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    It's obviously someone incredibly important, like Jango or Revan (the latter is my guess)

    I mean, they have never done something this major and cryptic before to announce a character so...
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    Ya'll need to cut Carrie some slack.

    Go back and re-read what she actually said.

    Basically it's this: Hey guys, Crumb decided to bring back teasers cuz they are fun, and people seemed to like them. However, do not assume that every single teaser(this one for 9/12, or any other one going forward) is going to be for a Legendary. They might be, but they might not be.

    She's just saying that using a teaser like this doesn't automatically mean it's for a legendary. This one *might* be, but the next one in 3 months could be a marquee character. Or something else entirely.
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    Endor Han, seriously,we need him
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    Could it be this?
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    Haruk wrote: »
    Ya'll need to cut Carrie some slack.

    Go back and re-read what she actually said.

    Basically it's this: Hey guys, Crumb decided to bring back teasers cuz they are fun, and people seemed to like them. However, do not assume that every single teaser(this one for 9/12, or any other one going forward) is going to be for a Legendary. They might be, but they might not be.

    She's just saying that using a teaser like this doesn't automatically mean it's for a legendary. This one *might* be, but the next one in 3 months could be a marquee character. Or something else entirely.

    Someone get this man a cookie. Spot on.

    We all wanted fun things, they give us something fun to mull over. We all wanted clarity, and they go out of their way to hint to avoid possible disappointment.

    I will be the first one to say I personally am not overly excited to hear about marquee again...but appreciate today for what it was. A great 3hrs of photoshop and speculation, followed by them being direct to avoid possible let downs.

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    That looks like Meetra's belt or Malak's uniform
  • lovemat
    270 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Going by the date that Kyno has shared, something to do with KOTOR would make sense even though I initially thought it was jango.

    If you assume that it’s showing a character from behind, on the left side there seems to be a bit of a drape from the shoulder. If we assuming this is a half cape, the red light could be a saber.

    Malek wields his saber on the same side as his cape. I don’t know how to post pictures but here’s an image to go by, just imagine he’s facing the other way...

    Could be Malak legendary most characters for that have been farmable for a while
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    It's Gonk droid and new droid meta.
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    Looks like Deadpool to me...
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    It's obviously six giant squirrels with a robe, a fancy headdress, and a ring of levitation.
    Still not a he.
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    Darth Revan

    It's Jango. See the outline above, then look closely again at him below


    Im telling you its nor jango or reaven so when you get mad I'm goo n to say I told you so but have no idea who it is but he doesent habe a helmet
    Get good and get a Revan. Ryanwhales
  • ThyTucker
    2 posts Member
    edited September 2018
  • ThyTucker
    2 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Turn it sideways you see a face
    Looks kinda like Asaj to me
    Post edited by ThyTucker on
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    so I know alot of talk about jango and also jabba. but what about someone from the original star wars triology? Sept 12 2011 was the release of HD first 3 films of star wars, maybe this is a play of that? Everything was bad resolution until sept 12th...
    this also connects to ROLO as login char.
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    Megamatch wrote: »
    so I know alot of talk about jango and also jabba. but what about someone from the original star wars triology? Sept 12 2011 was the release of HD first 3 films of star wars, maybe this is a play of that? Everything was bad resolution until sept 12th...
    this also connects to ROLO as login char.

    I always thought ROLO login == new TB map replacing/supplementing current LSTB. But seriously, good one.
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    to be honest, if I zoom out the pic it kinda looks like salacious crumb which would be double pun seeing as who posted the image, doubt they would add that character but maybe someone from jabbas palace..
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    Megamatch wrote: »
    so I know alot of talk about jango and also jabba. but what about someone from the original star wars triology? Sept 12 2011 was the release of HD first 3 films of star wars, maybe this is a play of that? Everything was bad resolution until sept 12th...
    this also connects to ROLO as login char.

    Jabba is an original trilogy character.
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    Megamatch wrote: »
    so I know alot of talk about jango and also jabba. but what about someone from the original star wars triology? Sept 12 2011 was the release of HD first 3 films of star wars, maybe this is a play of that? Everything was bad resolution until sept 12th...
    this also connects to ROLO as login char.

    I always thought ROLO login == new TB map replacing/supplementing current LSTB. But seriously, good one.

    September 12th is the day the next Territory Battle starts. Who knows? They could hit us with a new one with no warning. If that photo is Jango it'd make sense that it's a Geonosis map with Jango being the special mission character as Rebel Officer Leia is for her Hoth map.
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    Google Luke Skywalker in the emperor's throne room. It looks like it coulf be luke on the scene where he is declaring himself a jedi.

    Also Rolo is the login character so that also points to jedi luke.
  • Ultra
    11589 posts Moderator
    edited September 2018
    CG_Carrie wrote: »
    Why would you do a special tease like this if it's just another marquee?

    Cuz it's Jango and people have been clamoring for since forever. Has to be one of the most requested toons.

    I'm neither confirming nor denying the speculation part, but I should have mentioned this as well - Crumb put this together because he wants to bring back the teaser since it has been requested a lot on the forums, and he's a fun person (and I'm not). I realize in hindsight that it may cause people to assume that whoever this character (or other) that the special attention means it's necessarily a Legendary, and while I don't like being the bearer of bad news (just kidding, I love it) - I did want to make sure we were clear.

  • Roopehunter
    1188 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Jango confirmed!
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    Still not a he.
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    Jango confirmed!

    I don't see enough silver and blue in the image for it to be jango it just hast too much black in the picture for a character that wears silver and blue armor.

    Jango never wears black in any scene of the movies.
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    Pre Vizsla confirmed.
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    Ultra is like the Hulk to my Bruce Banner. I like it.
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    The darkness in the image could just mean that Jango is in a dark, indoors area,
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    I do see a Mandalore uniform. It could be Pre Vizsla. It could be Cassus Fett. Highly doubt it’s Jango. There’s too much brown at the midriff and no back pack and wearing a cape.
  • Tautas
    87 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Finally Jango Fett coming. This probably means that we will need to have either bounty hunters, either jedi, either separatists for getting him.
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    Am actually hoping for this, but if they make her a lightside bounty hunter she's going to lose a lot of value. It'd be the same if they added Kenobi's Rako Hardeen disguise.
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