Galactic Challenges MEGA

2942 posts Member
Hi Holotable Heroes,
We’re excited to begin sharing details about the next feature coming to the holotables in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes: Galactic Challenges.
Our main goal for this feature is to provide more activities for players each day. We hear players asking for more ways to use their growing roster of units and want more than just new events that you can master quickly or sim. Galactic Challenges are the first in a series of features (similar to how Grand Arena was the basis for Grand Arena Championships) that will work together to offer new ways to utilize your collection.
What are Galactic Challenges:
Galactic Challenges are a new type of event that will feature interesting combat puzzles which will change on a regular basis. These events will feature a rotation of different enemy factions, allowing you to test out different parts of your collection. What makes Galactic Challenges an interesting twist from other forms of combat is the introduction of randomly selected combat modifiers to constantly change up the puzzle. Modifiers can come in 3 different forms: Environmental, Enemy, and Player.
We want to keep these bonuses and match ups thematic, but use a variety of options to keep the challenges unique and interesting. For example, Environmental modifiers come from the planet or location and apply to both the player and enemy (e.g. Hoth could have a modifier called Frost Bite that makes all units more vulnerable). Enemy modifiers are tied to the enemy faction, so Imperial Troopers could have a positive modifier called Imperial Assault that gives them offense up, but also a negative modifier called Pew Pew which makes them hit less. Player modifiers can also be positive or negative and applied to the player’s units. The different environments, enemy factions and combat modifiers (positive and negative) combine to create fresh and interesting challenges.
The Challenge in Galactic Challenges:
We’re still working out some of the details (like at what level Galactic Challenges unlock), but our intention is for Galactic Challenges to offer an appropriate challenge for you wherever you are in the game. There will be multiple tiers of increasing difficulty and players can attempt them all to earn rewards, but we’ll recommend a starting tier based on your collection.
In addition to playing the base mission for the tier, each tier may feature Feats. Feats will add an additional layer of complexity to the puzzle, so while you can bring your favorite squad into battle, Feats will challenge you to complete the battle with additional conditions to earn more rewards.
Schedule for Galactic Challenges:
You’ll earn access to the Galactic Challenges by completing Daily Activities. Once you’ve qualified to enter the event for the day, you’ll be able to play any tier - and importantly, you’ll be able to play as many times as you like for that day to attempt to complete as many Tiers and Feats as possible.
Similar to Grand Arena Championships, we’ll release Galactic Challenges in an Exhibition Season format. During this time, we’ll try out different versions of the event and see which combinations work best - but we’re currently envisioning event durations of 24 hours to 7 days with 7 tiers of difficulty and 3 feats per tier.
That’s all we have for today, but we look forward to sharing more details about Galactic Challenges in future posts!

So....good?...bad?....need more info???....discuss.


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    Missing most important info.. when can we start..
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    This sounds very good depending on the rewards. Still doesn't make up for the lack of communication about a cg employee negotiating with cheaters to keep the game.
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    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Hi Holotable Heroes,
    We’re excited to begin sharing details about the next feature coming to the holotables in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes: Galactic Challenges.
    Our main goal for this feature is to provide more activities for players each day. We hear players asking for more ways to use their growing roster of units and want more than just new events that you can master quickly or sim. Galactic Challenges are the first in a series of features (similar to how Grand Arena was the basis for Grand Arena Championships) that will work together to offer new ways to utilize your collection.
    What are Galactic Challenges:
    Galactic Challenges are a new type of event that will feature interesting combat puzzles which will change on a regular basis. These events will feature a rotation of different enemy factions, allowing you to test out different parts of your collection. What makes Galactic Challenges an interesting twist from other forms of combat is the introduction of randomly selected combat modifiers to constantly change up the puzzle. Modifiers can come in 3 different forms: Environmental, Enemy, and Player.
    We want to keep these bonuses and match ups thematic, but use a variety of options to keep the challenges unique and interesting. For example, Environmental modifiers come from the planet or location and apply to both the player and enemy (e.g. Hoth could have a modifier called Frost Bite that makes all units more vulnerable). Enemy modifiers are tied to the enemy faction, so Imperial Troopers could have a positive modifier called Imperial Assault that gives them offense up, but also a negative modifier called Pew Pew which makes them hit less. Player modifiers can also be positive or negative and applied to the player’s units. The different environments, enemy factions and combat modifiers (positive and negative) combine to create fresh and interesting challenges.
    The Challenge in Galactic Challenges:
    We’re still working out some of the details (like at what level Galactic Challenges unlock), but our intention is for Galactic Challenges to offer an appropriate challenge for you wherever you are in the game. There will be multiple tiers of increasing difficulty and players can attempt them all to earn rewards, but we’ll recommend a starting tier based on your collection.
    In addition to playing the base mission for the tier, each tier may feature Feats. Feats will add an additional layer of complexity to the puzzle, so while you can bring your favorite squad into battle, Feats will challenge you to complete the battle with additional conditions to earn more rewards.
    Schedule for Galactic Challenges:
    You’ll earn access to the Galactic Challenges by completing Daily Activities. Once you’ve qualified to enter the event for the day, you’ll be able to play any tier - and importantly, you’ll be able to play as many times as you like for that day to attempt to complete as many Tiers and Feats as possible.
    Similar to Grand Arena Championships, we’ll release Galactic Challenges in an Exhibition Season format. During this time, we’ll try out different versions of the event and see which combinations work best - but we’re currently envisioning event durations of 24 hours to 7 days with 7 tiers of difficulty and 3 feats per tier.
    That’s all we have for today, but we look forward to sharing more details about Galactic Challenges in future posts!

    So....good?...bad?....need more info???....discuss.

    It sounds like fun. Hoping the rewards are good gear or relic materials. Even as a F2P I can enjoy it which is very rare in this game
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    It sounds like a good begin, but we need more
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    Good stuff. This sounds like great streaming potential.
  • Chmilk2
    69 posts Member
    Better question, what platform did you work on?
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    Lazy RA.
    As a RA I expect to see a little more the ideas of the the devs regarding this game.
    They could tell us, about the Q&A? Vader will be or not nerfed?
    Tease us about new releases and the time/era (SW) it will be related.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2942 posts Member
    Personally...its disappointing. There is nothing in this RA that needed to be delayed for sooooo long. The massive delay is what hyped the RA up, but it seemly fell flat. To me, it seems like this is Assault Battles with modifiers.
    Why did this take over 8 months to create?
    Why the delay in give this info out?
    When can we expect this?
    245 posts Member
    It seems they took the most boring parts of the game (GW, Feats) and mashed them together to make something else players need to play or fall behind ignoring.

    I wonder what makes this worth waiting months for?
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    They had 6 months to do this for 2020 and gave us the barebones of information. Insanity.
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    It seems fun. Finally have something to do a lot (I think), but I don’t think it’s an RA. This is just an insight on Galactic Challenges, this should’ve been an individual post, like JKL or the GLs.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    CG, you couldn’t have written that 4 paragraph “road ahead” in April? You provided little (essentially none) real information about it. When? What big platform changes have you worked on? I’m happy there’s a new mode coming but a huge delay for this? Cmon CG..
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    I agree, it sounds interesting but a bit lackluster on details.
    Biggest thing missing is when? Next week, month, year?
  • Falco3
    60 posts Member
    Hard to know until we try it. If it's similar to blitz in marvel strike force it could be good. You can try out your full range of teams against some of the best teams in the game getting progressively more difficult.
  • Edison
    154 posts Member
    It seems fun. Finally have something to do a lot (I think), but I don’t think it’s an RA. This is just an insight on Galactic Challenges, this should’ve been an individual post, like JKL or the GLs.

    I agree, I walked away from the post thinking "Oh that's it. Okay. Cool, not much of a road just a single announcement"

    But if it had come out when planned it'd have had JKL info plus info on the upcoming Vader rework. That would have been a really satisfying RA, all things considered. We just got the content before it could be rolled in.

    Still wish there was more immediate changes coming up though. Knowing they haven't nailed down certain aspects means it's quite a way off still.
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    This about what I expected. Totally underwhelming. No real information. The system to qualify by completing dailies is a disaster. If someone's payout and reset are an hour apart they are pretty much screwed.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    The mode itself looks intriguing. But that’s at the barebones information we’ve been given about it. Are the enemies AI? PVP?
    How will the rewards work? Flat gear, or a new currency like with GAC? When can we expect it to drop?

    It baffles me that after delaying the RA for almost 3 months that we get a little info on the Galactic Chases and literally nothing else. That seemed more like a State of the Galaxy Post. Not an RA.
  • Brown89
    174 posts Member
    Well that was disappointing. Expect all those players on the fence to leave. Great work CG
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    The mode itself looks intriguing. But that’s at the barebones information we’ve been given about it. Are the enemies AI? PVP?
    How will the rewards work? Flat gear, or a new currency like with GAC? When can we expect it to drop?

    It baffles me that after delaying the RA for almost 3 months that we get a little info on the Galactic Chases and literally nothing else. That seemed more like a State of the Galaxy Post. Not an RA.

    I guess they didn’t announce rewards as they haven’t developed it enough to tell us, or we might get too hyped up. Or the opposite.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
    A new game mode is something SWGoH was in need. :)
  • Mupper00
    124 posts Member
    Where’s the Death Star raid :( come on this is Star Wars after all ?
  • DadKev
    314 posts Member
    This sounds really fun! I like it! Thank you CG!
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    6 months for basically saying we've got an idea, we're gonna develop some of it like, soon.
  • Vettes4Fetts
    141 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Chained since '16
  • wildnz
    258 posts Member
    Pew pew. A new term to be used .. maybe I will start. The road ahead was Pew Pew for me.
  • Farriot
    38 posts Member
    “Oh that sounds cool”
    -my reaction
  • Affy
    64 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Lazy RA.
    As a RA I expect to see a little more the ideas of the the devs regarding this game.
    They could tell us, about the Q&A? Vader will be or not nerfed?
    Tease us about new releases and the time/era (SW) it will be related.

    I suspect the problem is, due to the delays and the expectation, anything they released was likely to be received as a bit “meh”.

    I agree with Edison. If this has come pre Luke and Vader rework it could have been quite exciting. For a road ahead it’s a bit light. Less a motorway of information, more like a country track. My concern is, if this is the road ahead, is there nothing else in the pipeline?

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited for this. In theory it sounds fresh and fun. But is that all we’re looking at for the next quarter?
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    Neat. Should not have taken three months to write up. All that buildup for this, crazy.
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