Tell me something about your squad that you think people don't know.


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    1) Rey is resistance.
    2A) 1 taunt make the AI AoE damagers focus only the taunted toon, 2 taunts make them do AoE (im using poe and RG, and not always doing taunt on poe, mostly taunt with poe in second round, when RG is low)
    2B) RG will self heal probably 12% Hp and will gain 45% in average until you kill Poe (3 turns mostly)
    2C) 95% of times, in average, RG will SpeedDown/Stun target (70% potency is no joke). that will make 75% of times, in average, poe to inflict OffenseDown in basic attack (40% potency is bit funny).

    all 2: a,b,c is just about the combo of 2 tanks taunters, Poe and RG. people seems not to know this obviously because they use only 1 (lot of them had poe, swapped for RG) those 2 synergize better than leader ability (that i lack, since i use QGJ as sole jedi in the leader spot)
    2A is obviously a weak spot for them in offense, and doesn't matter in the defence.
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    Ahh, everyone knows Rey is classed as Resistance. :#
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Rui_vessen wrote: »
    My qgj is hung like a horse.

    That's strange because my horse is hung like qgJ
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    4- They are completely useless against Droids and high damage/ohko teams. I've never won a match against a well put together Droid/Geonosian mix.
    Don't worry, I noticed that already. ;)
    Nonemo wrote: »
    * Phasma with Advantage always gets overlooked by the AI, so she chills in the back, killing things.
    That's mine, too. Phasma with advantage and offense up hits hard.

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    Ahh, everyone knows Rey is classed as Resistance. :#

    im sure lot of people do not know this. Otherwise, i'd see at least one team with Poe/Finn leader, and rey and RP/RT (which im planning on to do, expose and foresight perhaps will be better in the new meta they planning instead of FOTP WHATHEDUCK damage.)
  • Options
    Ahh, everyone knows Rey is classed as Resistance. :#

    im sure lot of people do not know this. Otherwise, i'd see at least one team with Poe/Finn leader, and rey and RP/RT (which im planning on to do, expose and foresight perhaps will be better in the new meta they planning instead of FOTP WHATHEDUCK damage.)

    I'm sure 99.99999% of the people playing the game know this.

    In case you haven't noticed almost no one uses synergised teams. I am one of the very few who uses a full Nightsister team and in July I'll have my full Resistance team ready.

    Full synergy is currently simply not that good. And definitely not meta.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Sidious wears black lace underwear and likes to take long walks along the beach. He's also pursuing a degree in computer science, likes iced caramel macchiato's and has a small dog named Bean
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    Offense up on Rey and her Fury of Blows can one-shot anyone. Works well with Dooku lead, QGJ or Poggle.
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    Rey is resistance?
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Mc1
    306 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Ahh, everyone knows Rey is classed as Resistance. :#

    im sure lot of people do not know this. Otherwise, i'd see at least one team with Poe/Finn leader, and rey and RP/RT (which im planning on to do, expose and foresight perhaps will be better in the new meta they planning instead of FOTP WHATHEDUCK damage.)

    I'm sure 99.99999% of the people playing the game know this.

    In case you haven't noticed almost no one uses synergised teams. I am one of the very few who uses a full Nightsister team and in July I'll have my full Resistance team ready.

    Full synergy is currently simply not that good. And definitely not meta.

    I'm pretty sure synergy will be an upcoming meta. With the addition of the newest Ewok and Tusken, I feel that other faction toons will be released for team synergy. Jawas, Genosians, ect. The events that have been out such as Yoda using all Jedi, all droids for the Jawas, and the upcoming scoundrel event seem to be hinting to a faction synergized meta.

  • SidiousIsPikachu
    771 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    well, currently synergy is still not in the meta, and as I stated, my Poe+RG working together worth much more than Leader ability.
    HOWEVER @cosmicturtle333 , even if its not in the meta, i think i'd see rey part of resistance team.
    and that 99.999999999% is over exaggerating xD
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    trellent wrote: »
    When Teebo gets in the finishing blow, he likes to yell, "You've been Teeboned!"

    Hahahaha :D:D


    @InternetSwag I love your avi and your sig :smile:

    Whenever my Barriss gets a killing blow, my Ahsoka yells, "You should be embarrissed!" at the empty spot on the table. Then they high five. "Nice one, boo!" "Thanks, boo." Then Luminara is all, "If you two are quite finished, there are more enemies to attend to," and she's got that super serious Jedi-don't-form-attachments look on her face, but secretly she's thinking, "Aw they're adorbs!"

    Yeah, my GW takes an hour and a half at least.
    Barris irl imo idk
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    pabrimmer wrote: »
    trellent wrote: »
    When Teebo gets in the finishing blow, he likes to yell, "You've been Teeboned!"

    Hahahaha :D:D


    @InternetSwag I love your avi and your sig :smile:

    Whenever my Barriss gets a killing blow, my Ahsoka yells, "You should be embarrissed!" at the empty spot on the table. Then they high five. "Nice one, boo!" "Thanks, boo." Then Luminara is all, "If you two are quite finished, there are more enemies to attend to," and she's got that super serious Jedi-don't-form-attachments look on her face, but secretly she's thinking, "Aw they're adorbs!"

    Yeah, my GW takes an hour and a half at least.

    :D This had me in stitches. Ahsoka and Barriss <3
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    My Stormtroopers name is "Eddie". :|

    Fascinating thread. Lots of stuff I've never thought about.
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    Sometimes I punch Savage in the face just so my QGJ can suck the buffs out of someone.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    QGJ will always use humbling blow on a toon that has foresight.
  • Options
    Nonemo wrote: »
    :D This had me in stitches.

    Ahsoka and Barriss <3

    Barris irl imo idk
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Because the AI "random targets", spreading hits around, Lumi is a huge help if she first-turn heals, as everyone simply keeps healing up through the battle. This is especially helpful in a QGJ lead team (even better if Yoda throws down Battlemind before enemy Sid/Dooku get's in an AoE or stun).

    Add a DPS or two (non-Jedi, if Sid is around) to the above, you're good to go on offense. Defense blows - but who's doesn't?

    Random thought: Daka is the only "tank" who doesn't need taunt....everyone wants to kill her first anyway. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Sometimes I punch Savage in the face just so my QGJ can suck the buffs out of someone.

    That - or Kylo. Then burn him down with all the offense up.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Two biggest complaints about Luke and Biggs are their speed. Enter Ackbar kead (+23 speed) and I seek out Sid teams in arena (no shortage). Sid pops aoe, Luke and/or Biggs go, dead Sid and free heal with Ackbar. 5 vs 4, moving on. Well in theory anyway but does happen a lot.
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    Sometimes I punch Savage in the face just so my QGJ can suck the buffs out of someone.

    Try humbling blow on savage before he even has offence up...QGJ does some crazy a$$ slight of hand and nicks it off the big lump before he even knows whats going on!
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    Daprosy wrote: »
    Sometimes I punch Savage in the face just so my QGJ can suck the buffs out of someone.

    Try humbling blow on savage before he even has offence up...QGJ does some crazy a$$ slight of hand and nicks it off the big lump before he even knows whats going on!

    Oooh I will have to try that :) TY
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    All Jedi:
    My normal group is:
    QGJ (L)
    Old Ben
    Vs a speed meta in arena- usually if there is 3 high DPS on a team its very manageable with this squad usually I always aim first at Rey with Yoda and lower her TM then I go for GS or FOTP with QGJ and unless Ben is the one that assist its a OHKO moving on to the third DPS usually theres a IG 86 so with Eeth I stun him after words I use Luminara either to recover health or to kill maybe rey or something after that I just activate Old Ben's special and that's basically the end of the match for most teams. Obviously this is all if the team dosent have a QGJ lead or a yoda, also Dooku can disrupt my attack pattern but in that case I just use BM first and suffer one big hit from a strong DPS.

    Also in GW Ahsoka is a life saver if you are low on health just put her in she attacks before most characters with her special move and gives just enough health so a Sid AoE cant kill anyone before Luminara or JC can give a big heal
    2761 posts Member
    Mc1 wrote: »
    Ahh, everyone knows Rey is classed as Resistance. :#

    im sure lot of people do not know this. Otherwise, i'd see at least one team with Poe/Finn leader, and rey and RP/RT (which im planning on to do, expose and foresight perhaps will be better in the new meta they planning instead of FOTP WHATHEDUCK damage.)

    I'm sure 99.99999% of the people playing the game know this.

    In case you haven't noticed almost no one uses synergised teams. I am one of the very few who uses a full Nightsister team and in July I'll have my full Resistance team ready.

    Full synergy is currently simply not that good. And definitely not meta.

    I'm pretty sure synergy will be an upcoming meta. With the addition of the newest Ewok and Tusken, I feel that other faction toons will be released for team synergy. Jawas, Genosians, ect. The events that have been out such as Yoda using all Jedi, all droids for the Jawas, and the upcoming scoundrel event seem to be hinting to a faction synergized meta.

    I would support this 100%
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Lumi is near useless in hands of AI, but she is awesome against AI. AI's sporadic attack makes heal 3-4 times more valuable than when you down enemy one by one as usually clever player does.
    In addition... This piece of information is not really relevant right now, but nevertheless. Fives was one of the easiest character to max his gear level at this level cap, bc almost all his purple gears could be gotten from challenges. It won't be very easy to get gear level 10 with him, since it will require 100 new purple gears that are not in game right now (if there are some quests or challenges to get them, it will be still OK, but as far as we know now - these gears could be farmed only in high energy-consuming locations). Taking into account that farming gears for several of other characters may take eternity (I've almost got 50 Stun Cuffs for GS and I need 150 more for my other characters from my main Arena squad; will finish closer to July, I believe), it's really cool to have a hero with maxed gears without way too hard efforts. It was cool, at least.
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    With a Boba lead and offense up, I have seen Greedo shell out over 20,000 damage in a single turn. It's too bad that he doesn't crit at a very high rate. Not to mention that Barris could probably one shot him lol!
  • Vaders_Underwear
    233 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Nonemo wrote: »
    * Fives is not very useful in the beginning of a battle, but becomes more and more dangerous the longer the battle drags on.

    If it is a tough battle, he is always my last toon standing. I just finished an Arena battle where it was my Fives vs my opponent's Dooku - I won, and my Fives is only 5*.

    Things I've noticed, these may be known already but here goes:

    - Force Push is often wasted on Sid, he seems to have a higher dodge rate on those.
    - Daka's stun is rare against toons with evasion, but when she is called on to assist, it seems to happen much more reliably.
    - The trick to maximize JC is to heal early so you can heal often. When facing a squad with high speed and I'm hit hard first, I usually use his first attack to heal, and no more than two turns later, I can use it again.
    - Phasma's Victory March is usually wasted on Fives since he usually goes last in my squad.
    - They recently changed the AI it seems and my healers are usually targeted first, with Daka getting picked on the most.

  • SmokeyJoe320
    931 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    IG-88 and IG-86 like to talk long walks on the beach together.

    Old Daka makes a mean souffle.

    Post edited by Zalenira on
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    Oootini wrote: »
    Offense up on first turn with QGJ against savage means lumis force blast does crazy damage, and If not dead then phasma advantage followed by Han taunt means I basically go again, with an offencedup toon, a dead (or ability blocked opponent toon) and my cannons protected by Han, which only give me more TM:)

    Phasma, Han, Kylo, Lumi and QGJ (L) :D
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    I'd like to share my experience with an Ima-Gun Di led all Jedi team.

    * All things even, Di hits harder than Luminara, his special outdamaging her special by about 1K dmg.
    * In a team with Di, Lumi, Ahsoka and Yoda, QGJ can't call in a bad assist. They will all either do massive damage or apply a useful buff or debuff.
    * You don't necessarily need a tank when Yoda can distribute tenacity up and Foresight to the entire team
    * AOE attacks mean not only a lot of counters, but also that Ahsoka heals herself, QGJ gains turn meter, Yoda gains Foresight, and Luminara sometimes gains Evade up.
    * Di giving defense up, QGJ giving offense up, and Yoda being Yoda, means that there will always be pretty green boxes all over the place.
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