Replay malak event. It gives shards [MERGE]


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    Posting again re honesty aspect.

    I'm a pretty smart guy, and I didn't know when I played through dark side again that there was a bug or that I'd be getting shards for repeat. Maybe because I was tired and hadn't had morning caffeine yet, maybe because I'm not as smart as I think I am. Perhaps I should have waited and thought a few seconds more what was going on before promoting. But even if it seems totally obvious to many especially in hindsight, doesn't mean it was instantly obvious to everyone at the time.

    Now, after I played dark side I saw a discord announcement popup that there was a bug and CG was telling people not to play, I checked forums, so okay. No completing light side because now I knew (here, honesty and a desire to avoid masochistic tedious repetitious punishment happily coincide...).

    Again, I'm fine if they revert to how it was before, that's entirely fair (or it's the least unfair when no perfect options), assuming done correctly including related changes.
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    leef wrote: »
    Asylumwar8 wrote: »
    It's worse when they have their former game changers blasting out info to take advantage of this bug...

    are you implying they somehow instructed their former gamechangers? haha

    Are you a new TVF account?

    This made me chuckle. If anything TVF is a new leef account.
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    Oh, I suppose I’ll be 25/100.
    So 50 shards stolen from my progress and the same in get losses.
    Either way, I’ll be done with this.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »

    It most certainly did say that.

    That is only reflected on the rewards tab that not everyone looks at first, just entering the event and playing does NOT reflect that.

    The person I was responding to (who said it didn’t say first time) did look at the rewards tab.
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    Told my guild to play it until it gets fixed, if that’s a bannable offense I volunteer as tribute. Double dog dare ya.
  • Gavsta
    203 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    WtH??? Been in work all day... After playing it for funsies this morning, i just assumed this was a free few shards to speed along the people along, and I got some shard currency as Malak was already at 7*....
    So what'll happen? Gear purchased with the shard currency will be rolled back?
    This is just nuts!
    I ain't got time to check the forum every morning to see if the event is bugged, particularly at TW offence time when guilds are co-ordinating... foolishness.... just straight up foolishness!!
  • Entus
    161 posts Member
    Rowan_TWA wrote: »
    At this point if they mess up the recovery it's going to be bad for the game overall. They can roll it back but several in my guild (a guild that has been around since day 1 of this game) said they would quit if they roll this back. It's not a matter of "fixing it" for those that have completed it but rather a matter of CG's approach to the game as a whole. Look CG, you messed up... own it. Let it ride, don't lose players to keep the money machine going. Also if you ban players who did it that will be that, basically my entire guild will quit out of solidarity. Don't mess this up, just let it ride.

    So players in your guild will quit because they dont keep something many of us worked hard for and paid money for, for free?

    I say good riddance then.
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    Entus wrote: »
    Geshtianna wrote: »
    Entus wrote: »
    There is no way that they can fix this with a simple hotfix. Every account that got extra shards will be in a slightly different position. For some people all of those shards went to shard shop currancy for some they all went to unlocking malak, for most it will be a mixture of both. The only way they could even hope to "fix" this is to go account by account and fix it manually.

    In addition to this, I imagine that many people have been hoarding gear specifically for malak. Mk6 stun guns, mk4 stun cuffs, and whatever g12 pieces that people spent will also have to be refunded on a case by case basis.

    Really the biggest problem that I can see from this whole fiasco is the amount of bad will that will be built up no matter what decision they ultimately reach. Let everyone keep their extra malak shards and the people who spent GET to get him will be unhappy. Take the malak shards away and you have just taken away a shiny new toy from thousands of players. Either way you are going to have a metaphorical riot on your hands.

    If they roll your entire inventory back to before the event, how does that not fix this?

    What about other people who have been affected? A player who should have won vs a 6-star G11 Malak suddenly had to face a R7 Malak and lost, will that be compensated?

    Cmon now..really? That can be **** up to, you should have known better. Thats just petty.

    😂😂😂 pettiness level 💯
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    So I spent 5k crystals to gear my malak up thinking like a lot of others that this was what the devs meant in their Q&A about making legendarys more easily farmable n alleviating the gets crunch so all the gear I purchased an my 5k crystals am i gonna get all tht back? This is one huge clusterbuck. No matter what they do here there will be lot of unhappy ppl an i see lot ppl losing out on $$ they may have spent an gear they added an crystals used.

    4k crystals here.
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    And, the Malak event is now deleted
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    Entus wrote: »
    Dave12 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    RyuMac_81 wrote: »
    What happens to the guys who just unlocked him today before the notice? If they scrub the whole event like they say are we loosing ours too? Someone should get fired for this.

    This will only effect players that recieved the "First time rewards" multiple times, from what we are told

    And then what? I don't really need the gear or mods back, because I only got them for Malak. Are they refunding the crystals I spent on that? How much money did CG make today in the mad scramble to get this geared up?

    Yes the crystals you had before the event start will be what you have. They are simply going back to a snapshot of ur account before the event.

    They are? You know their course of action?

    Going back to a "Snap shot" won't work as, surprisingly, some people have made changes unrelated to that. For example I g12ed dooku, farmed B1, shaak ti, and some stun cuffs. Considering the fact that getting such a hot fix put together will take at least a couple of days minimum that would mean any farming/gearing that I do until then will just be undone. There is no "easy" fix to this.
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    What I think is strange is that they're even attempting to roll back all these Malak's one by one on an individual basis, and without **** things up further. I'd imagine things starts to get pretty complicated in the cases where people got him to 7* and started gearing him again and the relics. If it was me I'd just accept the fact that the glass hit the floor and broke, instead of trying to turn back time but hey. I'm just glad I don't have Malak yet this is sure to be a **** show.
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    I only had time to finish the dark side mission of malak event. I was doing the light side mission when it got canceled. Please put it back !!
  • Xlor1
    107 posts Member
    DubbaPhatt wrote: »
    Fine if you were unlocking him for the first time but I was 25 shards off 7 star.
    Did ds round on the way to work
    this morning, blissfully unaware this was a bug. Got him to 7 star and cashed in the 50 spare shards.
    If they take 75 back off me I’m now at 0/100 and short 75 shards worth of get tokens.
    I will most definitely be quitting the game if that is how it plays out

    I'm in the same boat. Needed 70, shard shopped the 80 and spent 9k currency on gear.
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    They said they will reschedule it
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    Phishedi wrote: »
    The only way to make it right, would be to refund the GET tokens to anyone who unlocked him and took him to 7* before this event started. Anything else would be a spit in the face to long term players, P2P and F2P alike.


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    Me, this morning: CG actually did something other than pay empty lip service to gear crunch, that’s great!

    CG:Nope, just incompetence, will return to your regularly scheduled programming shortly.
  • ddlooping2
    1047 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Phishedi wrote: »
    The only way to make it right, would be to refund the GET tokens to anyone who unlocked him and took him to 7* before this event started. Anything else would be a spit in the face to long term players, P2P and F2P alike.
    Unless they've unlocked Gen. Skywalker. ;)

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    The simple fix that will make everyone happy is to leave the event up with the free shards, AND give everyone 57K GET1 tokens. That way everyone gets the same benefits and nobody should have any reason to complain.

    Let's see if the simple fix route is taken.
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    Entus wrote: »
    Rowan_TWA wrote: »
    At this point if they mess up the recovery it's going to be bad for the game overall. They can roll it back but several in my guild (a guild that has been around since day 1 of this game) said they would quit if they roll this back. It's not a matter of "fixing it" for those that have completed it but rather a matter of CG's approach to the game as a whole. Look CG, you messed up... own it. Let it ride, don't lose players to keep the money machine going. Also if you ban players who did it that will be that, basically my entire guild will quit out of solidarity. Don't mess this up, just let it ride.

    So players in your guild will quit because they dont keep something many of us worked hard for and paid money for, for free?

    I say good riddance then.

    Yes, that's it and while you're entitled to your opinion just know that you're wrong. How can they possibly fix this without making it wrong for some group? The only way to do so would be to refund the GET tokens for those who used them on Malak shards PRIOR to this event starting. I highly doubt that this will be the fix though as it would involve losing money from whales and krakens. Rolling this back is a nightmare of figuring out who did what, when and what they did with the resources. This game is on it's dying breathe and caters only to whales at this point. From the broken mechanics to the introduction of G14-G21 (aka Relics) which are basically a PTW way of overcoming a lack of speed mods to making 10 different kinds of currency that are used to enhance PTP players rosters? Where's the new content? Why do you think players are leaving in large numbers? Because CG catering to whales is killing this game. I could care less about those who pay to win this game, wallet warriors who spend thousands on a mobile game while renting apartments and driving broken down cars... Keep spending my friend and keep considering yourself a mobile game hero. As for me and my guild your opinon doesn't matter much at all.

    Have a great day!
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    I figured this would happen when I saw the event a few days ago. CG messed up, why should players pay for their screw-up.
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    There was this one games company that said recently they would only start major events when there was someone in the office so that issues could be caught and stopped or whatever asap, now, remind me which company was that.... :D
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    Nah, players are already behind that are getting malak. You can have your get1 discount and I'l take the shard shop currency. Be nice of them to actually give a slingshot.
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    Instead of wasting your time on a good Bug, you should find a way to reduce the gear Crunch ....
    Going backward only affect small players, Whales don't care of 150 shards that worth nothing due to the poor exchange rate ...
    Work For the Game, Not against the players ...
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    It hurts no one? Spending 60,000 GET currency only to have others get a Malak for free hurts no one? Then lead by example and sacrifice your next 60,000 GET tokens.
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    This is definitely the biggest clusterf*&% SNAFU since I've been playing. Where I work, if we screw something up for a client, we make it right, usually by finishing the work for free. This is CG's screw up, not ours. They should be doing whatever they can to make their customers happy. Keeping the shards, and giving out GET to those who already 7* Malak is reasonable. And its not about being profitable- look at Amazon's business model. If they screw up a shipment to me, they normally tell me to keep the incorrect product and send me the correct one for free. They appear to be doing just fine
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    Looking on the bright side, I think we’ll get at least 3, maybe even 5 CW Chewie shards as a consolation for today’s events.
  • MadDad_NewWarframe
    154 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Id have no issue with it staying.. if the plan was to keep the same platform. So i could get the shards next event. But not fair if people expect it to be a one time deal.

    Although guys who got 5 * a couple months ago and spent 20-58k get1 may disagree and that would be fair for them to feel let down..
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