LS Geo TB is insane!! [MERGE]


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    By the time this content is playable in a manner that makes the challenge fun (i.e. not insurmountable) so much time will have passed that it will be old and boring. I really don't understand their development cycles or how they think reskinning old stuff and making it impossible is new content. Content has to be playable to be, well, playable.
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    I guess they could have the mindset of this being the last TB they ever do, so they future-proofed it to a ridiculous degree...? Even if true, they should have scaled it more aggressively over phases/waves so that phase 1, wave 1 isn't so punishing.
  • Lrrr
    172 posts Member
    Here comes relic 10. CG is run by greedy people who love the EA model. This new TB is garbage. On top of pretty much all the garbage they’ve forced on us for the last year. This game is bad.
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    I'm sure they'll be back from lunch soon.
  • Tiig
    297 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Look at ships p4 platoon. It goes back in time and helps p3....this TB is half backwards!

    If you fail to get a star in Phase 3, you can fill P4 platoons and attempt P3 again

    Our guild use the roll over tactic when geo first came. We carried over middle p3...if you fail the star. You redo p3 and p4 is locked. There is no way to redo p3 with p4 platoons...CG screwed launch

    Yes there is. The top territory is ships. Redo toons p3 while doing ships p4. We do it in DS Geo every time, just don’t get bonuses for the earlier phases.
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    Nothing is going to change until the whales complain

    Bu “whales” you mean top spenders in the test guilds?
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    By the time this content is playable in a manner that makes the challenge fun (i.e. not insurmountable) so much time will have passed that it will be old and boring. I really don't understand their development cycles or how they think reskinning old stuff and making it impossible is new content. Content has to be playable to be, well, playable.

    It wont be tho because there wont be a game by then
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    Nothing is going to change until the whales complain

    They are. That's the point - it is impossible to "whale" hard enough to do this content. When full on maxxed G13 teams all with Relic 7's can't even make a dent in P1, you know there is a real problem.

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    Nothing is going to change until the whales complain

    They are. That's the point - it is impossible to "whale" hard enough to do this content. When full on maxxed G13 teams all with Relic 7's can't even make a dent in P1, you know there is a real problem.

    No problem to change this. Relic 99, Gear 99 and whales have fun again.
  • Tiig
    297 posts Member
    DHudson wrote: »
    If you're at or above 3.5m you are end game. This was supposed to be endgame content.

    If someone's played for 4 years and still can't 4/4 this is a flawed design.

    In what world are Jedi (outside of JKR) going to 4/4? If JKR can't?

    Have to laugh at this dumpster fire. What more can we do.

    What a complete waste. I'd say time but 40 seconds to get slaughtered doesn't really equate.

    3.5M is a far cry from end game. I’m over 4M and a far cry from endgame. You’d have to have tickets on yourself to think you’re endgame when you’re just starting to get into the meaty part of the game.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    I give CG a hard time on a fairly regular basis because I love star wars and want the biggest playing base we can have. But I've always wanted to believe that they had the best interests of the game and players at heart. I can no longer believe it. So thank you CG for stripping away the last remnants of that delusion. I wonder just how many whales will have had enough of this?
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    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Drim wrote: »
    We would have picked Hoth if we would have known that it’s in possible to participate..A bunch of us we’re looking forward to our at least 5700 GET1 for G$ shards..

    Do you not recall when CG blocks off content as it's not intended for everyone, there are cries of "let us choose", "it's a slap in the face to not let us try".

    You’re trolling every thread regarding this. Choosing is fine as long as we know what to expect; I’m 5.2m gp in an end-game guild and we will be surprised to get about 5 stars. Obviously if they came out and said “your relic teams will struggle to even clear 4/4 on p1” as opposed to “150m gp guilds is the minimum”, we may have chose differently.

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    So it’s looking like barely anyone is able to complete any of the phase 1 missions. In phase 2 would it be better to just donate your toons and move on? 99.9 percent of the player base is not able to even beat 1 mission completely in phase 1. I am also wondering if cg should just give us all rewards based on our guild gp at the end of 6 days since most of can’t even beat wave 1 of these missions anyways? At least until they give us the ability to play and beat these missions. Anyone?
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    My relic'd characters just got completely obliterated. My mostly r7 GR squad (Padme is zz and r4) got to 4/4 of the SM, while my r7 Clones and zz r4 Shaak Ti didn't even get to beat the first wave. 5's got one shotted. Bloody ridiculous. It's fine to make this tough, but I'd expect full r7, 6 dot modded teams to at least do 2/4. GAS will take forever to get to 7* now we'll get bugger all GET from this junk.
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    Is anybody seriously surprised that CG dropped yet another **** on us? That's all they've done for the past year plus. This game used to be cool, now it's it's just an obvious money grab with entirely blah content at every single turn. Sad, only thing this game is good for anymore is running off guildmates. Thanks again greedy CG! I hope NOBODY ever gives you another penny, I know I won't.
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    I for one will not be whipping out the card to buy “content” to compete in TB. As someone else mentioned I’m desensitized by the shenanigans put forth by the devs.

    Vote with wallets and App Store reviews
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    At least until they give us the ability to pay and beat these missions. Anyone?

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    Vombatidae wrote: »
    At least until they give us the ability to pay and beat these missions. Anyone?


    Lol, well there is that option too.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Drim wrote: »
    We would have picked Hoth if we would have known that it’s in possible to participate..A bunch of us we’re looking forward to our at least 5700 GET1 for G$ shards..

    you thought you were going to get 20 stars??
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    While it seems impossible, they may have some plans for improving our squads to beat it. Who knows...
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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    Calm down, this happened for DS hoth tb before and they will dial back down the difficulty.
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    I think the biggest bummer in all of this is that it shows players, even those at the tip of the spear, how far away they are from CG's idea of end game or the next shiny thing.

    It's like walking 20 miles. Not insurmountable if you go one foot in front of the other and keep at it. It's incremental, so you keep going. However, if someone could show you an aerial view of how far away 20 miles is, you would probably be deflated and potentially stop.

    I cannot think of one reason to release "playable" content that no one can complete. And for those who will read this and say so-and-so or someone in my guild completed the special mission, that's great, this is P1. If the assumption of each phase gets harder holds true, it is unlikely they will continue that success.
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    Capital Games 2 hours into the start of the new Tb
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    So it’s looking like barely anyone is able to complete any of the phase 1 missions. In phase 2 would it be better to just donate your toons and move on? 99.9 percent of the player base is not able to even beat 1 mission completely in phase 1. I am also wondering if cg should just give us all rewards based on our guild gp at the end of 6 days since most of can’t even beat wave 1 of these missions anyways? At least until they give us the ability to play and beat these missions. Anyone?

    Discussing with my officers just now. This is almost certainly what we’ll do for phases 2-4. Donate and forget about it.

    And that’s a 223M GP guild.

    Sure, we’re not top 200 globally, but we’re top 300. They’ve designed content that at present <1000 people can be getting any joy out of.

    And I suspect it’s orders of magnitude less than a thousand as well.
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    While it seems impossible, they may have some plans for improving our squads to beat it. Who knows...

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