LS Geo TB is insane!! [MERGE]


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    Up front: I think the LS Geo TB difficulty level is much too high. I think it will be detuned, probably soon. g13 squads should not go 0/4 in P1, nor in any phase for that matter.

    So on with my story. It is not full of rage, so some of you may not like it. Read it or don't.

    Apprehension was high after reading early reports, I was curious to see how my best teams would fare. Two in particular have received most of my attention: CLS and JKR (GR has no g13 yet). So let's get after it and watch them get ultra-murdered so I can join the ragefest!

    Speeds are 322/204/235/293/245, whatever that's what I have. Yoda at 10281 special offense. Full 6° mods on the first three. Enter the battle expecting to see instant bloodbath ...
    Hmmm, not dead yet so that's good. They do seem very fast though, probably somewhere around 300. Which enemy to attack first? Not sure, so just go after the Geo Soldiers as much as possible. Got a few Yoda hits in before the enemy started laying down damage. Lost g12 Bastila near the end of W1, but Jolee will bring her back, yeah?
    Oooo, that dude with the rifle looks like trouble, but I heard that B2 must go ASAP. Jolee brought back Bastila, but these guys are mean and put her back down right away. Then Yoda went down, but Jolee brought them both back again, very briefly. Still, my squad was unable to complete W2 ...

    Speeds are 292/255/260/264/248. Let's give CLS a try! Commander Luke is my only R7 character, I had high hopes for him and his 9442 physical offense, 205.5% crit damage. Sadly, Han went down early and R2 followed shortly after, but Luke carried through to W2. That was all, though.

    So yeah, my best didn't get too far. Frankly I expected them to do better in Phase 1 of the TB. But it's always possible that attack order will be a key factor (it usually is) and maybe it will just take some time to figure out the strategy. I'm not quite ready to join the ragefest, rather accustomed to having my hat handed to me in this game. But I still like playing with virtual action figures.

    The TB actually does look interesting with all the new enemies to figure out, but the difficulty does seem a bit high. Dial it back a bit, give us a chance to play it. I would suggest g12 squads should have some utility in P1, and R7 squads should be capable of 4/4 in P1. Scale the difficulty from there.

    Carry on.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    We got hyperdrive bundle. I bet it will put us up to speed.
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    No_Try wrote: »
    We got hyperdrive bundle. I bet it will put us up to speed.

    Nope because hyperdrive isn't enough we need ludicrous speed.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    We got hyperdrive bundle. I bet it will put us up to speed.

    Nope because hyperdrive isn't enough we need ludicrous speed.

    r20 vader helmet will save us!
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    No_Try wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    We got hyperdrive bundle. I bet it will put us up to speed.

    Nope because hyperdrive isn't enough we need ludicrous speed.

    r20 vader helmet will save us!

    They've gone to plaid!
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    I love these mods and this repressive community of making everything seem great by erasing or moving all the posts.

    CG no on here cares about your GD Hyperdrive Bundle....we want to know **** this LSTB is and if you seriously made it impossible to achieve even 10stars until you release new crap like relics and levels or gear
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Don’t know why they would post this when it’s clearly not the case
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    Releasing info on a hyperbundle while ignoring the obvious anger in here - stay classy.

    At this point my only real gripe is the lack of communication that means we're forced to sit and wait for the clock to run down on this garbage TB. I don't even want to log in for the next week to see that dumpster fire sitting there.

    We only get two a month and most of us have had our time intentionally wasted by purposefully vague and misleading information.

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    So can anyone please say if it's WAI or not? I don't have time to read 800 comments and can't find any dev post on it.
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    The forums are on fire, Reddit on fire, both my arena and guild chat on fire of people upset and wondering if this intended. People pleading for a response and get.....a post discussing more bundles you can buy. Oh man you can't make this 💩 up. I'm sorry but I don't care how much you make and how much disposable income you have, if you give this company money you deserve this treatment.
    My guild and arena chats do not even discuss this anymore because everyone is just frustrated af...
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    So can anyone please say if it's WAI or not? I don't have time to read 800 comments and can't find any dev post on it.

    Kyno already came out and said tophat told him its WAI. It's around 8 pages back I think. If you look at one of the really long multi quotes its in there.
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    I ask as they did "Are you Ready for the Republic Offensive"......well no of course you are not because we didn't give you the levels/gear/and mods to actually compete in it yet but don't worry for the cheap price of your soul it will be available soon.
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    I ask as they did "Are you Ready for the Republic Offensive"......well no of course you are not because we didn't give you the levels/gear/and mods to actually compete in it yet but don't worry for the cheap price of your soul it will be available soon.

    And the souls of your unborn children. And the second mortgage on your house.
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    So can anyone please say if it's WAI or not? I don't have time to read 800 comments and can't find any dev post on it.

    They confirmed it is. But looking at the difficulty of the battles and the amount of gp needed to max out the number of stars, I don't know what they were thinking of when they came out with this "intention". It is just ridiculous.
  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    Biggest problem with TB is that we can’t practice at getting better cause they are so few and far apart! We won’t see this Tb for weeks before we can have another swing at it...

    This makes finding good team really difficult. While raids might seems impossible at the beginning, the fact that we play them several time a week (and we can make several attempts each time) allows the community to find adequate counter to near impossible odds.

    Give us a TB sandbox to practice, that would be wicked!

    Great job on the units and interaction though, it will be fun to play at some point in the future.
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    Umm ya...
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    No_Try wrote: »
    We got hyperdrive bundle. I bet it will put us up to speed.

    With G8 items... that Hyperdrive went south fast...
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    TAureliusC wrote: »
    TAureliusC wrote: »
    Lynora wrote: »
    Polinski08 wrote: »
    In the 4 years I have played this game, I have spent in excess of 100k.

    Jesus ****. This game was never worth that kind of money. Having just a few people willing to spend money like that on these games is the exact reason the games have become so horrible.

    Indeed. I was just telling my guild that the kraken and whale crowd have made their own demise, unfortunately the game goes down with them.

    This game was always about the whales and the krakens. They kept the game in business for everyone else. It’s totally fine to play F2P, but a game won’t fund itself if they have no paying customers.

    If you take a step back and really think about it, this content was made for whales and krakens. My 2-3m gp alts don’t even stand a chance, and it probably wasn’t designed with them in mind. And if it WAS designed for the whales, and the whales are having an issue with game play, then there really is a problem.

    I do realize that. My point, however, is that the need to finish characters and have the best team is counterproductive to the longevity of the game. Whales and kraken who can pay to have characters completed almost instantly, will then need more and more content pumped out quickly to satisfy their "needs, much like an addict needs more and more of the substance they're hooked on to achieve the same high. Eventually this causes lack of interest or contentment with the content being delivered. Then a once fun game develops a toxic atmosphere and then death of the game is inevitable.

    I don’t disagree.

    I think the game, for any level player, should be satisfying. When you achieve nothing and you have just about everything you can have in the game, the feeling of accomplishment drops and motivation drops with it. They scaled this TB wrong because even end game players with end game level assets can’t make meaningful dents.

    For sure, but I think that the whales should be paced better, because the end result is everyone from the dolphin category down gets discouraged and quits because there is too much grind and no real progress being made. There is 0 chance that I will ever catch up. I have a decent roster, imho, 4.5 mil gp. LS geo TB has me honestly asking why I even play the game still because I gotta farm for Gen Skywalker, but I also need to develop my clones (finally), but that is kinda moot because they'll be destroyed. My arena team is tanking hard, but I have to do the aforementioned things too. I understand that it is a resource management game, but the pace isn't set by people like me. It is set with a small groups wallet and all because they can't deny themselves instant gratification. With that pace, the game becomes not fun for the majority of the player base.
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    I think the LSTB is just a distraction to make us forget about the WAT TAMBOR shards we still haven't recieved!
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    I heard that Dragon Champions was a great game!
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    TAureliusC wrote: »
    So can anyone please say if it's WAI or not? I don't have time to read 800 comments and can't find any dev post on it.

    It is 100% WAI

    Thanks. I wonder why the devs just don't get on the forums and confirm it themselves.
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    Not taking credit for this, but someone on reddit ran the numbers.... A full clear on the final phase require 12 million GP PER PLAYER. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE. Obviously this should not be easy but when the highest GP out there is 7 million, why in the world would you create something with such absurd requirements???
  • Cs99
    146 posts Member
    TAureliusC wrote: »
    So can anyone please say if it's WAI or not? I don't have time to read 800 comments and can't find any dev post on it.

    It is 100% WAI

    Thanks. I wonder why the devs just don't get on the forums and confirm it themselves.

    To busy peddling the new hyperdrive bundle
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    TAureliusC wrote: »
    So can anyone please say if it's WAI or not? I don't have time to read 800 comments and can't find any dev post on it.

    It is 100% WAI

    Thanks. I wonder why the devs just don't get on the forums and confirm it themselves.

    Too busy counting money
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    It's funny that Crumbs just released the post abount new bundles. Yet they all still fail to respond to a 25 page thread about ridiculousness of the new TB. Someone said that they recently hired a Community Manager? Haha :smiley:
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