Yoda: Comments & Questions (Merged Threads)


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    And BOOM just like that, got him with Plo Koon and Kit and beat him
  • IG69
    31 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    IG69 wrote: »
    So I was hoping that when it came back it would start at beginning again. Last time I had 4* team, now close to a 6* and I still won't get yoda. So I now have to grind away to get 5 characters up to 7* by next time?
    GW resets every 24 hours why not the Yoda event once a month.

    This makes no sense. If you have 5 5* Jedi, you can get 5* Yoda. Not sure what the problem is?

    Typo I am almost to 5*, just grinding Plo Koon shards. Should get by end of event. But I was hoping it would reset so I could get more than the 145 shards. So yeah if I can get 20 more shards I'll get him. Annoyed that I refrained from promoting characters that I want to use so that I could promote Jedis.
  • Dario
    326 posts Member
    The problem is Q as lead.. Put mace for offence makes it easier
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    Woot complete 7* yoda

    My team was

    Lumi leader
    Jedi consular

    All were max gear minus hair dryer 50 items peice. Attack skills were maxed except for last rank primary attack from ashoka mace and lumi.

    I fought a koth/barris comp and got extremely lucky on dodging yoda attacks. Bariss also helped taking away 50% yodas health to save herself but even with that gimmicks I was very lucky dodging his attacks.

    Hope this gives others some hope, done with with non pay to play jedi. It did take a ton of tries about 3.5 hrs nearly non stop attempts. When I was done I was shocked and keep forgetting i did it lol.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • HamSandwich
    63 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    BentWookie wrote: »
    VikingSith wrote: »
    Nice.... curious to see how anyone beats this lineup. First move in one shotted my QGJ power 5629....
    Running QGJ, Lumi, Kit, Aayla and JC all level 70 all 7 star all max or near max gear and I never got Yoda to yellow health.

    I ran that team and beat the challenge in about 30:00, you can do it! :)
    Good luck!

    Who did you use for lead, Lumi or QGJ? I'm starting to get the feeling that at level 63 with no Barriss, it's not possible.
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    Ugh. Yoda event is like 95% RNG luck.
    Just completed it after at least 100 tries (including retreats).

    Lumi (Lead)
    Kit Fisto
    Eeth Koth

    Faced Barriss and Jedi Knight guardian.
    Barriss tactic worked for me. I got lucky though, got Barriss down to a sliver, she didn't heal. Got JKG down to a sliver THEN she healed and Yoda was down to 1/3 health. Took Yoda out then finished off the other two.

    Still took tons of luck. So glad I never have to deal with that again
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    I beat 7☆ Yoda event with:
    Lumi (lead)
    Kit Fisto

    Had lots of trouble the first ten or so tries then I went for Yoda FIRST and beat it on my first attempt that way. Hope this helps someone.
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    They nerfed the yoda event so should see a ton of 7 * yoda now.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Jedisplice wrote: »
    They nerfed the yoda event so should see a ton of 7 * yoda now.

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    IG69 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    IG69 wrote: »
    So I was hoping that when it came back it would start at beginning again. Last time I had 4* team, now close to a 6* and I still won't get yoda. So I now have to grind away to get 5 characters up to 7* by next time?
    GW resets every 24 hours why not the Yoda event once a month.

    This makes no sense. If you have 5 5* Jedi, you can get 5* Yoda. Not sure what the problem is?

    Typo I am almost to 5*, just grinding Plo Koon shards. Should get by end of event. But I was hoping it would reset so I could get more than the 145 shards. So yeah if I can get 20 more shards I'll get him. Annoyed that I refrained from promoting characters that I want to use so that I could promote Jedis.

    Just promote Jedi you will use then. ;)

    QGJ, Lumi, etc.

    Well except Eeth. I use Eeth, but only because he is soooo easy to farm and gear.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
    2761 posts Member
    Jedisplice wrote: »
    They nerfed the yoda event so should see a ton of 7 * yoda now.

    Why spread this rumor if you don't know. If you do know that, what is the proof? I got 7* yoda but he was still very tough and took a lot of RNG on my side. And good strategy and well timed heals.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Finally got 7* yoda down. Ignore the advice to not use humbling blow. It got me offense up which let me win. That was against a mace/plo helper team.
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    I ended up winning with Luminara lead, Barriss, JC, Ahsoka, and QGJ. It took a few dozen attempts or so and the team I finally beat was mace/plo/yoda. The 6* event was really easy, the 7* one had me on the edge of throwing my phone.
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    Yeah for 6* I was testing (not purposely trying to win) and a toon like Lumi or Barriss as lead performs better than QGJ as lead.
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    Nobody knows anything in this forum... Just guesses from ill informed comments

    2761 posts Member
    Baldo wrote: »
    OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK THIS IS SO D*MB Are your abilities maxed what am I missing here?

    Are all of your Jedi level 70? Are your basics and heals maxed? If so, the only thing you are missing is patience. Keep trying, it is supposed to be hard.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    you beat it yet Baldo??
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK THIS IS SO D*MB Are your abilities maxed what am I missing here?

    Are all of your Jedi level 70? Are your basics and heals maxed? If so, the only thing you are missing is patience. Keep trying, it is supposed to be hard.

  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK THIS IS SO D*MB Are your abilities maxed what am I missing here?

    Are all of your Jedi level 70? Are your basics and heals maxed? If so, the only thing you are missing is patience. Keep trying, it is supposed to be hard.

  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    you beat it yet Baldo??

    God no man!
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    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Artas wrote: »
    But it is said that you must have 5 jedis in order to fight Yoda and claim him. Was it mentioned you must have Bariss and without her this mission is impossible???

    Hard does not equal impossible.


    I salute you!!! Impressive! Gives me hope!
    Line: xSNAKEMAN
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    Just wanted to comment on something that was posted earlier. Resists do not give him turn meter nor does only using basic attacks. I have yet to learn his turn meter (seems to be Crit based but still need more testing) I can confirm that resists do not give him turn meter. In my last 15 tried I have used Q's humbling blow, and they had all been resisted. Not one time did Yoda gain turn meter or attack right afterward.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Just wanted to comment on something that was posted earlier. Resists do not give him turn meter nor does only using basic attacks. I have yet to learn his turn meter (seems to be Crit based but still need more testing) I can confirm that resists do not give him turn meter. In my last 15 tried I have used Q's humbling blow, and they had all been resisted. Not one time did Yoda gain turn meter or attack right afterward.

    While I am not disagreeing with you, it seems like strange that it wouldn't give him turn meter, since that is what his leader ability does.

    Are you on the 7* fight?
  • Koth
    21 posts Member
    Has anyone beaten 7* yoda yet with: Barris, QGJ, Lumi, JC & Koth? This is the team I'm currently working on and I want to know if this is even possible or if I should just cut my losses and start farming for something else instead?
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    I can't seem to beat him is there a certain strategy I should be using? Maybe I just need to fully gear and level my Jedi, I didn't level the subpar characters fully to see if I can beat it and save the resources. So my team is as follows. *7 lvl 70 QGJ max gear *7 lvl 70Lumi Max gear *7 lvl 70 bariss Max gear *7 lvl 60 consular purple gear but not Max and *7 lvl 60 Eath Koth 1 gear peice away from purple, already have the gear to upgrade but didn't want to waste.
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    Woot! Can't believe it. Just beat 7* yoda. Lost count with the amount of attempts. Yoda was with lumi and Jedi guardian. Took yoda down first.

    My squad was lumi (lead), QGJ, kit, jc, and aayala. Only toons at gear level 8 were QGJ and jc. All toons at level 70. only toon with max ability level on any skill or basic attack was QGJ, and that was only on his assist attack. Used QGJ's assist ability every chance I got. Got lucky with the counter attacks removing yoda's foresight. Got very lucky with the dodges/deflections, and extremely lucky that lumi didn't get off one of her mega heals before I downed the little green guy. I'm very happy the AI isn't better than what it is.
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    Well I have my Yoda now.... yippie. Grind for 3 weeks and get him in with 1 min.
  • XCOM
    250 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    2nd try got 6* Yoda, Barris lead(Lumi didn't work), Lumi Koth QGJ JC (Koth QGJ and Barris are 6* all max gear almost max relevant abilities level 70 all)
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