Conquest 10 [MERGE]


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    Repeating an earlier question: does anyone know, if you get the conquest pass later in the game, if you get the increased rewards retroactively? Or does it only apply to future nodes?
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    The secret path thread was crucial information , and is now merged in with a bunch of other issues. This needs a dev post ASAP @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI . So many like me will do a battle quickly to ensure energy doesn't sit at the cap , and can easily pick the path that doesn't offer more disc choice.
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    Acymetric wrote: »
    Thorozar11 wrote: »
    Normal battle pass simply is the stuff we got before between crates. Tickets, slicing mats, etc. So isn't "more free stuff" they just changed how you get it

    Weren't we assured existing rewards wouldn't be taken away and put behind the battle pass? Intermediate rewards between boxes are definitely nerfed.

    Precisely. The existing rewards between crates are now gone and moved (likely also reduced) and stuck on the free battlepass track. Simple bait and switch, and I wish I could say I am surprised by it.
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    Hope they abort this conquest. With making normal = hard from before I might rather do easy to save my sanity. I've red boxed the last several normal conquests easily but this one is not happening. Add to that the stealth "hard path" and this one needs to be stopped.
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    So the rewards between boxes have been reduced heaps? Reallocated to pay only? Could have sworn we were told that the pass was for extra, not reducing the free rewards.
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    Thorozar11 wrote: »
    Hope they abort this conquest. With making normal = hard from before I might rather do easy to save my sanity. I've red boxed the last several normal conquests easily but this one is not happening. Add to that the stealth "hard path" and this one needs to be stopped.

    I’m going to do easy,just to see what rewards are to help the lower gp progress,there’s not enough hours in a day for me to carry on chasing
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    Thorozar11 wrote: »
    Hope they abort this conquest. With making normal = hard from before I might rather do easy to save my sanity. I've red boxed the last several normal conquests easily but this one is not happening. Add to that the stealth "hard path" and this one needs to be stopped.

    Easy rewards are trash compared to last normal max rewards. Not worth my time
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    The design plan for this conquest was to take all decision making out of the players hands? Really??

    If I manage to follow the secret hard path (with no in- game indication of what that is) then I get no choice on what battles I do, but an extra scavenger or disk node to choose from.

    If I decide to (or accidentally) do not follow the hard path, then I don't get a choice in the scavenger or disk nodes.

    Whatever you do, the player had less agency in this mode now.

    Bring back conquest 6. Still.
  • scuba
    14170 posts Member
    Gale_Toral wrote: »
    Ok, I usually defend a lot of things CG does, but not making this obvious or very highlighted while in CQ was a tremendous fail and oversight. I have committed to the lower path in sector 1 because that's what I picked up from the RA's video. I've just spent a lot of money getting the pass+ as well. Very disappointing.

    Maybe we can have @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI add an indication of the Hard path to the wish list of Fleet load outs and in battle counter feat that may get done one day. :'(
  • Straegen
    194 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    The worst event in the game by a mile now. I don't mind pay-to-play but the feats are ridiculous, the hard path is well hidden and the added grind took a once-promising game mode and trashed it.

    It is changes like this that make me question why I still play.
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    Clone kill counter is bugged, got 6 clone trooper kills when I only actually defeated 2 Ewoks and lost the battle. If the rest of conquest was WAI I wouldn’t complain but since the hate is flowing I’ll add to it.
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    Clone kill counter is bugged, got 6 clone trooper kills when I only actually defeated 2 Ewoks and lost the battle. If the rest of conquest was WAI I wouldn’t complain but since the hate is flowing I’ll add to it.

    You probably killed some Ewoks more than once.
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    With the gear changes I kinda thought things were looking up, but this...
    It's a travesty, no indication of hard path, worse rewards than the previous conquest, since they moved them behind a "totally not a paywall, guys!" Battle pass, more energy cost in normal and to top it off higher difficulty as well.
    The whole dev team may use a long, firm object of choice and insert it in their posteriors, since they enjoy doing the same to their players...
  • Crayons
    565 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    This could possibly be the worst conquest ever.

    10 tries at this you’ve had.

    The feats are garbage. The disks are garbage.

    The battle pass is nonsensical. You made a pass that is only really worth it if you’re already getting close to max crate. It’s literally pointless for anyone else. Even someone getting crate 4 would be losing out by buying it. They would miss theirs paid for rewards. Who thought this up?
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    I did not think Conquest could get worse. It has. Greedy company monetizing every single thing.
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    What normal player has a full squad of smugglers perhaps the biggest joke of conquest mode aside 1 token for keeping zam weasel alive.

    I thought the modes were meant to reflect a players journey... You don't have the luxury of gearing up awful side characters when you're below 4mil GP!
  • zatho
    747 posts Member
    Is the difficult path worth it? From what i get here the rewards are not better, just more to choose from. But the enemies on these nodes clearly make it harder to advance in these horrible combination of feats, that totally destroy any fun the mode had in the past.
  • E3P0
    111 posts Member
    I want to defend this game mode from all the complaints, because despite the grindiness I've still enjoyed it. But you're making it really hard for me to stick up for it when you struggle to execute what should be even the most trivial of tasks. It should not be hard at all to clearly demarcate what the "special path" is. Surely it shouldn't take the programmers more than a few minutes to put in a few extra lines of code to add some extra color settings.

    Or, you know, the community relations people could say anything at all to us officially about it, either in-game or here on the forums. Players of a billion dollar game should never EVER have to be relying on an unofficial, unconfirmed data-mine of all things as their only source of information to properly play a game mode.

    Currently (as far as I know) this quote from the Road Ahead are literally the entirety of what you've officially told us about this: "... in Hard Mode, a new special path has been added to the map. This path offers additional Data Disks and some increased rewards for Players that choose to take this one way route. Players will be able to exit this at any time but can only enter it at the start of each map." Basically 2 sentences of vagueness is all we have to go off of. And anyone not hardcore enough to pay attention to datamines (or who are skeptical of them generally) has to just randomly guess on how to proceed.
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    I’m honestly amazed that CG has found a way to make conquest worse with every new round we get. Not only does old republic take their never ending turns like before but now they completely heal health and protection? Oh and normal mode is now 20 energy instead of 15? Why do I want to pay you money to play a game mode that sucks worse every time we play it? I’m blown away by this garbage. I honestly hate this game now. Thanks CG.
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    I was under the impression that cg will make conquest 10 less time consuming (or I misinterpreted something).
    conquest doesn't seem better, if not even worse than before.
    at the same time I am looking at tw with 47 teams per field.

    thanks cg, I don't need another job
  • E3P0
    111 posts Member
    The design plan for this conquest was to take all decision making out of the players hands? Really??

    If I manage to follow the secret hard path (with no in- game indication of what that is) then I get no choice on what battles I do, but an extra scavenger or disk node to choose from.

    If I decide to (or accidentally) do not follow the hard path, then I don't get a choice in the scavenger or disk nodes.

    Somehow they managed to turn giving us more choices into giving us even less choices. You almost have to admire the deviousness of it.
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    TargetEadu wrote: »
    What exactly does that get you? Just a second set of Data Disks to look at?

    You know, like we got for free last Conquest?

    It gets you a second set of random disks... Which you already had in previous conquests. They decided it was too much choice so they gated one of the nodes behind the hard path. Enjoy.
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    In the road ahead, CG mentioned this new special route exclusive to hard mode...
    At the other end of the spectrum in Hard Mode, a new special path has been added to the map. This path offers additional Data Disks and some increased rewards for Players that choose to take this one way route. Players will be able to exit this at any time but can only enter it at the start of each map.

    I started today, I didn't see any direction or explanation, I have no idea what this is even supposed to be, I guess I now screwed it up because I didn't enter it at the start of my map...where is this? What is it? Did it not make it into Conquest 10? Is sit a feature coming later? When I started I just got the same data disk choice at the start and choice of fighting the top or bottom teams ect...I saw there were 2 data disks toward the top, I wasn't sure what happend if you went bottom so I went toward the that the special route? I mean we always had those data disk or jawa choices after every 3 or 4 nodes anyway so i'm really not sure what I am missing.
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    First off, faced an empire squad with a full squad of clone troopers and only got credit for 2 kills, i won the battle and killed 5 empire toons… then used bossk pead bh vs nightsisters and didnt get credit for a single frenzy… anyone else getting bugs?

    Yes. I’ve completed 3 battles with clones and only have 11 kills credited.
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    This is horrible, i hate every piece of it; i really enjoyed conquest up to this point… i was even looking forward to spending 1-2k crystals on hard once i reach 4mn (prob next conq) but now will not even do a single refresh on normal out of spite. You super nerfed all rewards; we can now play SIX games per day NOT MORE UNLESS WE PAY… its the principle that prevents me from spending one more dime…
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    Elidion wrote: »
    In the road ahead, CG mentioned this new special route exclusive to hard mode...
    At the other end of the spectrum in Hard Mode, a new special path has been added to the map. This path offers additional Data Disks and some increased rewards for Players that choose to take this one way route. Players will be able to exit this at any time but can only enter it at the start of each map.

    I started today, I didn't see any direction or explanation, I have no idea what this is even supposed to be, I guess I now screwed it up because I didn't enter it at the start of my map...where is this? What is it? Did it not make it into Conquest 10? Is sit a feature coming later? When I started I just got the same data disk choice at the start and choice of fighting the top or bottom teams ect...I saw there were 2 data disks toward the top, I wasn't sure what happend if you went bottom so I went toward the that the special route? I mean we always had those data disk or jawa choices after every 3 or 4 nodes anyway so i'm really not sure what I am missing.

    hard mode exclusive route is appearing in normal and easy as well
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    So let’s recap:

    Easy and normal mode now have increased energy cost.

    Players who’ve been doing normal mode can’t because of the GP requirement even though we were assured that wouldn’t happen (not a knock on kyno since it’s not his fault, but of course it’s bugged out)

    The hard path doesn’t offer any better rewards as promised and is in no way clear based on the current layout so people may not have any idea if they’re on it or not.

    The free path of rewards has less in between rewards in terms of mod slicing materials at the very least.

    There are still duplicate or triplicate data disks in the same caches.

    The enemies are still repetitive with little difference than the last batch of conquests.

    The feats are still overly repetitive and insanely time consuming and grindy. Possibly even more so this time.

    Stamina and energy refresh rates remain unchanged.

    Data disk swap costs remains unless you pay $30.

    Still no in battle feat counter after more than a year since we’ve been demanding it since GC’s came into play….

    So…devs. Wanna keep standing by that statement you listened to community feedback? You guys didn’t listen to us at all. Conquest is still just as much of a time consuming grind full of bugs and repetitive nonsense as before. Keep lying to us and keep pushing a broken product and see how loyal your players stay, or even how much longer they play. How about actually LISTENING to your community and quality test your game before releasing the same broken garbage and have the audacity to tell us to spend $30 to fix your self imposed problems.
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    A mode that requires an hour a day for two weeks solid is not and never will be a good design decision. This isn’t WoW Or Everquest, I’m not in college anymore. This is a mobile game. If I need to play more than an hour in the day to do everything in game the design sucks.

    I get to an hour for conquest because it is quite likely that you’ll need three refreshes most days. 24 battles a day at even 2 minutes per battle is 48. Forget all of the complaints on whether it is easy enough, rewarded appropriately, not too repetitive, too buggy, or anything else. It takes too much time. Period. Full stop.
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