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    It seems to be wearing a red suit which would point to Malak and not jango fett...jango would be more sliver with some blue
  • nQthing
    89 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Ultra wrote: »
    No offense to Jango after fans but he never did anything noteworthy, spectacular or extraordinary and died right before the Clone Wars began

    Really not sure where the entire hype for Jango in the forums cane from but I don’t think he’s legendary tier

    He’s only the greatest mercenary in the universe and who’s dna was used to make an army of clones

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    XaVii wrote: »

    Definitely Jango.
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    Dated 9/12, solo dvd release is 9/14...
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    Looks like Revan to me.

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    Ah man, Jango is gonna be a lame marquee. Nearly 3years waiting for him :(
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    Looks like Revan to me.

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    It's Jango. See the outline above, then look closely again at him below


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    Another Marquee..... awesome
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    Ah man, Jango is gonna be a lame marquee. Nearly 3years waiting for him :(

    He's going to be the first of the new Legendaries. CG already said this next half of the fiscal year is legendaries
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    Sith anikan
    Get good and get a Revan. Ryanwhales
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    What do you guys think that dev announcement means? Jedi Luke????? REVAN????!!!!!!
  • crzydroid
    7382 posts Moderator
    Daker wrote: »
    They have been on a bounty hunter kick, and the only BH on the top 10 bounty hunter list that is not in the game is Jango Fett. But the login character this month is Leia, so maybe we are getting Bounty Hunter Leia.

    Speak for yourself. Zuckuss and 4-LOM are definitely in my top 10.

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    I think it looks like Jango...but with the KOTOR date connection wondering about Calo Nord-
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    Ah man, Jango is gonna be a lame marquee. Nearly 3years waiting for him :(

    He's going to be the first of the new Legendaries. CG already said this next half of the fiscal year is legendaries

    Did you not even read Carrie's post in here? Whoever this is teasing is not a legendary. It's a marquee.
  • Ultra
    11589 posts Moderator
    nQthing wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    No offense to Jango after fans but he never did anything noteworthy, spectacular or extraordinary and died right before the Clone Wars began

    Really not sure where the entire hype for Jango in the forums cane from but I don’t think he’s legendary tier

    He’s only the greatest mercenary in the universe and who’s dna was used to make an army of clones
    Yes, I understand but reputation doesn't mean anything (Supreme Leader Snoke). Yes , he was used to make clones and I understand people liking the clones (Such as Boba Fett or Rex due to other medium they are presented in). They have had a lot of screen time so that people can grow attached to it

    I'm sorry but I don't think Shmi Skywalker should be a legendary toon because her DNA gave birth to the chosen one
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    Solo is coming out next week on Amazon and iTunes...Maybe something to do with the characters they let us farm from it? (Guild Store for Han, Lando on an Ship node, Qi’ra on a 10 Cantina, Chewie on a less painful hard node, L3 on a 12 Cantina)
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    Definitely a pic of Leia.
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    It me, I'm that.

    As a reward for not getting banned for the past month I get to be a character. You'd think I'd get bonus shards or something, but even I've got to go through the marquee cycle for myself. Fair is fair.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    ok so i dont get how u all get Jango from a blur, whole lot of black in there, they guy had blue silver armor. this is why i dont speculate. Bottom line is the need to get him or her will be beyond stupid anyways
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    Prisoner leia9ezrca2cbfwx.jpeg
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    Seriously, if you “brought back teasers” for another marquee and not for something grander, you deserve all the negative reaction that’s coming.
    Ooba hutar.
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    if anyone cannot see this is jango. you need to get your minds and eyes checked
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    It looks like grevious
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    CG_Carrie wrote: »

    I'm neither confirming nor denying the speculation part, but I should have mentioned this as well - Crumb put this together because he wants to bring back the teaser since it has been requested a lot on the forums, and he's a fun person (and I'm not). I realize in hindsight that it may cause people to assume that whoever this character (or other) that the special attention means it's necessarily a Legendary, and while I don't like being the bearer of bad news (just kidding, I love it) - I did want to make sure we were clear.

    I'm definitely disappointed that Carrie is pointing us to it being a marquee character and not a legendary. But either way I think the tease and the speculation is fun! I understand why people requested it be brought back.
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    Intrapidoo wrote: »

    I little cleaner picture looks like jango

    It honestly looks like HK47.... I hope not but it could be a reworked HK47. That's my guess anyways.
  • BlackHawk75k
    81 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    @CG_SBcrumb: my question is, will the blur become clear on 9/12/18 or is that when this blur is to be released into the game?
  • vincentlondon
    4527 posts Member
    edited September 2018

    Darth Revan
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