Ship Battle 5-E


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    5e easy was the only node I didn't 3 star until I made to level 5 hard. Seems to be the only easy node with capital ship tm preloaded.
  • LE_DUC
    15 posts Member
    Yeah seems like this 5-E Normal battle have not been tested by devs, it's way unfair and not really fun to play.
  • Vohbo
    332 posts Member
    I complain a lot about the game and I think it's in an absolutely terrible state right now... But I 3-starred 5-E on my first attempt.
    Yes, you need high geared pilots, but it doesn't look all that hard to me.
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    5 hard battle are harder.. But the battles are long and intence!
  • newbornFL
    486 posts Member
    edited June 2018

    Post edited by newbornFL on
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Ah, complainers...
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    5e is nearly impossible with a standard team comp and the speed of the capital ship is a little bonkers. I beat it after a few attempts/squad changes. I did not feel accomplished.
    That said, I like the hard nodes, solid challenge, all seem reasonably difficult so far but I haven't made it back to 5e. Only on 5d now.
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    And whatever 3rd to start. Vader is ok but he'll probably die.
    Apply scimitar special on Biggs and he keeps taunting, countering and regen protection.
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    After breezing thru all up until 5-e on auto it’s really nice to see the difficulty in the hard nodes on 5 and really anything past 5-e, nice job by devs... now actually have a place to test out diff ship alignments
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    Its impossible to do , atleast not with tarkin's pre-nerf ultimate still instakills anything
  • Draw4wild
    73 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Considering all the farmable g12 components are behind this node, it makes perfect sense why ithis node is as hard as it is. Its 9-A LS all over again
    It’s just another way to force people who don’t like ships to invest in ships since there’s no reason to do so after the zeta challenge
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    5E normal is cake compared to the hard nodes.
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    5E normal is cake compared to the hard nodes.

    ^ This +100%
  • HoodieDM
    146 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    fell_swarm wrote: »
    Glad to see some proper challenges awaiting. Would've been a mite disappointed if I could thrash the new table in a few days.

    Exactly. Why do people assume they have to be able to beat everything the first day? Don't they want to actually play the game sometimes?

    This game isnt about beating anything. Its about wasting time in a never ending grind and spending $$.

  • Crowny
    273 posts Member
    5E normal is cake compared to the hard nodes.

    Yep, wait until you get owned by Mace Windu and some republic fighters
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    So, none of the stage 5 hard battles have blueprints or shards associated with it... that really sucks...
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    3 Star
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    I made it through everything. No whaling necessary.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    I got it first time with Biggs, Vader, and TFP in the starting lineup. Took me 4 tries to do 5e on the hard node though. Had to switch Vader out for Fives in the starting lineup.

    I don't mind difficult, but when the AI starts with full turn meter on all the ships and just wrecks my maxed out ships before they get a turn then I'm not a fan of it. The full turn meter on Tarkin is a pain as well, and he gets to the tie assault very quickly.
  • TVF
    36772 posts Member
    newbornFL wrote: »
    Its impossible to do

    And yet people are doing it.
    I need a new message here.
  • ÌN_Algorìthm
    77 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    I lost a few times. The key was to take it off auto.
    Post edited by ÌN_Algorìthm on
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    5 hard battle are harder.. But the battles are long and intence!
    5E normal is cake compared to the hard nodes.

    I really enjoyed the hard nodes, took a lot more thought to get through them with all your ships alive, and ofc all my best pilots w/ some newly upgraded abilities now that we had some more ship omegas to spend. Only managed to 3* half of the stage 5 hard nodes, but got all their lovely zetas. I think they did a good job with the ships table to start off.

    If you're getting wrecked w/ g12 pilots and fully maxed out abilities in the normal battle, definitely try switching up your lineup/strategy a bit. I had a lot more success without Biggs and Vader's Tie Advanced in my starting line up. FO ships work great for TM manipulation as you're gonna have to accept that your capital ship won't be going first and their fleets are powerful too.
  • KausDebonair
    1293 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    I squeaked by by the skin of my teeth on 5e normal. Chimera 5*, TFP g11, Vader g12, Biggs g11 starting lineup. FOTP g10, 5s g9, Boba g11 reinforcements. Tarkin got his ultimate and took out Vader, biggs, and boba, leaving TFP barely alive. I reinforced with 5s. TFP went down. Attacked with 5s AoE (sorta) target lock missile. Survived until I reinforced with FOTP. Barely survived long enough for my Chimera’s ultimate, only 5s was left with yellow health. 1 Star. Thank god it’s a normal node so I don’t have to worry about farming anybody there. I fully blame RNG for me surviving Tarkin’s ultimate.
  • FerLandrossa
    198 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    newbornFL wrote: »
    Its impossible to do with my underpowered/undergeared/unchanged lineup with no strategy , atleast not with tarkin's pre-nerf ultimate still instakills anything
    fixed that for you.

    Its not impossible. As previously stated by many others. Its only impossible if you dont have powerful enough fleets.

    It's an appropriately difficult barrier to earning zetas... and you only earn those once. They'll still be there for you down the track.

    Those hard nodes beyond are undoubtedly where top tier toons or ships are going to live in future.

    There are many things to complain about in this game. This is almost certainly not one of them. You really aren't missing anything right now.

    There are no characters shards to earn beyond this point at present. There probably will be in future. You will have time to strengthen your lineup to complete it before that happens.
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    Just saying, Phoenix ships do really well here off the bat as Phantom has Crit Immunity and Ghost is immune to TL. Took me 6 tries but I did it
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    I only have one answer : republic. The TIEs relie heavily on crit, if you have a republic fleet it becomes quite easy. First three : fives, Ahsoka and rex. As soon as possible, put the taunt on fives, then on second turn, put the clone sergent reinforcement. Ahsoka will be destroyed by then, but it's not a problem. In fact, it's better.

    Stall, stall, stall and keep the clone sergent alive, by all mean (here is rex). As soon as possible, call plo koon. Then it's gg because of the protection gains from plo + rex. 3rd reinforcement : consulary jedi.

    Good luck ! If you can pass through this one, the others are easy. I'm now working on the hard nodes;
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    Eventually just a waste of energy and time for the right RNG.
  • Semi
    133 posts Member
    This is end game content so it is normal to be hard.....otherwise it would be pointless and funless to autobattle all the ships node.
    You should know that.
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    Xezee wrote: »
    I think CG has some QA vacancies. If not they should have. This battle was obviously untouched by testers.
    Also g12, 7*, maxed ships.

    I wonder...
    Is it possible that the game developers created content that wasn’t intended to be cleared by every player on day 1?

    My ship roster is good (not great). I managed to 3* every ship node except 5E hard mode within 2 days. 5E hard I managed to clear with 1*. So I’ll keep tryin as I improve my fleet and eventually do it.

    A novel concept, I understand.
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