New conquest event feedback


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    Proposing a simple solution to the "lack of purple discs, repeats of discs offered" a lot of people seem to be having:

    Have the option to 'merge' two discs of the same color to upgrade them to a random of the next tier (2 white => 1 green, 2 green => 1 blue, 2 blue => 1 purple, ect) - would give us something to do with all the random white discs we don't want/need, and would basically guarantee everyone could get a purple per run, even if they got the short end of the RNG stick.
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    So the first run went ok , cleared 2 sectors. Second run im 4 battle in sectors 2 and already stuck . Yay for regressing I guess ?
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    Hey CG. Could you guys add a bubble on the right side of the screen to quick jump to conquest? Like you have for Ga and tws. Thanks
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    You're stuck on Normal, correct?

    Can you give us a link to your roster and a bit of info on where you're stuck? Maybe someone here can help.
  • Altzair
    136 posts Member
    Not sure if the modifiers are working correctly. Went against a CLS team and it seems they get way too many bonus attacks. Also noticed they keep attacking, was using NS and after Zombie died the attacks kept going after the revive. Also saw the target switch during the chain of bonus attacks which I don't think should happen. Only happened once so don't know if it's a pattern or maybe something else was going on
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    absolutely love this game mode my one complaint is that its the same bosses 2 conquests in a row
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    My only complaint about Conquest Hard Mode is this:

    Rewards suck, for the time required and the constant repeats to maximize the feats and get what should be the very best rewards, it's absolutely not worth it.

    A couple more of RC's shards and R8 scraps (the easy ones nonetheless) don't compensate for the heavily reduced amount of gear, signal data and R1-R7 scraps that we will receive.

    I'm seriously contemplating about not finishing Hard mode just because of that, Box 4 and 5 seem to be the best.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    As said before, we should be able to see what the disks in inventory do. I mean, we can put them on the read all the ones we have to see what the new one is, but that’s terrible. Also there should be no cost to move the disks around
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Zaph0dd
    185 posts Member
    Normal seems harder this time around, probably just bad RNG, but getting through them much slower
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    Absolutely, why does normal mode seem so much harder this time? Has something been adjusted? This isn’t about not having that or this disk, I’ve noticed considerable difference across all sectors (completed sector 3 so far) in terms of enemies damage and particularly speed.
    Has anyone else finding it a lot harder compared to last time?
  • Gouj4
    416 posts Member
    Absolutely, why does normal mode seem so much harder this time? Has something been adjusted? This isn’t about not having that or this disk, I’ve noticed considerable difference across all sectors (completed sector 3 so far) in terms of enemies damage and particularly speed.
    Has anyone else finding it a lot harder compared to last time?

    I thought this for like 2 minutes but I realised it was in my head and I’m progressing more or less the same as last time. I think it’ll just feel different because of different data disks and such. They didn’t make any changes in between these two so it wouldn’t make sense for them to have made this one harder
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    Gouj4 wrote: »
    Absolutely, why does normal mode seem so much harder this time? Has something been adjusted? This isn’t about not having that or this disk, I’ve noticed considerable difference across all sectors (completed sector 3 so far) in terms of enemies damage and particularly speed.
    Has anyone else finding it a lot harder compared to last time?

    I thought this for like 2 minutes but I realised it was in my head and I’m progressing more or less the same as last time. I think it’ll just feel different because of different data disks and such. They didn’t make any changes in between these two so it wouldn’t make sense for them to have made this one harder

    Perhaps... they did mess up the rewards right? Who knows what they could have messed up this time with the introduction of the hard mode 😒
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    Gouj4 wrote: »
    Absolutely, why does normal mode seem so much harder this time? Has something been adjusted? This isn’t about not having that or this disk, I’ve noticed considerable difference across all sectors (completed sector 3 so far) in terms of enemies damage and particularly speed.
    Has anyone else finding it a lot harder compared to last time?

    I thought this for like 2 minutes but I realised it was in my head and I’m progressing more or less the same as last time. I think it’ll just feel different because of different data disks and such. They didn’t make any changes in between these two so it wouldn’t make sense for them to have made this one harder

    Perhaps... they did mess up the rewards right? Who knows what they could have messed up this time with the introduction of the hard mode 😒

    And by the way, they fixed some bugs apparently for this 2nd event, so there is a chance they fixed one thing and broke another... we all know they don’t test things properly before deploying them.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Gouj4 wrote: »
    Absolutely, why does normal mode seem so much harder this time? Has something been adjusted? This isn’t about not having that or this disk, I’ve noticed considerable difference across all sectors (completed sector 3 so far) in terms of enemies damage and particularly speed.
    Has anyone else finding it a lot harder compared to last time?

    I thought this for like 2 minutes but I realised it was in my head and I’m progressing more or less the same as last time. I think it’ll just feel different because of different data disks and such. They didn’t make any changes in between these two so it wouldn’t make sense for them to have made this one harder

    Perhaps... they did mess up the rewards right? Who knows what they could have messed up this time with the introduction of the hard mode 😒

    Hard mode was there the whole time, it was just locked behind the requirement to beat normal.

    There was no change to the difficulty, but there are many factors involved in each run and you will see varying results if you are in the middle ground of this content. This was also a back to back run, with no time in between where some minor adjustments to your roster may get made, so it makes any of those above factors feel more prominent as they effect your run.
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    They did actually fix a few bugs with data disks, so if you used any of the fixed disks the first time you may notice a difficulty increase this time:

    EVENT - Fixed the Deployable Cooling System Data Disk that allowed Wat Tambor to grant the same Tech multiple times in Conquest.
    EVENT - Fixed an issue with the Ruthless Debilitation Data Disk where enemies could be inflicted with more Armor Shred than intended.
    EVENT - Fixed the Leader's Resolve Data Disk applying to all allies and will now only apply to the ally leader slot.
    EVENT - Updated the description for "The Slow Game" feat in Sector 5 in Conquest to reflect how it interacts with Data Disks.
    EVENT - Fixed an issue that caused some Conquest merchant stores to not display the correct items. This includes Razor Crest blueprints which we will be sending players later this week.
    EVENT - Data Disks that provide Turn Meter are now properly tagged as Turn Meter and they will now be affected by abilities that block Turn Meter gain.
  • jWaVeY
    10 posts Member
    Bro I’m so confused. I’m at 800k GP and although I have some difficulty in the second sector, I’m still easily gonna be able to get the 2nd chest. Idk how a 2+ mil player feels “left out”. I’m having tons of fun and have less than half the GP as you
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    There's a visual bug in the game where boss feats are faded out to the point of being unreadable.

    Moreover, it seems like the "feat accomplished" indicator is to fade the feat out ... but if feats that aren't yet accomplished are faded out, that's no longer a good indicator.

    Please both fix the inappropriate fading and add a separate indicator (check mark or whatever) to clearly indicate which feats have been accomplished.

    Has this been addressed by anyone? This and the lack of counters when trying to do the boss feats are quite annoying.
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    nottenst wrote: »
    There's a visual bug in the game where boss feats are faded out to the point of being unreadable.

    Moreover, it seems like the "feat accomplished" indicator is to fade the feat out ... but if feats that aren't yet accomplished are faded out, that's no longer a good indicator.

    Please both fix the inappropriate fading and add a separate indicator (check mark or whatever) to clearly indicate which feats have been accomplished.

    Has this been addressed by anyone? This and the lack of counters when trying to do the boss feats are quite annoying.

    I think it's been acknowledged (I'm not 100% sure), but so far for me I just need to exit the app and boot it up again and then the feats show up just fine. Don't get me wrong they absolutely need to fix it, but there seems to be an easy workaround for now
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    nottenst wrote: »
    There's a visual bug in the game where boss feats are faded out to the point of being unreadable.

    Moreover, it seems like the "feat accomplished" indicator is to fade the feat out ... but if feats that aren't yet accomplished are faded out, that's no longer a good indicator.

    Please both fix the inappropriate fading and add a separate indicator (check mark or whatever) to clearly indicate which feats have been accomplished.

    Has this been addressed by anyone? This and the lack of counters when trying to do the boss feats are quite annoying.

    I think it's been acknowledged (I'm not 100% sure), but so far for me I just need to exit the app and boot it up again and then the feats show up just fine. Don't get me wrong they absolutely need to fix it, but there seems to be an easy workaround for now

    Thanks. That does the trick if I want to check the feats right away.
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    Im still missing one stage only for Fleets! Should be open at the same time as Stage 1 an we can do both at the same time
  • nottenst
    725 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    I do hope that they change the way that the reward crates work. As many people have said, each crate should be additive compared to the previous one. They shouldn't swap out one kind of relic gear for another, just add in new higher ones. Seeing the Carbonite Circuit Boards go away and Aurodium Heatsinks reduced looks like a mistake.
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    Love the game mode but dislike the lack of feat completion % in the boss battles. Where is the counter?
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    No feats that require counters should be included in Conquest until the team figures out a way to include counters in Conquest.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    No feats that require counters should be included in Conquest until the team figures out a way to include counters in Conquest.

    So much this!
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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    For end-game players, it's too easy to finish even the hard nodes without refresh. Consider adding more battles to each sector. You can increase the threshold for each crate, but you are also giving out more currencies this way, so people won't complain too much
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    For end-game players, it's too easy to finish even the hard nodes without refresh. Consider adding more battles to each sector. You can increase the threshold for each crate, but you are also giving out more currencies this way, so people won't complain too much

    If it's easy, remove ur data disks and make it difficult
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    No feats that require counters should be included in Conquest until the team figures out a way to include counters in Conquest.

    This. The entire feat system for Conquest is kind of a mess.

    First and foremost, the counter issue.

    Secondly, you have feats in a given sector that are in direct opposition to each other - as an example, Sector 4. There's the marked feat and the "no attackers" feat. Since most of the characters that "mark" are attackers, it simply requires going back and re-fighting the same battles over and over to achieve the feats. That's not "replay ability" - that's boring repetition.

    Third, the event feats that require 50 battles for LS and 50 battles for DS. Except that there are only 70 battles in the entire event. Which means that players have to go back and simply (again) re-fight the same battle 30 more times (or 15 with each side). Again, not "replayable" - just boring repetition.

    Honestly, I'd be fine if you simply made the event a little more difficult over all, but dropped feats altogether. The only thing feats add is tedium to an otherwise enjoyable game mode.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    I like the feats, shrug. Just need a counter.
    I need a new message here.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    I like the feats, shrug. Just need a counter.

    My issue with the feats is that **ANALOGY ALERT** they feel like you've just run a very fun obstacle course, get to the finish line and are told "Okay, now that wall jump part? Go back and do that 10 more time...5 times jump with your left foot first, the other 5, with your right foot first - and each time, jump through a hula hoop first. Oh, and that section you walked across a single, narrow plank? Do that 5 times with a rock in your left hand...then put it in your right hand and do it another 5 times....THEN you get credit for completing the obstacle course."

    But it's fine - I'll jump through the (literal?) hoops. I'm just providing feedback that some of them are fairly mundane. The 35 LS & 35 DS in normal was fine - the 50 each for "hard" wasn't harder - just more boring.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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