[MEGA] Conquest 7


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    MBRedline wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    MBRedline wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Azazel224 wrote: »
    Lowering Ashoka shards now that the whales have her is a typical move these days. I should be able to unlock her with 2/3 more but now it will be at least 5 conquests with the rewards. Who thinks this game is fun?

    They laid out the cadence when she was first introduced. They told us the amount offered in the prize box would be reduced, months ago.

    Reduced compared with her first 3 conquests. Not reduced compared with RC's 4th-6th conquests.

    This is the problem Kyno. RC dropped to 44 shards. Basically everywhere else in the game ships drop less shards then toons, but here the number of shards for CAT have not only dropped but dropped below the previous standard. On top of that, the difficulty level has been significantly increased. So someone like myself who was under hard mode reqs for the first CAT conquest, but still red boxed normal, then red boxed the next two on hard mode, and purchased shards. Now I am still going to be at least 2 more conquests in best case scenario to get CaT and that's assuming I purchase every shard possible.

    Obviously everyone expected a drop, just not in this manner, smh.
    Nauros wrote: »
    RC awarded fewer shards on its "main" run, though. It can't really be considered a part of the cadence since things weren't really settled by then. CAT is the first "proper" Conquest unit.

    As is expected it should reward fewer shards, my point exactly. It is a SHIP, and by game standards should reward fewer. That also show a disproportionate result, RC dropped less on first run and more on second. CAT drops more on first run and less on second.

    Fine, if CAT is the first "proper" toon, then standards should have remained in play until CAT was out and should have started with maul.

    No matter how you try to soften it, there's no way this is going down easy.

    No CAT is the standard, why would she stay the same. She is leading the proper path, laying the groundwork. That was the whole point of the post where they outlined the process.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Nick_74 wrote: »
    Why not just run one more conquest in the old format?
    Don’t understand why they let us wait so long for no 7 in the first place.
    Now when they have problems just let us play one more like the good old days.

    CG has already made many of their players disappointed with the big nerf now this.
    If they care about us the players a gesture of good will would be needed now.

    The new one is meant to be harder, so they wanted to limit the amount of Mauls in the wild and running one old version would interfere with that. This is somewhat understandable, the original hard mode wasn't really that hard, but imo they overcompensated by the double whammy of increased energy and more feats. One or the other would have been sufficient.
    Either way, it's all moot since it's totally broken. They might have to resort to running the old version anyway.

    Why do people keep saying it is harder? This conquest is just as easy as the previous one. It's just more time consuming with the increased energy costs and the increased amount of feats. That's not harder. It's grindier.

    Will the same number of people get the red box, no....therefore harder. 🙃

    Ok, but seriously. There are elements here that making it harder for players to complete and/or cost more, or make them judge crystal expenditure differently. Just like many other game modes there is some equivalency between roster depth/development and difficulty. More tries to beat something, or in this case complete feats, and what not.

    No, no one means that the battles are harder (unless you are trying to win with non relic Phoenix), just doing things in those battles.

    I dont think this is the kind of difficulty anyone would ask for, but maybe in smaller doses, vs this massive sweep.

    Yeah. I took it as people saying the battles are harder. Which I don't see. But I understand what you are saying.

    There are also new modifiers that make it more difficult. Overprepared IV in zone 1 for example. And wait until you see the one for Jawas.
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    Honestly at what point is it enough?

    At what point will CG actually start listening to what the players wants? At what point will they stop blatantly lying to our faces?

    This last conquest fiasco is just the cherry on top of their crusade to make the game less fun and worse lately. For months there have been countless suggestions and ideas to make conquest more fun and less of a grind. What happens instead? They turn it into more of a grind and make it less fun than before and lie to us saying it’s “to make it a 2 week thing”. I’m sorry but whales can still finish the event in a couple days. All you did was maximize your earning based on their spending, all while punishing those who actually did take the full time to complete and engage with conquest.

    You guys refuse to ease the gear crunch but are demanding squads to be geared the highest they’ve ever been at a minimum of R5 for new toons and events. You refuse to implement QoL changes (AB sims notwithstanding) that would make our lives so much easier, including….FEAT COUNTERS.

    I’m just flabbergasted honestly. I wish I had any hope you guys would do the right thing and give us the conquest we want, but that’s not what CG is about anymore. Shameful. Really shameful
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    M1hkel0 wrote: »
    If my 30 battles estimate is correct, then 30x20 = 600 conquest energy to finish zone 1 -- at 1 energy generated every 12 min is 6120 min
    102 hours, or 4 days, just to finish zone 1

    Is this really what you wanted, because I never got any Red boxes and now I never Will. This is stupid!!
    Just because some people got Red boxes "too Easy" you thought it would be reasonable to THIS ?!?

    No. That is not the reason at all. That's their made up stupid excuse for it. They changed it because too many ppl unlocked CAT first time around and they want to be able to monetize Maul better. So this is what they came up with.

    Yep I agree. I'm F2P and after reading the forums for hints and saving up some energy and crystals for refreshes, I was able to complete HARD conquest with max crates with 1GL (while working on a 2nd GL at first) and then complete succeeding hard conquest on 2GLs to unlock CAT first time around. I think they want those who would want to unlock Maul first would be the spenders. But im ok with that
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Honestly at what point is it enough?

    When they notice a change to their revenue.

    I'm not aware of any whales that have changed their spending habits. I've heard some forum posters saying they've had it and aren't spending, but none of the spenders in my guild have changed or pledged to. None of the content creators have stopped spending.

    Even in this thread, you see countless folks saying this is the last straw. ****, please. If anyone was still paying until now, I don't believe them.

    I'm about as avowed an anti-spender (since Malak) as you can find. But even I'm considering a vault to max Executor in September because not having one is causing me a lot of distress as a competitive GAC player, and I enjoy GAC streams with my guild mates enough to part with $100, even if CG is the recipient.

    They've got us by the coconuts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    I didn't realize the "H" word that rhymes with donkey was taboo XD
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I didn't realize the "H" word that rhymes with donkey was taboo XD

    Me either. That is an odd one, even for this filter.
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    Is it possible to let us continue running Conquest 6 until the bugs from 7 have been fixed? We’ve already had 6 weeks with no GC. Please throw us a bone and bring back 6 until these issues are resolved.

    It’ll at least placate the community for a bit, giving the devs and higher-ups the time needed to properly investigate the bugs and evaluate the rewards feedback.

    Your consideration is certainly appreciated.
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    The strategic planning meeting for the Conquest 7 release be like this!


    Mods - this is British Humour...
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    TheDude420 wrote: »
    Is it possible to let us continue running Conquest 6 until the bugs from 7 have been fixed? We’ve already had 6 weeks with no GC. Please throw us a bone and bring back 6 until these issues are resolved.

    It’ll at least placate the community for a bit, giving the devs and higher-ups the time needed to properly investigate the bugs and evaluate the rewards feedback.

    Your consideration is certainly appreciated.

    They are never going to do that. They want fewer people getting top rewards and a way to monetize the event. They’d rather have another mess than miss out on some numbers rolling in.
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    IronCross wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    Is it possible to let us continue running Conquest 6 until the bugs from 7 have been fixed? We’ve already had 6 weeks with no GC. Please throw us a bone and bring back 6 until these issues are resolved.

    It’ll at least placate the community for a bit, giving the devs and higher-ups the time needed to properly investigate the bugs and evaluate the rewards feedback.

    Your consideration is certainly appreciated.

    They are never going to do that. They want fewer people getting top rewards and a way to monetize the event. They’d rather have another mess than miss out on some numbers rolling in.

    I was hoping they still had some good left in them…I know there is good in them! I can sense it! I can turn them! 😆
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    IronCross wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    Is it possible to let us continue running Conquest 6 until the bugs from 7 have been fixed? We’ve already had 6 weeks with no GC. Please throw us a bone and bring back 6 until these issues are resolved.

    It’ll at least placate the community for a bit, giving the devs and higher-ups the time needed to properly investigate the bugs and evaluate the rewards feedback.

    Your consideration is certainly appreciated.

    They are never going to do that. They want fewer people getting top rewards and a way to monetize the event. They’d rather have another mess than miss out on some numbers rolling in.

    Technically... as long as conquest is NOT running, there is zero numbers rolling in. You would think that something is better than nothing, right?
  • JacenSidious
    1 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    The way I always looked at this game as an investment(don't laugh I know it's a bad one) but people have invested individually tens of thousands of dollars. What would you do if your invest never worked for you.
  • Ultra
    11590 posts Moderator
    I know this won't happen, but they should do the players a solid and give everyone max prize box for the version they signed up
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    Blaise25 wrote: »
    Just wondering if we are going to be reimbursed tickets/crystals we spent on the event…

    Crystals spent on energy and anything spent on consumables will be returned.

    Any time table on when this will happen?
    " Do or do not, there is no try."
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Nick_74 wrote: »
    Why not just run one more conquest in the old format?
    Don’t understand why they let us wait so long for no 7 in the first place.
    Now when they have problems just let us play one more like the good old days.

    CG has already made many of their players disappointed with the big nerf now this.
    If they care about us the players a gesture of good will would be needed now.

    The new one is meant to be harder, so they wanted to limit the amount of Mauls in the wild and running one old version would interfere with that. This is somewhat understandable, the original hard mode wasn't really that hard, but imo they overcompensated by the double whammy of increased energy and more feats. One or the other would have been sufficient.
    Either way, it's all moot since it's totally broken. They might have to resort to running the old version anyway.

    Why do people keep saying it is harder? This conquest is just as easy as the previous one. It's just more time consuming with the increased energy costs and the increased amount of feats. That's not harder. It's grindier.

    Will the same number of people get the red box, no....therefore harder. 🙃

    Ok, but seriously. There are elements here that making it harder for players to complete and/or cost more, or make them judge crystal expenditure differently. Just like many other game modes there is some equivalency between roster depth/development and difficulty. More tries to beat something, or in this case complete feats, and what not.

    No, no one means that the battles are harder (unless you are trying to win with non relic Phoenix), just doing things in those battles.

    I dont think this is the kind of difficulty anyone would ask for, but maybe in smaller doses, vs this massive sweep.

    Are you sure you’re Kyno? It’s surprising to see you posting a negative comment of any kind, even though it’s slight compared most to us. Shows how badly CG botched it with their greed!

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    Update - CG has identified the issue during testing of this event, and apologized. Apparently, the semi-trained monkey that they use for beta-testing had just eaten a REALLY good banana and was happy about it. CG misinterpreted that to mean the event was good to go, and didn't realize that the monkey was grinning because of a full stomach. Or maybe it was gas.

    They have revised the process and will ensure that the monkey will have no access to any bananas for at least 48 hours prior to any future testing.

    They do expect some poo will be thrown, but their customer service team is used to cleaning that up.
  • TVF
    36770 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Ultra wrote: »
    I know this won't happen, but they should do the players a solid and give everyone max prize box for the version they signed up

    You laugh, but they're running the game into the ground right now and they need to build some good will.

    This whole thing has been a mess but this post has been made every time someone disliked anything about the game since launch.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Porgalicious
    73 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    What's sad about this is, I'm not really angry. I'm not disappointed. I'm not upset.

    I expected this to happen based on the recent history of this game. I'm not angry with the devs and community managers. It's more of that I'm resigned that this was going to happen. I'm not going to claim I know what is wrong, how it can be fixed, or that people need to be fired for this. I'm not going to demand CG does a thing to compensate the player base - because I know they're going to continue to plug along and do their thing and we'll have the same issues again. And again. Then, some day the game will lose my interest after 5 years of playing.

    The key here is, after the last bit of time with bugs, messed up game modes, nerfs, etc., I no longer have any positive or negative expectations for new parts of the game. That way, I don't get disappointed.
  • TVF
    36770 posts Member
    I don't even care about the bugs and the further delay. I can wait. Way more upset about the additions of feats combined with the increase in energy cost. A figurative slap in the fase!
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    MBRedline wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    MBRedline wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Azazel224 wrote: »
    Lowering Ashoka shards now that the whales have her is a typical move these days. I should be able to unlock her with 2/3 more but now it will be at least 5 conquests with the rewards. Who thinks this game is fun?

    They laid out the cadence when she was first introduced. They told us the amount offered in the prize box would be reduced, months ago.

    Reduced compared with her first 3 conquests. Not reduced compared with RC's 4th-6th conquests.

    This is the problem Kyno. RC dropped to 44 shards. Basically everywhere else in the game ships drop less shards then toons, but here the number of shards for CAT have not only dropped but dropped below the previous standard. On top of that, the difficulty level has been significantly increased. So someone like myself who was under hard mode reqs for the first CAT conquest, but still red boxed normal, then red boxed the next two on hard mode, and purchased shards. Now I am still going to be at least 2 more conquests in best case scenario to get CaT and that's assuming I purchase every shard possible.

    Obviously everyone expected a drop, just not in this manner, smh.
    Nauros wrote: »
    RC awarded fewer shards on its "main" run, though. It can't really be considered a part of the cadence since things weren't really settled by then. CAT is the first "proper" Conquest unit.

    As is expected it should reward fewer shards, my point exactly. It is a SHIP, and by game standards should reward fewer. That also show a disproportionate result, RC dropped less on first run and more on second. CAT drops more on first run and less on second.

    Fine, if CAT is the first "proper" toon, then standards should have remained in play until CAT was out and should have started with maul.

    No matter how you try to soften it, there's no way this is going down easy.

    Actually they explained all this in April and there is nothing to complain about. It was clear that the amount of shards would be reduced.
  • Eldorian
    130 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Actually they explained all this in April and there is nothing to complain about. It was clear that the amount of shards would be reduced.

    Stop posting this stuff... the issue is that the RATE OF REDUCTION was changed from razor... additionaly they already admited that the reward count was off, so this WAS WRONG and HAS NOT been stated...

    also: when is conquest 7.1 starting?
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    I feel I need to respectfully say something about Conquest 7 to anyone at CG that is listening. These mistakes are unacceptable. This failed launch couldn’t come at a worse time. Our community has been hurt badly by the recent changes to Darth Vader, GAS, JKL, WAT, ETC. At least with the character changes GC gave us warning. I don’t agree with the character changes I assumed I was just missing part of the puzzle and had confidence CG was acting in the long-term interest of the game. Communication was great on the changes it gave players time to adjust for them. Many people don’t like the changes I include myself in that group. I did trust in CG to build the best game they could. After this failed Conquest 7 launch and the post release adjustments made to Executor. I simply don’t have faith CG is doing enough testing, or the right kind of testing before these launches.
    Look at how conquest 7 was handled. It was overdue we waited so long for after Conquest 6 for Conquest 7. We were finally told on the 26th Conquest 7 will go live on the 31st. The official post from CG on the official forums told us very little. I respect Crumb and Doja Fett and understand their jobs are not easy. I appreciate the information provided officially from CG about the changes made for Conquest 7. However nowhere near enough information was provided. The data mine on SWGOH Events Discord released on the 26th gave far more information about Conquest 7 than the dev team officially released. Players should not have to read through a data mine to understand massive changes to one of the premier game modes like conquest. We should be told up front how difficult an event will be and we should have more than a few days to prepare for the changes.
    Here some examples:
    -Lets Blow Something UP - Defeat 40 units with Bad Batch.
    -All Smugglers - Win at least 14 Battles with a full Squad of Smuggler units.
    -All Nightsisters Win at least 14 battles with a full Squad of Nightsister units.
    -KaliKori - Defeat 30 units with Phoenix Squadron units.

    Players should have been told in advance you will need Bad Batch, Smugglers, Nightsisters, Phoenix, ETC to accomplish some of these feats. So, they can make an informed choice if they want to gear these squads in order to have a higher chance at success in Conquest. Players legitimately feel deceived when they are not properly informed of event requirements.
    The introduction of new data discs was nice most people love changes like this. It keeps the game mode fresh we do appreciate being told about the upcoming discs. But we need more information about the drop rate on data discs. Some of the older data discs we are all familiar with seem rare now. So let people know the rarity of the older discs.

    Example good communication on a new disc:

    Defensive Formation I - Cost 2 - Common - Whenever an ally attacks out of turn, all allies recover 2% Protection.

    Example what we did not get for older data discs:

    Offensive Buffs – Cost 2 – XXX rarity - Allied units gain Offense Up, Critical Damage Up, Critical Chance Up for 1 turn at the start of their turn.

    These data discs are so important for players to complete conquest. Its fun for us to formulate a data disc plan using the knowledge we have of SWGOH. But with out knowing how common or rare older data discs are we have can’t make a meaningful data disc plan. So, what could happen is people attribute not completing a data disc set to bad luck. Or even worse chase after an older data disc with out knowing its rarity, never get said disc and end up with an incomplete set.

    After reading the reasons Conquest 7 was canceled. I have to wonder how these issues were missed, and how much play testing was done on the feats.
    • Several data discs that have un-resistible effects that are missing the un-resistible tag
    - I see how this could be missed in testing or overlooked. The de-buffs would still apply in many situations.
    • The "Bring Balance" feat isn't correctly counting all battles
    - This is more concerning. Did it only happen with certain squads?
    • Hard nodes only award 10 Conquest Credits instead of 20 Conquest Credits
    - I can see how this could be missed in testing
    • Razor Crest was missing from Conquest Shipments and was list on the Wandering Scavenger for Crystals instead
    - Some people that just needed a few Razor Crest shards and were willing to spend crystals hopefully unlocked. I think conquest currency is more valuable than crystals anyway.
    • Some Feats are not tracking completions properly
    - I see this as the worst bug Conquest 7 was canceled over. Players have so many feats to do in order to complete conquest this time they need to get credit for all of them

    These are just the bugs we know about. With bugs like these and the lack of transparency on feats, data discs squad requirements, gear requirements. I seriously question if Conquest 7 was tested using a broad range of rosters. I have a strong enough roster and do spend money on SWGOH. I can possibly get max rewards; it doesn’t seem possible without spending crystals but it appears like it might be doable spending. What about the vast majority of players, the light spenders or free to play players? Was this ever tested to see what kind of rewards they can expect? Does CG even know how hard these feats are going to be for most players? The game will probably loose players that just can’t accomplish enough in conquest. Very few people are going to relic Old Republic, Night Sisters and Bounty Hunters and Mace Windu for example just to complete conquest while also farming for Galactic Legends. Which let’s be honest the game is becoming more and more Galactic Legend dependent. Those are my concerns please fix Conquest and communicate better with players so they can plan and know what to expect with Conquest and other future game modes.

    Frankie Nostromo
    Guild officer in Blue Milk Emporium
  • QuickGoneJim
    192 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Eldorian wrote: »
    Actually they explained all this in April and there is nothing to complain about. It was clear that the amount of shards would be reduced.

    Stop posting this stuff... the issue is that the RATE OF REDUCTION was changed from razor... additionaly they already admited that the reward count was off, so this WAS WRONG and HAS NOT been stated...

    also: when is conquest 7.1 starting?

    And? They explained the release cadence for Conquest characters. At the time it was not clear by how much the amount of shards would be reduced. Even if 30 is not the amount they intended there was absolutely no reason to expect more than half of what we got until Maul arrived.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    khdelboy wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Nick_74 wrote: »
    Why not just run one more conquest in the old format?
    Don’t understand why they let us wait so long for no 7 in the first place.
    Now when they have problems just let us play one more like the good old days.

    CG has already made many of their players disappointed with the big nerf now this.
    If they care about us the players a gesture of good will would be needed now.

    The new one is meant to be harder, so they wanted to limit the amount of Mauls in the wild and running one old version would interfere with that. This is somewhat understandable, the original hard mode wasn't really that hard, but imo they overcompensated by the double whammy of increased energy and more feats. One or the other would have been sufficient.
    Either way, it's all moot since it's totally broken. They might have to resort to running the old version anyway.

    Why do people keep saying it is harder? This conquest is just as easy as the previous one. It's just more time consuming with the increased energy costs and the increased amount of feats. That's not harder. It's grindier.

    Will the same number of people get the red box, no....therefore harder. 🙃

    Ok, but seriously. There are elements here that making it harder for players to complete and/or cost more, or make them judge crystal expenditure differently. Just like many other game modes there is some equivalency between roster depth/development and difficulty. More tries to beat something, or in this case complete feats, and what not.

    No, no one means that the battles are harder (unless you are trying to win with non relic Phoenix), just doing things in those battles.

    I dont think this is the kind of difficulty anyone would ask for, but maybe in smaller doses, vs this massive sweep.

    Are you sure you’re Kyno? It’s surprising to see you posting a negative comment of any kind, even though it’s slight compared most to us. Shows how badly CG botched it with their greed!

    Not that anyone would believe me, but I am critical of them. I just do it in a different manner. Not everyone on the players side needs to carry a pitchfork. Doja does it for his profession, and I bet he didnt even wear pants during the pandemic zoom meetings. 😉
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    khdelboy wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Nick_74 wrote: »
    Why not just run one more conquest in the old format?
    Don’t understand why they let us wait so long for no 7 in the first place.
    Now when they have problems just let us play one more like the good old days.

    CG has already made many of their players disappointed with the big nerf now this.
    If they care about us the players a gesture of good will would be needed now.

    The new one is meant to be harder, so they wanted to limit the amount of Mauls in the wild and running one old version would interfere with that. This is somewhat understandable, the original hard mode wasn't really that hard, but imo they overcompensated by the double whammy of increased energy and more feats. One or the other would have been sufficient.
    Either way, it's all moot since it's totally broken. They might have to resort to running the old version anyway.

    Why do people keep saying it is harder? This conquest is just as easy as the previous one. It's just more time consuming with the increased energy costs and the increased amount of feats. That's not harder. It's grindier.

    Will the same number of people get the red box, no....therefore harder. 🙃

    Ok, but seriously. There are elements here that making it harder for players to complete and/or cost more, or make them judge crystal expenditure differently. Just like many other game modes there is some equivalency between roster depth/development and difficulty. More tries to beat something, or in this case complete feats, and what not.

    No, no one means that the battles are harder (unless you are trying to win with non relic Phoenix), just doing things in those battles.

    I dont think this is the kind of difficulty anyone would ask for, but maybe in smaller doses, vs this massive sweep.

    Are you sure you’re Kyno? It’s surprising to see you posting a negative comment of any kind, even though it’s slight compared most to us. Shows how badly CG botched it with their greed!

    Not that anyone would believe me, but I am critical of them. I just do it in a different manner. Not everyone on the players side needs to carry a pitchfork. Doja does it for his profession, and I bet he didnt even wear pants during the pandemic zoom meetings. 😉

    If you wore pants during pandemic zoom meetings, you were quarantining wrong.
    TVF wrote: »
    I don't even care about the bugs and the further delay. I can wait. Way more upset about the additions of feats combined with the increase in energy cost. A figurative slap in the fase!

    Bingo. That’s where people are most upset. I mean if you are even upset that says something. All the jokes and cynicism aside, you look at things super glass half full. There needs to be a blaring alarm at the office when you’re unhappy with something. Call it DEFCON TVF lol.
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