[MEGA] Conquest 7


  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    Oh great I’ve just noticed the deathmark feat is also broken. Going to leave me 5 shards short unlocking CAT

    Broken how?
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Oh great I’ve just noticed the deathmark feat is also broken. Going to leave me 5 shards short unlocking CAT

    Broken how?

    Because DR's leadership ability refers to inflicting Deathmark. CG's explanation for it not counting in Conquest (and therefore WAI) has caught a lot of people out.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    If something is WAI it is not broken. You don't have to like it, I don't have to like it, but it's not broken. It is what it is.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    edited September 2021
    Zanir wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Oh great I’ve just noticed the deathmark feat is also broken. Going to leave me 5 shards short unlocking CAT

    Broken how?

    Because when players see Deathmark, their minds will obviously go to DR, whose Deathmark does not work for reasons that CG technically explained but which are ridiculous, same as with the the expose, plague and dot effects preventing scoring kills. Are you just trolling now?
    I'm trying to confirm if he's not having deathmark counted using Deathtrooper (which is possible) or if he's talking about the Darth Revan interaction which he might not be aware of
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Zanir wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Oh great I’ve just noticed the deathmark feat is also broken. Going to leave me 5 shards short unlocking CAT

    Broken how?

    Because when players see Deathmark, their minds will obviously go to DR, whose Deathmark does not work for reasons that CG technically explained but which are ridiculous, same as with the the expose, plague and dot effects preventing scoring kills. Are you just trolling now?
    I'm trying to confirm if he's not having deathmark counted using Deathtrooper (which is possible) or if he's talking about the Darth Revan interaction which he might not be aware of

    FWIW I have not seen a single person claiming DT isn't working.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    listened to a couple of SWGOH podcasts today and each mentioned the NEGATIVE feedback about the latest Conquest here, Reddit, and on Discord..


    rather focused on the new Data Disks, how that the Crystal Refreshes AREN'T THAT expensive, (compared to Marquee) and that as some players at lower end of Hard mode shouldn't expect the Max Crate.. All points I have seen expressed online as well...

    I just feel that after playing this Event now for a week in this Collection game, that I am within striking distance of hitting the 3rd Reward Crate and am STRUGGLING to beat the last Boss (GLOW) with my 5.9 GP and my 1st GL at gear XI..

    Maybe I might get 4th crate? I have been spending for Refreshes (always did in the last 6 Conquest, achieved 2nd highest crate all 6 Events) and looking to get some of the Feats accomplished.

    So, for me, it's the Reward structure that I despise the most with this change to Conquest.

    R8 materials need to be morett accessible and be made more "earnable" instead of only the 2 highest Crate.

    If the Devs wanna make the game harder because too many were able to get CAT and thus devalue their effort, I feel the WORK of achieving these Rewards need to be adjusted to the level of Effort..

    I care less about shards for a Character that may or may not be the next Meta than I do for the Relic, Signal Data, and Gear Materials..

    The Reward DOES NOT meet the amount of effort. It is unbalanced in that regard..
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    TVF wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Zanir wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Oh great I’ve just noticed the deathmark feat is also broken. Going to leave me 5 shards short unlocking CAT

    Broken how?

    Because when players see Deathmark, their minds will obviously go to DR, whose Deathmark does not work for reasons that CG technically explained but which are ridiculous, same as with the the expose, plague and dot effects preventing scoring kills. Are you just trolling now?
    I'm trying to confirm if he's not having deathmark counted using Deathtrooper (which is possible) or if he's talking about the Darth Revan interaction which he might not be aware of

    FWIW I have not seen a single person claiming DT isn't working.
    I haven't either, but it could be a first
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    Has it been one week of this conquest now? And not a single word from CG addressing the multiple issues and constructive feedback from the player base? Are the forums engaged enough?
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    Well tbh I’ve spoken to a few in my previous guild who had the same issue. Yes I was and there were using DR and no I hadn’t heard what CG said about it. If that’s the actual case ****?!!? They ask to inflict deathmark so that’s what we’re doing🤷🏻‍♂️
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    Crayons wrote: »
    Haven’t heard people complain necessarily about increased cost being too much to cope with, or difficulty being too much for them in getting max crate. It’s the increased cost in their time, and the tedium of that time being spent. You have to spend a decent amount of time, and every day. Sometimes just to fight the same fight 3 times. No other reason, just beat it 3 ways. 60 energy and time, for almost next to no progress in your crates.

    I'll happily provide a complaint on the cost ... imo, the game mode should, at least, provide enough energy for someone with the appropriate teams to complete the event if they have a near perfect run (95-98% ... maybe). That limits the folks that can get there for "free". Maybe some folks can't make all the feats with one team, but has separate teams to beat them ... then they can spend some crystals to get the refreshes to get there, and that's already in the system. Some folks just won't have the teams to complete certain feats ... so be it ... then they can only go so far. The event is, after all, supposed to reward the better squads and force us to stretch our teams. That's all fine (I've never got the max crate). However, right now, the event is also there to try and separate us from our crystals.

    I've read the comments on how this is a "good value" for the number of shards we get ... but if you're a player that doesn't buy shards with crystals or wants to use them in other aspects of team building, then it is an extra cost. We don't have other game modes where we explicitly need to spend for energy refreshes to complete the event. If I can beat an event, I don't want to be forced into "paying" to simply beat the event ... if I'm spending crystals to get refreshes to give me additional chances because my squad is inadequate in some way, fine ... then the decision is mine to spend those crystals ... but right now it's not. Right now, I'd have to spend 300-400 more crystals on energy refreshes just to finish the 50 Dark Side or Light Side battles, and I've already spent 200 on refreshes (I'm sure this was also the case in the last Conquest, but the energy sink was not nearly this deep).

    So, there is a cost ... and we shouldn't have to "pay" to play the event ... we've already done that with all of the energy and effort it's taken us to get our teams to that point where we can actually play the event.

    ... and on top of that, this version of Conquest isn't even fun ...
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    Just give us rewards for completing feats and then it’s not a time sink
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    On this whole "DR's Deathmark doesn't count and it's working as intended" thing (esp. with the implication that people are just not understanding the mechanics...)

    Please look at these pics and tell me how someone is supposed to know that?

    (For the record, I completed the feat wth DT, no problem).

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    On this whole "DR's Deathmark doesn't count and it's working as intended" thing (esp. with the implication that people are just not understanding the mechanics...)

    Please look at these pics and tell me how someone is supposed to know that?

    (For the record, I completed the feat wth DT, no problem).


    Your logic is unassailable. It clearly states "inflict death mark"

    I hadn't bothered to read it, I just took CGs word for it. It's right there in the verbage.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    SotaDraken wrote: »
    I just feel that after playing this Event now for a week in this Collection game, that I am within striking distance of hitting the 3rd Reward Crate and am STRUGGLING to beat the last Boss (GLOW) with my 5.9 GP and my 1st GL at gear XI..

    Maybe I might get 4th crate? I have been spending for Refreshes (always did in the last 6 Conquest, achieved 2nd highest crate all 6 Events) and looking to get some of the Feats accomplished.


    I care less about shards for a Character that may or may not be the next Meta than I do for the Relic, Signal Data, and Gear Materials..

    No one seems to be talking about how this new Conquest redesign TOOK CONTENT AWAY from players who were previously able to clear it. You're just accepting this being taken away from you like it's no big deal...

    Mind you, I guess you could say the exact same about killing GLs in GAC with F2P counters that took people years to gear and plan their rosters for, then CG wipe it all away in a week. All relevant to this thread, since most of the tier end bosses have been GLs.
    Imagine the level of indifference to your consumers that it takes, to think players would be fine with the changes. And the hubris to try hiding them as a footnote underneath "making Defence relevant". You knew. You tried to obfuscate.

    I've played SWGOH for 3+ years, the + being watching my brother play it before me. I've seen the Revan meta, G13/relics, Galactic Legends introduced, R8, the really bleak period last year when Ahnald's account got banned and the game was stagnant, the lot.

    I have never seen this many players quitting the game as are now after these changes.
    I've seen my friends quit, even today one of the leaders of our Fleet Shard, over this. My brother quit as well, by the way. It was all predictable, but whoever is controlling the money-making decisions at Capital Games has just hardcore screwed the pooch and taken a chainsaw to their player base for the sake of corporate greed.

    You asked for feedback in the popup today, go look at the Google Play store reviews. The community are livid. You think this will pass with the next cool trailer or some free Geonosian Chase shards??

    I hope Disney get wind of the player sentiment and strip the franchise from the studio, if this is how you treat Star Wars fans, sunken cost be damned.

    Y'all might want to start considering reverting the nerfs to Vader, Thrawn and Wat against GLs, buff GAS's damage to make it worth the grind to get him again, and return Conquest's design back to how it was. Remove the Data Disk switching cost completely. Probably the only okay thing in these changes was the mid-tier bosses, they're fine.

    And for the people here inhaling Copium, saying "this is fine, this is fine" etc, it's not fine. Look at World of Warcraft. The devs there treated the playerbase the same way, ignored feedback, stripped out the fun, kept adding store mounts and Real Money transfers... it took 10 years for people to have enough of it, and it never got fixed or got better. It NEVER does. And now WoW is ACTUALLY finally dying, the devs are panicking in damage control trying to plug the hole-ridden bucket, too little too late. Wake up. The cycle keeps happening until you force them to break it.


    Sorry for the mini essay.
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    Platex wrote: »
    SotaDraken wrote: »
    I just feel that after playing this Event now for a week in this Collection game, that I am within striking distance of hitting the 3rd Reward Crate and am STRUGGLING to beat the last Boss (GLOW) with my 5.9 GP and my 1st GL at gear XI..

    Maybe I might get 4th crate? I have been spending for Refreshes (always did in the last 6 Conquest, achieved 2nd highest crate all 6 Events) and looking to get some of the Feats accomplished.


    I care less about shards for a Character that may or may not be the next Meta than I do for the Relic, Signal Data, and Gear Materials..

    No one seems to be talking about how this new Conquest redesign TOOK CONTENT AWAY from players who were previously able to clear it. You're just accepting this being taken away from you like it's no big deal...

    Mind you, I guess you could say the exact same about killing GLs in GAC with F2P counters that took people years to gear and plan their rosters for, then CG wipe it all away in a week. All relevant to this thread, since most of the tier end bosses have been GLs.
    Imagine the level of indifference to your consumers that it takes, to think players would be fine with the changes. And the hubris to try hiding them as a footnote underneath "making Defence relevant". You knew. You tried to obfuscate.

    I've played SWGOH for 3+ years, the + being watching my brother play it before me. I've seen the Revan meta, G13/relics, Galactic Legends introduced, R8, the really bleak period last year when Ahnald's account got banned and the game was stagnant, the lot.

    I have never seen this many players quitting the game as are now after these changes.
    I've seen my friends quit, even today one of the leaders of our Fleet Shard, over this. My brother quit as well, by the way. It was all predictable, but whoever is controlling the money-making decisions at Capital Games has just hardcore screwed the pooch and taken a chainsaw to their player base for the sake of corporate greed.

    You asked for feedback in the popup today, go look at the Google Play store reviews. The community are livid. You think this will pass with the next cool trailer or some free Geonosian Chase shards??

    I hope Disney get wind of the player sentiment and strip the franchise from the studio, if this is how you treat Star Wars fans, sunken cost be damned.

    Y'all might want to start considering reverting the nerfs to Vader, Thrawn and Wat against GLs, buff GAS's damage to make it worth the grind to get him again, and return Conquest's design back to how it was. Remove the Data Disk switching cost completely. Probably the only okay thing in these changes was the mid-tier bosses, they're fine.

    And for the people here inhaling Copium, saying "this is fine, this is fine" etc, it's not fine. Look at World of Warcraft. The devs there treated the playerbase the same way, ignored feedback, stripped out the fun, kept adding store mounts and Real Money transfers... it took 10 years for people to have enough of it, and it never got fixed or got better. It NEVER does. And now WoW is ACTUALLY finally dying, the devs are panicking in damage control trying to plug the hole-ridden bucket, too little too late. Wake up. The cycle keeps happening until you force them to break it.


    Sorry for the mini essay.

    yup! I agree with you.. I wanted to add my feedback after 7 days of playing instead of the just a couple of days..

    our guild has lost 4, 3 retired and 1 moved on and we had only 31 out of 50 for the TW.


    The Community is not happy with the Great Nerf (just buff UP, not nerf Down) and now Chore/Cash/Grindquest is not fun, not "engaging" and I have refused to spend any casual money.. Usually spend about 40-60 a year (about the cost a new video game) and I know that it ain't much but guess WHAT?? Those casual spenders add up, CG...

    I can't "earn" R8 materials now.. Great....

    Makes no sense to restrict and gate the product to your biggest customer/client/player base..

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    I've gone back to Galactic War to make my own fun. It's more fun than Conquest
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    On this whole "DR's Deathmark doesn't count and it's working as intended" thing (esp. with the implication that people are just not understanding the mechanics...)

    Please look at these pics and tell me how someone is supposed to know that?

    (For the record, I completed the feat wth DT, no problem).


    Your logic is unassailable. It clearly states "inflict death mark"

    I hadn't bothered to read it, I just took CGs word for it. It's right there in the verbage.

    Thats a lesson that CG keep instructing us on.... Never take their word for it.
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    The problem with this fun game mode that we were promised just isn’t fun anymore. You guys literally took away the most fun thing about the game mode, Deployable Cooling System. Was it broken, sure it was but it was FUN. Conquest 7 is less fun than Conquest 6 was and I suspect Conquest 8 won’t be fun either. These feats are actually worse, the energy refresh rate is to slow and did I mention it’s not very fun. Please just let us have fun. Not every part of this game needs to be somewhat of a cash grab does it?
  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    no please no higher refresh rate of energy!

    this whole conquest 7 feels like going to work 8hours a day. a work you hate by the way... that´s not a game anymore^^
    if you wanna change something please slower the refresh rate and upgrade the battlecosts, but give us only a quarter or much better an eighth of the feats.
    i would have refreshed my energy every day, but i really can´t do it... it´s so much work to do, the most of the day i don't even want to turn on my mobilephone because of conquest7... somedays my energy is full 144/144 but i can´t bring myself to fight a fight^^

    have i mentioned to not unlock lord vader? cause LV seems like a looser without maul, so because i won´t get maul, there is no need for me to get LV, without maul he fails in arena/tw/gac and i guess he is also not a full auto TBtoon... so he is, just like your conquest, a complete waste of time, gear and crystals, boring as hell and frustrating
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Oh great I’ve just noticed the deathmark feat is also broken. Going to leave me 5 shards short unlocking CAT

    Broken how?

    It’s broken because it doesn’t work as it should.
    There are numerous descriptions about this including pictures in this thread.
    I don’t know if it’s a bug or if the texts are misleading but ether way it’s a mistake from CG.

    Sometimes it just easier to admit a mistake and apologise.
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    Nick_74 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Oh great I’ve just noticed the deathmark feat is also broken. Going to leave me 5 shards short unlocking CAT

    Broken how?

    It’s broken because it doesn’t work as it should.
    There are numerous descriptions about this including pictures in this thread.
    I don’t know if it’s a bug or if the texts are misleading but ether way it’s a mistake from CG.

    Sometimes it just easier to admit a mistake and apologise.

    Yes, the deflection is such a juvenile response, which really irks me. I remember playing the, "I meant to do that," card when I was about 10 years old, and even then, I knew it was a cheesy cop out.

    How naive do they think we are?
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    Is Darth Revan’s death mark for sector five too much to ask for? I mean seriously. This death mark should count towards the feat.
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    Likos wrote: »
    Is Darth Revan’s death mark for sector five too much to ask for? I mean seriously. This death mark should count towards the feat.

    Too many people have DR geared well. They want you to panic and buy gear packs to gear up death trooper for it. He is the only unit in the game you can inflict the correct "deathmark" with. The feat might as well say "Land [ X ] debuff with [ Y ] character [ Z ] times." They just looked at undergeared characters and factions then made them feats. BH, smugglers, geos, etc. Obvi BB was just released so you know they had to squeeze them in before too many people got them starred and geared.
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    Woke up this morning to just over 40 energy available. Ran two missions with bounty hunters (bossk dengar jango Bobba and greef), as I was at 12/14 for the feat. Completed the two battles. Still at 12/14. And knowing that i missed out on many stuns from slkrs stun ability, I can’t help but wonder how many little bits here and there aren’t being counted but are too hard to track. Maybe I didn’t get 700% tm removed or I did heal for 300,000 health, but some little bug didn’t let it register that time. Maybe not all of chewpios blinds are counting, or Badstillas staggers. This is infuriating.
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    I have one more comment to pass along and it follows in some of the most recent commentary.

    Prior to this Conquest, I had been able to achieve the penultimate crate, with maybe 2-3 refreshes over the two weeks. I have done more refreshes and might be able to get the Hard-5 crate (might being the key word here). My GP has grown, including the addition of a second GL to my roster, but my rewards will be decreasing.

    I am now wondering, is this where I will be stuck at for the remainder of my playing time? Is CG going to up the ante every three months to keep everyone in their own crate payout? I don't mind changes to the system, but when the changes are now appearing to lock people out regardless of their in game progress, that's more than a bit concerning. I have enjoyed most of this conquest - but I am in the grind phase, which is a bit less than enjoyable. To be clear: I don't expect something for nothing. I'm not demanding the devs do x, y, or z. I would like them to take a closer look at how these changes are impacting people. I get that there might be frustration on the devs part that the player base cleared this mode fairly quickly - I understand and appreciate that a ton of work went into this mode. Perhaps a happy medium might be increasing the final payouts across the board (i.e., putting aero magnifiers in lower prize crates, especially since they are needed for the new content) so that people who were bumped down a box or two aren't *as* frustrated by the changes.

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    ...is not having to do it for the next 5 days. Seriously, the event itself was bad. Not fun at all. I have just over 6million gp, JML, SEE, and JMK, and I thought some of the feats would break me they were so annoying. I am not excited at all for the next 2 runs. What a snore-fest. That was the challenge. It was tedious. These changes made me want to rush through even more because it wasn't fun.
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    pour ma part avec mon compte de presque 6 M de PG , avant j'arrivais à avoir la 6eme caisse en utilisant des cristaux mais pas au point d'utilisé je ne sais combien de cristaux comme cette conquête le demande . C'est affligeant de voir qu'il faut utilisés un nombre incalculable de cristaux pour juste avoir la boite 3 , j'ai abandonné cette conquête, car je peux même pas passé le bosse 5 alors qu'avant j'arrivais à aller au bout de la conquête et au moins a la boite 5 même si j'utilisais des cristaux , mais pas autant que cela est demandé pour cette conquête . Personnellement je pense que je ne jouerais plus la conquête en utilisant des cristaux , je préfère acheter des éléments pour mes persos plutôt que la **** comme on essaye de nous faire bouffer sur cette conquête . merci a CG ET les développeur de privilégié tous les utilisateurs de la carte bancaire et de faire un trou énorme , non surmontable entre les joueurs F2P et ceux qui payent . Pour un jeu qui etait F2P a la base c'est un revirement magnifique . bravo a vous !!!!
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    Boss feats aren’t working either today. Beat maul with just attackers and tanks and didn’t get the no support units bonus and in sector 3 boss battle used 4 special abilities and didn’t get the feat. Went back in and only used 2 and still no feat. Other members of my guild are having similar issues. Getting very annoyed at this now. I can get red crate but I need the feats. Also it’s not counting normal feats correctly either. Been on 48/50 wins from dark side squads for days now
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    Can't even buy every batch of maul shards if you didn't Hoard conquest credits. There's 70 battles at 20 per battle. That's 1400 tickets. 4 batches of maul at 525 per is 2100
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