Replay malak event. It gives shards [MERGE]


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    Entus wrote: »
    There is no way that they can fix this with a simple hotfix. Every account that got extra shards will be in a slightly different position. For some people all of those shards went to shard shop currancy for some they all went to unlocking malak, for most it will be a mixture of both. The only way they could even hope to "fix" this is to go account by account and fix it manually.

    In addition to this, I imagine that many people have been hoarding gear specifically for malak. Mk6 stun guns, mk4 stun cuffs, and whatever g12 pieces that people spent will also have to be refunded on a case by case basis.

    Really the biggest problem that I can see from this whole fiasco is the amount of bad will that will be built up no matter what decision they ultimately reach. Let everyone keep their extra malak shards and the people who spent GET to get him will be unhappy. Take the malak shards away and you have just taken away a shiny new toy from thousands of players. Either way you are going to have a metaphorical riot on your hands.

    If they roll your entire inventory back to before the event, how does that not fix this?

    Because people have done other, non malak related things such as farming characters, they have spent shard shop currency they received from this event on gear and then used said gear. In addition, I know of multiple people who spent money to gear up malak, money they would not have spent otherwise. Considering that any such fix would take at least several days to implement, any progress you make between last night and whenever they roll out the fix will simply be erased.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Looking on the bright side, I think we’ll get at least 3, maybe even 5 CW Chewie shards as a consolation for today’s events.

    This will never be unfunny to me, haha.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    It’s in the title lol?
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    Thanks for removing the event... We planed a guild meeting for tomorrow to help unlock and have fun. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Now several of my mates cant unlock because of this. It isnt easy to make a meeting like this. You know we have work, family etc. Now you made this a sad and depressing meeting instead of a fun one. Thaaaank youuuu! Make more mistakes like this and you will kill the game. Or if you want to kill the game, than keep up the "good" work!
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    IAmHaplo wrote: »
    The simple fix that will make everyone happy is to leave the event up with the free shards, AND give everyone 57K GET1 tokens. That way everyone gets the same benefits and nobody should have any reason to complain.

    Let's see if the simple fix route is taken.

    Never going to happen, can’t interrupt their revenue stream

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    The core issue is valuing 150 shards of shop currency at 60k GET currency...
    Seems irresponsible to collapse your in game economy like this.
    Great for new players. But for people like me that got him on round 2 and saved for 7 months we got completely screwed.
    Honestly, it'll only be 75 shards because if you think I'm trying that lopsided light side match up ever again, you're nuts.
    100% if they announced the shards would recur, I would've gone after Hoda instead.
    Shady move from an increasingly shady company.

    Your not getting screwed since you got plenty of benefits having him earlier. It'd be great to give some players a bit of a slingshot and I'll gladly take the ssc.
  • Soz58
    108 posts Member
    Wow CG... you’re really that stingy that you won’t let people EARN 75 shards in Malak event? It actually gave people something to do and you don’t want that? You have 1 new expensive 5 star character come out and give people nothing new to do with him and figure that’s enough content for a month or so, so you don’t need to communicate with the community.. but when you do communicate it’s because you screwed up another event and are unwilling to giv 75 Shards... what an unfriendly and pathetic company you have become...

    Ban me from these forums please, I keep thinking I may actually read something that is player friendly and all you do is this garbage over and over again.. good riddance game
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    Woof that’s a bad take. As someone who hoarded and spent his GES tokens to 7 star Malak this isn’t fair at all
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    Bad boys bad boys...watcha gonna do watcha gonna do when they come for you.
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    Thanks for removing the event... We planed a guild meeting for tomorrow to help unlock and have fun. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Now several of my mates cant unlock because of this. It isnt easy to make a meeting like this. You know we have work, family etc. Now you made this a sad and depressing meeting instead of a fun one. Thaaaank youuuu! Make more mistakes like this and you will kill the game. Or if you want to kill the game, than keep up the "good" work!
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    What players needed to overwhelmingly speak up for is an incredible make good for this dumpster fire. It sounds like CG will roll everything back, sweep everything under the rug, give out zero compensation and pretend nothing ever even happened.
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    before the event:
    I was 95/100 Shard.

    I have 1000 Token and waiting today the Sith Raid rewards (400 token) + tw rewards (500 token)
    then I see malak give Shard. so I directly 7 star him.
    and spend the 1900 token on Malak G12 ++ items. randomly.
    also spend crystal other gears.

    Now If you will retake these Shard. Please retake Malak Gear and give me 1900 Token again. so I can 7 Star him before the Genosian TB. etc.. (I dont want wait to 7 star him again..)
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    I mean hey take away my shards I haven’t 7*’d him yet but just saying.

    Also related note what were the rewards supposed to be?
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    Thanks for removing the event... We planed a guild meeting for tomorrow to help unlock and have fun. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Now several of my mates cant unlock because of this. It isnt easy to make a meeting like this. You know we have work, family etc. Now you made this a sad and depressing meeting instead of a fun one. Thaaaank youuuu! Make more mistakes like this and you will kill the game. Or if you want to kill the game, than keep up the "good" work!
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    I completely agree with point 1 and 2. I also was under the same impression that it was just a change and that's it. Now i just hope that the mess isn't bad for me. I got him to 7* upgraded to g12 with the some extra gear on him. Also the 6* mods on him... Crystals spend etc. It's really breaking my moral. It would have been a really nice thing since they don't really do anything of lately to ease the gear crunch and stuff
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    Thanks for removing the event... We planed a guild meeting for tomorrow to help unlock and have fun. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Now several of my mates cant unlock because of this. It isnt easy to make a meeting like this. You know we have work, family etc. Now you made this a sad and depressing meeting instead of a fun one. Thaaaank youuuu! Make more mistakes like this and you will kill the game. Or if you want to kill the game, than keep up the "good" work!
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    This game is bleeding and cg knows it. Hence why they want to get beginners up to compete quickly.
    If you let people keep shards the people that farmed them are ticked because they feel like they got cheated.
    If you take them away you screw over the time and all the other issues. People put gear in places. People spent money on these characters... etc.

    You have to make both groups happy. The people most screwed are the ones close to 7 star or that 7 star him in the last two months. At least the people that had him for a while got enjoy their dominance.

    The wrong move is bans. You can’t ban for your mistake and to ASSUME someone was being shady or knowing is a terrible basis for a decision. Bans will wreck this game.

    The choice is make the people happy and get a win or tick them off and watch the spiral of this game falling apart really get worse. This could be the last nail in the coffin.
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    Thanks for removing the event... We planed a guild meeting for tomorrow to help unlock and have fun. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Now several of my mates cant unlock because of this. It isnt easy to make a meeting like this. You know we have work, family etc. Now you made this a sad and depressing meeting instead of a fun one. Thaaaank youuuu! Make more mistakes like this and you will kill the game. Or if you want to kill the game, than keep up the "good" work!
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    I can't even pretend to know what CG will do. Nothing, and I mean nothing, would surprise me at this point. Just gonna wait it out...
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    It better be rescheduled for later today. This is incredibly frustrating. Some of us built up, saved up, changed our mods, held on gearing other toons, etc. all to prepare for this event today.
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    I don't think there were supposed to be any rewards. I don't think it was even supposed to be replayable.
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    Is it that hard to understand that this isn’t fair to the players that used their tokens in the store to 7 star Malak? Smh
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    HJoci30 wrote: »
    Thanks for removing the event... We planed a guild meeting for tomorrow to help unlock and have fun. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Now several of my mates cant unlock because of this. It isnt easy to make a meeting like this. You know we have work, family etc. Now you made this a sad and depressing meeting instead of a fun one. Thaaaank youuuu! Make more mistakes like this and you will kill the game. Or if you want to kill the game, than keep up the "good" work!

    Alcohol makes any meeting fun ;)
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    Vengence wrote: »
    I mean hey take away my shards I haven’t 7*’d him yet but just saying.

    Also related note what were the rewards supposed to be?

    There is only Pay to play event ..
    If you have already payed for the event, you should just have nothing to do ....
    It's not a game anymore ...
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    Phishedi wrote: »
    The only way to make it right, would be to refund the GET tokens to anyone who unlocked him and took him to 7* before this event started. Anything else would be a spit in the face to long term players, P2P and F2P alike.

    Those players would have got the same number of shards, just that they were convertred to shard shop currency. If refunded, they would have gotten extra currency from nowhere.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    I don't think there were supposed to be any rewards. I don't think it was even supposed to be replayable.

    It was replayable last time for no rewards.
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