Double drops


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    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Telling people to "shut up" ignorant and rude.

    Calling people "ignorant and rude" is ignorant and rude.
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    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Telling people to "shut up" ignorant and rude.

    Calling people "ignorant and rude" is ignorant and rude.

    Many people are ignorant about the actual meaning of ignorant.
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
  • Paleon
    27 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    You want me to show evidence but not the company? How does that sound? That's like me saying I got food poisoning from lettuce and you expect me to give you evidence of the food poisoning and NOT the grocery store or the government. You don't expect the government or corporations involved in shipping the food to be accountable but I gotta go to school to be a doctor or scientist or doctor to ptovide evidence that I got food poisoning! Haha. People asking for evidence are ridiculous.
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    Paleon wrote: »
    You want me to show evidence but not the company? How does that sound?
    It's you who is accusing them with some invented claims.

    It's not the company's job to discredit you but yours to prove that it's more than just a spread of baseless fake information.
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    Paleon wrote: »
    You want me to show evidence but not the company? How does that sound? That's like me saying I got food poisoning from lettuce and you expect me to give you evidence of the food poisoning and NOT the grocery store or the government. You don't expect the government or corporations involved in shipping the food to be accountable but I gotta go to school to be a doctor or scientist or doctor to ptovide evidence that I got food poisoning! Haha. People asking for evidence are ridiculous.

    Comparing the prevention of the spread of a disease and not getting some Rose shards seems ridiculous.
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
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    Paleon wrote: »
    People asking for evidence are ridiculous.
    Counterpoint: people making claims without any evidence to back it up are being ridiculous.

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    JacenRoe wrote: »
    dimi4a wrote: »
    dimi4a wrote: »
    dimi4a wrote: »
    I mean CG claims that the drop rates aren't changed, but they don't provide any data to back that up, only their "word". They should be more transparent on these stuff than just their "word".

    To provide proof would be to release game code, which is proprietary, or just to release something everyone would claim is faked anyway. You want to prove a contrary opinion, the ball for research is in your court, get on with it.

    I'm not the one who should be proving things since i'm not on the dev team. CG make the claim so they have to prove it.

    They don’t though. And what data could they possibly provide? If you don’t believe drops are doubled, then why would you believe their data is real?

    Anything besides their word will work for me. It won't hurt anyone to be more clear about that.

    I’ve been getting WAY better than double on my drops. There. That qualifies as “anything.”

    It’s also precisely one more piece of data than you have provided to support your silly nonsensical claim.

    I've gotten 22 shards in 2 days for mission and 21 shards in 2 days for the robot who's name escapes me at the moment.
    Double drops are working great for me.
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    dimi4a wrote: »
    Paleon wrote: »
    You want me to show evidence but not the company? How does that sound?
    It's you who is accusing them with some invented claims.

    It's not the company's job to discredit you but yours to prove that it's more than just a spread of baseless fake information.

    And it's CG who claim that drop rates are the same so...

    So what? You're the ones alleging something is different. It's your job to back those claims up with evidence.

    The community have tracked drop rates over a large number of samples and have found shard drop rate to be 33%. The devs have stated that drop rates are never manipulated or changed. If they are lying, surely some verifiable community gathered data would prove that?

    All you conspiracy theorists are the same. You rant and rave about tweaked or rigged drop rates but you never produce your evidence (apart from screenshots of a 0/5 return here and there) to back it up.

    What do you call a drop rate conspiracy theorist who starts tracking his/ her drop data? An ex drop rate conspiracy theorist.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Since hyperboles and weirdo correlations are on, I guess this is a good time for
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    dimi4a wrote: »
    Paleon wrote: »
    People asking for evidence are ridiculous.
    Counterpoint: people making claims without any evidence to back it up are being ridiculous.

    CG claim the drop rates are the same without backing it up so... and it's not like they haven't mislead the playerbase or not made any mistakes in these 4 years now have they?

    Again, so what? The community have figured out what the drop rates are by tracking drop rates over a large sample size.

    You and other conspiracy theorists are simply not producing any data whatsoever to back your claims up. What could the devs say that you would possibly believe, anyway?
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    For those people asking CG to release data because you don't take their word for it that drop rates are the same, why would you trust the data they release?
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    dimi4a wrote: »
    For those people asking CG to release data because you don't take their word for it that drop rates are the same, why would you trust the data they release?

    We can compare it with what the community has as a data to see if they match.

    I think his point is that CG can see the community data so if you don't believe them when they say that they don't change drop rates then it's easy to make up an excuse like, "CG clearly manipulated the data to match!" if you don't like the data they release.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    jhbuchholz wrote: »
    dimi4a wrote: »
    For those people asking CG to release data because you don't take their word for it that drop rates are the same, why would you trust the data they release?

    We can compare it with what the community has as a data to see if they match.

    I think his point is that CG can see the community data so if you don't believe them when they say that they don't change drop rates then it's easy to make up an excuse like, "CG clearly manipulated the data to match!" if you don't like the data they release.

    +it's meaningless unless CG is willing to release the table droprates that creates the data in the first place. Data in this sense is merely checking if rng is working as intended.
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    Correct. If CG said, the drop rate is 32% for shards (we know it is in this ballpark) and here are 2 billion points of data showing it, it wouldn't stop you or anyone else from saying, I did 10 sims and go 0 so they are lying.
  • Fanatic
    415 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    dimi4a wrote: »
    Paleon wrote: »
    People asking for evidence are ridiculous.
    Counterpoint: people making claims without any evidence to back it up are being ridiculous.

    CG claim the drop rates are the same without backing it up so... and it's not like they haven't mislead the playerbase or not made any mistakes in these 4 years now have they?

    If you don't believe their first claim, what could they possibly provide as a backup to that claim that you couldn't readily reject as "rigged" data?

    That is, if you don't believe CG, you don't believe CG, and the only way to know the truth then is for the community to collect the data on the drop rates. Guess what? It's been done. Guess what the result was? ....
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    dimi4a wrote: »
    For those people asking CG to release data because you don't take their word for it that drop rates are the same, why would you trust the data they release?

    We can compare it with what the community has as a data to see if they match.

    It's already clear you and others (the OP for example) don't think they match, as you complain about drop rates regularly.

    I simply don't believe that, if they came out and said "It's 33%", you would instantly trust them and cease your drop rate griping.

    I still am baffled as to why you conspiracy theorists don't track your own data properly. If you don't believe the drop rates are as people say they are, track them yourself to gain proof.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    dimi4a wrote: »
    For those people asking CG to release data because you don't take their word for it that drop rates are the same, why would you trust the data they release?

    We can compare it with what the community has as a data to see if they match.

    It's already clear you and others (the OP for example) don't think they match, as you complain about drop rates regularly.

    I simply don't believe that, if they came out and said "It's 33%", you would instantly trust them and cease your drop rate griping.

    I still am baffled as to why you conspiracy theorists don't track your own data properly. If you don't believe the drop rates are as people say they are, track them yourself to gain proof.

    I'm still hopeful given that we managed to **** at least a few conspiracists enough to actually get to them to start tracking who at least believe in their own numbers when they see it xD
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Eveymryone should go watch Dark Waters. There you will find a company that lied about its research, a conspiracy theory and a man that did his own research to prove what actually happened.

    Should make everyone in this thread happy.
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    I don't need to research or collect data to prove to anyone. If I and many others are having the same issue that's a good amount of proof. I am sure someone is collecting data since a lot of you naysayers are saying people always say drops are low without proof to back it up. So you REALLY believe EVERY person that claims this is just disillusioned? I have several people in my guild experiencing the same thing. I see several threads here from people I don't know having the same issue. We're all wrong? None of us kept track of how much energy we spent compared to the shardsor gear we received? Us getting large amounts of useless gear or serious surplus is NOT a coincidence. We're not wrong. The disillusioned are those saying we're wrong. And really, a lot of you think you're smart but you're not. Especially if you can't admit there's a possibility the drop rates are being tampered with to make us spend more money.
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    Paleon wrote: »
    If I and many others are having the same issue that's a good amount of proof.

    Paleon wrote: »
    So you REALLY believe EVERY person that claims this is just disillusioned?

    Until you provide data, yes.

    The brain and selective memory are amazing things. They work for and, in this case, against us.
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    Well, I k ow I'm not disillusioned when I'm buying energy and using it all and not getting a single drop and do ot again and then only getting one drop. I'll just ignore you naysaying know-it-all and discuss it with those that have experienced it.
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    Those of you who don't believe it that's fine. You can just ignore these posts and speak on things you know about(read as "have experienced.").
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    Paleon wrote: »
    Well, I k ow I'm not disillusioned when I'm buying energy and using it all and not getting a single drop and do ot again and then only getting one drop. I'll just ignore you naysaying know-it-all and discuss it with those that have experienced it.

    Is it really that hard to track some data so the community can start to collect it all together? Here is what I've tracked so far:

  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    You keep using the word disillusioned.... I’m really not sure that’s the word you want.
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