Conquest Changes [MERGE]


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    Ultra wrote: »
    Osets wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    You might not get the final crate even if you do 6 refresh daily.

    So, let us all boycott this conquest by not spending crystals

    1. Have you done the math? Because I find it hard to believe
    2. You can, but I'm not planning on missing out on Maul

    Ultra you do realize that your second statement is confirming that we'll need crystals to get max crate, right?

    Its not a confirmation of anything since I'm not a beta tester or have access to Conquest 7

    My assumption is that yes, we will need to do at least 1 refresh to get max crate given the information provided

    I would do 1~2 refresh at most in Conquest 1 to 6 and would get max crate in the last 2~3 days of conquest and I don't see that happening with higher cost of battles, and more repetitive battles for feats

    I could be wrong though

    I don't think we need 6 refreshes per day for 14 days to get the max crate like Osets is claiming, and its a pretty wild accusation to make

    One thing we can say: with 20 energy battles, if you want to make the same number of battles as you did in previous conquests, you need to pay 5 refreshes so 250 crystals.
  • Ultra
    11586 posts Moderator
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Osets wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    You might not get the final crate even if you do 6 refresh daily.

    So, let us all boycott this conquest by not spending crystals

    1. Have you done the math? Because I find it hard to believe
    2. You can, but I'm not planning on missing out on Maul

    Ultra you do realize that your second statement is confirming that we'll need crystals to get max crate, right?

    Its not a confirmation of anything since I'm not a beta tester or have access to Conquest 7

    My assumption is that yes, we will need to do at least 1 refresh to get max crate given the information provided

    I would do 1~2 refresh at most in Conquest 1 to 6 and would get max crate in the last 2~3 days of conquest and I don't see that happening with higher cost of battles, and more repetitive battles for feats

    I could be wrong though

    I don't think we need 6 refreshes per day for 14 days to get the max crate like Osets is claiming, and its a pretty wild accusation to make

    One thing we can say: with 20 energy battles, if you want to make the same number of battles as you did in previous conquests, you need to pay 5 refreshes so 250 crystals.

  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    Adding more feats and increasing the energy cost to do them is the clearest sign that too many people got CAT.
    I need a new message here.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    , unlike others that try to sugar coat it, or even worse, trying to convince us that it's for the good of the game,

    I have not seen anyone do that, have you?
    Granolo wrote: »

    , which is kinda insulting when it is clearly just a move to monetize more on Conquest.

    The game is made by a for profit company, no one has ever tried to say they are not here to make money.

    I am so tired to hear this falacious argument. It is a profit company blablabla, they need to make money blablabla.

    Being a profit company doesnt mean to milk their customer to the maximum and totally dont care about other part of their product, like trying to make something good or fun.

    There is a difference. It is already a very profitable business, and what gamers want is just some little bones. But they seems to really dont care at all and as long as some people justify their action by this kind of ridiculous argument they will continue. Step up and stop just accepting every actions, add your owned personality, you will gain credibility (you really lack that nowadays)
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    , unlike others that try to sugar coat it, or even worse, trying to convince us that it's for the good of the game,

    I have not seen anyone do that, have you?
    Granolo wrote: »

    , which is kinda insulting when it is clearly just a move to monetize more on Conquest.

    The game is made by a for profit company, no one has ever tried to say they are not here to make money.

    Nothing wrong with them making money, but when they make changes like this to force those to spend resources or money to stay where they are at, that’s not ok.

    TBF, every update is like that, isnt it?

    As you keep pointing out, they are adding more to our want pile every time something is added, and the rate of adding things to support that want, hasn't been happening to most (if anys) satisfaction.

    We are always given the same options to spend resources how "they want" to "keep up". It is a personal choice based on a personal feeling about where we want to be. If it were easy, I think many would not be here (even with the love of SW).

    On top of that, none of these changes are player friendly in the slightest. At first the energy for data disk swapping was friendly until they increased energy cost per battle and also added feats that are far more of a grind with being so repetitive, thus further making energy that much more valuable and scarce. It’s forcing crystal refreshes now, yet their big reasoning for all this was to make it last longer. All they did was increase the cost and force people to spend resources to keep their current crate reward progress and even completing the conquest run itself.

    First, from my understanding there are other changes, not listed:
    What’s New:
    There are too many changes to list here

    From my understanding there may be a possible rewards change...

    The end-of-event reward crates have already been datamined and they seem to be exactly the same as before. In fact, the only difference looks to be that there are less CAT shards than there were RC shards when RC was the secondary unit. So unless there's been some changes in intermediate rewards...nothing changed
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    less shards for CAT???

    if that datamine is true.. ABSOLUTELY NOT HAPPY!

    WHAT THE....

    Ben waiting for over a month to unlock CAT (50 shards away) and now 30 is only available for max crate??

    It's harder to get worse rewards for a 2 week event???

    this is NUTS.. complete bonkers..

    i can't even..

    the game isn't fun.. it isn't even enjoyable as a collection game..
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    , unlike others that try to sugar coat it, or even worse, trying to convince us that it's for the good of the game,

    I have not seen anyone do that, have you?
    Granolo wrote: »

    , which is kinda insulting when it is clearly just a move to monetize more on Conquest.

    The game is made by a for profit company, no one has ever tried to say they are not here to make money.

    Nothing wrong with them making money, but when they make changes like this to force those to spend resources or money to stay where they are at, that’s not ok.

    TBF, every update is like that, isnt it?

    As you keep pointing out, they are adding more to our want pile every time something is added, and the rate of adding things to support that want, hasn't been happening to most (if anys) satisfaction.

    We are always given the same options to spend resources how "they want" to "keep up". It is a personal choice based on a personal feeling about where we want to be. If it were easy, I think many would not be here (even with the love of SW).

    On top of that, none of these changes are player friendly in the slightest. At first the energy for data disk swapping was friendly until they increased energy cost per battle and also added feats that are far more of a grind with being so repetitive, thus further making energy that much more valuable and scarce. It’s forcing crystal refreshes now, yet their big reasoning for all this was to make it last longer. All they did was increase the cost and force people to spend resources to keep their current crate reward progress and even completing the conquest run itself.

    First, from my understanding there are other changes, not listed:
    What’s New:
    There are too many changes to list here

    From my understanding there may be a possible rewards change...

    The end-of-event reward crates have already been datamined and they seem to be exactly the same as before. In fact, the only difference looks to be that there are less CAT shards than there were RC shards when RC was the secondary unit. So unless there's been some changes in intermediate rewards...nothing changed

    imagine paying 250+ crystals to beat conquest and get max box only to end up with mk4 stun guns or something else you have over 1k of. Man that would be a heck of a slap in the face.
  • nottenst
    718 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    If the chart that @Shadow1989 posted are the real Hard Mode feats then there would seem to be absolutely no point at all in refreshing energy since many of those feats are currently completely unattainable. Never mind getting the max Hard Conquest crate, the second to max probably won't be able to be reached. So, no R8 materials at all in the near future. I might as well give up ever getting Executor or JMK.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    , unlike others that try to sugar coat it, or even worse, trying to convince us that it's for the good of the game,

    I have not seen anyone do that, have you?
    Granolo wrote: »

    , which is kinda insulting when it is clearly just a move to monetize more on Conquest.

    The game is made by a for profit company, no one has ever tried to say they are not here to make money.

    Nothing wrong with them making money, but when they make changes like this to force those to spend resources or money to stay where they are at, that’s not ok.

    TBF, every update is like that, isnt it?

    As you keep pointing out, they are adding more to our want pile every time something is added, and the rate of adding things to support that want, hasn't been happening to most (if anys) satisfaction.

    We are always given the same options to spend resources how "they want" to "keep up". It is a personal choice based on a personal feeling about where we want to be. If it were easy, I think many would not be here (even with the love of SW).

    On top of that, none of these changes are player friendly in the slightest. At first the energy for data disk swapping was friendly until they increased energy cost per battle and also added feats that are far more of a grind with being so repetitive, thus further making energy that much more valuable and scarce. It’s forcing crystal refreshes now, yet their big reasoning for all this was to make it last longer. All they did was increase the cost and force people to spend resources to keep their current crate reward progress and even completing the conquest run itself.

    First, from my understanding there are other changes, not listed:
    What’s New:
    There are too many changes to list here

    From my understanding there may be a possible rewards change...

    The end-of-event reward crates have already been datamined and they seem to be exactly the same as before. In fact, the only difference looks to be that there are less CAT shards than there were RC shards when RC was the secondary unit. So unless there's been some changes in intermediate rewards...nothing changed

    imagine paying 250+ crystals to beat conquest and get max box only to end up with mk4 stun guns or something else you have over 1k of. Man that would be a heck of a slap in the face.

    What you just want everything to be handed to you for free? You have a 7m+ roster and think you deserve good rewards after a two week grind and meticulous planning and repetitive battling? People today I tell yah….
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    TVF wrote: »
    Adding more feats and increasing the energy cost to do them is the clearest sign that too many people got CAT.

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    I call **** if CG is trying to say that by day 3 or 4 "most" players were completely done with Conquests. If that was the case, then CG should have been very happy because that means "most" players were spending quite a few crystals as refreshes and Stim packs are the only way to complete conquest in a 3-4 days. (Also, notice that CG didn't say how long it took players to go back and complete the feats. Anyone rushing through the battles is constantly swapping teams, which means they have a lot of battles to redo in order to complete their feats and that takes time..or a lot more crystals)

    What has CG done now? They've made each battle cost more, they've more than DOUBLED the number of feats, they've made conflicting feats and they've required high relic'd teams for 11 factions (Phoenix, Bounty Hunter, NightSisters, Rebel Fighters, Old Republic, Empire, Mandalorians, Smugglers, Bad Batch, Geonosians, Unaligned Force Users) along with requirements for 2 underwhelming toons: Maul/Opress.

    What did I mean by, "conflicting feats"?
    Every boss now has the feats: A full light side squad, A full dark side squad, and an Undersized it's literally impossible to complete the 6-7 boss feats in less than 3-battles.
    There's a Global feat requiring you to win 20-battles of a mixed Light/Dark side squad. 20-battles!!! While a mixed squad isn't difficult to make, it limits the feats you can be working on at the same time as that one.
    Many of the Sector and Boss feats require different team compositions or individual toons, once again forcing you to replay even more battles so you can complete all 6 feats per sector

    By requiring more feats, and having those feats specifically designed to work in isolation from other feats, they've drastically increased the number of battles you need in order to get the max crate, while simultaneously giving us fewer battles by increasing the energy cost for each battle. -- I find it highly unlikely that the max crate is obtainable without refreshing your energy...unless you have one of those accounts with every toon unlocked and at R9 like CG test with.

    I have almost 6-million GP and 3 GLs, yet I've already realized I won't be getting the max crate due to the faction specific feats
    Yes, I'm going after Vader so I want new-Maul, but the amount of gear I'd have to redirect from my Vader farm in order to get every Faction specific feat would set my Vader farm back quite a bit. What good is getting Maul in 3 Conquests if I set my Vader farm back 2-months in the process? Would my redirected gear and relic material somehow be worth it? Doubtful as the next 3-month round of Conquests will feature 11 new faction specific feats.

    Don't get me wrong, there's no specific feat I think is impossible, it's just the number of faction specific feats and the number of feats designed to conflict with others. Before this we had what? 2 Faction specific feats? Jedi and Sith? Other than that you completed feats using toons you invested in, getting creative at times. They're stripping away the "get creative" option by forcing 11 specific factions. ... And let's not forget they delayed conquest so the nerfs designed to make it harder to defeat a GL without having a GL, would be active.

    Yes...CG didn't make the battles harder (other than the GL-counter nerfs), they just decided you need a full roster of every faction if you want to keep getting max crate going forward...but even if you have that, you'll still need to refresh your energy to get max rewards. This has gone from an event that most everyone loved, to something a few people raced through by spending a lot of crystals, to something which requires crystal refreshes, 11-specific factions, specific toons and GLs...along with the promise that every 3-months they'll change which factions and toons required to unlock their fancy new conquest reward toon.

    Final thought....By more than doubling the number of feats, and by designing them to conflict with each other....if anything, CG should have lowered the cost per battle, not increased it. Stamina would have still been a limiting factor for players and all the faction specific feats they now require would have ensured players weren't just reusing the same GL squad to complete the event. By doing all of this, it's as if CG is trying to see where the breaking point of their player base....and whenever they finally find it...they'll simply back off a little from that last push and they'll (correctly) expect the community to cheer because CG listened to them.

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    Starslayer wrote: »
    Any chance someone could confirm than barring technical issues, the feats will stay the same for the full conquest cycle (about 3 conquests) ? It would allow players to make informed strategic decisions, like gearing an extra faction.
    Given how long it can take to gear a squad to relics much less actually farm and then gear them, I am not sure how much that even matters.

    If I stopped everything else I was doing today and poured all my resources into Bad Batch for the next 3 months, I might be able to get them to a.usable state by the third Conquest... maybe.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    I think many would not be here (even with the love of SW).

    And there you have hit on the very problem and why this is the very epitome of an abusive relationship. CG makes these changes knowing that people will continue to spend on the game because they love SW. they don’t love the game, they don’t get heard, they are taken advantage of simply because they love SW. there is a balance between having a profitable product and listening to and including the consumer feedback. That’s not what is happening here. If anything, CG hears the consumers and does the exact opposite.
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Any chance someone could confirm than barring technical issues, the feats will stay the same for the full conquest cycle (about 3 conquests) ? It would allow players to make informed strategic decisions, like gearing an extra faction.
    Given how long it can take to gear a squad to relics much less actually farm and then gear them, I am not sure how much that even matters.

    If I stopped everything else I was doing today and poured all my resources into Bad Batch for the next 3 months, I might be able to get them to a.usable state by the third Conquest... maybe.

    Depending on feats, you dont have to gear a whole team to engage in a faction specific feat.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Osets wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    You might not get the final crate even if you do 6 refresh daily.

    So, let us all boycott this conquest by not spending crystals

    1. Have you done the math? Because I find it hard to believe
    2. You can, but I'm not planning on missing out on Maul

    Ultra you do realize that your second statement is confirming that we'll need crystals to get max crate, right?

    Its not a confirmation of anything since I'm not a beta tester or have access to Conquest 7

    My assumption is that yes, we will need to do at least 1 refresh to get max crate given the information provided

    I would do 1~2 refresh at most in Conquest 1 to 6 and would get max crate in the last 2~3 days of conquest and I don't see that happening with higher cost of battles, and more repetitive battles for feats

    I could be wrong though

    I don't think we need 6 refreshes per day for 14 days to get the max crate like Osets is claiming, and its a pretty wild accusation to make

    I think you’ll be surprised. Given that the feats have been datamined and are not only more grindy than before and lots of rare faction specific requirements not only will you have to refresh a lot more, unless you have about 9m GP because you have relic’d almost every faction in the game you’re not getting max rewards.
  • Help_me
    35 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    For the first time since I started playing in December of launch year I am thinking I need to put the game down. The devs are saying 1 thing they can't code well enough to make this an enjoyable challenge to compel people to spend so they will just wall it off to unused factions. And that's fine but by the time we gear phoenix you will just switch to solo movie content or rogue one. The impetus to spend is being stifled by CG not by the players. I will just get maul in 4 conquests and let CG have their unintelligible requirements. Good day sir. I SAID GOOD DAY.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    , unlike others that try to sugar coat it, or even worse, trying to convince us that it's for the good of the game,

    I have not seen anyone do that, have you?
    Granolo wrote: »

    , which is kinda insulting when it is clearly just a move to monetize more on Conquest.

    The game is made by a for profit company, no one has ever tried to say they are not here to make money.

    Nothing wrong with them making money, but when they make changes like this to force those to spend resources or money to stay where they are at, that’s not ok.

    TBF, every update is like that, isnt it?

    As you keep pointing out, they are adding more to our want pile every time something is added, and the rate of adding things to support that want, hasn't been happening to most (if anys) satisfaction.

    We are always given the same options to spend resources how "they want" to "keep up". It is a personal choice based on a personal feeling about where we want to be. If it were easy, I think many would not be here (even with the love of SW).

    On top of that, none of these changes are player friendly in the slightest. At first the energy for data disk swapping was friendly until they increased energy cost per battle and also added feats that are far more of a grind with being so repetitive, thus further making energy that much more valuable and scarce. It’s forcing crystal refreshes now, yet their big reasoning for all this was to make it last longer. All they did was increase the cost and force people to spend resources to keep their current crate reward progress and even completing the conquest run itself.

    First, from my understanding there are other changes, not listed:
    What’s New:
    There are too many changes to list here

    From my understanding there may be a possible rewards change...

    The end-of-event reward crates have already been datamined and they seem to be exactly the same as before. In fact, the only difference looks to be that there are less CAT shards than there were RC shards when RC was the secondary unit. So unless there's been some changes in intermediate rewards...nothing changed

    Carbonite circuits have been added, so it can’t be the same rewards.
  • Options
    Help_me wrote: »
    For the first time since I started playing in December of launch year I am thinking I need to put the game down. The devs are saying 1 thing they can't code well enough to make this an enjoyable challenge to compel people to spend so they will just wall it off to unused factions. And that's fine but by the time we gear phoenix you will just switch to solo movie content or rogue one. The impetus to spend is being stifled by CG not by the players. I will just get maul in 4 conquests and let CG have their unintelligible requirements. Good day sir. I SAID GOOD DAY.

    Well said. I downloaded and started playing this game the day after it came out and am feeling the exact same.
  • Crayons
    565 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    A total grind fest.

    They’ve removed all the fun. Wish I hadn’t played the original conquest. The fun one.

    I won’t be excited to go play conquest when I used to be. It’s totally a grindfest. The grind intensity has been turned to 11.

    14 Battles with Bounty Hunters in tier 1? Yeah that’s how many battles I want to do with bounty hunters with so many other feats to do.

    What happened to the “Come up with unique ways to move up the board by getting creative with your roster, data disks and consumables”? Now it’s “Use the same squads over and over that we already chose for you. Don’t get creative and use your own roster at all. That’s dumb, you should have been relic’ing Phoenix and Bad Batch.”

    Get bent. This will be a money free conquest. Minimum effort and I get what I get. If it wasn’t for my online friends, the wider community, and the overall Star Wars link, I don’t think I’d still be logging in.

    P.S. I Hate you.
  • Options
    Help_me wrote: »
    For the first time since I started playing in December of launch year I am thinking I need to put the game down. The devs are saying 1 thing they can't code well enough to make this an enjoyable challenge to compel people to spend so they will just wall it off to unused factions. And that's fine but by the time we gear phoenix you will just switch to solo movie content or rogue one. The impetus to spend is being stifled by CG not by the players. I will just get maul in 4 conquests and let CG have their unintelligible requirements. Good day sir. I SAID GOOD DAY.

    You need 6 conquests of 2nd best crate to have the same number of shards than with 3 conquests of 1st best crate. Always glad to be the messager of good news.
  • Options
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Help_me wrote: »
    For the first time since I started playing in December of launch year I am thinking I need to put the game down. The devs are saying 1 thing they can't code well enough to make this an enjoyable challenge to compel people to spend so they will just wall it off to unused factions. And that's fine but by the time we gear phoenix you will just switch to solo movie content or rogue one. The impetus to spend is being stifled by CG not by the players. I will just get maul in 4 conquests and let CG have their unintelligible requirements. Good day sir. I SAID GOOD DAY.

    You need 6 conquests of 2nd best crate to have the same number of shards than with 3 conquests of 1st best crate. Always glad to be the messager of good news.

    Great, so twice as long for nearly as much work.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    All these changes just prove that CG couldn’t care less about player feedback. Making money is fine, but give and take….all we get here is take with no give. Takes all the fun out of it.
  • Options
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    , unlike others that try to sugar coat it, or even worse, trying to convince us that it's for the good of the game,

    I have not seen anyone do that, have you?
    Granolo wrote: »

    , which is kinda insulting when it is clearly just a move to monetize more on Conquest.

    The game is made by a for profit company, no one has ever tried to say they are not here to make money.

    Nothing wrong with them making money, but when they make changes like this to force those to spend resources or money to stay where they are at, that’s not ok.

    TBF, every update is like that, isnt it?

    As you keep pointing out, they are adding more to our want pile every time something is added, and the rate of adding things to support that want, hasn't been happening to most (if anys) satisfaction.

    We are always given the same options to spend resources how "they want" to "keep up". It is a personal choice based on a personal feeling about where we want to be. If it were easy, I think many would not be here (even with the love of SW).

    On top of that, none of these changes are player friendly in the slightest. At first the energy for data disk swapping was friendly until they increased energy cost per battle and also added feats that are far more of a grind with being so repetitive, thus further making energy that much more valuable and scarce. It’s forcing crystal refreshes now, yet their big reasoning for all this was to make it last longer. All they did was increase the cost and force people to spend resources to keep their current crate reward progress and even completing the conquest run itself.

    First, from my understanding there are other changes, not listed:
    What’s New:
    There are too many changes to list here

    From my understanding there may be a possible rewards change...

    The end-of-event reward crates have already been datamined and they seem to be exactly the same as before. In fact, the only difference looks to be that there are less CAT shards than there were RC shards when RC was the secondary unit. So unless there's been some changes in intermediate rewards...nothing changed

    Carbonite circuits have been added, so it can’t be the same rewards.

    You're right, I didn't catch that. But from what I can tell that's the only thing that has changed, so that's...great? I doubt that's the change in rewards that Kyno was hinting at
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Mirkraag wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    , unlike others that try to sugar coat it, or even worse, trying to convince us that it's for the good of the game,

    I have not seen anyone do that, have you?
    Granolo wrote: »

    , which is kinda insulting when it is clearly just a move to monetize more on Conquest.

    The game is made by a for profit company, no one has ever tried to say they are not here to make money.

    I am so tired to hear this falacious argument. It is a profit company blablabla, they need to make money blablabla.

    Being a profit company doesnt mean to milk their customer to the maximum and totally dont care about other part of their product, like trying to make something good or fun.

    There is a difference. It is already a very profitable business, and what gamers want is just some little bones. But they seems to really dont care at all and as long as some people justify their action by this kind of ridiculous argument they will continue. Step up and stop just accepting every actions, add your owned personality, you will gain credibility (you really lack that nowadays)

    So the people who choose to pay are not having fun?

    So the people who choose not to pay are not having fun, but hang around anyway?

    There is a difference absolutely, and players make choices daily based on how they feel those differences strike them.

    Despite what people think about me, I speak my mind, more to them than I do here. I have spoke about this, and said I do not like these changes, but I'm sorry, I will not agree they dont care, or agree with people trying to blindly villainize them because they play in a market that some dont understand.
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    @Kyno right, so we're too stupid to understand that CG knows best. Gotcha.

    I understand that they want to make money and whales give them the majority of that. I understand whales are gonna unlock the latest and greatest before me. I understand they pay the money and enjoy it, that's fine I have no problem with that whatsoever.

    The sad thing for me is that the fun parts of the game are being eroded and the distance between whales and the rest of us is getting bigger and bigger. I used to be able to unlock the cool new characters with a few months of grinding instead of my wallet. Now we're being locked out of all of it.

    Relic 8 - gotta be in a huge guild For CPit. All our top players (and my friends I'd played with for years have gone to bigger guilds to continue). But that's ok, we can still make some slow progress in conquest. Nope, we're taking that off you too. Also relic 8 is needed for any of the new ships or GLs so kiss goodbye to any crystals from fleet or squad arena if you're not paying. Plus we're adding relic 9 soon. Plus you need old crappy squads levelled up, but we're definitely not going to let you have a scrap of extra gear.

    The point is we're having less and less fun and are seriously thinking that we should stop hanging around. I spent more money on this game when I had fun. Now I just feel there's no point as unless I spend 1000s it won't help a jot.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    madhader wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I think many would not be here (even with the love of SW).

    And there you have hit on the very problem and why this is the very epitome of an abusive relationship. CG makes these changes knowing that people will continue to spend on the game because they love SW. they don’t love the game, they don’t get heard, they are taken advantage of simply because they love SW. there is a balance between having a profitable product and listening to and including the consumer feedback. That’s not what is happening here. If anything, CG hears the consumers and does the exact opposite.

    Maybe dont clip my comment to twist it, because you are using this out of context.

    But on your topic, no this is not an abusive relationship, and yes people can make their own choices and no people spending here are not victims, or cant control themselves. (Yes people do have problems and maybe even some % of the players here do, but that doesnt mean everyone spending is some sort of victim, by any stretch)

    Here is a simple breakdown:
    (Time gets removed because we are all subject to the same clock)
    Prices too high, no one buys, "no problem" for players as they never face high end or end game stuff too quick.

    Prices too low, and "everyone" has it, "no problem" for players as they all have very similar stuff.

    Neither of these is true, so they must be finding some balance in between. Unless they somehow magically got a smooth distribution across all shards of krakens, then they must also be in some sort of reasonable price scheme that allows a % to make judgements on what they spend to get/keep an advantage.

    Some people just have an understanding of their own disposable income and are ok with some of it going to this game. Some dont like that, or dont understand it, and some also try to villainize the company because of this.
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    I think you'd be very surprised by the number of ppl continuing to pay or just play bc of either the sunk cost fallacy or the fact they love their guild and guildmates.

    Do some ppl at CG care how we feel? Sure. Of course they do. However the ones making the decisions do not seem to care at all, given the trajectory this game has been on for the past 2 1/2 years. Especially in the past year. Whether it's the nerfs to the community's favorite characters, the lack of easing the gear grind, the obscene amount of bugs that have been breaking gameplay (KAM and Chimera nodes in Geo TBs as two big examples), or this monstrosity they're doing to conquest, there's just not alot to look at and make the argument that they're thinking of the players or "helping us".

    Ooh simmable ABs (finally)! Here let's piggyback on that with making conquest not harder to beat technically but instead a longer, more repetitive grind. Let's force players to buy refreshes of energy with crystals. Let's sell these faction packs at a higher cost than other consumables. This is blatantly anti-consumer and they even wrapped it up in a lovely little "some ppl were beating conquest too fast and we want to discourage that" bow! What one has to do with the other I don't know but that's one of the worst excuses I've ever heard them utter. It's not surprising that players feel CG doesn't care about us. Their actions & upper management approved messages in fact indicate that they don't.

    I believe that Doja and Crumb do their best to be our voice. And I don't fault them for these decisions at all; but someone at CG is making these decisions to do these things. And I find it very, very hard to believe that that person/those people making the decisions care about us at all. Be it our enjoyment or our desires for the game.
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    New Conquest sounds from what i heard very grindy. So far, i played all Conquests periodically over two weeks and now it seems that players like me will "suffer" because of players who get it done in one day. But that´s completely their choice and it doesn´t mean the system is bad. I am honestly afraid that new Conquest will be even more time consuming.
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