Proving Grounds


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    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    I hope this encourages people to not gloss over future conquest toons just because the kit doesn't look good at all and not worth trying hard and expecting to max out the unit in 6 months

    I know that was the sentiment with Second Sister's ship, and with people who didn't care about TW and Boba Scion of Jango

    People pass Max Crate because in many cases getting it turns into an annoying grind, so we purposedly get a lower crate to avoid getting tired and bored of the game. That was specially true during Boba and TIE's Conquest, as the grind was awful. If they want people invested on their game mode, make it less grindy, more entertaining, make us enjoy playing the game, that's why we play after all.

    You can:

    1. Grind hard
    2. Avoid grinding and completing the rest by buying packs
    3. Stay f2p and wait months or years to get the unit

    Can't have no grinding, and wanting units at 7 stars without putting in the effort

    “Can’t have no grinding, and wanting units at 7 stars without putting in effort”. Where are people wanting a 7 star unit without putting in any effort? I’m confused by what point you’re trying to convey here when everyone knows you have to put in some effort.
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    I love how people expect everything to be handed to them day 1. If you can't do something in this game you have two options, pay to get it or grind it out for free. If you are FTP I think it is absurd to ever complain about this game not giving you access to something in the beginning.

    This isn’t a day 1 character. This character is one years old. It has been GP gated for 1 whole year it’s time for it to be available to everyone now.
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    12thParsec wrote: »
    I understand why they put the 4 mil GP limit on. Only people who can play hard conquest can get the conquest shiny, we don’t want some people who didn’t unlock it the first go-round to feel as if their investment was in vain if they could have gotten it for less than 4 mil GP, fine. Whatever. I would be fine with it.
    But WHY didn’t you tell us before, CG?

    That isn’t true. CAT as well as other conquest characters were available to get in normal mode and I believe easy mode. I could be wrong about easy mode though.
    Available to obtain some shards, maybe, but nowhere near enough to unlock the character
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    12thParsec wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    12thParsec wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    4 million GP is fine

    Lol you literally can’t find a single thing that you disagree with CG?

    how they handle cheating
    not following up with gear promises from road ahead
    cost of refresh for proving grounds

    i have a whole list but you never bother paying attention and think a moderator tag means i defend them blindly

    I think your allowed to express how you feel and still moderate. I think if you gave your true opinion on things a lot of people would have more respect for you. Unless of course CG has their ties on you on what your allowed to say. Don’t be afraid to be yourself is all I’m saying.
    I have been giving my true opinion ITT tho
  • ToJ85
    27 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    ToJ85 wrote: »
    CAT should be now a GL. With a 4m GP requirment, it have a higher requirements. So I guess it make sense.

    guess CAT can't be in the same team as JMK or Rey since can't have two GLs in the same team either, huh?

    Hey, i am not saying it makes sense. But the 4m GP requirement also doesn't make sense. Razor crest is accessible for newer player and is part of one of the best fleet. CAT is also part of one of the best team (which already include a GL), i don't see why you would put that requirement there.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    If you have a problem with the prereqs, maybe not quite end game isn’t for you
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    ToJ85 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    ToJ85 wrote: »
    CAT should be now a GL. With a 4m GP requirment, it have a higher requirements. So I guess it make sense.

    guess CAT can't be in the same team as JMK or Rey since can't have two GLs in the same team either, huh?

    Hey, i am not saying it makes sense. But the 4m GP requirement also doesn't make sense. Razor crest is accessible for newer player and is part of one of the best fleet. CAT is also part of one of the best team (which already include a GL), i don't see why you would put that requirement there.

    RC is also needed for executor, CAT isn't a pre-req for anything
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    I love how people expect everything to be handed to them day 1. If you can't do something in this game you have two options, pay to get it or grind it out for free. If you are FTP I think it is absurd to ever complain about this game not giving you access to something in the beginning. not what anyone is complaining about. Well done. You got up on the soapbox and ranted about entitled ppl who actually have been playing the game for over 2 years already and have CAT shards from normal mode but that CG has deemed "unworthy" of accessing Proving Grounds bc....CG feels like it.

    Maybe try reading people's posts before arbitrarily dismissing their legitimate complaints?
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    Magruffin wrote: »
    Yeah...Im with dirt here. It'd be nice to have a little exclusivity for a bit before everyone under the sun gets CAT

    As someone who got her immediately, I 100000% disagree with you. You've had exclusivity over a year. Are you that threatened by 2 mil GP players that you want to keep them out? Seriously? :joy:
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    4 million gp is a joke and insult to all the players who have been slogging it through intermediate mode for over a year. Fundamentally they seem to think that people play conquest for fun and not for the shards. The rewards at every level are poor, people play and suffer for the shards nothing else.

    I've done 2 conquests in hard mode - knowing I'll get close to unlock makes it so much more worth while. For those below 4mil, having 4 characters unfinished and no way of finishing them is demoralising.

    The argument that we're not meant to have them until you get to 4mil is irrelevant because the further you are away from 4mil GP will reflect the amount of shards you will have and therefore the amount of time it will take you to catch up. For example if you're a 2mil account in all likelihood will have a lot less shards accumulated then if you're a 3.5 or 4mil GP. The aim should be to enable all players start that journey of catch up to prepare you for when you are ready.
  • Rius
    387 posts Member
    Two fairer options they could of rolled with:

    1-reduced to 10 shards for <4M GP to mimic the already painful lower shard rate for normal conquest.
    2-analyse the GP growth for those who played initial event in normal to now, most I have spoken to who were low GP but played conquest CAT event are 3-4M GP now so it could have been set at 3M this is still restrictive but makes more sense. Having been able to farm shards in conquest but not enter a catch up mechanic is ridiculous.

    Those who keep saying we should be 4M by now or we can not expect to get a premium character easy. Waiting a year, grinding every day and spending 22K crystals is not expecting something for nothing. Normal conquest does not reward much, I wish normal could leave old characters in because it’s pointless having 60-80 shards for each character with no ‘good’ way to finish them off.
  • Dianora
    126 posts Member
    It's an indefensible decision. It takes around two years to hit 4M GP as a f2p player and meanwhile CG has arbitrarily yanked CAT shards out of the Conquest store (Razor Crest are still there) with no notice then added this GP requirement without a heads up. And all for what? So that people who started playing longer ago can spend 23,200 crystals to get CAT over six months while newer players have to spend 39,600 over 11 weeks?

    This has to be the **** thing to throw away community goodwill over, CG. Please drop the GP requirement.
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    I was hoping this would let me push for executor faster, but now I either have to bloat my GP another million or wait on Fleet Store RNG for RC shards. Absolutely ridiculous
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    4 million GP is fine

    Spoken like someone over 4m gp

    Yes, i may be biased here, since i never played conquest with below 4 million GP but i am free to have an opinion on the issue as much as you do as someone who doesn’t have more than 4M GP

    and we can disagree on each other’s opinions though

    I'm over 4m gp but I think people below 4m should have access to the game mode. It's a telling assumption though.
  • StewartH
    156 posts Member
    I’ve never seen an issue here missed more than this. Let’s say a player has 100,000GP made of only 5 R3 characters and nothing else. They could get 20 CAT shards and not complete hard or normal conquest leaving them with 20 shards per month. The whales worried about “exclusivity” should be raging about this. You want exclusivity for your whaling??!?!! Then make the barrier to PG UNDER 4M Gp and protect your exclusivity. Nobody under 4M GP will get CAT exclusively from PG so why are they punished?
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    JKreu wrote: »
    @ShaggyB Ah yes, it is totally reasonable that a new player is able to obtain probably 3 GL's before they are able to obtain any conquest character.

    It would still take a new player a MINMUM of 2 years to obtain CAT f2p without the 4M GP requirement: let's say they hyper focus and take 7 months to get an R3 team to complete event. Then they have to wait another 17 months to obtain the conquest character (assuming it's been out for an entire year already).

    Not sure why the reply... im noy saying i agree with it. Im saying they are telling you to skip GL kenobi until you get closer to the 17 month mark.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    VooDooBOT wrote: »

    Yep free... and if you meet requirements
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    I hope this encourages people to not gloss over future conquest toons just because the kit doesn't look good at all and not worth trying hard and expecting to max out the unit in 6 months

    I know that was the sentiment with Second Sister's ship, and with people who didn't care about TW and Boba Scion of Jango

    Nah... i still dont go super hard. I go hard enough that i can get during the next 3 conquests.

    That said. Went harder than normal for Malgus but i wont have him unlocked after the 3 conquests... ill get him early in the next round
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    The GP cap is absolutely ridiculous. It buys CG nothing and provides no benefit to players. In fact, I will bet that overall, it will impact their bottom line in a negative way. I am seeing more and more players that are NOT traditionally f2p, putting all spending on hold until this and gear crunch and quality of life issues get sorted. You can add me to that growing list. This game needs new leadership.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Personal opinion. I dont think its right that people may have been gearing peeps and now they get 4 mil sprung on then.

    They might have spent money for the ability to do something only to be sprung with a requirement that would have told them not to spend real money
  • Solarite
    26 posts Member
    You have more RC shards in fleet store in a month than proving grounds... for free. Genius.
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    Solarite wrote: »
    You have more RC shards in fleet store in a month than proving grounds... for free. Genius.

    You find RC shards in fleet store? in both of my accounts i've seen it 4 times since it dropped. 2 in each. Odds certainly not in my favor.
  • Solarite
    26 posts Member
    Solarite wrote: »
    You have more RC shards in fleet store in a month than proving grounds... for free. Genius.

    You find RC shards in fleet store? in both of my accounts i've seen it 4 times since it dropped. 2 in each. Odds certainly not in my favor.

    Sometimes 2 times in a day... ~160 shards since its arrival in fleet store (march 22)
  • HarrilyFord
    57 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Super unfair - this is meant to help those players who didn’t have a strong enough roster to earn CAT first go around, and you make the entry requirements basically having a strong enough roster to earn CAT the first time

    Just the relentless punishing and astonishing greed of this game.. not asking for the game not to be challenging or take hard work, but for a game about a story of the good guys defeating the Empire, it’s never been lost on me that it feels like we’re playing a game run by the Empire.
    Post edited by HarrilyFord on
  • Stish
    31 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Mtbninja wrote: »
    The GP cap is absolutely ridiculous. It buys CG nothing and provides no benefit to players. In fact, I will bet that overall, it will impact their bottom line in a negative way. I am seeing more and more players that are NOT traditionally f2p, putting all spending on hold until this and gear crunch and quality of life issues get sorted. You can add me to that growing list. This game needs new leadership.

    These issues and the lack of any communication from cg are the primary reason I rarely play anymore. Why should I spend all my time and money on a game that doesn’t even pretend to care about the player base?

    This development also drastically devalues conquest over all. Why bother with it if my roster isn’t good enough to unlock the conquest exclusive right away. Yeah the rewards are ok, but not that good when you consider all the time and messing around it takes to get feats done. Plus with the feats being geared towards the newest toons that aren’t farmable until conquest starts that makes it even harder to complete.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    I hope this encourages people to not gloss over future conquest toons just because the kit doesn't look good at all and not worth trying hard and expecting to max out the unit in 6 months

    I know that was the sentiment with Second Sister's ship, and with people who didn't care about TW and Boba Scion of Jango

    People pass Max Crate because in many cases getting it turns into an annoying grind, so we purposedly get a lower crate to avoid getting tired and bored of the game. That was specially true during Boba and TIE's Conquest, as the grind was awful. If they want people invested on their game mode, make it less grindy, more entertaining, make us enjoy playing the game, that's why we play after all.

    You can:

    1. Grind hard
    2. Avoid grinding and completing the rest by buying packs
    3. Stay f2p and wait months or years to get the unit

    Can't have no grinding, and wanting units at 7 stars without putting in the effort

    Ultra the issue is that you’re missing the point of how CG just does the same carbon copy stuff over and over and over. There’s no originality to the feats in the last 13 seasons of Conquest. There’s been virtually no QoL to make the experience more fun to avoid burnout.

    If people can’t/don’t want to spend on packs, or don’t have the time or patience for the same grind for the 14th time in a row, they shouldn’t be punished by being the locked out on a new character.

    This proving ground event is not good. It’s too long of a grind for people already waiting a year as F2P and it does zero for anyone already with these toons. It’s juat bad
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Granolo wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    I hope this encourages people to not gloss over future conquest toons just because the kit doesn't look good at all and not worth trying hard and expecting to max out the unit in 6 months

    I know that was the sentiment with Second Sister's ship, and with people who didn't care about TW and Boba Scion of Jango

    People pass Max Crate because in many cases getting it turns into an annoying grind, so we purposedly get a lower crate to avoid getting tired and bored of the game. That was specially true during Boba and TIE's Conquest, as the grind was awful. If they want people invested on their game mode, make it less grindy, more entertaining, make us enjoy playing the game, that's why we play after all.

    You can:

    1. Grind hard
    2. Avoid grinding and completing the rest by buying packs
    3. Stay f2p and wait months or years to get the unit

    Can't have no grinding, and wanting units at 7 stars without putting in the effort

    Ultra the issue is that you’re missing the point of how CG just does the same carbon copy stuff over and over and over. There’s no originality to the feats in the last 13 seasons of Conquest. There’s been virtually no QoL to make the experience more fun to avoid burnout.

    If people can’t/don’t want to spend on packs, or don’t have the time or patience for the same grind for the 14th time in a row, they shouldn’t be punished by being the locked out on a new character.

    This proving ground event is not good. It’s too long of a grind for people already waiting a year as F2P and it does zero for anyone already with these toons. It’s juat bad

    Dont forget the community manager at the time said the stupid feats that required counting something that wasnt easy would get looked at, given our feedback about adding an onscreen counter.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Super unfair - this is meant to help those players who didn’t have a strong enough roster to earn CAT first go around, and you make the entry requirements basically having a strong enough roster to earn CAT the first time

    Just the relentless punishing and astonishing greed of this game.. not asking for the game not to be challenging or take hard work, but for a game about a story of the good guys defeating the Empire, it’s never been lost on me that it feels like we’re playing a game run by the Empire.

    This brings up an interesting point that makes 4 mil make more sense.

    If you couldnt get it unlocked the first or second time around... because of lack of roster depth, aka not having 4 mil gp, then perhaps thats the bar.

    A player must get to the level they could reasonably be expected to have been able to do it in 6 attempts.

    Perhaps thats why.

    Making it not about an easier time getring CAT, but rather a push to get you to a deep enough roster where you might not need to play the new mode to get the next character.
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