Proving Grounds

You know, if you are going to make the game just as hard to beat as it would be in Conquest, maybe give us power ups like in Conquest cause my R7 squads can’t even beat these rounds and I have them packed with speed and turn meter and all sorts of top mods.


  • Zumwan
    360 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Proving Grounds was introduced to the Event Calendar with today's update. Some interesting new pieces of information can be seen in the game:
    • Will be available 5 days from now
    • Minimum GP to participate: 4M (this was not communicated before)
    • "Victory counts are not shared between tiers" (does that mean we can get both RC and CAT shards? I thought this wasn't the case).

    Post edited by Zumwan on
  • Options
    i think its stupid to exclude under 4m, considering that CAT at this point has no other way to get her shards, so there are a bunch of people that were spending crystals in the store prior to this that will have her under 4m, but others dont have that opportunity until something else happens with her

    also, the 4m req wasnt communicated at all is really annoying.
  • Options
    When CG announced proving grounds I was so excited about finally being able to unlock Commander Ahsoka Tano and I started to collect crystals to unlock her ASAP. But today, the event is live and I can't even see it in my events list because it's exclusive to 4M GP players. It's really frustrating that they are keeping conquest characters only for high GP players. They could already got her from conquest anyway. This was supposed to be a way to get her after 1 year of her release. But no. CG decided to make it only for high GP players again. What's the meaning? Why are they shutting low gp players down so bad? I don't understand.
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    What? 4m GP minimum??? That's ridiculous if It's turn to be true.
  • JKreu
    13 posts Member
    Where did you see the information? You have a link? @Zumwan
  • littleMAC77
    2397 posts Member
    The decision made to restrict the people more likely to be short of the CAT unlock (those who cannot do hard conquest) is shameful and I hope someone over there has the ability to show empathy and changes it
    Looking for a new guild? Come check out the Underworld Alliance on Discord:
  • Zumwan
    360 posts Member
    Better. I have a screenshot bma3p9hqyksd.png
  • Hev_Daman
    51 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    What was originally communicated as requirements:
    Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new Event called “Proving Grounds.” This Event will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so long as you have the prerequisite to enter.
    Must not already own the unit at 7*
    Must not already own enough shards to 7* the unit
    Once you obtain the unit at 7* or have enough shards to 7* the unit, they will no longer be accessible.
    This is not meant to be a source for Shard Shop Currency, this is an opportunity to get characters that were once exclusive to Conquest.

    The 4M GP requirement is kind of a slap in the face, honestly. Hard to say I'm surprised they found a way to make a great thing terrible, though...

    I mean, I could almost understand if the GP requirement was 2M (the barrier for Normal Conquest). That at least would be "understandable."
  • Broveh
    1 posts Member
    I wouldn't mind so much if they had been upfront about the 4 Million GP breakpoint, no mention of it back in April when they announced the event. Super Annoying
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Saw it on Reddit posted already...
  • IkamuzU
    18 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    It is funny cause If we spend hundreds of dollars on these conquest units there's no minimum GP requirement.

    I am done spending money on this game.

    PD: Proving grounds - Costs 2200 crystals and you can only refresh 2x
  • JKreu
    13 posts Member
    So not only will it take 17 months to get CAT if you weren't playing at the time of her conquests (like me), you now need to wait until you can hit 4M GP, and THEN wait the 17 months to get her. I spent the last month since they announced the R3 requirement to make sure I got a good team to be able to beat the event. Then they pull this crap.
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    So... A 4M PG requirement that no one remember before. Its truly unfair. Now i cant unlock CAT by buying her shards in Conquest Store either cant in Probe Grounds event... Well... Sounds pretty wrong
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    The GP requirement is disgusting.

    RC & CAT have been out for a year, give the people who can't get into hard mode of Conquest a chance to unlock CAT without waiting years.

    GP doesn't equal good roster, I had SLKR and was half way to SEE when I was under 4m GP so there's plenty of capable players out there.
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  • Dianora
    124 posts Member
    That 4M GP requirement is messed up. I've been generally happy with CG's approach to the game (other than their failure to ban cheaters) but this makes me furious.
  • flux_rono
    2136 posts Member
    i also dont agree with the 4 million GP thing it should be 1 million if anything, but really the relic 3 requirement should be enough as that's hard to reach since no gear relief has happened. plus you would likely need a full team to beat the event so that wouldn't help either

    also this event should be added to the calendar to inform people when it comes back.
  • Granolo
    216 posts Member
    What's the point on giving shard on Normal Conquest if you're gating the rest of the shards behind the Hard Conquest GP gap?

    This will only make people below 4M even less invested on Conquest (and less interested in spending on it). Quite an absurd move tbh, even by CG standards.

    The worst part is that this is not affecting f2p per se, but NEW players, so you're making it even less appealing for new people to get invested in the game. Way to shot yourselves on the feet CG.
  • Dianora
    124 posts Member
    Hev_Daman wrote: »
    What was originally communicated as requirements:
    I mean, I could almost understand if the GP requirement was 2M (the barrier for Normal Conquest). That at least would be "understandable."

    There's no GP requirement for Normal Conquest, you just have to beat Easy. I've been doing it since ~1M. I think originally you got grandfathered into Normal if you were at 2M+ when they created the Easy tier but the only requirement now is 4M GP (and beat Normal) for Hard.

  • Rius
    373 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Well that’s me excluded, I have been farming CAT over a year, if I had >4M GP I would be able to do hard conquest. Why is this a requirement when it was not previously. This has massively been miss sold. And CAT was available to farm in normal at a much lower rate. I thought this was a ‘catch’ up for all. I am so disappointed. Why not at least do a reduced rate in line with normal conquest? I hope CAT stays in weekly shipments else I don’t think I want to play anymore. Just so disappointed.

  • ehty4
    1 posts Member
    Can we also agree that CG is out of ideas for new gameplay? The only difference between Proving Grounds, Galactic Challenge and Conquest is there is no player modifier in Proving Grounds.
  • Options
    ehty4 wrote: »
    Can we also agree that CG is out of ideas for new gameplay? The only difference between Proving Grounds, Galactic Challenge and Conquest is there is no player modifier in Proving Grounds.

    they've been out of ideas for awhile. Except about Packs. That's their true passion.
  • MrRandyWatson
    262 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    What is wrong with you CG? I dont know if its possible for you to needlessly anger your customers more than you currently do. This is so simple its dumb. When you announced PG all you had to say is: "As this is a Conquest Character the same GP requirements will apply to entry in PG."

    People may be upset but they would understand what is happening and why. Instead you make an announcement and then change the rules after the fact. I'm absolutely shocked at how you constantly make things hard for yourselves and needlessly anger your customers in the process.
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    Bad decision followed by another bad decision, and another, and another...
    They better give us the gear economy p1b and announce next phases and stop DELAYING without any reason.
    On the Time they announced it, they haved time to develop a lot of pay packs, launch several toons, even announce this event and delivering already. This It's a bad joke @CG_Tusken_Meathead
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    JKreu wrote: »
    So not only will it take 17 months to get CAT if you weren't playing at the time of her conquests (like me), you now need to wait until you can hit 4M GP, and THEN wait the 17 months to get her. I spent the last month since they announced the R3 requirement to make sure I got a good team to be able to beat the event. Then they pull this crap.

    Took me a few years to get wampa prestigious quest unlocked....

    Welcome to the game
  • mariogsh
    794 posts Member
    I alredy have all the conquest units (except for 7* Interceptor, 6* right now) but this is just so dumb

    4M GP gate on a 1 YEAR exclusive character? This is gating NEW players, NOT F2P (I'm F2P and here I am with all conquest units) it's so freking dumb, why stop your playerbase this way, 1 year of exclusivity was not good enough? Take away that gate! I'm not getting affected by any of this new "event", but imagining me as a new player, must be REALLY frustrating to be in this situation

    Also, only 2 refreshes and 2,200 crystal PER REFRESH? Are you OUT of your mind? I can (barely) understand the cost, but only 2 refreshes? IIRC, each attempt give 20 shards, so you're telling me if a new player or someone with 0 shards right now wants to get these characters, they need to spend a MINIMUM of 17 months to unlock it and a MAXIMUM of 6 months? This is a joke...
  • Picollo
    41 posts Member
    I really hope the 4 million gp block is a typo or a coding mistake of some sort.
  • Decicrim
    235 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    JKreu wrote: »
    So not only will it take 17 months to get CAT if you weren't playing at the time of her conquests (like me), you now need to wait until you can hit 4M GP, and THEN wait the 17 months to get her. I spent the last month since they announced the R3 requirement to make sure I got a good team to be able to beat the event. Then they pull this crap.

    Took me a few years to get wampa prestigious quest unlocked....

    Welcome to the game

    This is aweful, you can’t even refresh the galactic bounties events so this actually makes CAT easier to get than wampa!
    Op is also assuming a regular cadence for proving grounds, if you only get it same cadance as GB 3-4 times a year, you’ll see cat in 2027 ;)

  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    Picollo wrote: »
    I really hope the 4 million gp block is a typo or a coding mistake of some sort.

    Not a typo, if you don't Have 4M GP you can't see the event listed in game
  • Options
    Cool, no shards for me then. makes your design especially great considering you could never choose what unit you want to earn in conquest chests. ill see that event in 6 months or so
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