Replay malak event. It gives shards [MERGE]


  • DarthVeritlyn
    704 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    "Judging by the community involvement of reddit posts, YouTube videos, and forum posts, we consider the Malak bug to have had a positive impact on the community." -CG

    "We're seeing high levels of engagement across the board."
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    Dmitry_M81 wrote: »
    When we’re rhese god mods given out!! Must of missed that. I’ve been farming mods for 4 years and still my mods suck
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    The same post you are talking about says they are removing the shards.

    How easy is it to individually undo things when some people already upgraded their Malak, and potentially upped his gear level? And what if they had him at 7* already, and just got a big stash of shard shop currency which is already spent? How easy is it to go through every account to reset such things?

    CG takes “screenshots” of the game every day. So they resort to a “screenshot”, save point, system restore, etc. (Whatever you want to call it) they don’t/won’t need to do anything on an individual player basis. They just go “back into the future” and nothing ever happened... nobody ever beat the event.

    Yes, but how easy is it to reset specific things only on accounts that replayed the event, and not reset the other non-glitch activities from that time? It took a long time for them to refund Sith Assassin’s gear after they made her arena irrelevant with the last second tack on Malak ability. And their first attempt at the rollback didn’t work. Lots of players were left out unintentionally so that they had to try again. Anyone who was left our made it known so it could be fixed. How many people who got free stuff will speak up so it can be taken away when CG screws up their first attempt at a fix?

    The better example is when they accidentally gave out God mods. They rolled it back to the “screenshot” pretty easily... which they’ll do all over again... pretty easily with the only side affect being drama from the community. Maybe it takes a couple of days. The sith assassin solution obviously wasn’t as pressing of an issue.

    This only affected a small percentage of players for some reason about a year ago. No idea how they got those mods or how it even happened.

    Grey mods with speed upgraded speed only secondary 5x times
    edit: 4x times actually

    So it’s kinda like the mafia. CG does something sketchy... so they call their people and they take care of it... As if it never... even... happened. What God Mods? What Malak Shards? Shame if anything ever happened to that 7* Gas ya have.
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    This is the saddest part of this, you are manipulating the emotions of players because you don't have the guts to own your mistake. Mistakes happen, we're all humans, nobody is perfect, but you can at least make it right.

    Imagine being a clueless kid who's not engaged in forums/Reddit/YouTube but nevertheless loves the game, you want to replay the event to see how much stronger your Darth Revan team got since last time only to find out that you can earn shards again! SWEET! You thought, you look at the light side battles and they have 75 shard reward too! You are hyped to finally get the 7 star Malak you've been waiting to gear up for so long! You swap your mods around, get the event done, rank up your Malak to 7 stars, finally put that gear on him you've been holding onto for so long, get a bunch of gear 12 pieces on him, you can't wait to test him out tonight in the raids!

    Similarly you could be someone who grinded hard for those GET, you passed up on so much gear you could have used on other characters, instead you hoarded up to get Malak to 7 stars a bit faster, you failed to beat the event the first time but the second time you got it. You recently finished Malak's farm after the last TB only to find out that all those tokens you hoarded went to waste because CG whether intentionally or by accident invalidated your effort. Now you are ****, you're trying to find what's going on, is this 2200 shard shop currency all I get now? I spent 57000 GET only to finish him a week ago and all that was for nothing!

    I understand both sides, but unfortunately the devs do not. Instead of going with the option that makes them both happy, you decide to emotionally manipulate the first guy, tell him in his face that he was PRANKED! Gotcha kid, you got played! Now bring me those shards back and shut up! Ohh and good luck wasting your time trying to open tickets to find out what the heck is going on, get back on the grind kiddo because we decided that's fun and you don't get to choose.

    Imagine being so cruel over character shards when there are 13 gear levels and relics to overcome just to use a character nowadays. This is all going downhill and it's going fast!
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Baldy, is that you?!
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Baldy, is that you?!

    Nah baldly quit, my hair is fine
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    Fremium games are emotionally manipulative by design so the title might be a bit redundant.
    Having said that, most of what you've said here is right, 5* unlocks are a silly idea now with the predatory nature of relics always looming.
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    Everyone knows that Malak was a 5* unlock and you had to horde months of GET to 7* him. Those that thought this was a "gift" obviously haven't been paying attention.

    Imo they better reset all the new 6* & 7* Malaks from today or give everyone that had a 7* Malak yesterday their GET back. Those are the only 2 possible solutions that'll please the community as a whole.
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    Lemme know when CG talks about the Malak situation compensation. Ima take a nap gn. :)
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    ...that'll please the community as a whole.

    I'm sorry, what?
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    I'll wake you in about a week then lol
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    You don't get it, it's not about the "bonus shards", it's about everyone who used 57k GET to 7* him got royally screwed over because of this bug if they let people keep those shards and don't roll back Malaks to what they were years.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Lysandrax wrote: »
    ...that'll please the community as a whole.

    I'm sorry, what?

    yea, that's crazy talk. pleasing the community as a whole is damm near impossible.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    I remember when companies used to try and please their customers. Now they simply **** on your head and tell you it's raining
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    I never understood CG policy on customer service. Why would they purposefully **** off their customers? Why would they bite the hand that feeds them? Makes no sense. They are better off giving the shards and the GET and then make the money back next month with a marquee event for a cool character. Why **** off the customers to the point where they leave?
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    Surely now the only fair way forward is to open the event back up and allow everyone to access the extra shards.
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    I don't think they have the resources or logs available to roll back this mistake for each player, for a large number of players.

    Option 1 is doing a global roll back of the entire game, to the state it was in before the event started. Any progress anywhere is lost for everyone. Money spent would have to be refunded. This would be wildly unpopular.

    Option 2 is assuming WAI. Some players will be upset that they spent GET1 currency on building him previous to this release. Some players will be upset that they spent money on getting Malak when he's now free to play, after 3 Showdowns, so offer a way to buy back those "wasted" GET1 currency with Shard currency (which is where Excess Malak shards went anyway). You would only be able to buy 70,300 GET1 this way ever, since that is the difference between 7* and 5*. 1 Malak shard = 15 Shard Currency = 380 GET1 currency, so price in shard shop would be 15 shards for 380 GET1.

    The main loss would be that every time Malak comes back, all players that are able to redo that event will get 150 free shards, which will get them 2,250 Shard currency, if my math is right. A small price to pay for a pretty major goof up. This could eventually be scaled down in future returns of the event, but players should be able to count on getting Malak after 3 Showdowns (2 if they spend a little GET1 currency).

    I would go with option 2, even if it messes up their overall plans for Malak, just to keep players happy.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Rhunne wrote: »
    I want to see the rage from the guy that got him to 7* because of this, had the gear horded up to take him to g13 r7 only for it to be rolled back... That's some next level kittens there... (hey look kyno, I didn't swear this time :wink: )

    isn't there enough rage on the forum already? Dang dude, you're hardcore.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    DarthPhaco wrote: »
    I never understood CG policy on customer service. Why would they purposefully **** off their customers? Why would they bite the hand that feeds them? Makes no sense. They are better off giving the shards and the GET and then make the money back next month with a marquee event for a cool character. Why **** off the customers to the point where they leave?

    Because CG doesn't care. They do what they're told by EA and couldn't care less what we think or say about it. Their bottomline is all they care about and as long as there's people willing to pay this attitude will continue. They'll treat us like walking wallets and nothing more because someone will always be willing to pay to get ahead.
  • GBahia03
    242 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Thank you CG in advance for the, [ Free 150 Malak shards / Free 57k+ GET / 3 Chewie Shards / 1 Credit ]

    For the issues regarding Malak.

    (I'm Canadian)
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    leef wrote: »
    Rhunne wrote: »
    I want to see the rage from the guy that got him to 7* because of this, had the gear horded up to take him to g13 r7 only for it to be rolled back... That's some next level kittens there... (hey look kyno, I didn't swear this time :wink: )

    isn't there enough rage on the forum already? Dang dude, you're hardcore.

    Dw I'll add to the rage using polite passive aggressiveness
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Surely now the only fair way forward is to open the event back up and allow everyone to access the extra shards.

    Not entirely fair, giving some players roughly 60k GET1 worth of shards, others roughly 2k shardshop currency worth of shards and everything inbetween.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    You dont have to keep making threads, man. 3 is enough
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Desperate times call for desperate Baldies.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    We flagged the team, but it is currently 3am there. It seems like a bug, but we wont hear anything about this for a few hours.
    Why does CG release events in the middle of the night? Seems like it'd be in everyone's best interest to release them during morning work hours after they had their coffee so the can shut down or fix events like this that have problems.
  • TVF
    36756 posts Member
    Great thread title.
    I need a new message here.
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    leef wrote: »
    Surely now the only fair way forward is to open the event back up and allow everyone to access the extra shards.

    Not entirely fair, giving some players roughly 60k GET1 worth of shards, others roughly 2k shardshop currency worth of shards and everything inbetween.

    And that's why some form of fair compensation to all would be best for all instead of just taking away and reversing out their error. As has been said before, what happens to the people who got Malak to 7* and then spent money on gear and refreshes for relic materials? I bet they won't get their purchases refunded, but they'll probably get all the gear and relics taken away from them.

    This is a perfect opportunity for CG & EA to build some community spirit around a game that has recently seen a lot of people, and high spending people at that publicly saying they're quitting the game for good because of recent events and the way the game is heading. Instead they're taking the opportunity to alienate even more of their player base. Yes giving out fair compensation to people would be a big thing, but would that have a negative impact on the community? Absolutely not, quite the opposite in fact, but the game's direction over the last year or two has been incredibly short sighted so I'm not at all surprised that they're just going to roll back shards and pretend that nothing happened, while pocketing the money people have spent in the meantime of course
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