[MEGA THREAD] February Road Ahead 2024



  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator

  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    I hope Kid Anakin is also coming so that we can get some

    Lord Vader vs Youngling Anakin 1v1 memes
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    With all the Episode 1 content will the star of the show, Darth Maul, be getting any love? The Phantom Menace is kinda really really bad, and could definitely benefit from a rework or omicron or something
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    Rebels inspired mandalorian based planet during the empire’s reign seems like the perfect time to bring in Fenn Rau, the mandalorian who protected a mandalorian moon and then joined the rebellion because of Sabine 👀 please give me Fenn Rau I beg you
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    JAR JAR FINALLY :smiley:
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    Those mats in the gift section looked different. Are those placeholders or a preview of some new kind of material?
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    Hey Meathead! I love what you pointed out for me when we talked on discord. I love the engagement and I loved hearing your thoughts from a players perspective as well as the rest of the devs. I really do hope you consider streaming, for I think you would be a natural and everyone would love it! Amazing Road ahead! WORTH THE WAIT!
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    Sorry what is meant by new bonus zone?
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    Let's freaking go!!! Guys I'm hyped
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    So we get a waste of jar jar being legendary but we still can't get red 5 ship or the death star raid...the direction you're going is absolutely insane
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    Other than gifting, the rest of it looks alright. Assuming the first four gungans will be marquees that you need at R5 or more to unlock Jar Jar.

    I figure that Captain Tanaka will be one of the extra GR toons, Padawan Kenobi for the other?
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    I am loving this update!!! I am excited for the battle of Naboo!!! Please dont screw it up CG
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    Sorry what is meant by new bonus zone?

    I assume that it's a RotE battle
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    Sorry what is meant by new bonus zone?

    I think it's for ROTE TB, but I bet they'll clarify it.
    Wampa Wampa!
    Stats at: swgoh.gg
    Zeta: Have Zader, on deck: QGJ & R2
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    Nothing about TW?? You realize all the top guilds invest so much time and energy into this game mode?

    Why can’t you redesign TW like you do GAC? Competitive guilds rise and compete for better rewards. The entire road ahead does not mention a single word about PvP aspect of this game. You guys haven’t touched TW in years. Please give us something regarding TW— Most top-competitive guilds set their sights on this mode. Please!
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    Not excited for most of it but also not unexpected. Start hording relic materials now. Finishing relicing LS mandalorians immediately.
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    Will Jar Jar's significance to the new Raid be paired with a permanent addition to the Journey Guide when he's released?
    7 posts Member
    edited February 17
    So let me get this straight: after years of the community asking you to provide a way for guild mates to donate hard to farm G12 materials, zetas, omicrons (although they're a bit newer), currency, etc. to fellow guild mates, the devs translated that into -
    "create a PURCHASE ONLY "gift" giving function/UI, that allows users, who are just so generous AND wealthy, who also have in excess of, real world money, that not only do they want to spend money on themselves, BUT ALSO, perfect strangers that they communicate with using the lousy in-game messaging system that we provided, free of charge. Boom! Here yousa go!"
    - CG_JarJarPooDoo

    PS - pretty sure that we just asked for you to create a guild donation box that allows guild members to donate the aforementioned resources to requesting guild mates. Maybe collectively we all forgot to mention "for free".
    Post edited by LIGHTNINGDEATH88 on
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    I'm so ready to whale on Palpatine's hype man.
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    Any QoL improvements planned for near future? Mod/loudout limits increase, global loadouts?
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    I do appreciate that we are finally getting some information, but a lot of stuff is still going unanswered.

    We have an increased rate of gearing characters but you still haven't addressed a need for an increased rate of acquisition for higher tier ability materials (omegas and zetas, omicrons are likely in an acceptable state at the moment).

    Fleet arena is still plagued by the same issues that squad arena had. It has now been more than 800 days since the GAC change announcement where squad arena crystals were moved and still no resolution for those same problems in fleet arena.

    No information about changes to the absolute slog that is TW.
  • vormir
    16 posts Member
    edited February 17
    ..."that has been requested a ton in our surveys, Guild Gifting $$$$$$"
  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    So let me get this straight: after years of the community asking you to provide a way for guild mates to donate hard to farm G12 materials, zetas, omicrons (although they're a bit newer), currency, etc. to fellow guild mates, the devs translated that into -
    "create a PURCHASE ONLY "gift" giving function/UI, that allows users, who are just so generous AND wealthy, who also have, in excess, real world money, that not only do they want to spend money on themselves, BUT ALSO, perfect strangers that they communicate with using the lousy in-game messaging system that we provided, free of charge. Boom! Here yousa go!"
    - CG_JarJarPoodoo

    PS - pretty sure that we just asked for you to create a guild donation box that allows guild members to donate the aforementioned resources to requesting guild mates. Maybe collectively we all forgot to mention "for free".
    Gear donation was always an unreasonable request

    1. Donating gear can be abused by having burner accounts just to feed the main unless the limit is like 1 or 2 gear scrap per gear request
    2. With the introduction of gear scrapping for relics, donating gear actually hurts your own account and progression and doesn't make sense anymore
    3. This is a good solution to prevent abuse from having alt accounts to gear farm but not really exciting or feasible for most because it is better to spend on yourself than others

    The guild donation feature would either be get 1 or 2 gear salvage and that's not really a great addition to look forward to and that's like 1 or 2 sims of a node which is nothing to get upset over
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    Do we get the one and only Darth Jar Jar?
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    Pointless. If you want to "gift" someone, you could always just send them money??
    "You're All Rebels, Aren't You?"
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    Did I miss the page of the road ahead that mentions GAC or TW changes?
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    Everything looks great, but why gift giving? I have never seen this brought up once, that’s not to say it hasn’t been. There is sooo many QOL items we need over this, ( looking at you DC UI, data card UI, shard shop currency converter, mod cap increase, etc etc).
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    Thanks for the awesome update! I'm pretty excited about the TPM content. My Dad and brother and I saw this in theaters 25 years ago, the nostalgia is strong with this one.

    The only questions I have are when we might see Red 5 added, and when TW might get an update? Keep up the great work!
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