Ahnalds account [MERGE]


  • Mawat
    37 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    The terms of the strike should be very precise.
    I'm ready to strike during weeks to perma-ban cheaters, but not even a day to ask test-accounts for you-tubers.

    I also think it should be done through TW, it will be much more visible and more collective if whale's guild doesn't participate to a round of TW.
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    Guys, this is just a cream on a pie

    We are seeing content released in last few years that is conditioned with previous requirements, so a user is forced to spend money if he wants to stay in with the game. That is increasing year after year. I was tired of all and how thay manage game, this just pushed many of us over the edge.

    As i said, cream on top
  • Wormio
    63 posts Member
    Actually, they hear app ratings being changed to one star. They hear thousands of accounts not being logged into for a few days. They hear greatly reduced spending on their game. Better yet, they hear EA. Contact EA to vent and get their attention. And post in here. Don't be silent...
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    Not a big fan of Ahnald, but what happened to him is wrong. Just wanted to add to this thread.
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    I’ve been on strike for months. I’ve spent $1,500 on this game but I stopped spending months ago. I’m going to keep playing a game that I’ve paid for, and paid far more for then I did for all the other pc/PS4/Xbox games combined.

    I’m not paying again until they ban the cheaters, a decent road ahead that shows that there’s something to actually play and half a future. The treatment of the people that play this game is a farce whether they be YT, whales, dolphins or f2p. Reskins of old territory battles, let alone the half hearted galactic legends and ships don’t cut it.

    At this point the “game” is moving to a place where it’s barely distinguishable from online gambling.
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    Just here to comment and tell CG to right this wrong. You need to speak up about this issue, people are tired of your silence on pretty much everything concerning this game and this ban is just another great example of how badly you treat your community and players as a whole. #FreeAhnald
  • lmperator
    9 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    What are You doig CG? You are brainless? Why don't take any state of this case? Any answers in this case? CG, You are killing this game. This game will not exists without gamers. I don't understand your passivity, it's like pis...ing on all players. Shame, shame and shame.
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    CG appears to be operating like spoiled little brats.
    There are so many stories coming out of looking the other way and negotiating with known cheaters simply because they have deep pockets. -- While Arnold101 spends quite a bit of money himself, CG appears to hate transparency in the game, criticism, content they can't control and the fact the content creators cover games which isn't this one.
    The reality is:
    * I, and many in the SWGOH community, get the majority of our information for this game from content creators, not from CG.
    * I went from a casual player to a highly dedicated player, because I started watching the content creators
    * The different set of rules that CG applies to the player base is inexcusable, especially since they publicly pretend like have one set of rules
    * There's a lot of people who will stop, or severely limit, their spending due to the inconsistency shown by CG.
    * The integrity of the game is officially shot

    This is the final straw for a lot of people, so when the next big Star Wars game drops (Maverick perhaps....), there will likely be a big exodus since CG seems determined to drive this one into the ground.

    My personal prediction for the way this is handled is that CG will eventually come out with a minimal response as they wave the TOS. Then they'll attempt to distract the player base, in hopes this all blows over, by either (finally) releasing the Road Ahead, or offering extra events or rewards in game.
  • Mawat
    37 posts Member
    Wormio wrote: »
    Better yet, they hear EA. Contact EA to vent and get their attention. And post in here. Don't be silent...

    I created a ticket in EA help, i indeed think we must flood every channel of communication until they give a real answer

  • Wormio
    63 posts Member
    Electronic Arts contact information and to place tickets: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/faq/contact-ea-help/. This is how to best get EA's attention on the matter. Good move, Mawat!
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    I am not a regular commenter, but I always read the forum and follow the YT channels.

    Just wanted to post #freeahnald
    Gonna be a long two day!

    CG, we are waiting for your official statement!
    Get your house in order!
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    ...if you’re doing your job right you don’t get in the way and are invisible.

    Sign of a good mod. Definitely.

    I was never good at doing that hence I've resigned from multiple mod positions on a few boards.

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    Maintain the rage. Fight for Ahnald and our game.
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    Ahnold made a valid point how the old lead producer carrie account shared and even said it was fine just if you get account stolen they aren't liable. Now cg have chosen to issue a permanent ban. The ToS are being selectively applied allowing some to account share and other to not account share. If your critical of CG then you lose the right to account share so the ToS aren't being applied equally. They can ban ahnold and steal his money they can ban you just the same.

    Who would invest real money into a system like this? At this point the damage is done.
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  • Azgard
    15 posts Member
    As I have expected, CG does not give a statement.

    Regardless of the outcome of the next „Road ahead“, I‘m pretty sure that I won‘t be that much excited if they don‘t tackle the Ahnald AND cheating situation
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    ...if you’re doing your job right you don’t get in the way and are invisible.

    Sign of a good mod. Definitely.

    I was never good at doing that hence I've resigned from multiple mod positions on a few boards.

    Haha. You were a great mod!

    I know people flip out on Kyno too but he’s a really good dude too. He’s consistently been vocal and always shares whatever communication he has.

    I shouldn’t even comment on this thread but there’s really nothing else to do right now lol

    I’m not a huge fan of youtubers - I always liked smithy d and and skeltrux for their videos. I like Ahnald because he’s an Empire head too. I also think he does a great job at being consistently excited in each video which is a challenge. He has also been doing for a long time which I give credit to him.

    CG does have some beef with game changers/youtubers, idk why.

    I always go back to interviews with Tophat on some podcasts- where he talks about what data the devs see and how CG needs to work on sentiment.

    I’m not going to pretend I understand what it’s like being a dev or the inner workings of communication but this game has a weird and troubled history with sentiment and communication with this varied and often times fickle fan base.

    I hope all parties can resolve this in a way that is good for the game and the community.

    release the road ahead.
    Make g12+ - g13 a little more feasible.
    More Mando toons.
    And I hope this new game mode is all it’s promised to be.
  • Karste
    39 posts Member
    I am still upset about this, it's really a shame that @CG offers no communication, and no reasonable sense about them. They are so disconnected from the player base and reality. Being back test accounts, support creators, and make this a game still worth playing!
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    Just thought you should know I spent $300 in DSA today, and that would have have been your revenue. No Righteousness, No Revenue !!!
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    I rarely visit this forum as there are far more valuable sources of information about this game.
    However this time I did come here to see what the company has to say about the situation.
    Unfortunately nothing is available to read in order to see and understand the CG corporate side of the matter.

    We all know how companies behave when a public shitstorm hits the fan: they try to pretend there is no issue here and hope that the issue will disappear.
    Corporate orders going out that nobody is allowed to comment publicly anything.
    Communications department who is authorized does not know what to say and pushes the responsibility up to top management
    Top management doesn't even understand the situation as they are far-far away from reality.

    Fortunately for us the community history teaches us that remaining silent under these circumstances never pays out. Something has to be said.
    Something has to be done.
    Something must change.

    I have seen way too many companies creating damage and loss for themselves by not attending to community complaints when it is so wide spread as in this case. It will cost CG ten times more to repair the damage later thant to spend money and resources now to figure out a good action plan and communication strategy.

    I'm on the side that we as a community should not let this issue slip away, we must keep the story floating and everyone who can afford that restrain spending on the game while this is not settled.

    Because if we don't it will prove CG that they can do anything w/o serious consequences.
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  • Rondif
    17 posts Member
    So this post reach over 100k views, its more than the double of the road aheads, stat of galaxy or any major thing CG pull out. Our COMMUNITY manager look at it, doesnt say nothing, and simply update the calendar....
    @SB_crumb time to show up has long passed.
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    The_Ja11 wrote: »
    Elitewolf wrote: »

    MolPillZ (from the Hall, CubsfamHan, Grid) & Eckhart (EA game changer YT voice for start wars) both have said the best way we can get our voice heard is do a 2 day "strike"...

    Monday 6/15 & Tuesday 6/16

    1 OMEGA
    120 crystals from monthly logins..
    2 ZETA mats from shipments
    & a few daily reward.

    But it won't work if only a few of us don't login it needs to come from the community. spread the word to all your guild mates. post it on discord. let's see if we can affect change.

    I agree. Even better for all of us is to organize and make an impact in their revenue. We all stop spending money for a month. Once this income drop is significant, it will be a red field in some excel report that someone turns in and some questions will be made. No profit - no jobs. And then once we make a point, only then it can be better.

    If you agree quote me and add your thoughts so community is aware.

    Stay safe all!

    They covered that in cubsfanhans video that came out yesterday. A few whales have said they wont spend, which is the group with power to accomplish any real change. They suggested the no login for 2 days, said that would have more of an impact.
  • Rondif
    17 posts Member
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    Another day still without comment or resolution. Oh well, another day without spending...
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    My guess is they will wait until Friday at like 5pm to comment on this.
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  • Zonder
    79 posts Member
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    PowHat wrote: »
    CG appears to be operating like spoiled little brats.
    There are so many stories coming out of looking the other way and negotiating with known cheaters simply because they have deep pockets. -- While Arnold101 spends quite a bit of money himself, CG appears to hate transparency in the game, criticism, content they can't control and the fact the content creators cover games which isn't this one.
    The reality is:
    * I, and many in the SWGOH community, get the majority of our information for this game from content creators, not from CG.
    * I went from a casual player to a highly dedicated player, because I started watching the content creators
    * The different set of rules that CG applies to the player base is inexcusable, especially since they publicly pretend like have one set of rules
    * There's a lot of people who will stop, or severely limit, their spending due to the inconsistency shown by CG.
    * The integrity of the game is officially shot

    This is the final straw for a lot of people, so when the next big Star Wars game drops (Maverick perhaps....), there will likely be a big exodus since CG seems determined to drive this one into the ground.

    My personal prediction for the way this is handled is that CG will eventually come out with a minimal response as they wave the TOS. Then they'll attempt to distract the player base, in hopes this all blows over, by either (finally) releasing the Road Ahead, or offering extra events or rewards in game.

    Completely agree.

    Still amazed (but sadly not surprised) they have said nothing. Not even a "we hear you and will respond..."

    Shameful.Disrespectful. and sad for a game so many enjoy.
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    Finally, its time for my first post on this forum.

    CG - the best example of the worst attitude to its community. Lucky you, guys, have the monopoly on the franchise.

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