Replay malak event. It gives shards [MERGE]


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    “‘We have way too much GEC obviously, thank you for taking away shards.
    -no one’
    -Michael Scott”
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    We don’t know what they’ll be refunding, if anything
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    Jarlarax wrote: »
    So if they take shards away and my star level goes back to 6, am I going to get a refund for the money I spent on the 7* gear?

    You shouldn't get jack for exploiting an obvious bug if you ask me.
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    @TazmanPJ I can honestly say you get just as much entertainment from browsing the forums occasionally as you do from playing the game. Not a decision you'll regret.
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    What about the people for whom this was going to be the first time they were going to get Malak? Are theirs going to be removed too and they will have to wait until whatever the rescheduled time is?
  • CorpseMaker77
    602 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    It’s bugged. They will take those shards back. You have been warned. See dev notes.

    yeah how about people who spent money and crystals to gear him up from like g11 to g13?

    Just give GETs to those who already had Malak 7*.
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    Pull the event, fix the bug that's managed to creep in between the 2nd and 3rd time of the event. Rerun event. The hotfix, even it works it would really need to be return the rosters prior to event launch and while that should mean all in game assets are still there you've still to deal with cash purchases not to forgetting the time people have invested today trying to unlock him or replaying.
    Apologise and let people keep the extra shards.
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    I might have grabbed the shards too, to be honest. But to ask for a refund when they predictably rectify the situation is rather brazen.
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    evoluza wrote: »
    I’m guessing as your removing the shards from accounts which was due to the buggy event that your compensating the players who 7 starred him with the 1 mil credit cost and all gear which has been put on him which can’t be used when he’s not 7 star?

    Be happy they don't ban you.

    Just wondering: are you a troll? Or just an a..hole?
    People log in, see an event they can actually play, get Malak shards as reward and happily use them to upgrade the toon or buy stuff in the Shard shop! Could have just been working as intended. I was actually wondering the last couple of days why I even see the Malak event although I already have him. Seeing the rewards for replaying made me think: cool, they have finally kept their promise to help people catch up a bit.
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    They’ve explicitly mentioned taking away extra shards, so maybe those who are just unlocking him will be unaffected
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    I hope so, and I hope that there is an accurate translation and statement regarding the rationale. Because I shudder to think what someone who casually plays this game and thinks they just hit the jackpot would think if that windfall was taken away and replaced with a multi page in game mail.
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    Live look in at the CG employee responsible for the bug:

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    What about those that didnt exploit though, there are people not on the forums, who got malak second time around. They wouldn't know if its wai or not, also, if you didnt check the rewards tab, you wouldn't know before doing it. After doing one side, sure you can call it an exploit if they knew it wasn't supposed to give it out.
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    Just dispute the charges with your credit card company
  • Xlor1
    107 posts Member
    Dagonsith wrote: »
    Look I'm honestly happy for everyone who was able to unlock and save GET1, both in my guild and those without it. But it really isn't fair to those who saved and ignored other parts of their collections in order to buy the malak shards in the shop. Players who had seven star malaks before this event should have the GET1 equivalent of 150 malak shards added to their accounts and those that were able to seven star because of the bug should be allowed to keep theirs as well. This seems equitable to me and fair to all involved.

    How about those that only needed 80 malak shards.? They'll want 70 malak to get currency surely.
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    Sure hope people like me who actually unlocked the right way get to keep him.
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    RunchGwar wrote: »
    Live look in at the CG employee responsible for the bug:


    Mark, we hardly knew ye! :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Dispute charges. If you have to wait six months now to save GET you could have saved it for f2p. You paid to get it now, not in six months.
  • X3ina
    108 posts Member
    Megahtron wrote: »
    Sure hope people like me who actually unlocked the right way get to keep him.

    Lmao, is there a another way to unlock an EC character except via the event itself?
  • Entus
    161 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Sebiwane wrote: »
    honnesty i'm curious to see how they are going to do. Many players including me where saving gears to put malak g13 as soon as it was 7 star. and i did spend some crystal to make it G13 R4.
    in between i've made other change on character and set my defense on GA so just roling back the account is not an option.

    they would have to remove all the item i put on malak including relic and then give them back.

    but what about players who turn shards into shart shop currency and spent them?

    they will have some hard time roling this back

    Its very easy. They take snapshots of everyonee inventory every few seconds. They would simply roll your inventory back to what it was prior to the event. Easy fix. As far as spending money on crystals, theyd have to handle that on a case by case basis.

    Folks dont seem to relaize this is a very, very simple fix. They will have it fixed and rolled back before then end of the day.
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    A few guys in my guild just got their Malaks to 7* and geared them.

    Can't wait to see the fallout from the hotfix.

    Will they roll back their rosters and refund what they just sunk into it?

    Will they get to keep it and those that were late to the party just be out of luck?

    Please just send out a single credit and some chewie shards to compensate for however the hotfix makes a bigger part of the game is CG's antics and watching trolls defend them...
  • makoamagana
    122 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Jarlarax wrote: »
    So if they take shards away and my star level goes back to 6, am I going to get a refund for the money I spent on the 7* gear?

    You shouldn't get jack for exploiting an obvious bug if you ask me.

    I was helping a guildy out and played the DS part again to help with what the strategy was and sort of walk him through it. I didn’t even know I would get extra shards until after it popped up at the end. So now I exploited? I was also only 15 shards away from 7 starring anyways and had 4K get1 currency saved so the next TB I would have 7 starred him anyway. So it didn’t really benefit me as much as others.
    But still the point is many people played the event without knowing. Many played the event the last tile it popped up and got nothing, they played it again this time thinking it was no different. There is a lot of situations outside of the mentality that everyone who did this exploited.
  • Trake
    148 posts Member
    Othorion wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    I’m guessing as your removing the shards from accounts which was due to the buggy event that your compensating the players who 7 starred him with the 1 mil credit cost and all gear which has been put on him which can’t be used when he’s not 7 star?

    Be happy they don't ban you.

    Just wondering: are you a troll? Or just an a..hole?
    People log in, see an event they can actually play, get Malak shards as reward and happily use them to upgrade the toon or buy stuff in the Shard shop! Could have just been working as intended. I was actually wondering the last couple of days why I even see the Malak event although I already have him. Seeing the rewards for replaying made me think: cool, they have finally kept their promise to help people catch up a bit.

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    Javin37 wrote: »

    A few guys in my guild just got their Malaks to 7* and geared them.

    Can't wait to see the fallout from the hotfix.

    Will they roll back their rosters and refund what they just sunk into it?

    Will they get to keep it and those that were late to the party just be out of luck?

    Please just send out a single credit and some chewie shards to compensate for however the hotfix makes a bigger part of the game is CG's antics and watching trolls defend them...

    I’m just waiting for the hammer to drop. This is becoming a train wreck.
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    CG is gonna take away all the shards in a hotfix. Which sucks, particularly as I didn't realize it was a bug, so I played it, geared up my Malak using crystals, and then brought his mods up to 6-dots, which means I won't be able to use them until I manage to get something like 30k more GET. And then I spent the excess in the shard shop. FML.

    Hopefully CG will do a full refund + a little something for the inconvenience, but I'm worried they won't. Main thing I want is a rewind on my mods so I can still use them.
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    Entus wrote: »
    Sebiwane wrote: »
    honnesty i'm curious to see how they are going to do. Many players including me where saving gears to put malak g13 as soon as it was 7 star. and i did spend some crystal to make it G13 R4.
    in between i've made other change on character and set my defense on GA so just roling back the account is not an option.

    they would have to remove all the item i put on malak including relic and then give them back.

    but what about players who turn shards into shart shop currency and spent them?

    they will have some hard time roling this back

    Its very easy. They take snapshots of everyonee inventory every few seconds. They would simply roll your inventory back to what it was prior to the event. Easy fix. As far as spending money on crystals, theyd have to handle that on a case by case basis.

    Nothing that requires case-by-case reviews is easy. The system is not designed for rollbacks, they can't even give out TB rewards properly, such is the complexity.
  • Options
    Jarlarax wrote: »
    So if they take shards away and my star level goes back to 6, am I going to get a refund for the money I spent on the 7* gear?

    You shouldn't get jack for exploiting an obvious bug if you ask me.

    I was helping a guildy out and played the DS part again to help with what the strategy was and sort of walk him through it. I didn’t even know I would get extra shards until after it popped up at the end. So now I exploited? I was also only 15 shards away from 7 starring anyways and had 4K get1 currency saved so the next TB I would have 7 starred him anyway. So it didn’t really benefit me as much as others.
    But still the point is many people played the event without knowing. Many played the event the last tile it popped up and got nothing, they played it again this time thinking it was no different. There is a lot of situations outside of the mentality that everyone who did this exploited.

    I wouldn’t even respond to that ridiculousness. No need to defend yourself
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