Grand Arena Championships MEGATHREAD


  • Saada
    664 posts Member
    If any of you actually looked at the top of your division after attacking has started, you'll see the best rosters. Now after losing, you won't meet them in the next week of the GAC and have a fairer matchup while the winners get a much difficult match up and if they win again it will become even more difficult and I think that's the key. As the weeks go by you will end up where your roster actually sits amongst all the players NOT in the top league with the best rewards cause you think that's where you should be.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!

    Here’s a clue, genius. Everyone has to farm teams that are not useful. That’s part of the game. The players who suffered under the old matchmaking are the ones who unlocked every toon they could and geared them to g7 to inflate their GP. There has never been a strategic advantage to doing that.

    Judging by your response, you’re probably one of the weaker players in the game. You’re probably terrible at arena, terrible at raids and terrible in all aspects of the game. So what makes you think you’re entitled to only face other players as terrible as you?

    Never been an advantage to that? We must be terrible at the game? Hmm, you must be new around this town xD. Anyway a peek at my roster in sig will prove you otherwise in every single regard of your claims.
  • Ratinira
    412 posts Member
    Previously if you work hard on your teams and choose whom to upgrade and whom not to you have an advantage. The one you earned. For the ony who has that advantage it was fair. The one who hasnt it were crying that it is unfair. That is logical.
    Now it doesn’t metter what you have done there is no advantage. Or it is distorted (or you are lucky).

    For me PVP in this game has always been a burden not fun time spending. And this Championship just drop my willing to partisipate to zero.

    Also many of my guildmates said that before GA were boring part of the game. And the more CG are forsing us to play in it the more horrible that regime is becoming.... Even the one who always have been doing his best in all GA now said that he is thinking about choosing "put def and forget" strategy...
  • Saada
    664 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Saada wrote: »
    If any of you actually looked at the top of your division after attacking has started, you'll see the best rosters. Now after losing, you won't meet them in the next week of the GAC and have a fairer matchup while the winners get a much difficult match up and if they win again it will become even more difficult and I think that's the key. As the weeks go by you will end up where your roster actually sits amongst all the players NOT in the top league with the best rewards cause you think that's where you should be.



    Like top 200 you tool. Also that's not a pic of his roster anyway.... That being Said that guy would have an ok roster but maybe was matched up with a ridiculously easy opponent therefore achieved the highest score but in the next week he'll get matched up with a better roster and lose and eventually he'll end up in the middle and other top rosters will end up in the best leagues while struggling rosters will be matched up evenly but in the lower leagues
  • BobcatSkywalker
    2194 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    So I cleared my board again all with undermanned teams. Won all 8 battles!!! Full life and mostly protection too.

    Still almost 500 points less than the leader of division 2. Speaking of that guy with his raw 2.4 million Galactic power it's just unbelievable. Did you all see division 2 crushed division 1!!!!

    Division 2 is where the top player in the world is at. the current leader of Division 2 has more points than anyone even the top guys of division 1. Lol

    Not only did he fight up a division he beat his division 1 opponent more than anyone in division 1 beat their opponents.

    One day I'll get enough battles to be #1. One day when CG blesses me with a matchmaking system that let's me score as many points as my peers. I have more gp and more g12 than the guy who scored the most points in the whole game.

    One day... One day... We all can dream right.

    If I buy a chest of crystals will that improve my rng with matchmaking? Things to consider...
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    So I cleared my board again all with undermanned teams. Won all 8 battles!!! Full life and mostly protection too.

    Still almost 500 points less than the leader of division 2. Speaking of that guy with his raw 2.4 million Galactic power it's just unbelievable. Did you all see division 2 crushed division 1!!!!

    Division 2 is where the top player in the world is at. the current leader of Division 2 has more points than anyone even the top guys of division 1. Lol

    Not only did he fight up a division he beat his division 1 opponent more than anyone in division 1 beat their opponents.

    One day I'll get enough battles to be #1. One day when CG blesses me with a matchmaking system that let's me score as many points as my peers. I have more gp and more g12 than the guy who scored the most points in the whole game.

    One day... One day... We all can dream right.

    If I buy a chest of crystals will that improve my rng with matchmaking? Things to consider...

    It's said that once you get over 100k $ spending threshold, there comes a pop up where you win everything without even having to play anymore. I don't believe that, I think it's at 200k$ that it happens.
  • Options
    Let's talk about the scoring, too.

    If Player 1 gets matched against a guy setting heavy defense and Player 2 gets matched against someone who cba and sets lvl 60 toons, Player 2 will place much higher than Player 1 after the first round.

    It's safe to assume that as of round 2 people who do care will play against each other, so let's further assume that from now on bother players score equally for the rest of the championship. 5 weeks later, Player 2 will crown himself King of the Grand Arena, whereas Player 1 probably finds himself in the 101-500 bracket if he's lucky. All due to a first round match that arbitrarily favored one player over the other.

    Am I seeing this correctly?
  • Carfy
    1 posts Member
    edited June 2019

    Your new system sounds great... But i'm actually 2.8M GP and i'm facing almost 3.8 GP ! It's at least 10 teams g12/zetas more than me! It's a huge gap and i will have no chances....
    The real problem of this system is that he got way more team than i do, even if my best teams are quite similar than his, the rest of the roster create a huge gap.
    So technicly, i'll be punished for optimizing my roster, and he'll be rewarded to beat a 1M fewer GP dude...
  • Akenno
    538 posts Member
    Please fix GAC matchmaking... I am more than 400k GP behind him in terms of character GP and he has over 10 chars more at G12 than me! That is kinda unfair... I want to face similar enemies like me... The old GA matchmaking was good. The new one need way more optimization.
    Don't count DR as 3-4 G12 dudes... That is not fair :(
  • Options
    Hm i don't think that's correct, lets make a assumption, regardless of GP difference:

    Both have to set 4 deff teams (just assumption) = 20 charakters, and obviously need 20 for Off, so total 40 charakters = 8 teams totally.

    Why does it matter if the other guy has 5 teams more to place/use (X-GP more)?
    In every GA i played until now, if i didn't win a fight with the first try, i did loose anyway by points, regardless if i cleared the territory or not, because my opponents killed all in the 1st try.

    So there is no point in judging the match unfair based on GP, simple as that.
    Swiss Garde Officer, drop me a message if you're interested joining
  • Options
    Facing an opponent so much stronger than me that the only way of winning was that he didn't set defenses, so much fun!!
    He will be rewarded for beating a much weaker player and will become even stronger, while I will be punished for losing against a player that played for much more time than me, so much fun!!

    From what I read about CG intentions with this GA championship it's obvious that you guys failed, a lot. Find someone who knows how to test properly your software and algorithm and evaluate the impact in the game, because the numbers of failures and errors that you continue to try to correct after releasing it is embarassing.
  • Ghost271
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    My opponent just chose to set up mere 2 teams in one field
    Making it impossible for me to finnish at least 1 if not a couple of those feats. in the last two upcomming matches i will most likely face 2 opponents with almost 1 mio gp more than i have, plus Darth Malak and JKR squads.

    also: I am losing out on ca. 720 banners for conquering the 3 fields and each battle
    Is it unreasonable to make those undefended fields count towards those feats as conquered fields, even the feats demanding a sub sized squad and last but not least the battles won count???
    Its not fair that just one opponent not defending is deciding over my success at feats and opportunity to rise to another division by just not putting in defense!
    At least put in an auto defense mechanic if someone doesnt fill his slots.
    This guy even has near half a million more gp
    So not an unknowing newbie

    So i beat his lame **** with 2 undersized squads and cannot complete the last feat no matter what

    Post edited by Ghost271 on
  • Gannon
    1661 posts Member
    Akenno wrote: »
    Please fix GAC matchmaking... I am more than 400k GP behind him in terms of character GP and he has over 10 chars more at G12 than me! That is kinda unfair... I want to face similar enemies like me... The old GA matchmaking was good. The new one need way more optimization.
    Don't count DR as 3-4 G12 dudes... That is not fair :(

    They did fix matching, now it counts your top 40-80 or whatever toons you can actually use only. It's ten times better now. If you don't believe me, go check your roster v your opponents and math it up. It's not hard to do, and it's pretty well balanced.
  • GiantFen
    31 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    It would be nice if they would adjust matchmaking so that it doesn't pull people in from higher divisions. There's a guy in my match that it's over 1m GP HIGHER than me (and 1.3m higher than the lowest in my match) which is forcing us smaller guys to field extra teams, that we just don't have... In division 1/2 it's probably no big deal, because their usable roster is very similar. But in the 2m GP range, it's really tough when you need to come up with at least 2 extra full teams out of nowhere
  • Gannon
    1661 posts Member
    They said in the bug forums that they're investigating that, cuz it shouldn't happen
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!

    Here’s a clue, genius. Everyone has to farm teams that are not useful. That’s part of the game. The players who suffered under the old matchmaking are the ones who unlocked every toon they could and geared them to g7 to inflate their GP. There has never been a strategic advantage to doing that.

    Judging by your response, you’re probably one of the weaker players in the game. You’re probably terrible at arena, terrible at raids and terrible in all aspects of the game. So what makes you think you’re entitled to only face other players as terrible as you?

    Never been an advantage to that? We must be terrible at the game? Hmm, you must be new around this town xD. Anyway a peek at my roster in sig will prove you otherwise in every single regard of your claims.

    Was I talking to you? No? Then that's a pretty stupid response. That said, there never has been an advantage to artificially inflating your GP. Oh, you got that extra star in phase 4 when your whole guild inflated their GP? Those resources would have been put to better use building your teams to do perfect combat. Artificially inflated GP has never been strategically intelligent.

    Ah right you weren't just making an overimpending sterotypical generalisations that you didn't assume held true for everyone, it was an intricate thought pointed at only one player. Ok.

    Those resources spent for inflation never coincided with rest of the development, none at all. You haven't been around as long as us. Thanks for your cuss as well.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!

    Here’s a clue, genius. Everyone has to farm teams that are not useful. That’s part of the game. The players who suffered under the old matchmaking are the ones who unlocked every toon they could and geared them to g7 to inflate their GP. There has never been a strategic advantage to doing that.

    Judging by your response, you’re probably one of the weaker players in the game. You’re probably terrible at arena, terrible at raids and terrible in all aspects of the game. So what makes you think you’re entitled to only face other players as terrible as you?

    Never been an advantage to that? We must be terrible at the game? Hmm, you must be new around this town xD. Anyway a peek at my roster in sig will prove you otherwise in every single regard of your claims.

    Was I talking to you? No? Then that's a pretty stupid response. That said, there never has been an advantage to artificially inflating your GP. Oh, you got that extra star in phase 4 when your whole guild inflated their GP? Those resources would have been put to better use building your teams to do perfect combat. Artificially inflated GP has never been strategically intelligent.

    Ah right you weren't just making an overimpending sterotypical generalisations that you didn't assume held true for everyone, it was an intricate thought pointed at only one player. Ok.

    Those resources spent for inflation never coincided with rest of the development, none at all. You haven't been around as long as us. Thanks for your cuss as well.

    Is English your second language? If so, try google translate. It might make more sense than you.

    English is my 2nd language and I know as good as my mother tongue. Thanks for the advice. I'll leave sense making to your fuming mouth sucking the new algo in.
  • Options
    Akenno wrote: »
    Please fix GAC matchmaking... I am more than 400k GP behind him in terms of character GP and he has over 10 chars more at G12 than me! That is kinda unfair... I want to face similar enemies like me... The old GA matchmaking was good. The new one need way more optimization.
    Don't count DR as 3-4 G12 dudes... That is not fair :(

    400k gp .....i have 900..
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!

    Here’s a clue, genius. Everyone has to farm teams that are not useful. That’s part of the game. The players who suffered under the old matchmaking are the ones who unlocked every toon they could and geared them to g7 to inflate their GP. There has never been a strategic advantage to doing that.

    Judging by your response, you’re probably one of the weaker players in the game. You’re probably terrible at arena, terrible at raids and terrible in all aspects of the game. So what makes you think you’re entitled to only face other players as terrible as you?

    Never been an advantage to that? We must be terrible at the game? Hmm, you must be new around this town xD. Anyway a peek at my roster in sig will prove you otherwise in every single regard of your claims.

    Was I talking to you? No? Then that's a pretty stupid response. That said, there never has been an advantage to artificially inflating your GP. Oh, you got that extra star in phase 4 when your whole guild inflated their GP? Those resources would have been put to better use building your teams to do perfect combat. Artificially inflated GP has never been strategically intelligent.

    Ah right you weren't just making an overimpending sterotypical generalisations that you didn't assume held true for everyone, it was an intricate thought pointed at only one player. Ok.

    Those resources spent for inflation never coincided with rest of the development, none at all. You haven't been around as long as us. Thanks for your cuss as well.

    Is English your second language? If so, try google translate. It might make more sense than you.

    English is my 2nd language and I know as good as my mother tongue. Thanks for the advice. I'll leave sense making to your fuming mouth sucking the new algo in.

    So you make incoherent arguments in multiple languages? Good to know.

    Yeah, can't trump you in terms of incoherent arguments, maybe one day.
  • TRanger
    329 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!

    Here’s a clue, genius. Everyone has to farm teams that are not useful. That’s part of the game. The players who suffered under the old matchmaking are the ones who unlocked every toon they could and geared them to g7 to inflate their GP. There has never been a strategic advantage to doing that.

    Judging by your response, you’re probably one of the weaker players in the game. You’re probably terrible at arena, terrible at raids and terrible in all aspects of the game. So what makes you think you’re entitled to only face other players as terrible as you?

    You assume too much...once again.. speaking with out facts. You built lean for a be more competitive! Not being properly matched is only an false sense of accomplishment. And in no way proves how good you are. Because your being under challanged while the other are being overly challenged. If we were able to trim this roster to be more viable for PVP competition..which we can't do...then you would draw higher matches. What is happening is broad rosters are forced into matches with extra GP that can't be used because they carry that GP and can not shed it.
  • Montanz
    212 posts Member
    edited June 2019

    Why is this happening already? Even with the easier feats completed that are accomplishable in the first day and a perfect run, after the first round the appropriate best score should be around the score that rank 2 achieved. He can’t clear 10 territories yet and even with all undersized wins the math does not add up. If i naturally finish my feats except for the 10 territories cleared (which requires round 3) I would be at 2363 points and appropriately ranked at 20-50. This guy just has way too many points already. *Edit; player with score in question also does not even have the best of rosters and wouldn’t be able to achieve all undersized wins unless someone colluded and set an extremely poor defense for him
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Montanz wrote: »

    Why is this happening already? Even with the easier feats completed that are accomplishable in the first day and a perfect run, after the first round the appropriate best score should be around the score that rank 2 achieved. He can’t clear 10 territories yet and even with all undersized wins the math does not add up. If i naturally finish my feats except for the 10 territories cleared (which requires round 3) I would be at 2363 points and appropriately ranked at 20-50. This guy just has way too many points already. *Edit; player with score in question also does not even have the best of rosters and wouldn’t be able to achieve all undersized wins unless someone colluded and set an extremely poor defense for him

    That's weird really. It's logical to assume all those top people got matched with div1 so they have more zones to play with which moves their maxes higher...which still doesn't account for that number and possible to complete feats. This is top 4 div 1

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