Ahnalds account [MERGE]


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    Over 100K viewings.
    Anyone know what the viewings and comments record is?
  • MvJ09
    2 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    I am very disappointed with CG. First we get this loveless Galactic Legend characters (where is the Star Wars love?) and now they are banning the most popular Youtuber for SWGOH. Ahnald is since one year the only reason I am still playing SWGOH. When CG attacs him I will never play this game again. Many people will follow...
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    MvJ09 wrote: »
    I am very disappointed with CG. First we get this loveless Galactic Legend characters (where is the Star Wars love?) and now they are banning the most popular Youtuber for SWGOH. Ahnald is since one year the only reason I am still playing SWGOH. When CG attacs him I will never play this game again. Many people will follow...

    Just remember - not defending CG - but the account ban was for an account he acquired, not one that he started himself.

    The giving proven cheats a light ban of their choosing is the more depressing aspect of this.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    If you are discussing me, I'm pretty sure you are missing the point of what many seem to be as an important topic.

    If you have any issues with the action I take please feel free message me and discuss them with me.

    If you feel it is beyond that, then feel free to message CG_SBCrumb and discuss it with him.

    I do not remove posts based on criticism (evident by this thread still being a thing), I remove posts based on the Forum Guidelines.

    I do not threaten actions based on responses to my post, unless they violate the Forum Guidelines.

    Posts that are removed by me get warnings and they know what the violation is/was.

    I do not base my moderation on the opinions of the topic, just my opinion if they violate the Forum Guidelines,. Again if you have issues with my opinion on that please message me or CG_SBCrumb and discuss that.

    We as volunteer moderators are given the freedom to speak here as players. I love this game and the community. I help out because I have the time and believe that if I can work with Crumb or any other dev to try and make changes that are better for the community then it is worth a little flak from anyone here.

    I appreciate all of you, and just hope that one day all of you will realize we are all on the same side of things, and that a constructive conversations will go a long way to making changes.

    If you wish to discuss any of these points further, please message me.

    I am not the subject of this post and any further discussion based on me or my actions will be considered off topic and removed.
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    cg: "ahh, it's nothing, just ignore it"
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    Bring back Carrie and the test accounts. This movement spans outside of this game currently. CG your nightmare is coming true!!!!
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    It is such a great idea to treat your community like this. Ignore them, provide less and less new content, bugs here and there, bullying content creators who help to promote your game! I don't get it. Worst management ever. I won't spend any penny for this game from now on. I didn't spend much before but 50€ every month over two years is still something. And finally CG helped me to come to the conclusion, that I don't want to support this game anymore. It's really a shame.
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    Make Arnold101 Great Again

  • Banjo
    40 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    If you are discussing me, I'm pretty sure you are missing the point of what many seem to be as an important topic.

    If you have any issues with the action I take please feel free message me and discuss them with me.

    If you feel it is beyond that, then feel free to message CG_SBCrumb and discuss it with him.

    I do not remove posts based on criticism (evident by this thread still being a thing), I remove posts based on the Forum Guidelines.

    I do not threaten actions based on responses to my post, unless they violate the Forum Guidelines.

    Posts that are removed by me get warnings and they know what the violation is/was.

    I do not base my moderation on the opinions of the topic, just my opinion if they violate the Forum Guidelines,. Again if you have issues with my opinion on that please message me or CG_SBCrumb and discuss that.

    We as volunteer moderators are given the freedom to speak here as players. I love this game and the community. I help out because I have the time and believe that if I can work with Crumb or any other dev to try and make changes that are better for the community then it is worth a little flak from anyone here.

    I appreciate all of you, and just hope that one day all of you will realize we are all on the same side of things, and that a constructive conversations will go a long way to making changes.

    If you wish to discuss any of these points further, please message me.

    I am not the subject of this post and any further discussion based on me or my actions will be considered off topic and removed.

    True but how many constructive conversations have all of these people tried to have with cg over the past year and a half? Too many I’m sure. Everyone’s sick of this. Time for constructive conversations is over.
  • Banjo
    40 posts Member
    Apparently constructive conversation or criticism DOES NOT WORK
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    Banjo wrote: »
    Apparently constructive conversation or criticism DOES NOT WORK

    We can't really call it a conversation if we never hear from the devs.
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    Banjo wrote: »
    Apparently constructive conversation or criticism DOES NOT WORK

    We can't really call it a conversation if we never hear from the devs.

    Collective monologue.
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    Head in the sand is the most common response from them.
    Chained since '16
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    It is truly amazing how a Company can have one of the most powerful franchises in history, Star Wars, and create such strong lines of division and utter contempt with their handling of it.

    Time to Step Up and make things right CG, fully admit your errors, take proper steps to reconcile and either modify or stand 100% by your TOS. No more grey areas, no special treatment - especially to cheaters! You got caught playing in the middle now you need to go all in or get out!

    The clock is ticking!
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    Unfair, neglectful of the game, and a bunch of crybabies to negative feedback. You keep proving this to us CG. A toxic, disgusting, money-grabbing company.
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    The views on this thread are crazy,they will soon surpass the LS Geo TB announcement and there is still not a single dev response on this.

    That says a lot about how much they care about their players
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    MvJ09 wrote: »
    I am very disappointed with CG. First we get this loveless Galactic Legend characters (where is the Star Wars love?) and now they are banning the most popular Youtuber for SWGOH. Ahnald is since one year the only reason I am still playing SWGOH. When CG attacs him I will never play this game again. Many people will follow...

    Just remember - not defending CG - but the account ban was for an account he acquired, not one that he started himself.

    The giving proven cheats a light ban of their choosing is the more depressing aspect of this.

    I totally agree. The proven cheats are even the worst thing they have done. They ride roughshod over the SWGOH community.
  • Reebont
    5 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    I've only just joined the forum to post something in another area specifically. But I'm going to give my opinion on this (not that I expect anyone to care...it's not that important!).

    I tried to watch the video about this guy being banned, but could only get about half way through. I don't watch 'content creators', 'social media influencers', or whatever ridiculous term they refer to themselves as next. I don't watch them becuase they seem to lack the ability to talk at a normal volume level mainly. I know it sounds petty, but that's just something that really irritates me about, I'll call them their proper name, YouTubers.

    What I did pick up from what I watched though was:

    1) The account was banned for breaking the ToS. Simple. Why should this guy get any preferntially treatment when it comes to the rules.
    2) All his talk of being treated unfairly compared to others that may have done the same doesn't matter. He broke the rules so he got banned (partially may I add as he still has his own account). What is it with this 'waaah, you're not being fair to me' generation. Especially in a game!
    3) He's not doing this for the community at all. He's doing it for his pocket. Simple. Hey dude, YouTube are not paying YouTubers anymore. Still gonna create videos? *tumbleweed*
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    Day 3 and still no comment. 1500 comments in the post and over 100,000 views. Do your players not matter to you? Do our voices fall on deaf ears? Can you not say anything? You send out a volunteer moderator to be a slaughter to the wolves. Is it that hard to draft a response, or are you afraid that your response will not satisfy the masses? Just man up and speak. In fact this might require a video response. I logged in today and completed my dailies in 10 minutes. Why is this ok? No action is worse than inaction.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Banjo wrote: »

    True but how many constructive conversations have all of these people tried to have with cg over the past year and a half? Too many I’m sure. Everyone’s sick of this. Time for constructive conversations is over.

    That is simply not true.
    Banjo wrote: »
    Apparently constructive conversation or criticism DOES NOT WORK

    If you feel that way, I dont believe anyone is going to convince you otherwise, but the alternatives dont work and divides the community.

    Please message me if you want to discuss this further.

    Let's stay on the topic at hand.
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    leejak wrote: »
    Why playing SWGOH if AhnaldT101 isn't covering content anymore? He was the last hope to keep me playing, sorry CG, your buisness plan is more than a bad one! I love the good old Star Wars, but SWGOH is not worth playing it anymore! If AhnaldT101 is coming back -> i'm coming back! .... he's content was like watching a good movie in the theatre! All the love to AhnaldT101!!!

    I will still play and pay. Get rid of him. Please and thank you.
  • Walrus
    11 posts Member
    Day 3 still no comment from these spineless devs
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Banjo wrote: »

    True but how many constructive conversations have all of these people tried to have with cg over the past year and a half? Too many I’m sure. Everyone’s sick of this. Time for constructive conversations is over.

    That is simply not true.
    Banjo wrote: »
    Apparently constructive conversation or criticism DOES NOT WORK

    If you feel that way, I dont believe anyone is going to convince you otherwise, but the alternatives dont work and divides the community.

    Please message me if you want to discuss this further.

    Let's stay on the topic at hand.

    You are absolutely right.
    It is never too late to have a constructive conversation.
    But where is CG/EA right now?
    They see the community outraged.
    Outraged because of their own actions or rather inactions (especially the acceptance of cheaters).
    Yet they remain silent.
    If anything, this further strenghtens the feeling within the community that they are wrong and they know it.
    But even though we are outraged, we will still listen to what they have to say and are open to a conversation.
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    Walrus wrote: »
    Day 3 still no comment from these spineless devs

    This company could really use a community manager.
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    Event: Over 100k views on this thread.

    CG: "crickets"
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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    I never new you could buy accounts online until this happened.
    Some are really cheap compared to buying packs!
  • Byrdka
    74 posts Member
    Alright CG, will give you till the end of the week. Community needs some answers.

    Better now then the next Q&A when every other question is about this....
  • Zaner09
    1 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    The TOS for account sharing is inhibitory to new players and top guilds in the game. The sole reason for this is the time gated components to the game, i.e. Zeta mats, Shard currencies, & GET currency. Everything else it is possible to whale/kraken hard and catch up to players that have been playing for years.

    If you came into the game anytime in the last 3 years, you will never catch the top players and you will NEVER be in the top guild! It is impossible unless you buy an account (account share).

    This is the only reason there is an Auction House for the game.

    Account sharing helps the game in many other ways also. Saving time on modding and testing. Many new and top players would have never played the game longer than a few months without account sharing.

    If CG wants to keep the outdated TOS for account sharing (without updating), then to keep the game viable for new players, CG needs to find a way to help relieve the time gated components to the game, update modding (hire someone like Hotsauce and/or the Grand Ivory creator), and create a testing component (sandbox). This could have made them a lot of money instead of creating the current climate!

    Follow the PLAYERS and LISTEN to the community!!! Large portions of your gaming community account share due to deficiencies in the game itself.

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