Yoda: Comments & Questions (Merged Threads)


  • dtmike1
    242 posts Member
    Their is hope!

    Last month I only had enough in game resources to unlock Yoda in the 5th challenge. I've watched a few videos and read a few forums over the last month about acquiring 7* Yoda. Use these characters and with those characters but don't use these characters.

    Pretty much, it's mostly a luck thing that will test your patience. You'll get so tired of seeing that little green goblin spanking your team so bad over and over again you'll just wanna throw your device across the room.

    I used a team of the easily farmable characters. Ya know, the ones everyone has told you to avoid on most forums I read. Like Eeth Koth and Mace. I also had Qui-Gon, Luminara and Jedi Consular. All were at level 70 with level 8 gear. All my abilities were at level 6 minus leader abilities. I pretty much don't bother with those outside Qui-Gon and Luminara.

    Some folks had said to retreat until you catch a break with one member of Yodas team having lower health. I never seen one with low health. Another person said destroy his team, then go for Yoda... That didn't work... One said wait for Offee to show up on his team and beat up the team until she does her health special because it would take away health... No, she never fired it until I'd work on Yoda.

    I'm sure all of these strategies had worked for people thus why they posted them. Yet, I still think everyone who has finally taken home the trophy was mostly a luck thing.

    When I finally beat Yoda about 45min to an hour in the conditions just fell into place. Luminara was leader. Yodas team was Jedi guardian and Plo Koon. I had decided to focus on Yoda from the start. He did ninja beating (what I call it) then the tenacity spread... I sent him my hardest force blasts yet saved EethEth Koths... Had his health down to the G in Grand Master Yoda.

    Mace just so happened to expose Yoda before his turn which surprised me. Most of the time it would show only on his team and not Yoda... I fired his Shatterpoint special and Yodas health went from the G in Grand to M in Master. When it came back to Eeth Koth I fired his force special... It actually stunned Yoda for once. I blew threw my turns and Yoda was in the red with only two bars left. Qui-Gons double attack finished Yoda off because Yoda dodged Qui-Gon but Luminara was the follow up.

    I seen Yoda fall and noticed I still had all my characters and had over half my health. Fired off Luminaras health boost and suddenly I had five full health against two full Health. Once I defeated Plo Koon I let the auto play finish the Jedi guardian.

    So, my point is the conditions just happened to be right for that moment. I had fired Eeth Koths stun blast like 50 times in the hour I had played level 7 and had only stunned Yoda one other time. Most of the time he dodged or just took the damage. Mace had never exposed Yoda. It was always one of Yodas teammates. The planets aligned for that one moment.

    So, if you haven't got your 7* Yoda yet, thinking of throwing your device against the wall or just new to the Yoda challenge. My advice is use pretty much who ever you have or want to use. The Grand Master Training challenge is mostly about patience. Keep taking those beatings because eventually it will pay off.

    Thanks for reading my epic post.

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    I loved the Yoda Challenge!! first time around I could not beat 7*, than I farmed Barriss and after about 7 tries I won!! Best challenge in game, takes some luck, strong characters, no errors for mistakes

  • HamSandwich
    63 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Ok, this is getting more than a little frustrating. On any attempt today at 7 star where I've gotten a decent enemy combo, Yoda has killed off one of my team members before I get a turn, even if it means him taking 3 consecutive turns to start the game. So frustrating. And I can't recall once where my healers have gotten off more than one heal. Seems even more difficult than yesterday, even though I reduced JC's cooldown by 1, added 4 other pieces of gear to my team. Ugh.

    It sure would be nice if CG told us the rules Yoda plays by for this challenge, as clearly they're not limited to his listed skills. Even a level 70 restriction for the 7-star event would be nice, considering that without Barriss, it's impossible to beat at less than 70. Not difficult, not challenging, impossible. I've wasted the better portion of 24 hours on attempts, and it's just ridiculous.
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    Trying trying trying ... but Yoda killing me.Need suggestion for level 7 fight?

    My Level7 Team:

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    I'm beyond ****, there are some crazy bugs in this 7 star match just had a match where Qgj hit jc peeled his buff and yet none of my guys got the offense up...today is also pulling out 4 attacks a turn. Watched him hit twice with no turn meter at all.
  • dtmike1
    242 posts Member
    See, I didn't have Barriss. I had never farmed for her. She's on my to do list... No pun intended. :smile:
  • HamSandwich
    63 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    This is my last attempt. All this before I got a turn even.


    Not pictured are Lumi and Ahsoka, who were already dead. Oh, all my characters are level 64, all in purple gear, and all with 4's and 5's on abilities. My best guess is after reading all the comments of "waited 3 weeks and beat it in 1 minute, i'm so cool..." by the maxed 70's with Barriss, the devs decided to crank it up a notch. Maybe 1 in 4 attempts now I actually make it to my first turn with all 5 characters alive. Pretty rare do I make it a full round without needing a heal, and if you do the math, that makes it impossible with 2 healers. As the above picture shows, this is not challenging. It doesn't require strategy. It doesn't require skill. I can see maybe if my characters had level 1-2 abilities and were in blue and green gear, but come on, these are geared characters.

    As I'm rapidly approaching 300 attempts, I fully expect the next time I start the event that Yoda will say "come on dude, what are you thinking? Just pack up your **** and go home already."
  • Wibble
    78 posts Member
    TSiTaS wrote: »
    Wibble wrote: »
    Quick question. I'm farming up Lumi, JC, Eeth, QGJ, Barriss for the challenge, but won't be ready for 7* until next time. How important is it not to upgrade QGJ's dispel to the level that includes offence up? I mean, I know I shouldn't use dispel with offence up, but how important is being able to use QGJ's dispel in the 7* battle? It seems to me that it would be crucial against Yoda's constant buffs, but I'm not sure if it's useless against 7* Yoda anyway.

    The reason I ask is that he is somewhat underpowered by the lack of availability of offence up at the moment, and I would be stuck with this for the next month if I wait until after I have 7* Yoda before boosting him. He's halfway to 6* so just starting to be half-useful in the Arena.

    Not important at all. I did(2nd try!!) Yoda 7* with the exact same team as the one you mentioned(Barris as leader) and never used the dispel. In fact DON'T use it, it will be resisted and yoda will gain turn meters. Also don't use Eeth Koth special and Lumi's special.

    Good luck!

    Thanks, that's just what I needed to know!
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    I got through the first three levels of the Yoda Event. 75/145 shards. Can i replay those levels today? I only have 4/5 @ 4 stars. Do I need (5) 7* Jedi?
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    The only way to win is to overpower the event. If every character isn't lvl 70 with max gear you will struggle.
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    This is my last attempt. All this before I got a turn even.


    Not pictured are Lumi and Ahsoka, who were already dead. Oh, all my characters are level 64, all in purple gear, and all with 4's and 5's on abilities. My best guess is after reading all the comments of "waited 3 weeks and beat it in 1 minute, i'm so cool..." by the maxed 70's with Barriss, the devs decided to crank it up a notch. Maybe 1 in 4 attempts now I actually make it to my first turn with all 5 characters alive. Pretty rare do I make it a full round without needing a heal, and if you do the math, that makes it impossible with 2 healers. As the above picture shows, this is not challenging. It doesn't require strategy. It doesn't require skill. I can see maybe if my characters had level 1-2 abilities and were in blue and green gear, but come on, these are geared characters.

    As I'm rapidly approaching 300 attempts, I fully expect the next time I start the event that Yoda will say "come on dude, what are you thinking? Just pack up your **** and go home already."

    your problem is you are trying to rush it. When you have all your characters at level 70, with abilities 6 each, and gear 8+ you'll stand a chance, but now you're just going to drive yourself crazy. Have a little patience, keep working on your team, when they are ready you'll beat it, but dont even bother with level 64 characters. You say your characters are purple gear as well, if by that you mean gear 7, then you need to get them to gear 8+ before you'll stand a chance. This challenge is hard even if you have every single jedi on your team with maxed out EVERYTHING, and now you are trying to squeak by without that (gears and level make a huge difference, especially on 5 characters, and ability levels too)
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    I **** got it!!!

    Team: Lumi(L), Mace, Kit, JC and QGJ

    Got Eeth Koth and Plo Koon with Yoda

    First i killed Yoda with very lucky dodges then rest of them. Used every attack I got for Yoda kill, except lumis special.

    line id: naso_fin
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    Got 7 * yoda last night. 30 something tries.

    Did it with yoda having bariss on his team. Got her health down and she used her heal to lower yoda health for me

    Lvl 70. Skills are mostly 6-7 and all gear maxed out until level 70+ drops missing one piece for lumi

    Squad power is 27,616
    Bariss lead.

    And to the kid saying he autoed 7* yoda... Do it on YouTube first try and I'll give you 100 pay pal... J7000 you're full of crap pal. Stop wasting our time no one believes you kid.
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    So like most of your free to play brothers. my 7 star jedi team was JC, Lumi, Koth, Qui gon, and Mace(yes some of you might have a different 5th member here). I spend about all day yesterday playing this event. Prob about 100 tries and 300 refreshes hoping for weaker teammates for the enemy yoda. So the first about 98 tries I waited til yoda had an enemy yoda had a barrass by his side so i can bait barrass heal to take a huge chunk of yodas health pool down. That got me close about 5 times. Then i took a new approach of all out ing yoda. He had koth and mace as his 2 teammates. and I won. It was really close and I had about 3 super clutch evades from yodas nuke hit. Idk maybe this can save you guys hours of grinding. goodluck :)

  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Got 7 * yoda last night. 30 something tries.

    Did it with yoda having bariss on his team. Got her health down and she used her heal to lower yoda health for me

    Lvl 70. Skills are mostly 6-7 and all gear maxed out until level 70+ drops missing one piece for lumi

    Squad power is 27,616
    Bariss lead.

    And to the kid saying he autoed 7* yoda... Do it on YouTube first try and I'll give you 100 pay pal... J7000 you're full of crap pal. Stop wasting our time no one believes you kid.

    Umm... I autoed 5 and 6. 7 I beat it first time. Try to relax.
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    I wanted to put my experience with the Yoda challenge up here so others that may use it if they choose.

    I played it about 30 times before i was able to get the 7 star.

    I used qgj as lead for his speed. I tried using lumi as lead but I wasn't dodging that many attacks.

    Also on my team was mace jc and koth.

    I took a different path and only killed one toon before taking on Yoda. I was up against jc Yoda and kit.

    I took out jc so he would not heal then went after Yoda.

    In my opinion it seems best to take out Yoda asap... otherwise attrition will dominate.

    Hope this helps others...

    btw, I believe luck is the biggest factor in this battle

    I know i am not saying anything new here but I wanted to put it out there in hopes that it will help someone.

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    Are all your toons maxed out lvl/gear/skill?
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    J7000 wrote: »
    Got 7 * yoda last night. 30 something tries.

    Did it with yoda having bariss on his team. Got her health down and she used her heal to lower yoda health for me

    Lvl 70. Skills are mostly 6-7 and all gear maxed out until level 70+ drops missing one piece for lumi

    Squad power is 27,616
    Bariss lead.

    And to the kid saying he autoed 7* yoda... Do it on YouTube first try and I'll give you 100 pay pal... J7000 you're full of crap pal. Stop wasting our time no one believes you kid.

    Umm... I autoed 5 and 6. 7 I beat it first time. Try to relax.

    How much money have you spent on this game?

  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    J7000 wrote: »
    Got 7 * yoda last night. 30 something tries.

    Did it with yoda having bariss on his team. Got her health down and she used her heal to lower yoda health for me

    Lvl 70. Skills are mostly 6-7 and all gear maxed out until level 70+ drops missing one piece for lumi

    Squad power is 27,616
    Bariss lead.

    And to the kid saying he autoed 7* yoda... Do it on YouTube first try and I'll give you 100 pay pal... J7000 you're full of crap pal. Stop wasting our time no one believes you kid.

    Umm... I autoed 5 and 6. 7 I beat it first time. Try to relax.

    How much money have you spent on this game?

    Since November?... Hmm 500?
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    dkredsox wrote: »
    If you want to get 7* Yoda but don't want to wind up with a bunch of useless toons, I think you go with: Lumi, Barriss, JC, QGJ, and Eeth Koth

    Was this really that big of a mystery?

    Idk, not a mystery to me but there seem to be a lot of threads with people biatching about being forced to "farm useless Jedi". My point is that the right Jedi aren't useless.

    Now actually beating Yoda is another matter, as @Dekayingsoul describes. However I would add that it's a decent play to wait until he's got Barriss as a wingman and then try to use her health meter equalization against him.
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    Are all your toons maxed out lvl/gear/skill?

    Yes my toons are maxed out... Im sure that helped... :<) (I saved up purple materials for about a week and had around 35 to spend on them if I needed to... I ended up using most of them on leader abilities to try and figure out what worked, but also invested in other skills after my 3rd attempt or so when I realized how hard the challenge was going to be. He hits like a beast, and often.) I already had lumi and jc at max as I have been using them for awhile.
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    A very small percentage will be able to defeat *7 Yoda without Bariss or with the lineup you used. I personally have tried since it opened yesterday with that same team. Once I got Yoda down, but not before he Hulked 3 of my last 4 Jedi with about 1% life left. My only issue is his turn meter. He shouldn't in no way get 4-5 turns in a row. He always gets 2-3 turns to open the game regardless of who is lead.

    The folks easily beating him have invested large amounts of money into the game and RNG Jesus smiled at them and gave them enough shards for good *7 Jedi and good drops on gear upgrades.

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    This is my last attempt. All this before I got a turn even.


    Not pictured are Lumi and Ahsoka, who were already dead. Oh, all my characters are level 64, all in purple gear, and all with 4's and 5's on abilities. My best guess is after reading all the comments of "waited 3 weeks and beat it in 1 minute, i'm so cool..." by the maxed 70's with Barriss, the devs decided to crank it up a notch. Maybe 1 in 4 attempts now I actually make it to my first turn with all 5 characters alive. Pretty rare do I make it a full round without needing a heal, and if you do the math, that makes it impossible with 2 healers. As the above picture shows, this is not challenging. It doesn't require strategy. It doesn't require skill. I can see maybe if my characters had level 1-2 abilities and were in blue and green gear, but come on, these are geared characters.

    As I'm rapidly approaching 300 attempts, I fully expect the next time I start the event that Yoda will say "come on dude, what are you thinking? Just pack up your **** and go home already."

    your problem is you are trying to rush it. When you have all your characters at level 70, with abilities 6 each, and gear 8+ you'll stand a chance, but now you're just going to drive yourself crazy. Have a little patience, keep working on your team, when they are ready you'll beat it, but dont even bother with level 64 characters. You say your characters are purple gear as well, if by that you mean gear 7, then you need to get them to gear 8+ before you'll stand a chance. This challenge is hard even if you have every single jedi on your team with maxed out EVERYTHING, and now you are trying to squeak by without that (gears and level make a huge difference, especially on 5 characters, and ability levels too)

    I see what you're saying. And you're right, all are at lvl 7 gear, except JC at 8. Abilities are all good though. I just wish they would have labeled it as a level 70 event so I wouldn't have spent so much time and energy trying to prepare for this round of Yoda event. I definitely could have spent the time and effort elsewhere if I'd have known I didn't stand a chance this go-round. Since I'm the highest level on my server and sitting in the #1 arena spot, and clearing GW every day without fail, I guess I figured I had a legit shot at it. Oh well, next time around in a month it should be smooth sailing, provided I can get the 160 Barriss shards I need in that time.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member

    Didn't see that coming! :blush:
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    Thanks! I'm building up the same team. :) I just got him at 5* but too bad QGJ won't be 6* before the event is over, so I'll have to wait until next time for that. Hopefully by then he'll even be 7*. I saved your post as reference for when the time comes. ;)
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    i did it now... lumi lead.. Jc.. Qgj.. ee koth.. and mace...
    It was against JKG and Plo Koon..
    I attacked only YODA.. and got him out...
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Luizinho wrote: »
    i did it now... lumi lead.. Jc.. Qgj.. ee koth.. and mace...
    It was against JKG and Plo Koon..
    I attacked only YODA.. and got him out...

    Congrats! I've heard Lumni is good but takes a lot patience.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
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    Here is my video of using this exact team against 7-Star Yoda. All 5 characters remained alive at the end.


    Lumi (Lead) 7/7/7/6 - Gear Lvl 8
    GQJ 7/7/7/6 - Gear Lvl 8
    JC 7/7/7 Gear Lvl 8
    Mace 7/7/5/6 Gear Lvl 8
    Eeth Koth 7/6/4/4 Gear Lvl 8
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