Looks like it's a Droid Android event (get it)


  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    We are all competing against each other across platforms, so why do this?

    I got the impression that android and IOS users do not commingle

    Then it's slightly less obnoxious, but only slightly.
    This game is devoid of content. Making new content only for half the playerbase is ****.

    In My Arena some use Android I believe. And i use iOS. So apparently they mix? Can anyone confirm?

    They do mix. There are plenty of people on the forums that share a shard with me, and some are android and others are iOS and we battle each other.
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    I've got 7* 86 and 88. Never touched 47 because I run a poggle lead for my droid team. So here I am with those 2 and 17k in arena tokens. I'm wondering if these droid shards are for a new character droid or the 4 in play right now. If they're for the 4 current droid offerings then I will probably skip it altogether. It'll take too many credits to level him up to 6 for minimal reward.
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    Discrimination against iOS users much? Ea, please, please, don't go down the route that you did with FIFA by making things only exclusive to one device. This will kill the game...
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    when does the event start?
    2761 posts Member
    when does the event start?

    It looks like the 17th is when it will start. Don't worry though, EA_Jesse promised us weekly updates on the game starting on the 18th........
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Thank God we have our official forum over on Reddit to give us our latest information.....Wait, that isn't the official site, I think this may be, hmmm, let me check the URL, funny, no important information released here......

    Relax. It wasn't a dev who posted on redit - it was a player. And a player wouldn't post data-mined info on the publishers website (well, not if he was a smart player who didn't want his account locked - especially when EA Jesse and others have specifically said NOT to post data-mined info here)

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    I would sure like some of those Ability Mats. The rest of the rewards are trash.
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    What came first, the shards to get the shards or the shards you need shards to get?

    What a paradox...
    You gotta' have shards to make shards. It's the way of the world.

    That's what's funny about it. Unless you're already farming these characters, the event isn't horribly useful. I'm not going to farm characters I don't need just to get more stuff for the characters I don't need.
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    if I start farming hk47 now I will be able to do the 4* level, I hope that the ability mats are at least the purple ones
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    Unsurprisingly, from a Dev on Reddit:

    I don't really have any input regarding this. Most of us are working on the next major content update (*it's been super crazy, hence my prolonged absence*), so I don't even really know what's going on with this particular promotion.

    All I can say is that we try and utilize every opportunity on both platforms to get the game out there and let people experience what we're making. I think it's fair to say that we have no platform bias, we just try and be in the right place when the opportunities present themselves! :D

    Don't worry, we've got some cool stuff coming veeeeeeeeeery Soon™."
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    Thanks for the update on the update. Very interesting.
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    if I start farming hk47 now I will be able to do the 4* level, I hope that the ability mats are at least the purple ones

    For the start of the event, assuming you cannot buy any shipments today, and you can buy 3 shipments every day (ie have some banked) you can get 5*3*5=75 shards.

    That will put you 1 shipment away, assuming you can do the 3 tries anytime during the day you could get the last shipment the day of the event starting, or if you had some shards already, or you were able to get one shipment today, you will be fine for 4*.
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    Kind of strange we receive all of our news from hackers

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    O nooo it's a trap!!!droids don't stand a chance against jawas haha (but for realz this is gonna be a pain in the ****)
  • Sala_Mander
    13 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    iOS users be sure to 1* the app in the store and tell 'em why!
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    We are all competing against each other across platforms, so why do this?

    I got the impression that android and IOS users do not commingle

    Then it's slightly less obnoxious, but only slightly.
    This game is devoid of content. Making new content only for half the playerbase is ****.

    Doesn't really seem like "content" but I could be wrong. I play on iOS and I'm not really anxious unless they really give a huge advantage to one or the other. If Google is paying for it then I don't expect apple to follow suit.
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    Guys they totally don't want people banking energy because it is a "competitive advantage" but let's offer certain promotions for different platforms. LOL.
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    as an iOS user - this sucks. Very strange to have cross platform arenas but to have platform specific events. I would guess iOS will have the same event shortly?
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Nothing I will be going out my way for
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Benr3600 wrote: »
    I love how everyone who complained about the rewards left out "droid shards." This helps f2p way more than whales because whales dont need any more shards but almost all f2p players can use the shards unless you are a soft launch player and/or run a droid arena team and is maxed.

    This gives maxed Sid players something to farm from arena and it conveniently comes after you no longer need to farm EK because the Yoda event is done. I will finish unlocking my HK47 and at least do the second stage. The ony way this could suck for me is if the reward rewards are either IG100 or IG86 or they only fall in the third stage. But I will still do it anyway since I have 86 and Poggle and Poe at arena ready levels and ig88 at 4*. Couldnt hurt to farm hk47 since there is no one else I really want from the notoriously weak arena shard pool.

    The shards will help those doing the event with their B-Team droids, I suppose. Those with droids as main team like myself already have 7* droids. I'll get some GG shards, which is thematic I guess.

    To be honest I dont think the rewards will be huge. Extra contento will be fun, tho
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Triqui wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Giving away things based on what device you play on is a bad decision. It was stupld to give Phasma or Poe depending on wether you're ios or android, especially since they can't be farmed at the same rate.
    But an entire event? What the heck?

    Please, EA, hire a new marketing team.

    It is Apple's marketing team who needs to step up. This is something Google is doing.

    Plenty of AAA games vive different stuff for PS4, XBOX or PC. It is a common practice

    This isn't really cross platform, just different devices. Android and iOS users are on the same servers.
    Unless Xbox and Sony have changed (and that's possible as I haven't played them for 3 years), you couldn't play across platforms. Forgive me if things have changed and I'm wrong.

    You are right. A better example would be every other game Google is promoting during their "Game Month", all of them cross-platform, and all of them getting a special, android-only event or bundle. Not just SWGOH, but a lot more. It is a common practice. Samsung gives you a welcome bundle with GOH, I think.
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    I hope they bring back the assassin droid bundle for $25. I missed that one, should have bought it, and judging by the return of the Jedi bundle for the Yoda event, it seems highly likely.
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    I hope they bring back the assassin droid bundle for $25. I missed that one, should have bought it, and judging by the return of the Jedi bundle for the Yoda event, it seems highly likely.

    Agreed, I would but this bundle now that I know droids are really good. I didn't know what I was doing when I first started playing.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    MASSHOLE wrote: »
    as an iOS user - this sucks. Very strange to have cross platform arenas but to have platform specific events. I would guess iOS will have the same event shortly?

    You got Poe. ;)

    Besides, from what I am reading, this will not be a big deal - it's a freaking training droid. lol My guess is the true update that is coming in March will have much more interesting things than killing Jawas for a training droid.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Anything > nothing.
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    Tonatiuh10 wrote: »
    Unsurprisingly, from a Dev on Reddit:

    I don't really have any input regarding this. Most of us are working on the next major content update (*it's been super crazy, hence my prolonged absence*), so I don't even really know what's going on with this particular promotion.

    All I can say is that we try and utilize every opportunity on both platforms to get the game out there and let people experience what we're making. I think it's fair to say that we have no platform bias, we just try and be in the right place when the opportunities present themselves! :D

    Don't worry, we've got some cool stuff coming veeeeeeeeeery Soon™."

    Awesome cool " stuff" soon...
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    Android exclusive... yeah!!!

    Only available in specific countries... ****?!! Thats racist right there. JOKE! ;p
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    @HBOMBCOKFIST that's the point. It is nothing, but total disappointment to half of the players of this game.
  • Hamnier
    162 posts Member
    Something that people need to remember is that this is not a game promotion, but a Google Play promotion through the game. The reason that the content isn't being made for iOS is because Apple doesn't allow Google Play on their systems (or anything else that they don't make or make very specific patches for).

    Yes, EA is who actually programs the event, but as a company, they need to appease not only their customers, but their benefactors. For many companies, that includes shareholders, and suppliers as it's a two way deal depending on the product/service being provided.

    In this case, iOS and Google Play are competing companies supplying EA access to many customers. As competitors, they will more likely than not demand the games they host to make content specific to their systems so as to attract more business for themselves (in this case those who consider games when look at getting phones and tablets). I would not be surprised if Apple has EA do something for iOS as well in the not too distant future.

    I'm not saying that we as customers should like it, but from a business perspective, AND from customers who want the product to continue being available to use, it is practical and very much fair.
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    Sikho wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    That would be pretty c r a p p y of EA to do something like that. IMO that would be a good reason for people to give up and quit on a game.

    It seems more that Google is behind this, rather than EA... So just hope that Apple does something similar.

    Is this even legal? I don't think you can favor the users of a particular brand, because of the net neutrality.

    You can, but shouldn't. But this is EA we're talking about here, so if you throw a little money at them they'd probably suck your d!*& :smiley:

    I'm on Android and it even seems unfair to me. EA should've at least approached apple to see if they wanted their d's polished also. :smiley:
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