Yoda: Comments & Questions (Merged Threads)


  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Koth wrote: »
    Has anyone beaten 7* yoda yet with: Barris, QGJ, Lumi, JC & Koth? This is the team I'm currently working on and I want to know if this is even possible or if I should just cut my losses and start farming for something else instead?

    I beat the 7 star challenge with that exact group. It only took about 6 attempts, but I got extremely lucky with who Yoda attacked.

    Beat the event with that team my first try. Autoed 5 and 6 and 7 wasn't too bad either.
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    Are people really beating the 7* Yoda? I have been tring non stop for about 5 hours now. Lumi, Q, JC, Ashoka and Kit are getting smacked around constantly. Sadly I have only gotten him in the yellow about a dozen times and lowest he has been is down to the word Yoda. Hoping for evasions seems like a **** strategy, is there something I am missing or is that the only way? Lol on that, him getting foresight when I dodge the attack is crazy too, that never happens to Rey.

    By the way all my characters are level 70, at least gear level 7 and 95% of skills are level 5
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    J7000 wrote: »
    Koth wrote: »
    Has anyone beaten 7* yoda yet with: Barris, QGJ, Lumi, JC & Koth? This is the team I'm currently working on and I want to know if this is even possible or if I should just cut my losses and start farming for something else instead?

    I beat the 7 star challenge with that exact group. It only took about 6 attempts, but I got extremely lucky with who Yoda attacked.

    Beat the event with that team my first try. Autoed 5 and 6 and 7 wasn't too bad either.

    OMG HOW :(
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Are people really beating the 7* Yoda? I have been tring non stop for about 5 hours now. Lumi, Q, JC, Ashoka and Kit are getting smacked around constantly. Sadly I have only gotten him in the yellow about a dozen times and lowest he has been is down to the word Yoda. Hoping for evasions seems like a **** strategy, is there something I am missing or is that the only way? Lol on that, him getting foresight when I dodge the attack is crazy too, that never happens to Rey.

    By the way all my characters are level 70, at least gear level 7 and 95% of skills are level 5

    Myriads are getting him....

    As for "****" strategies try reading the thread. I would say that your gear level is low and so are your abilities.
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    Hey guys. I just completed 7 star yoda. Tough battle, but after several tries I realized I was making it much harder than it needed to be. Yoda gains turn meter every time he resists a status effect which he almost always does. So if you use the wrong attacks he gets an insane number of turns. For me this was lumi's special attack, qgj and mace debut for attacks. Stick to basics and specials with no debuff capability and you'll get past him. Good luck.
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    Are people really beating the 7* Yoda? I have been tring non stop for about 5 hours now. Lumi, Q, JC, Ashoka and Kit are getting smacked around constantly. Sadly I have only gotten him in the yellow about a dozen times and lowest he has been is down to the word Yoda. Hoping for evasions seems like a **** strategy, is there something I am missing or is that the only way? Lol on that, him getting foresight when I dodge the attack is crazy too, that never happens to Rey.

    By the way all my characters are level 70, at least gear level 7 and 95% of skills are level 5

    My 7* Jedi aren't that well-built, but I did beat the level after numerous tries and next to the last day of the event. As many mentioned, it's "95% RNG" and no matter if you run Eeth or Ima, it's RNG which will decide whether opponent Yoda goes berserk and wipes out your team. ;)

    Good luck, I'd imagine players will need many hours of frustrating attempts to get a good RNG-run luck to beat this. But Yoda is worth it, IMO.

  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Are people really beating the 7* Yoda? I have been tring non stop for about 5 hours now. Lumi, Q, JC, Ashoka and Kit are getting smacked around constantly. Sadly I have only gotten him in the yellow about a dozen times and lowest he has been is down to the word Yoda. Hoping for evasions seems like a **** strategy, is there something I am missing or is that the only way? Lol on that, him getting foresight when I dodge the attack is crazy too, that never happens to Rey.

    By the way all my characters are level 70, at least gear level 7 and 95% of skills are level 5

    My 7* Jedi aren't that well-built, but I did beat the level after numerous tries and next to the last day of the event. As many mentioned, it's "95% RNG" and no matter if you run Eeth or Ima, it's RNG which will decide whether opponent Yoda goes berserk and wipes out your team. ;)

    Good luck, I'd imagine players will need many hours of frustrating attempts to get a good RNG-run luck to beat this. But Yoda is worth it, IMO.

    Hopefully!! Lumi or mace better leadd?
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    I can't even get 6* Yoda into yellow. My team is getting annihilated:

    7* Lumi 70
    7* Ahsoka 67
    7* Eeth 64
    6* JC 70
    6* Mace 70

    Total squad power is over 25K.
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    Hey guys. I just got my seven star yoda and thought i'd offer some help for those still struggling with it.
    First, my team:
    Qui gon jinn as leader
    Jedi Consular
    everyone level seventy and close to max gear and skills.

    so anyway, I was getting my butt handed to me constantly like many people when I finally realized i was making a critical error. Yoda gets turn meter from resisting debuffs so my best attacks were boosting his speed giving him free attacks. so using lumi's special attack on him speeds him up. so does using qui gon and maces buff removing attacks when yoda has tenacity up. as soon as i stopped using these i started getting more turns in and took him down.

    If you are struggling with him look at your characters attack skills and stop using anything with a debuff attached.

    Incidently, for those interested, yoda has 71,435 hp. (mace got expose through a couple times during my runs, it did 14,287)

    Hope you found this useful. good luck everyone.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Thnx and yes it could be helpful, knowing not to try an debuff him and knowing not to force push him is valuable advice if true (i am close to 7* but need 47 more shards before i can go for it)
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    How many attempts?
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    Baldo wrote: »
    Are people really beating the 7* Yoda? I have been tring non stop for about 5 hours now. Lumi, Q, JC, Ashoka and Kit are getting smacked around constantly. Sadly I have only gotten him in the yellow about a dozen times and lowest he has been is down to the word Yoda. Hoping for evasions seems like a **** strategy, is there something I am missing or is that the only way? Lol on that, him getting foresight when I dodge the attack is crazy too, that never happens to Rey.

    By the way all my characters are level 70, at least gear level 7 and 95% of skills are level 5

    My 7* Jedi aren't that well-built, but I did beat the level after numerous tries and next to the last day of the event. As many mentioned, it's "95% RNG" and no matter if you run Eeth or Ima, it's RNG which will decide whether opponent Yoda goes berserk and wipes out your team. ;)

    Good luck, I'd imagine players will need many hours of frustrating attempts to get a good RNG-run luck to beat this. But Yoda is worth it, IMO.

    Hopefully!! Lumi or mace better leadd?

    I got him with lumi lead. Mw JC qgj EK . u can do it!
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    @FashionFett so I gotta ask what does RNG stand for? See it posted a ton on this board but can not figure this acronym out.
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    Altoon33 wrote: »
    Good call . I hope I make it to the 7* challenge before it ends . Barriss farming is hit or miss , I need 90 shards ?

    Barriss is about a 1/4 chance on squad cantina battles. Heroic mode shards are 1/3 usually.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Great success people!!!!!!!!! Got him hahaha! Mace lead!
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    Yes Mace lead!!!!
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Lumi screws you two ways unless you are lucky:
    Ability block resisted gives Yoda turn.
    Or she gets dodge and Yoda immediately steals it but for some reason in turns into crit raise and damage raise so you get massacred.
    I couldn't win until I replaced her with Barriss. But it certainly felt MUCH easier than last month since this was my only change and I never got close last month with no other gear or level changes.
    I also recall getting constantly hit for 6k last month and it was only 3.5k today.
    First try got the 7*
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    Completed Yoda 7 with Mace, Koth, JC, QGJ, Lumi. So it can be done.
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    Been at it since the event went live, and though I've had my fair share of luck both good and bad, still haven't gotten past the 7 star. 6 was a piece of cake, and immediately after leveling and gearing Yoda, I went from #6 to #1 in arena.

    I think I've come to the conclusion that level 63 with 4's and 5's for abilities and all purple gear isn't quite enough. I did realize that the next upgrade for JC's heal is a -1 on the cooldown, so once I get the mats again I'll give it another go. My 7* team consists of Lumi, JC, QGJ, JKG, Aayla, Ahsoka, Kit. Unfortunately Barriss is still at 5* or I'd already have this licked.

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    I finished 1-4 in about 5 minutes today. I thought it would be a little challenging.

    Won't be able to do 5 until I get Ahsoka to 5* in a few days.
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    Baldo wrote: »
    Great success people!!!!!!!!! Got him hahaha! Mace lead!

    Very nice! I did it with Lumi as my leader. I thought the extra evasion would help out a bit. Mace a leader? Wow, I wish I could re-do the mission for fun. It would be interesting to see how Mace does against Yoda. Then again, my Mace is only 5 stars...
    2761 posts Member
    Congrats @Baldo!
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • HamSandwich
    63 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Ok, so I've read several comments on here stating that you should only use basic attacks, and that you should not use Lumi as a lead, based on Yoda's passive when he resists. Reading comprehension for the win, folks.


    Not when he dodges, not when he resists damage, but a negative status effect, such as slow, or offense down, damage over time, stun, etc. And it's not just Yoda, it's any Jedi ally that resists such a negative status effect.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Baldo wrote: »
    Great success people!!!!!!!!! Got him hahaha! Mace lead!

    Very nice! I did it with Lumi as my leader. I thought the extra evasion would help out a bit. Mace a leader? Wow, I wish I could re-do the mission for fun. It would be interesting to see how Mace does against Yoda. Then again, my Mace is only 5 stars...

    Yes mace leader for the 20% offense up and the 9% crit chance! Yoda also seems to target leaders so him having higher health helped alot!
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Congrats @Baldo!

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    @FashionFett so I gotta ask what does RNG stand for? See it posted a ton on this board but can not figure this acronym out.

    RNG stands for Random Number Generator, generally it refers to all the little calculations that go into a game that can affect play positively or negatively.

    does dooku follow up a hit? RNG

    Does Lumi evade a hit? RNG

    Do you get a purple gear or a hero shard when you do a mission? RNG.

    So if someone gets 3 hero shards in a row...RNG. If someone gets 0 hero shards in 12 tries...RNG.
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    bleeaauuh wrote: »
    A squad that will very very easily best 7* yoda
    Bariss lead
    Beat him in 4 goes with all characters at full hp

    WTB 170 Barriss Offee shards. Not having that 3rd healer makes all the difference in the world.
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    Serrano wrote: »
    I've been using the following, and no luck:

    - QGJ (lead): 6* VII
    - Lumi: 7* VIII
    - JC: 6* V
    - Mace Windu: 6* V
    - Eeth Koth: 6* IV

    My strategy is as follows:
    1) Use QGJ as lead.
    2) Always attack Yoda, ignore the 2 guardians.
    3) Whenever Yoda has foresight use basic attack since it won't hit him anyway.

    Any recommendations?? Thanks!

    Make sure you aren't using Lumi's force blast on any Jedi with Yoda, as any attack that has the potential to put a red icon over their head will result in them gaining tenacity and turn meter.
  • Skye
    795 posts Member
    Baldo wrote: »
    J7000 wrote: »
    Koth wrote: »
    Has anyone beaten 7* yoda yet with: Barris, QGJ, Lumi, JC & Koth? This is the team I'm currently working on and I want to know if this is even possible or if I should just cut my losses and start farming for something else instead?

    I beat the 7 star challenge with that exact group. It only took about 6 attempts, but I got extremely lucky with who Yoda attacked.

    Beat the event with that team my first try. Autoed 5 and 6 and 7 wasn't too bad either.

    OMG HOW :(

    Due to luck most likely... You need to luck out on the two Jedi with Yoda

    Basically you want to look for Yoda having two slow teammates...

    The time I beat it (using the same group) was when Yoda had both Obi Wan and the guardian... both very slow and don't really do much damage... so you can just concentrate on yoda and ignore his team mates...

    Additionally you need a bit of luck.. You want Yoda to focus on Barriss in particular and not anyone else... As she is the only one who can survive Unstoppable force if it crits... as the others in your team do not have a lot of health... If Yoda goes nuts on QGJ and/or luminara, it gets very difficult because those two are your primary source of damage... and often you will need to use one of them to remove Yoda's foresight before you can damage him... Eeth hits moderately hard himself but he is much slower than the other two...

    Basically you do not want to see Yoda with any healers or attacker type jedi... if he's with tanky characters and slow that's your best bet.

    Former crazy person of the guild "Shard Awakens"... *quit game 13th July 2016*

    Game used to be fun when it wasn't a grind... if I wanted a grind I would have went and played old school Everquest or some Korean MMO!
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Cpt_Dan wrote: »
    The 6* event was really easy, the 7* one had me on the edge of throwing my phone.

    That is where I'm at right now. Same team and there's no challenge to this. It's all luck and I haven't had any good luck in about 30 attempts.
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Ok, so I've read several comments on here stating that you should only use basic attacks, and that you should not use Lumi as a lead, based on Yoda's passive when he resists. Reading comprehension for the win, folks.


    Not when he dodges, not when he resists damage, but a negative status effect, such as slow, or offense down, damage over time, stun, etc. And it's not just Yoda, it's any Jedi ally that resists such a negative status effect.

    Exactly. She relies on luck to use not to do with leading, but both of her attacks can cause pain. Force blast has high chance of negative status effect. And her regular attacks gives herself a POSITIVE status effect that sets Yoda on a rampage and gives him 2 UNRELATED positive statuses more potent than +10% dodge.

    This may be moot now, though since Yodas hits seem reduced in damage significantly.
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