
    GuildTransferLeaderView_SubTitle|Select a member to take over leadership of the guild:
    GuildTransferLeaderView_Title|TRANSFER LEADERSHIP

    If anyone is from Oceania or has a special connection to it you're more than welcome to join ANZGC.

    whoa nice

    This is the part that worries me.

    GuildCreateView_LackCurrencyMessage|You lack the required currency amount to create a guild.

    what currency could that be other than credits? a combination of current currency? or a new one introduced in a different game mode?
    mighty chlorians
  • Gamey
    19 posts Member
    I'm actually using all ewoks + RG to clear my GW, on average I can get to the 8th+ battle. And it's a nice change of pace from all the other characters.


  • Options
    Gamey wrote: »
    I'm actually using all ewoks + RG to clear my GW, on average I can get to the 8th+ battle. And it's a nice change of pace from all the other characters.


    I've began farming an ewok team. I'm so jealous.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Very nice Gamey how well does it do in arena I imagine pretty well. I'm at a dilemma I want to level up and use pretty much whole new line up need credits I may fall behind a little in too far in not to finish . use Vader in Gw works pretty well Magmaguards aoe pretty strong with Vader lead then vaders aoe after I need around 4 million credits lol
  • Options
    Looks like guilds are a go, are we all in?
  • Gamey
    19 posts Member
    Jabba wrote: »
    Very nice Gamey how well does it do in arena I imagine pretty well. I'm at a dilemma I want to level up and use pretty much whole new line up need credits I may fall behind a little in too far in not to finish . use Vader in Gw works pretty well Magmaguards aoe pretty strong with Vader lead then vaders aoe after I need around 4 million credits lol

    Haven't tried the team in arena yet, but I doubt it will do well. I find the team losing easily to a speed/high dmg team. The team is easily defeated once you kill EE. And CC is too easy to kill right off the bat.

    But I'm still gearing them in hopes that they'll be much more competitive after the tuning patch.
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Slewfoot wrote: »
    Looks like guilds are a go, are we all in?

    Yes, I'm in.

    Edit: I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that guild name would be attached to your in-game name, if that's the case it should be real easy for us to recruit the rest of the other top 50 or so players.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    @Prana_lama I think you had a better defense team before Rex. your current team doesn't hold up as well in the game's current state. maybe for the next arena rework though...
    mighty chlorians
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    as for guilds, I'm in. but I'm lazy so please don't make me an officer....I'll put in the work necessary to get us the best possible rewards or whatever, but no admin. I do way too much of that for my irl job.
    mighty chlorians
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    lol just had someone's yoda with 1 bar of red hp left 3v1. he dodged 6 attacks and killed everyone on my team. ridiculous. that's definitely a fight I should have won lol
    mighty chlorians
  • Options
    I would like to get this going on paper atleast before the update so we know where were at. As far as leadership I don't care, I think first we need to gather enough people then determine the leadership group. If I may put in my 2 cents, I think it would be for the best to be ran by a committee, rather than one person leader and bunch of officers.

    But of course, no pressure to anyone, if this thread doe not get enough people then at the end of the day we can find our own guilds, but would be fun to team up, only if we can gather enough peeps.
  • Options
    reizse wrote: »
    lol just had someone's yoda with 1 bar of red hp left 3v1. he dodged 6 attacks and killed everyone on my team. ridiculous. that's definitely a fight I should have won lol

    Lol, twice I had 1 left standing, I let the timer run out till 20 sec, dodge, dodge, dodge. Battle draw. -_-. Dooku power ftw
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    I guess I shouldn't take it personally when I get sniped by actives for the 6th consecutive day
    mighty chlorians
  • Options
    Sorry, reizse, I try to avoid you when I can but didn't want to battle gamey since he deserves it (can't remember the last time he ranked 1). Ugh..
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    I mean I purposefully avoid hitting anyone in our time zone but maybe I should consider it
    mighty chlorians
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    well no one pays any courtesy when I hit rank 1. I was dropped from it twice last week
    mighty chlorians
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    Well I do.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    I'm in for guild count me in. More and more popping up top 30 still only Kyodimos and myself at my time I shoot for second spot because I hate getting sniped from 5th usually Prana is there at my time
  • Options
    I'm in for the guild. Finally something new to look forward to with some challenge.
  • Options
    Prana_lama wrote: »
    I'm in for the guild. Finally something new to look forward to with some challenge.

    The wait was worth it.
    Alright!, big prana is also in!.
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Jabba wrote: »
    I'm in for guild count me in. More and more popping up top 30 still only Kyodimos and myself at my time I shoot for second spot because I hate getting sniped from 5th usually Prana is there at my time

    Lol jabba, it seems like you always mention kydoimos, the arch enemy.
    Jabbanator also in!
  • Options
    I finally gave in. I'm sick of losing in Arena so I switched to Luminara, Ahsoka, Rey, Daka, Savage. Hopefully I can get higher than rank 150 tomorrow. :'(

    From want I've seen rank 150 to about rank 20 in most servers are Mish mash of the same teams, you could realistically get top 40 if you wanted to.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Jabba wrote: »
    I'm in for guild count me in. More and more popping up top 30 still only Kyodimos and myself at my time I shoot for second spot because I hate getting sniped from 5th usually Prana is there at my time

    Lol jabba, it seems like you always mention kydoimos, the arch enemy.
    Jabbanator also in!

    Lol we have had some snipe battles for sure . I think 1 pretty important to guy from crystals he spends getting there and locking me down . I still get 1 but I try get it from the 2 spot I watched him yesterday come from 26 to 3 in 12 mins .
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    Im sure we can get at least 20 or so from this shard into a guild, the rest we can fill in from others. Im not sure how large it will be anyway, popular opinion seems to be around 30.

    i try to avoid others who are in the same time zone when leveling up, it gets tough when you get to the top 5 though. Not sure what happened yesterday, imgot knocked back from 8 to 37.

  • Gamey
    19 posts Member
    Thanks Rogan! I was very surprised that I got and held #1 yesterday. And you're right, it has been a long time... Unfortunately I'm rarely free around payout time.
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