Raid rewards comparison with data



  • OmegaIV
    110 posts Member
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    this is not getting nearly enough traction. as a ~5m gp player in a ~400m gp guild - i estimate going from ~28 aeros/month to ZERO.
    that's just aeros. not considering anything else. i don't need to look at anything else.
    this is a huge kick in the teeth and completely unacceptable.

    I'm not sure why so many folks are concerned about aeros... You can get them from Conquest as well and many of us have a stockpile of them..

    I have 22 R8s, 1 r9 and 644 aeros stockpiled (enough for 32 more r8/r9 upgrades). It's the Impulse Detectors I need. Thank Gawd I can buy them with currency now.
  • OmegaIV
    110 posts Member
    Rule #1 in gaming:

    NEVER push player progression backwards. Never.

    If I earned something yesterday, I **** well better still be able to earn it today. Period. Hard stop. You don't strip players of prior achievements and make them add more work to re-earn something that they've already earned.

    If CG wanted to address power creep, and revamp the raid system - that's all well and good, and necessary from time to time. But:

    1. The rewards for the new challenge should be commensurate with the difficulty (they're not)
    2. Don't remove the old content that players have worked hard to master and strip them of rewards they were previously earning.

    I don't need a comparison of anything. I know my account. I know what a guild can be capable of running 4x raids concurrently in the old system versus a single raid, consecutively, in the new. And we all got hosed. End of story here.

    This is 100% true.

    Let me add this - gear/relic upgrades are designed to lower the margin of error. In any game, Zelda, God of War, World of Warcraft, it doesn't matter... when you level up and upgrade your gear, you can defeat stuff easier.

    Like I said, this raid is horribly tuned. If I take an r7 Jawa team into a level 0-3 raid difficulty Krayt raid, I should auto to the cap. I shouldn't struggle with a team of r7 & r8 jawas. An r5 Mando team should be able to cap out the r1 level on auto.

    When I farm a team to meet high requirements, the lower level requirements should be trivial.
  • Ghost666
    330 posts Member
    But, if you make less than those crates, which a lot of guilds will, it is not a good value. Anything less than 130 million guild crate deletes the aeromagnifier level mk3 tokens.

    So any guild that could do cpit, but does not get the above rewards is suffering.

    Hopefully we will see a change
    THIS^^ is the MAIN ISSUE for me...our entire guild went from LOTS aeros to ZERO. THE WORSE PART...we did around 30M crates...we are VERY VERY FAR from the 130M treshold!
    I ASSUME a lot of guilds suddenly lost the aeros income...this will HAVE A BIG EFFECT on the guild progress and will lead to many players start trying to move up the guild ladder...i sincerely hope this was not INTENDED...and can be "FIXED"

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    Goavs506 wrote: »
    Goavs506 wrote: »
    Goavs506 wrote: »
    Goavs506 wrote: »
    Goavs506 wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    this is not getting nearly enough traction. as a ~5m gp player in a ~400m gp guild - i estimate going from ~28 aeros/month to ZERO.
    that's just aeros. not considering anything else. i don't need to look at anything else.
    this is a huge kick in the teeth and completely unacceptable.

    I'm not sure why so many folks are concerned about aeros... You can get them from Conquest as well and many of us have a stockpile of them..

    i have only been playing for 13 months. my account is 5m gp. my "stockpile" is 137 aeros, which will be gone in no time due to no longer adding any to it through raids. i would estimate a far greater # of players are in my position than yours.

    Oh my gosh poor you! Only 137 aeros! I am at 6 mil and have earned all my aeros through conquest. And am doing just fine. I am glad crancor is gone, so maybe you won’t take them for granted in the future

    I was getting my aeros from CPit. You're getting yours from conquest. You think it's no big deal that I've had my CPit source pulled out from under me. By this reasoning, I should assume that you'd be completely fine with a conquest system overhaul tomorrow that stripped you of your ability to earn aeros?

    In your scenario, you still have access to conquest and a source of Aeros.

    First, that's not the point at all. The point is I worked to build a roster and complete an event for rewards. I've had that taken away. So has every other player in the game who worked towards it and achieved it.
    Second, how many players/guilds were capable of completing CPit but not capable of completing conquest to a high enough degree to get the aeros in there? This change hurts every single one of them, which I'm guessing is a lot.

    The entire point of a game like this is to build, grow, and achieve milestones. The milestones we've worked hard to achieve should not be stripped away from us. It doesn't matter what that milestone is. Once it's been achieved, and its rewards earned, that it's. Achievement complete, move on to something bigger and better. Aeros, signal data, kyros - whatever. Just imagine any single resource in the game that you need - and that you've spent time, resources, and possibly even $ to achieve - only to have it taken away and told "rebuild something different to earn that thing today that you already built for and earned yesterday."

    That's the crux of what has happened here - and it's not ok. And if you cannot grasp that then this conversation is pointless.

    I wholeheartedly agree.

    It’s like unlocking slkr and then they say you can’t have that anymore u less you do this, which will take you months, potentially a year + to do so.

    I don’t think that’s a good example at all…

    Why not, it’s the same principal isn’t it?

    Entire guilds worked toward unlocking a reward and it’s been taken from them.

    How is it any different to a player working towards opening a character for a year, only for it to be taken away and replaced with new goalposts that will take them a year to get.

    It’s entirely the same principal.

    If anything it’s worse given the coordination between multiple players to achieve those rewards.

    Getting 20 Aeros to get someone to relic 8 does not take a year without Crancor. Not at all. Also people have already used and benefitted from the rewards from crancor to get the final reward of relic 8s on characters.

    But people grinded tooth and nail and coordinated their alliance to achieve those rewards and they’ve been removed without another long grind.

    How is that any different to moving a goalpost of GL?

    On principal it’s the same.

    You work towards a goal, you achieve it. To have that reward suddenly stripped and all that work undone is a bitter pill to swallow.

    I mean, if they actually wanted players to progress then they’d actually accelerate the farms, the rewards etc.

    But I don’t think they want that, they want to slow gameplay so much so that players need to spend more money (that most don’t actually have in a credit crunch) to have any kind of meaningful progression.

    Putting a gate on already hard earnt achieved privilidges is just going to **** off the existing demographic that is both f2p and spending on the game.

    they moved the goalposts and the community aren’t happy. If you disagree then you’re one of the few that does.

    you can get still get Aeros in other ways. As far as I’m aware, you can’t unlock SLKR through conquest

    That’s besides the point entirely.
  • Ghost666
    330 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    Goavs506 wrote: »
    Oh my gosh poor you! Only 137 aeros! I am at 6 mil and have earned all my aeros through conquest. And am doing just fine. I am glad crancor is gone, so maybe you won’t take them for granted in the future
    I personally have the aeros for MONTHS of progress, as i move slow (Free player) and already have the required aeros for the "mandatory" characters. Once i spend them, i will not get more. Making a HUGE number of players suddenly get ZERO aeros is goint to affect progress and guild stability...a lot.
    AND...any player with just one GL (the usual scenario so far) that tries to find a guild that gets aeros will no longer be able to...the "requirements" changed upwards a lot...

  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Shmoopyz wrote: »
    Guys here's a new raid.

    Oh BTW, half his reqs aren't even accelerated, but if you don't have 40 Jabbas, it's not even worth doing. B)

    The 130m crate is so easy to reach, you could even do it without any Jabba in your guild (having a few Jabba teams obviously makes it a cake walk).

    R5 Maul team - 1mio
    R5 JKR team - 0.7mio
    R5 Embo BH team - 0.45mio
    Trash Jawas - 0.25mio
    Leftover zerg - 0.2mio
    2.6mio x50 = 130mio
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • DeusArt
    135 posts Member
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Shmoopyz wrote: »
    Guys here's a new raid.

    Oh BTW, half his reqs aren't even accelerated, but if you don't have 40 Jabbas, it's not even worth doing. B)

    The 130m crate is so easy to reach, you could even do it without any Jabba in your guild (having a few Jabba teams obviously makes it a cake walk).

    R5 Maul team - 1mio
    R5 JKR team - 0.7mio
    R5 Embo BH team - 0.45mio
    Trash Jawas - 0.25mio
    Leftover zerg - 0.2mio
    2.6mio x50 = 130mio
    Maul is conquest unit and for some players it's harder to get him then GL Kylo. Some of my guild is closer to Jabba then Maul.
  • herd_nerfer
    2093 posts Member
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Shmoopyz wrote: »
    Guys here's a new raid.

    Oh BTW, half his reqs aren't even accelerated, but if you don't have 40 Jabbas, it's not even worth doing. B)

    The 130m crate is so easy to reach, you could even do it without any Jabba in your guild (having a few Jabba teams obviously makes it a cake walk).

    R5 Maul team - 1mio
    R5 JKR team - 0.7mio
    R5 Embo BH team - 0.45mio
    Trash Jawas - 0.25mio
    Leftover zerg - 0.2mio
    2.6mio x50 = 130mio
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Shmoopyz wrote: »
    Guys here's a new raid.

    Oh BTW, half his reqs aren't even accelerated, but if you don't have 40 Jabbas, it's not even worth doing. B)

    The 130m crate is so easy to reach, you could even do it without any Jabba in your guild (having a few Jabba teams obviously makes it a cake walk).

    R5 Maul team - 1mio
    R5 JKR team - 0.7mio
    R5 Embo BH team - 0.45mio
    Trash Jawas - 0.25mio
    Leftover zerg - 0.2mio
    2.6mio x50 = 130mio

    I don't disagree with you that it's do-able. I don't think anyone doubts that they'll be able to achieve that box in the future. It's about what box can I get now, and is it even worth bothering with this raid at all? Currently, for most guilds - even guilds that have been farming CPit very comfortably for quite a while - the answer is no.

    The fact that the lowest rewards for this raid don't equal the max rewards for the previous raid goes against the whole concept of 'progression' and makes the raid detrimental a guild if they can't hit the 130m threshold.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Shmoopyz wrote: »
    Guys here's a new raid.

    Oh BTW, half his reqs aren't even accelerated, but if you don't have 40 Jabbas, it's not even worth doing. B)

    The 130m crate is so easy to reach, you could even do it without any Jabba in your guild (having a few Jabba teams obviously makes it a cake walk).

    R5 Maul team - 1mio
    R5 JKR team - 0.7mio
    R5 Embo BH team - 0.45mio
    Trash Jawas - 0.25mio
    Leftover zerg - 0.2mio
    2.6mio x50 = 130mio
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Shmoopyz wrote: »
    Guys here's a new raid.

    Oh BTW, half his reqs aren't even accelerated, but if you don't have 40 Jabbas, it's not even worth doing. B)

    The 130m crate is so easy to reach, you could even do it without any Jabba in your guild (having a few Jabba teams obviously makes it a cake walk).

    R5 Maul team - 1mio
    R5 JKR team - 0.7mio
    R5 Embo BH team - 0.45mio
    Trash Jawas - 0.25mio
    Leftover zerg - 0.2mio
    2.6mio x50 = 130mio

    I don't disagree with you that it's do-able. I don't think anyone doubts that they'll be able to achieve that box in the future. It's about what box can I get now, and is it even worth bothering with this raid at all? Currently, for most guilds - even guilds that have been farming CPit very comfortably for quite a while - the answer is no.

    The fact that the lowest rewards for this raid don't equal the max rewards for the previous raid goes against the whole concept of 'progression' and makes the raid detrimental a guild if they can't hit the 130m threshold.

    That's exactly it, we already had access to all of this stuff prior to when the Krayt was released.

    If new content is going to replace old content then it should START by giving you what you already had and give you something to work towards...

    The OG Rancor, HAAT and HSTR saw people building up teams and working together as a guild to achieve max possible rewards (finish the raid in those cases) when they first came out. It was fun engaging content and gave us a sense of accomplishment. Then Cpit came out and, to me, it was pretty boring because it wasn't fresh or new, it was just the Rancor beefed up, but at least the rewards were good...

    With Krayt, I love the design, the idea of a personal rewards track is great and I would have no problem building up my teams to do well in it like I did for the other raids but only if there is something above and beyond what I already was getting before building up those teams... The rewards are, as stated less than what we had and there i sno fun new raid character to look forward to unlocking, which pretty much makes the beautiful design of the raid look like lipstick on a pig...
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    If you don't have jabba it's heroic sith or nothing.
  • herd_nerfer
    2093 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    YurArm wrote: »
    Updated rewards still less than old style raids. For exact 2 times.
    CG, Did you calculated that, and now about it? And have a proud words given to us before introducing new raids: "everybody will get even more rewards than earlier"...

    For exact 2 times? Do you math?

    I get the feeling that English isn't their native language. "Do you math?" might not land the way you think it should.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Drim
    360 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    Why am I getting email notifications on this thread? Crazy CG bug? How do I make this stop
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    Drim wrote: »
    Why am I getting email notifications on this thread? Crazy CG bug? How do I make this stop

  • Ultra
    11592 posts Moderator

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