Can The Zeta Situation Be Improved?



  • JVU420
    429 posts Member
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    A team needs geared and starred chars
    1. Zetad (some of, like KRU leader)
    2. Modded
    To be effective.

    I get that some of you guys needs more zeta to make a team effective about mods? You guys have soooo many sets of mods with speed secondary sitting around, just for new chars/teams coming out?

    I dont really care about how many zetas seps and/or GR toons required because even I have them all geared, I still need sets of mods to make them effective.

    Full zeta team would destroy a team without zetas and best speed.
  • Options
    You just need to prioritize what is needed and what is a luxury. I have spent zetas on five different former meta teams (titans (3 cls, 1 han, 2 r2, didn't do thrawn) JTR (3 JTR, 1 BB8, reused R2s) palp (2 palp, 1 sion, 1 DN) Bastilla ( 1 bastilla, 1 yoda, 1 ezra, 1 hoda) and JKR(3 JKR, reused yoda, 1 jolee) All of these have ben worthwhile due ti increased crystal income and utility in other modes once arena viability is over. I have also invested in a few game changer zetas that basically rewrite a faction (Cody,veers, Bossk, Chirpa etc.) A few toons I have invested in for the event/raid payoff ( ventress, traya, c3p0, chewie, etc). I have one zeta that was a waste of resources for me. It's a good zeta but I have never invested enough in other toons to make it worthwhile in the long run. That zeta is Kyhlo ren. I gave it to him when the BB8 legendary event was stressing me out, It did get me BB8, but has rotted away on him ever since. As of today, I have 238 zeta mats ready to spend.

    TLDR...only spend zetas on toons that will be in your arena team, or will be used repeatedly in many game modes, or who transform a faction. This will leave you with enough zetas to fully kit out a new squad if needed.
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