Unable to get in to game- Error Code 3.0


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    Just installed the newest client a few minutes ago. No dice. :s
  • unalignedFU
    16 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    same as everyone else. fleet payout 26min. this sucks
  • nfidel2k
    559 posts Member
    So how long does the game need to be down before we qualify for 3 Clone Wars Chewie shards?

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.
  • RebelLion
    243 posts Member
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    Hurry up and wait!!!
    Why do people pay to play again??
    Asking for a friend.
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    Same, borked. iPhone
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    Same this is turning into a joke
  • Screerider
    1453 posts Member
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    iPhone user. I’m in the game.
  • SʌInT
    31 posts Member
    Compo payout incoming!!!!
  • KDC99X
    762 posts Member
    iOS here, same issue, I also manually updated last night.
  • Moorebid
    503 posts Member
    Guildie is in, he didn't manually update... Seems that could be the issue
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    iPhone user. I’m in the game.

    Also an iPhone user. The game is dead for me, lol. Hoping for a quick fix
    “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” -Martin Luther King Jr.
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    Let me in!!!!!
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    just updated the game.. and guess what.. error 3.0... all my guildmates are equal.
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    ios and had updated from app store yesterday, just adding to the list of those who are getting the error. note you also get an error if you try the contact us button to report the error.
  • AlexanderG
    1930 posts Member
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    I might as well add my complaint to the growing pile. I can't do anything, because the game is stuck in a death loop called Error Code 3.0. Updating the game did absolutely nothing to help.
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    @CG_Tusken_Meathead Does CG plan to pay the player base for testing their title rollout? Or is this some sort of ironic title rollout where CG continues to roll out a buggy game?
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    They are looking into it as they have said I the dev update and announcements
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    They are looking into it as they have said I the dev update and announcements

    People can still report it and be upset about it though.
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    Seriously, everyone knows updates come with hickups more often than not. And we all know it's super common in this game. Why on earth would you ruin May 4th with it? The majority of us are/were super skeptical on the new Raid rewards stem, but we were looking forward to the extras tuff for May 4th.

    But now? We can't even access the game. Hell of a war to celebrate. Seriously just put back the previous client and do your update a week from now. Worst timing ever.
  • Darth_DeVito
    1236 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    iPhone user. I’m in the game.

    I bet this is Google Play-related. I remember something similar in the past. On Android, I can start with a brand new account after un- and reinstalling the game, but I can't get into my existing account. The game establishes the Google Play connection and then the error pops up.

    Nevermind. Further back in the thread are some iPhone users with the same problem. Still seems to be account related though when creating new accounts is possible and not everyone gets the error.
  • Stewyb
    1 posts Member
    Well there we go. 5 minutes until my daily reset and the start of double drops, I had planned to do 6 Energy/Fleet & 3 Cantina refreshes now so didn't get to buy them earlier.

    Cheers CG, great update timing. Lose out on 720 energy for double drops, doubt that'll be reimbursed.
  • Screerider
    1453 posts Member
    They're also looking into the Squish.
  • GuillaumeD
    3 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    Me as well… plz help to fix it. Ally code: 895-218-712
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    Seems fine my end
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    If I delete app, and reinstall, then the first time I load I get the splash screen and then a bar appears showing a 11mb download and then error message. If I try and reload, I don't get the loading bar for the download and go straight to error message.
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    iPhone user. I’m in the game.

    I bet this is Google Play-related. I remember something similar in the past. On Android, I can start with a brand new account after un- and reinstalling the game, but I can't get into my existing account. The game establishes the Google Play connection and then the error pops up.

    This is true I just uninstalled game can play as a new player but sign into Google play and got the error
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