The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


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    Hey CG, I wanna say thanks for destroying guilds with such a poorly designed raid.
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    Hey CG, I wanna say thanks for destroying guilds with such a poorly designed raid.

    Haha saw 2 dudes get booted in the middle of the TB because they posted damage 5 minutes early 🤣 not to mention everyone else that got the boot who didn't have minimum of 4 teams for each phase
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    Hey CG, I wanna say thanks for destroying guilds with such a poorly designed raid.

    CG says you’re welcome and to buy their new packs
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    Is it really so much to ask that things be challenging and fun in a game? Having to coordinate players from around the world is time consuming and the antithesis of fun. It's certainly challenging but we, the players, usually mean challenging to mean novel team compositions of high level geared teams. Maybe consider having a players advocate when designing these things?
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    280GP guild, we just did it finally, last 2 times we had an airplane malfunction that made it impossible to do anything... gonna be a long Slog and GL are the only real damage dealers.
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    We are well over a month into this garbage raid and we still get no answer except it’s being looked at. I doubt we will see anything at all now. This thing is universally hated for the airplane and time coordination requirements and yet we still get silence.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited February 2021
    IronCross wrote: »
    We are well over a month into this garbage raid and we still get no answer except it’s being looked at. I doubt we will see anything at all now. This thing is universally hated for the airplane and time coordination requirements and yet we still get silence.

    They said they are looking at it, so no, not silence. When they have something "real" they will discuss it, but that doesn't mean they are not working on changes and testing them right now.

    Doubt all you want, but you are wrong.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    We are well over a month into this garbage raid and we still get no answer except it’s being looked at. I doubt we will see anything at all now. This thing is universally hated for the airplane and time coordination requirements and yet we still get silence.

    They said they are looking at it, so no, not silence. When they have something "real" they will discuss it, but that doesn't mean they are not working on changes and testing them right now.

    Doubt all you want, but you are wrong.

    Once they're done looking at it and if they determine they're going to make any changes, do you think they will communicate the changes to us first?
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    I would settle for just knowing whether they are actively testing changes on their test server. I understand they have other projects to work on. But would it be so hard to throw us a bone every week or two? For example, if they tested something and didn't like it, just tell us. If they are too busy on crafting the next meta or the new game mode (can't remember the name) to do testing on this, tell us. Having some sort of horizon would be helpful. Even if it's just a horizon to a future update that may still be "We haven't had time yet."

    Speculation! I think they're likely going to wait this one out. I'm lucky to be in a guild where we have found push times that work for the majority of the guild. And the officers have really cracked down on having damage ready on time so folks aren't waiting in AP mode for a long time. So my mood has definitely cooled on this, although I understand why it wouldn't for all. I would guess that they think after some potential guild shuffling, many will land where I have: annoyed, but no longer outraged.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    We are well over a month into this garbage raid and we still get no answer except it’s being looked at. I doubt we will see anything at all now. This thing is universally hated for the airplane and time coordination requirements and yet we still get silence.

    They said they are looking at it, so no, not silence. When they have something "real" they will discuss it, but that doesn't mean they are not working on changes and testing them right now.

    Doubt all you want, but you are wrong.

    Once they're done looking at it and if they determine they're going to make any changes, do you think they will communicate the changes to us first?

    No I dont believe there are any plans to announce any changes before they are ready to make/commit to them.
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    I would settle for just knowing whether they are actively testing changes on their test server. I understand they have other projects to work on. But would it be so hard to throw us a bone every week or two? For example, if they tested something and didn't like it, just tell us. If they are too busy on crafting the next meta or the new game mode (can't remember the name) to do testing on this, tell us. Having some sort of horizon would be helpful. Even if it's just a horizon to a future update that may still be "We haven't had time yet."

    Speculation! I think they're likely going to wait this one out. I'm lucky to be in a guild where we have found push times that work for the majority of the guild. And the officers have really cracked down on having damage ready on time so folks aren't waiting in AP mode for a long time. So my mood has definitely cooled on this, although I understand why it wouldn't for all. I would guess that they think after some potential guild shuffling, many will land where I have: annoyed, but no longer outraged.

    Not really outraged. Just indifferent and less likely to spend in the future for me personally.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    We are well over a month into this garbage raid and we still get no answer except it’s being looked at. I doubt we will see anything at all now. This thing is universally hated for the airplane and time coordination requirements and yet we still get silence.

    They said they are looking at it, so no, not silence. When they have something "real" they will discuss it, but that doesn't mean they are not working on changes and testing them right now.

    Doubt all you want, but you are wrong.

    Can you show me where they said that? The last I’ve heard on the issue is Doja telling us he relayed our disdain of it to the devs. I don’t recall a single statement form any dev besides him regarding this nightmare of a raid
  • Fieldgulls
    427 posts Member
    edited February 2021
    Rumor is the raid changes will be conveyed the same time they release the calendar for February.
  • TVF
    36770 posts Member
    Fieldgulls wrote: »
    Rumor is the raid changes will be conveyed the same time they release the calendar for February.

    So next couple days presumably. Nice.
    I need a new message here.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    We are well over a month into this garbage raid and we still get no answer except it’s being looked at. I doubt we will see anything at all now. This thing is universally hated for the airplane and time coordination requirements and yet we still get silence.

    They said they are looking at it, so no, not silence. When they have something "real" they will discuss it, but that doesn't mean they are not working on changes and testing them right now.

    Doubt all you want, but you are wrong.

    Can you show me where they said that? The last I’ve heard on the issue is Doja telling us he relayed our disdain of it to the devs. I don’t recall a single statement form any dev besides him regarding this nightmare of a raid

    I don't recall the devs saying anything either, but the 'doubt all you want, but you are wrong' reply to IronCross's doubt of any changes coming seems to indicate Kyno knows that they're actually working on something.
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    Yes, February 2022. Is it Groundhog Day again?
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    Thanks Bill Murray
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    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    We are well over a month into this garbage raid and we still get no answer except it’s being looked at. I doubt we will see anything at all now. This thing is universally hated for the airplane and time coordination requirements and yet we still get silence.

    They said they are looking at it, so no, not silence. When they have something "real" they will discuss it, but that doesn't mean they are not working on changes and testing them right now.

    Doubt all you want, but you are wrong.

    Once they're done looking at it and if they determine they're going to make any changes, do you think they will communicate the changes to us first?

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    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    We are well over a month into this garbage raid and we still get no answer except it’s being looked at. I doubt we will see anything at all now. This thing is universally hated for the airplane and time coordination requirements and yet we still get silence.

    They said they are looking at it, so no, not silence. When they have something "real" they will discuss it, but that doesn't mean they are not working on changes and testing them right now.

    Doubt all you want, but you are wrong.

    Once they're done looking at it and if they determine they're going to make any changes, do you think they will communicate the changes to us first?

    No I dont believe there are any plans to announce any changes before they are ready to make/commit to them.

    I took this question to mean "do you think CG will communicate changes being made to the Rancor CT prior to those changes being implemented and pushed to the live game?" in which case, yes.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    We are well over a month into this garbage raid and we still get no answer except it’s being looked at. I doubt we will see anything at all now. This thing is universally hated for the airplane and time coordination requirements and yet we still get silence.

    They said they are looking at it, so no, not silence. When they have something "real" they will discuss it, but that doesn't mean they are not working on changes and testing them right now.

    Doubt all you want, but you are wrong.

    Once they're done looking at it and if they determine they're going to make any changes, do you think they will communicate the changes to us first?

    No I dont believe there are any plans to announce any changes before they are ready to make/commit to them.

    I took this question to mean "do you think CG will communicate changes being made to the Rancor CT prior to those changes being implemented and pushed to the live game?" in which case, yes.

    Are they actually going to change the mechanic? When it happens and how would be nice too, but I think it people knew they were gonna change things it would put a lot of worries to bed.
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    Issue With Challenge Rancor Gear

    Let me start by saying that I don’t mind the challenge Rancor. Sure, it isn’t actually a challenge mechanically and is, instead, a challenge of guild communication and coordination. If this was CG’s intent, then they have executed excellently. The problem is that this coordination level, on a guild wide scale, isn’t paid off by equal rewards.

    The major gain of challenge Rancor is the Aeromagnifier salvage required to relics 8s. The other rewards are whatever – RNG rewards are what we are used to from raids and I, personally, see no point in complaining about those, but when challenge Rancor was announced CG stated they understood that this was a guild challenge and that the rewards would be flattened. The current structure of the Aeromagnifier rewards is such that the player who comes first gets 1,100% more Aeromagnifiers than the player who comes 41st. I don’t think anyone playing the game believes that this is in any way a definition of a flat reward.

    This diversity in the key material has lead to several different issues.

    Highly competitive guilds – such as Caw Patrol, MAW, TI, etc – are organising Merc runs to maximise their players progress. As 25th is the cut off for “reasonable” (in the players perspective) Aeromagnifier rewards, these guilds are doing several Merc runs per week so every player in their guild gets, at minimum, top 25 rewards – they are even experimenting with 10 player groups to ramp this up even further. This leads to a lot of pressure on the players, the stress of moving, the stress of the coordination and pressure to not commit early and screw the run for everyone, etc.

    Less competitive guilds – players are leaving guilds that they’ve been in for a long time or guilds they otherwise wouldn’t leave because they want top Rancor rewards (the Aeromagnifiers). I’ve seen several 300 million GP guilds fold due to this issue, as it cascades – 1 guy leaves, another leaves, another leaves, the guild can no longer clear challenge Rancor, everyone leaves.

    I believe that CG could change the number of Aeromagnifiers to be flattened across all guild members, without giving out more rewards. This should solve the second issue and alleviate the first issue, at least to some degree.

    This would cause less stress on players – thus less burnout and less players quitting – and less stress on guilds. It could even create revenue as the more players that have the Aeromagnifiers to make an R8, the more that are likely to spend crystals on the other salvage needed to make the R8.

    Honestly, this seems like a win/win for the players and for CG.

    Thank you for your consideration.

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    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.
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    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I like this idea.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.
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    BoboFoot wrote: »
    Issue With Challenge Rancor Gear

    Let me start by saying that I don’t mind the challenge Rancor. Sure, it isn’t actually a challenge mechanically and is, instead, a challenge of guild communication and coordination. If this was CG’s intent, then they have executed excellently. The problem is that this coordination level, on a guild wide scale, isn’t paid off by equal rewards.

    The major gain of challenge Rancor is the Aeromagnifier salvage required to relics 8s. The other rewards are whatever – RNG rewards are what we are used to from raids and I, personally, see no point in complaining about those, but when challenge Rancor was announced CG stated they understood that this was a guild challenge and that the rewards would be flattened. The current structure of the Aeromagnifier rewards is such that the player who comes first gets 1,100% more Aeromagnifiers than the player who comes 41st. I don’t think anyone playing the game believes that this is in any way a definition of a flat reward.

    This diversity in the key material has lead to several different issues.

    Highly competitive guilds – such as Caw Patrol, MAW, TI, etc – are organising Merc runs to maximise their players progress. As 25th is the cut off for “reasonable” (in the players perspective) Aeromagnifier rewards, these guilds are doing several Merc runs per week so every player in their guild gets, at minimum, top 25 rewards – they are even experimenting with 10 player groups to ramp this up even further. This leads to a lot of pressure on the players, the stress of moving, the stress of the coordination and pressure to not commit early and screw the run for everyone, etc.

    Less competitive guilds – players are leaving guilds that they’ve been in for a long time or guilds they otherwise wouldn’t leave because they want top Rancor rewards (the Aeromagnifiers). I’ve seen several 300 million GP guilds fold due to this issue, as it cascades – 1 guy leaves, another leaves, another leaves, the guild can no longer clear challenge Rancor, everyone leaves.

    I believe that CG could change the number of Aeromagnifiers to be flattened across all guild members, without giving out more rewards. This should solve the second issue and alleviate the first issue, at least to some degree.

    This would cause less stress on players – thus less burnout and less players quitting – and less stress on guilds. It could even create revenue as the more players that have the Aeromagnifiers to make an R8, the more that are likely to spend crystals on the other salvage needed to make the R8.

    Honestly, this seems like a win/win for the players and for CG.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    Overall, I largely agree with you and I could get onboard with a lot of your ideas. I like the idea of completely flat rewards (or close to it) for the entire guild as Raid payouts. But, my specialty is more in communication and writing, not in the areas req'd to determine economics for the game.

    Also, it was stated the rewards would be "flatter" not "flattened." I know that seems petty, but I think it gets overlooked a lot and people use that argument against the current structure, which isn't accurate.

    With any new game mode (and even without), there will always be guild movement, expansion, and collapse.

    But again, you raise some good points, and those have been articulated to the powers that be (especially the req'd close coordination/airplane mode stuff). I have no idea what, if anything, will come of it. But, I know it's (let's all say it togther...) being looked at.
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    BoboFoot wrote: »
    Issue With Challenge Rancor Gear


    Overall, I largely agree with you and I could get onboard with a lot of your ideas. I like the idea of completely flat rewards (or close to it) for the entire guild as Raid payouts. But, my specialty is more in communication and writing, not in the areas req'd to determine economics for the game.

    Also, it was stated the rewards would be "flatter" not "flattened." I know that seems petty, but I think it gets overlooked a lot and people use that argument against the current structure, which isn't accurate.

    To be clear, I fully understand that this is not within your realm of influence, and you have little ability to impact the way these things are implemented into the game. That being said, I've said this before, and I'll say it again, the rewards for challenge pit are significantly steeper than in the other raids, not "flatter", and I think it is a very valid argument to be made against the current reward structure.
    I don't think anyone is going to argue that the only reason anyone is doing the challenge pit is for the relic 8 salvage. All of the other rewards are at best inconsequential for anyone who is at a level prepared to beat the raid in the first place, and so are negligible for consideration in the reward structure. Considering that to be unique rewards for that raid, it's only fair to consider the other raids by the same standard, with the raid reward character shards.
    When looked at from this perspective, you can see that while the challenge rancor has an 11:1 ratio in the reward structure between the top and the bottom, the other 3 raids have an 11:6 reward structure. Now obviously, gear must have some consideration in the other raids, so the ratio may swing a bit lower, but I don't think there's any valid way to argue that the reward structure got significantly steeper for the challenge pit, not flatter.
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