Content Update: 08/26/2021 Feedback [MERGE]

26 posts Member
edited August 2021
You screw up the f2ps and lights spenders by forceing them into a 8+ month farm for a gl and you then nerf good characters that were fine before you nerf vaders 1 year old rework buff gls and make conquest stupidly hard for others. This not good cg this is an unhealthy Meta
Post edited by Kyno on


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    Also do not get me staryed on the executor
  • TVF
    36762 posts Member
    Also do not get me staryed on the executor

    I need a new message here.
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    Worst one so far!
  • MusteA
    21 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Doja and Crumb are just messengers, they didn't come up with these changes. And as for compensation for the GAC fiasco and Geo TB mission expect 3 Clone Wars Chewbacca shards and some random stuff.
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    MusteA wrote: »
    Doja and Crumb are just messengers, they didn't come up with these changes. And as for compensation for the GAC fiasco and Geo TB mission expect 3 Clone Wars Chewbacca shards and some random stuff.
    I recommend expecting nothing. That will prevent disappointment.
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    Shnel wrote: »
    1. We need to remove ignore defense because it unbalances health of the game.
    - remove health reduce mechanism, fracture, nerf vader damage along with ignore def from jkl, gas, wat and other changes
    - next add a new char with ignore defense. So much for health of the game.
    2. Gear economy is bad. Just lock conquest behind stupid feats to not get even the crappy reward available. Also lock arenas rewards behind the new metas.
    3. Send community managers in forums to call us stupid because we need to ltp the game. The update is great they keep telling, it's us who need to be creative on what to do with chars hitting for 10k crit damage.

    Criticism is nice, but it should be based on facts.

    Maul does not ignore defense. JKL and Gas together with critical damage set and 0 armor did 150k+ critical hits. Maul does true damage (never crits).
    Metas change and so does the Arena and Fleet - some people actually need to pay for a game, else it gets shut down. See this however you want, but a staff and server do cost money.

    I personally do not like the Thrawn change, but I can live with the JKL + Gas change. JML lead maybe should be maden immune to fear as a follow up to the nerfs to Jkl, Gas and Wat. The new Vader I will need to test, but I assume he will work just as before. The most people I fought anyways placed Rey in a way he was never doable with no change there.
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    They are just the messengers but they are our interlocutors from CG. So they are the only ones we know and we need to tell them what we think about the disgusting moves the company make.

    1) nerf fun toons, add a new toon with the nerfed stuff ---- scandalous

    2) Lie to the community about the new conquest. Not because of fast players but because they just want all people to spend cristals on it and lock max crate for big whales only --- disgusting
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    XKurareX wrote: »
    Maul does not ignore defense. JKL and Gas together with critical damage set and 0 armor did 150k+ critical hits. Maul does true damage (never crits).

    True damage ignores defense.
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    Mirkraag wrote: »
    They are just the messengers but they are our interlocutors from CG. So they are the only ones we know and we need to tell them what we think about the disgusting moves the company make.

    1) nerf fun toons, add a new toon with the nerfed stuff ---- scandalous

    2) Lie to the community about the new conquest. Not because of fast players but because they just want all people to spend cristals on it and lock max crate for big whales only --- disgusting

    1) true damage =/= ignore defense (one does with same offense 65k the other does crit for 150k)
    2) conquest feats are not yet known. i assume for the maximum reward you need to invest now crystals thats of course a drain. I just hope the feats are not endless repeating x kill x times...that would be insanely boring to say at least. That the conquest will increase in difficulty was foreseeable, as its rewards get actualised as well. It needs to be seen how many from the offside teams are required in the end to gain the red box. I think firstly need to be able to actually play the conquest to get a real picture.
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    I changed from light spender to f2p

    People want real change they should stop paying CG if you don’t like their decisions (and I don’t watch or subscribe those YT since I think they distorted game’s revenue stream )
  • Crayons
    565 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Just disappointment.

    Spend more time in game and spend more money seems to be the plan.

    For someone that is a spender I still find the recent changes to game and conquest tragic.

    Really need to stop making things a drag. Where is the fun update?
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    This update won't milk the whales. It will slaughter the krakens, whales, dolphins, and minnows. The ones who survive won't have any F2P left to beat up. Not one to usually say the sky is falling, but this is THE WORST update I've even seen in a game ever. (At least WOW's plague update created valuable data for the CDC)
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    You know lately everytime you do something, CG, it's terribly apparent that you really don't play your own game. And you think very lowly of your customers, as evidenced by the most pathetic excuse I've ever seen you make Crumb utter.

    JKL was what kept me playing this game. I came so very close to quitting before he released. I used him yesterday, post nerf, and I was disgusted with what you've done to his kit. Forget 'nerfed vs GLs'. You nerfed him against MALAK. Against DRevs. JKL costs more to get than Malak does. Than DRevs does. Given your previous statements that you want more investment for a character to be rewarded by that character's strength, I don't see how you can do that to JKL. Were you lying? Seems like you were. As for JML I will continue to insist that I want his relic 8 and his ultimate back. I made the decision to r8 and ult him when his ult was useful. It clearly no longer is. He's now the bloat GL, only good for fluffing your roster size up. Can't beat any GLs one on one, and can't do meaningful damage against any of them.

    It's almost like someone at CG hates Luke. He's the strongest Jedi to ever live and JKL lived up to that title until yesterday. I said pre-nerf you'd be nerfing JML by nerfing his team. I was told to wait, that JML would be stronger some miraculous way....nope. You made him the worst GL. While giving buffs to Rey and GLEE. And don't get me started on this conquest mess you've decided to inflict on yourselves. Less fun! More effort! Charge crystals! Same mediocre rewards!

    P.S. refund Gen Sky's basic zeta too while refunding r8 JML mats and his ult. That one is useless now.
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    Yeah this update feels like they are in the end game and mailing the last few pennies before shut down.

    I spend often but it’s on hold for now. I’m not sure how viable the game will be. Players will leave. When you make things harder than previously were, and try to squeeze people, they get bored.

    The new req for lord Vader should worry people.

    No more relic 3. It’s gonna be high end spend requirements. Spend or wait years FTP; and they’ll have changed the character by the time you unlock them. Great stuff.
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    Barik_Edo wrote: »
    XKurareX wrote: »
    Maul does not ignore defense. JKL and Gas together with critical damage set and 0 armor did 150k+ critical hits. Maul does true damage (never crits).

    True damage ignores defense.

    Yes, but it also can't crit.

    The problem with Luke and Anakin wasn't that they could ignore defense, it was that they could crit for huge numbers because they were ignoring defense.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Mirkraag
    509 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    XKurareX wrote: »
    Mirkraag wrote: »
    They are just the messengers but they are our interlocutors from CG. So they are the only ones we know and we need to tell them what we think about the disgusting moves the company make.

    1) nerf fun toons, add a new toon with the nerfed stuff ---- scandalous

    2) Lie to the community about the new conquest. Not because of fast players but because they just want all people to spend cristals on it and lock max crate for big whales only --- disgusting

    1) true damage =/= ignore defense (one does with same offense 65k the other does crit for 150k)
    2) conquest feats are not yet known. i assume for the maximum reward you need to invest now crystals thats of course a drain. I just hope the feats are not endless repeating x kill x times...that would be insanely boring to say at least. That the conquest will increase in difficulty was foreseeable, as its rewards get actualised as well. It needs to be seen how many from the offside teams are required in the end to gain the red box. I think firstly need to be able to actually play the conquest to get a real picture.

    Yeah sure he cant crit so it is totally different. Oh wait he gains so much offense that it is equivalent to critical dmg from another toon. But yeah you are right it is different. Lol

    You really think the new feats will be nice and fun and will balance the fact that you will need now to spend cristals (and you can be sure it will not be 1 or 2 refreshes). Max crate will also be locked behind feats like win with phoenix against Rey. Lol x2
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Barik_Edo wrote: »
    XKurareX wrote: »
    Maul does not ignore defense. JKL and Gas together with critical damage set and 0 armor did 150k+ critical hits. Maul does true damage (never crits).

    True damage ignores defense.

    Yes, but it also can't crit.

    The problem with Luke and Anakin wasn't that they could ignore defense, it was that they could crit for huge numbers because they were ignoring defense.

    Like 6x base damage numbers? Doubt it. But that's fine for Maul, somehow...
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Barik_Edo wrote: »
    XKurareX wrote: »
    Maul does not ignore defense. JKL and Gas together with critical damage set and 0 armor did 150k+ critical hits. Maul does true damage (never crits).

    True damage ignores defense.

    Yes, but it also can't crit.

    The problem with Luke and Anakin wasn't that they could ignore defense, it was that they could crit for huge numbers because they were ignoring defense.

    The comment was in reply to someone saying Maul doesn't ignore defense and that he only deals true damage. And crit probably matters little with Seething Rage's bonus turns and ramping damage.
  • Osets
    11 posts Member
    So you're charging energy to change data disks and making attacking more expensive energy wise because people were SPENDING MONEY TO DAY ONE FINISH, to day one finish? You're punishing everyone because SOME PEOPLE were able to day one finish. Also where are ships in conquest?
    If this is supposed to be the hardest conquest to date then the rewards had better reflect the change in difficulty
    I don't want to be negative every time you update this game. I thought the UNITY engine was supposed to make it easier for you to make content?
    Last thing what happened to relic abilities? What happened to "a ship load of changes" (sorry a new capital ship and a slave 1 touch up are not a "ship load")
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    You know, I wasn’t even upset when I heard that GAS and JKL wouldn’t be as good against GLs anymore. I wasn’t happy about less meta diversity, but I wasn’t exactly surprised.

    But GAS and JKL are hard and time consuming to unlock. And now they hit like wet noodles against non-GLs. My r1 Rex hits harder than my r7 GAS now. Where’s the equity there? I’m finally, after farming for what feels like ever, days away from finally having all the requirements to unlocking JML, my first GL- but now half of his team have been nerfed to oblivion, making him totally ineffective as a GL.

    Why not just nerfed these toons against GLs? Why make them completely ineffective against everything?

    Are you trying to make people quit? Because after 6 years I’m feeling more frustrated than I ever have before.
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    Enough people have highlighted everything that is wrong with this update. I’ll just add my voice and say this is worst update I’ve every seen. I thought about providing feedback but honestly it’s a lot of work for something that I don’t believe CG / EA will even listen to. I’m done.

    I have no trust in CG / EA

    I have no faith in CG / EA

    I don’t believe CG / EA have the players interests in mind, just their own.

    I don’t believe CG / EA value the community or the players

    In the end I’d not believe CG / EA will even care about this message tho I hope they will

    Signing out.
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