Ahsoka TV Series (Spoiler Discussion)


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    Btwm just seen a theory that the being Baylon seeks is Mother - Abeloth. If its true and he sets her free in new 'body' - We'll see some huuuuge changes to lore
  • Ultra
    11589 posts Moderator
    one short read on Abeloth and that character was a mistake and Disney reboot is a great way to avoid such an abomination
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    Ultra wrote: »
    one short read on Abeloth and that character was a mistake and Disney reboot is a great way to avoid such an abomination
    in current canon she can 'unbalance' Light and Dark, getting rid off restrictions, and basically create possibilities for a lot of mixed factions. She is the chaos in the Force...
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    On death troopers being reanimated... that was what I was suspecting. Thrawn had to ask "once again" for night sister magic, which usual requires trading life/bodies. They are loading cargo very reminiscent of caskets onto the chimera. Thrawn also seemed a little off when requested to send more troops after Sabine. I think we got a whole army of storm trooper army occupied by NS spirits... the red thread might be holding the spirits inside.
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    I legit knew they would pull a Gandalf thing when Ahsoka fell into the water and told my family they're going to "pull a Gandalf the White", but I was actually shocked when they showed her actually wearing white robes later, lol.
    “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” -Martin Luther King Jr.
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    there’s the genus grand admiral thrawn that we know and love
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    Not a bad episode. Very curious where Baylan is going.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Maybe Baylan is going to meet the most powerful character in the Star Wars universe herself, Reva? Now we know where she's been all these years.
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    The episode was very good overall. Although, I didn't really understand why the bandits were allied with Baylan and Jinn. Other than that, it all made sense.

    My only concern is that we only have one episode left and there is a lot that has to happen to make the series complete. Hopefully the final episode is a long one so that it can wrap everything up nicely.
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
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    I dont think they are going for any kind of ending for this show. I figure with the way the old galaxy is in the future that they all get stuck in the new galaxy they are in.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Ultra
    11589 posts Moderator
    Only thing I'm hoping for is they go into detail about Baylan / what he's looking for etc

    I don't want an epilogue where Baylan goes somewhere and they zoom in his face and he says something like "This is what i have been searching for" and they do a fade to black and not even reveal anything and save it for S2

    That would be lame

    I'm liking the direction of Shin and can't wait to see more of what happens to her and where she goes from here
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    What do you do with his character in season 2? Put a mask on him so anyone can play the character? Write him off the show? Have a different actor play the part?
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    I dont think they are going for any kind of ending for this show. I figure with the way the old galaxy is in the future that they all get stuck in the new galaxy they are in.

    I don't think they'll run that route.

    It's a weak way to write out all these characters from any future shows.

    I would expect Thrawn to return and galvenise the imperial remnant into a coordinated enemy to truly challenge the new Republic.

    The sequals trilogy isn't even canon now all this newer better episode 6 content is available. They even call it the new Republic not the resistence.
  • LordDirt
    5159 posts Member
    edited September 2023
    LordDirt wrote: »
    I dont think they are going for any kind of ending for this show. I figure with the way the old galaxy is in the future that they all get stuck in the new galaxy they are in.

    I don't think they'll run that route.

    It's a weak way to write out all these characters from any future shows.

    I would expect Thrawn to return and galvenise the imperial remnant into a coordinated enemy to truly challenge the new Republic.

    The sequals trilogy isn't even canon now all this newer better episode 6 content is available. They even call it the new Republic not the resistence.

    The sequels are canon and will always be canon. Most of this content is not Episode 6 but after. This is filling in the gap between 6 and 7.

    The New Republic went through disarmament after the fall of the Galactic Empire so Leia created the Resistance fleet in opposition of the new policy and then came along the First Order. Where would Thrawn fit in?
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    The show's got me rooting for the First Order.
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    This episode felt a bit pat to me. It basically just moved the pieces on the board to line up the season finale (we hope) with no real jeopardy or drama. The purrgil all warped out of harm unscathed; the turtle people all survived; our plucky heroes are all unscratched and Baylan and Shin barely worked up a sweat - despite all the blaster fire, light sabres, turbo lasers etc flying about Willy nilly. Just imagine how much more engaging the episode would have been with a bit of real heart wrenching tragedy - and how much higher the stakes would have been for the finale.
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    This show is about heart warming reunions. Doubt Disney ruins it with a death.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Really enjoyed the bit of screen time of Thrawn so far. Good portrayal of him and how he operates.
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    C3po's cameo, and Chopper like "what the #### did you just say?!" Loved it.
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    I didnt understand the reason for C3PO to show up when they have hologram recordings and meetings in SW.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Ultra
    11589 posts Moderator
    LordDirt wrote: »
    I didnt understand the reason for C3PO to show up when they have hologram recordings and meetings in SW.

    fan service
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    This show is set around 6-8 years before the FO. I guess you could have Thrawn come back and do some damage but it doesnt explain why the New Republic would not ramp up their fleet for future threats after Thrawn came back.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    The show really needs to figure out what to do with Hera. She’s a general, but she lacks the authority to launch a small scouting mission. Then on top of that, the ruling council of the galaxy somehow has the spare time to micromanage her every move. Trillions of citizens, millions of planets , nah we’re going to sit on this general who wants to sort out who is behind stealing fricking star destroyer hyperdrives. Yeah, that really makes sense. They need to find some writers who paid attention in history and government class to write her arc and Thrawn’s. Star Wars has never been particularly good at thinking through how militaries would actually use this level of technology, but this show takes it to a whole new level of stupid.
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    The New Republic is being sabotaged constantly by the Remnants, who are positioned at every level, likely taking up sizeable chunk of the workforce. No doubt many of them are aware of the Contingency and hold places of power to ensure the New Republic will fall when the First Order arrives from the Unknown Regions. They're so dedicated, they'll even end up sacrificing themselves when Starkiller Base destroys the New Republic, where these spies will go up in a blaze of glory.

    Leia, at least, seems to be aware something is going on, and has yet to lose her clout to get some things done.
  • Ultra
    11589 posts Moderator
    LordDirt wrote: »
    This show is set around 6-8 years before the FO. I guess you could have Thrawn come back and do some damage but it doesnt explain why the New Republic would not ramp up their fleet for future threats after Thrawn came back.

    its 6~8 years after Episode 6

    Was First Order established around the 15 year mark?

    IIRC TFA is 30 years after Episode 6
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    The whole sequel trilogy is just a dream projected by Abeloth. No need to worry about that imaginary First Order.

    Time to pick a Pamela Ewing.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    This show is set around 6-8 years before the FO. I guess you could have Thrawn come back and do some damage but it doesnt explain why the New Republic would not ramp up their fleet for future threats after Thrawn came back.

    its 6~8 years after Episode 6

    Was First Order established around the 15 year mark?

    IIRC TFA is 30 years after Episode 6

    Palpatine killed 4 ABY
    New Republic formed 5 ABY
    Ahsoka show 11 ABY
    First Order formed 21 ABY
    New Republic dissolved 34 ABY
    First Order dissolved 35 ABY

    Looks to be roughly 10 years. Guess it leaves Thrawn some time to do some damage. That could leave the door open for the FO to take over after Thrawn fractures the New Republic and leaves them vulnerable to a power vacuum that they could fill.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Ultra
    11589 posts Moderator
    > Palpatine killed 4 ABY
    > New Republic formed 5 ABY


    ABY was Episode 6, yeah?

    After Battle of Yavin, which was when Palpatine was defeated and New Republic was established in the movie's ending
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    > Palpatine killed 4 ABY
    > New Republic formed 5 ABY


    ABY was Episode 6, yeah?

    After Battle of Yavin, which was when Palpatine was defeated and New Republic was established in the movie's ending

    They want you to believe Emperor died in BY!
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