Where is the interesting part of the new raid?



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    Just trying to see how a conquest character negates the need for a raid character. How do those things corelate.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    I was presenting the idea that the added existence of Conquest characters was to replace the existence of raid characters. They are about the same power level in most cases.
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    If they put the shards in personal rewards, I think I could be ok with that - at least that puts me in control of how fast I get shards. But putting shards in the guild crate? Please no. As a guild leader... please no.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Meh another chore.. .. er I mean RAID. Raids have to be the most overrated concept in all of online gaming, imo.
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    Is there a thread for best team comps and useful tips? If not can a mod set one up and help keep it on track?

    I know there are going to be people that don't like the raid and there's plenty of chats going on around that. However I'm probably not alone in trying to play the raid for the first time and being absolutely clueless on who to use...
  • MasterSeedy
    5203 posts Member
    edited November 2023

    PhiXiDelta just posted a bunch of info on exactly that on Discord's The Apple.


    Once you're logged in, here's the link to the first message in the chain (Warning! Includes graphs and charts!)


    It includes character priorities and strategy guides.
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    It includes character priorities and strategy guides.

    You mean a strategy other than hitting auto?
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    Yes. It divides toons up into primary function, talks about why you want to pair toons with specific functions with toons of other functions, then tells you why when you have a certain combo you should play a certain way.
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    PhiXiDelta just posted a bunch of info on exactly that on Discord's The Apple.


    Once you're logged in, here's the link to the first message in the chain (Warning! Includes graphs and charts!)


    It includes character priorities and strategy guides.

    Amazing thanks!
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    A guild mate posted a link to a raid discord server that gives you team comp ideas. I used them and hit auto. I've saved those teams now and that is the extent of my efforts for this terrible raid.
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    Wookiee Bot. Any discord server that has it will be able to run the /raid max command. You can tailor to "effort level" as well.
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    Yeah, pretty bogus move there. Could have done something so he actually was a pacifist instead of nerfing him in the raid. Seems he was WAI until they decided he didn't fit and people are getting rewards too easily.
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    There's nothing good about this raid. Apply a scaling reward structure for CPit, or anything else more interesting.
  • Drathuk916
    643 posts Member
    edited December 2023
    A short sighted decision again. They leave him alone and players have more incentive to push toons to r7/8 but likely spend more resources on toons for the raid than the added rewards they receive.

    Now players just spend fewer resources on the toons for the raid while spending resources on toons that will benefit longer from the resources. Some will, by chance, spend it on toons for the next raid and cg will give more rewards out for that raid.

    Even if you dispute this, cg has once again reinforced the idea that they will nickel and dime the community at every opportunity.
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    Good. I don't have to pay attention anymore.
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