Feedback: Datacron Set 4 + Feedback Response Information


  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Why would anyone not sign up and skip free rewards for the bare minimum effort?

    They’ve quit. The trend on gac has been downward for the past six months. Swgoh events has been posting the data. 342k iirc in the end of January just under 323k for first week of the 5v5 season we just finished. I think I remembered the last week of the last 3v3 number incorrectly and it was just over 325k.

    Any links to the data? It's interesting to watch. While the "game dying" has been endlessly talked about since the beginning, rn we are really running out of fuel (head count to throw at it)
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    I'm a GAC try-hard. I've never missed a sign-up and have always at least tried a little to win.

    This 3v3 season, I am signing up, taking an 0-9, and seeing if I actually miss the game.

    2022 truly has been an amazing spectacle by CG. I went from a returning $ customer at the end of 2021 back to not spending and now seriously contemplating quitting really fast. Especially considering I was still mostly positive about the game as late as March.
  • Drathuk916
    639 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    This is what I wrote in the road ahead thread when I looked this up few weeks back. @MaruMaru

    So I think I found the same data that ultra is referencing from swgoh events.

    Posted by Scott In the grand arena channel.
    In a comment posted by him he mentions that the last week of the last 5v5 325.200 something was the data point.

    Same chart from him on 3/30

    Finally chart from sigsig on 1/24

    I’m assuming they just passed off who shared the data. But the trend seems pretty clear going from 342.353 in January to 332,405 in the end of March, to the 325k end of last 5v5 to the 322,919. This is a drop of nearly 20k accounts or 5.7 percent fewer accounts signed up in a span of 5 months. I have no idea if the data is accurate nor whether this rises to the level of worrisome. So interpret the information from swgoh events as you will.
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    This is what I wrote in the road ahead thread when I looked this up few weeks back. @MaruMaru

    So I think I found the same data that ultra is referencing from swgoh events.

    Posted by Scott In the grand arena channel.
    In a comment posted by him he mentions that the last week of the last 5v5 325.200 something was the data point.

    Same chart from him on 3/30

    Finally chart from sigsig on 1/24

    I’m assuming they just passed off who shared the data. But the trend seems pretty clear going from 342.353 in January to 332,405 in the end of March, to the 325k end of last 5v5 to the 322,919. This is a drop of nearly 20k accounts or 5.7 percent fewer accounts signed up in a span of 5 months. I have no idea if the data is accurate nor whether this rises to the level of worrisome. So interpret the information from swgoh events as you will.

    Yeah I think it's quite alarming given the 2nd set just activated and we have one more to go where there will be 3 sets active at all times going from there.
  • TVF
    36754 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    I need a new message here.
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    While the decrease in overall player participation in GAC is obviously notable, the most alarming numbers for them on there are going to be the massive drops in players within the upper Kyber divisions. Ouch.

  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    HokieFiend wrote: »
    While the decrease in overall player participation in GAC is obviously notable, the most alarming numbers for them on there are going to be the massive drops in players within the upper Kyber divisions. Ouch.

    Any spot abandoned will be immediately filled. So how will that be noticable?
  • Drathuk916
    639 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    HokieFiend wrote: »
    While the decrease in overall player participation in GAC is obviously notable, the most alarming numbers for them on there are going to be the massive drops in players within the upper Kyber divisions. Ouch.

    Any spot abandoned will be immediately filled. So how will that be noticable?

    I believe they are referring to the fact that in the 1/24 chart a little less than 90k were in k1-5. For the most recent chart posted (I honestly forget the date) that had dropped to roughly 63ish k. Part of this is by design by cg with each seasonal squish but you can infer they have been losing participation in those accounts in k1-5 as quitting players or players who don’t engage with gac aren’t immediately replaced given the fact that hard caps on skill rating are used for each league/division.
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    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    HokieFiend wrote: »
    While the decrease in overall player participation in GAC is obviously notable, the most alarming numbers for them on there are going to be the massive drops in players within the upper Kyber divisions. Ouch.

    Any spot abandoned will be immediately filled. So how will that be noticable?

    I believe they are referring to the fact that in the 1/24 chart a little less than 90k were in k1-5. For the most recent chart posted (I honestly forget the date) that had dropped to roughly 63ish k. Part of this is by design by cg with each seasonal squish but you can infer they have been losing participation in those accounts in k1-5 as quitting players or players who don’t engage with gac aren’t immediately replaced given the fact that hard caps on skill rating are used for each league/division.

    Correct. The worst thing that can happen to any property in any entertainment is apathy/rejection from the customer. A lot of that going on in the various fandoms and for good reason.
  • CaesarAM
    251 posts Member
    The longer we get into Datacrons, the more they stink. Way too much complexity to manage now. Once there are three sets active it’s going to be a nightmare.
  • TC_23
    10 posts Member
    You can ignore all our Feedback regarding datacrons. But i hope somedays you guys realized how badly you damaging your own business, very likely then with the Q3 numbers.
    Unfortunately, then the damage is probably no longer salvageable. Several big GP-guilds were dissolved or had to merge by necessity.

    There were so many good ideas to make Datacrons better (not delete) but we hear nothing at all and that for weeks soon months. Even if you communicate that we don't change anything would be better than staying silent...

    "Community Manager" **** :s
  • Aluxtu
    420 posts Member
    Datacrons should have been PvE only, not the other way around.
  • I_JnK_I
    464 posts Member
    When the Q3 numbers come out and its more than before, what then?

    Man like come on, are you all top 100 players that actually play with datacrons. If i looked into the last TW in my ~250-300 mil GP, i could count all the datacrons on one hand even if i was missing 2 fingers. And i expect lower guilds to have about as many.

  • Aluxtu
    420 posts Member
    Well, I'm just shy of 9 million gp myself. I think they ruin pvp as they take already crazy op characters and make them worse. This reminds me of the random tw buffs they use to give to different characters. They got rid of that because people hated it too. This is the exact same concept only they are trying to make money off of it.
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    DCs are here to stay. If you don’t like them to the point of disengaging from the game, that’s ok. Your spot at the top will be replaced by someone else who will engage with them.
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member

    Loving datacons. Wins is decided on who out whales who
  • Screerider
    1444 posts Member
    So… like always?
  • Antario
    996 posts Member
    Your spot at the top will be replaced by someone else who will engage with them.

    Rather replaced by someone with bigger wallet...
    You mind tell me how I as F2P- player can compete against such an opponent like below in GAC, even if I want to engage with datacrons?

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    Datacrons are a piece of crap. In 3v3 they are even worse. It takes at least 3 regular GLs just to take out one with a DC. No company is more hated than CG.
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    I'm not a fan of Datacrons. First Problem it's made GAC into a pack spending competition. I understand this cash grab model. You spend more you got more tools and power. It's acceptable. But the next problem is the random stat/skill and expensive reroll mechanic. At least Datacrons should remove this random stat/skill so player can choose the direction of their Datacrons to make some synergy with their team. The game should base on Knowledge of player and playing strategy to win the match not some RNG reroll like this one.
  • Screerider
    1444 posts Member
    It’s like when people get lucky and pull 330 shards, instead of the usual 5 or 7. The RNG means some whales have to whale a bit more than other whales.
  • Screerider
    1444 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    As a F2P, if I can seriously contend with a whale, it typically means that whale isn’t great at the game itself. If they know what they’re doing, though, their money should mean something (my certain defeat) or competitive whales would not spend if it meant no advantage at all.
  • Options
    Screerider wrote: »
    As a F2P, if I can seriously contend with a whale, it typically means that whale isn’t great at the game itself. If they know what they’re doing, though, their money should mean something (my certain defeat) or competitive whales would not spend if it meant no advantage at all.

    My issue is that it'll/it does make super tough teams unbeatable. If you're in GAC and there's a GL omicron on both front walls that you can't get through (same with TW) the state/competitiveness of the game has decreased immensely.

    As Aluxtu stated earlier about PvE. I think all those that can't beat all PvE with ease would find them novel and fun.

    So really is the potential money from 500 whales more than the potential money from 500,000 content gamers?
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead any update?
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    12thParsec wrote: »
    I put up See against Rey with 3 tanks and armour. Rey got 3 ults before see second turn. She’s literally unbeatable now. The only character I can think of that can beat her is JMK and even that is a stretch. I just don’t understand the thought process of who had the idea of DCs. It’s like you want this game to die and you want the player base to be **** at you. You have literally made unbeatable teams. 2 mandatory changes need to be made take away DCs from GLs and let us keep our DCs. I feel like crying every time I put crystals into dc materials because I know it’s all going to be on in 2 months.

    Frankly, I think making datacrons permanent would be worse. I have no problem with the temporary nature of datacrons. If you take away their temporary nature, you're left with some kind of hybrid mod/omicron, and if you're doing that, why have a different mechanism at all? Just release 7-star mods and some more omis instead. So I'd prefer sticking with how they are in terms of the 3-month window.

    However, these datacrons are overpowered, and also should never be seen on a GL team. Although we won our last TW, it was horrifically unfun because of datacrons. I've never seen so many in my guild disgruntled with something. I also won my first round of GAC, but it felt cheap. I have a killer Rey datacron, it is unbeatable to many opponents. Having a GA match dictated by a single team isn't balanced at all.
  • Options
    Antario wrote: »
    Your spot at the top will be replaced by someone else who will engage with them.

    Rather replaced by someone with bigger wallet...
    You mind tell me how I as F2P- player can compete against such an opponent like below in GAC, even if I want to engage with datacrons?


    That’s the neat part, you don’t. For the majority of this game, that’s how it’s been for most F2P/low spend when they face a whale (the arenas and some TWs). I find it rich that just because CG allowed you to hang with the whales in a relatively even basis for a while now, should mean you can remain so in perpetuity.
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    Not a question but I wanted to say the update for making datacrons more available has made them much more enjoyable to me.

    I actually kinda like them now 😂
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