Current Galactic Challenge


  • scuba
    14182 posts Member
    yeah it sucks but you don't have to get T10 crate everytime, i don't even remember the reward difference cause omi is the important part which T8 ( i think t8 is lowest for 2) you get same as T10 crate.
  • dogwelder79
    1526 posts Member
    I got the 2 omicrons and ignored the clones feat
  • Jacgul
    283 posts Member
    Clone sergent helps with this gc, he gains alot of buffs and starts hitting very hard. That being said, I only got enough to get gold box.
  • Gawejn
    1141 posts Member
    I tried with bad batch and was twice close to finish t10, close means last sith standing...didnt work, after an hour of trying i dont care anymore, kind of stupid mechanics for clones....
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    I'm settling for the gold box this time due to the Clone feat
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
  • LordDirt
    5169 posts Member
    LV & Bane for all feats except clones. 501/Crex to get gold crate and call it a day.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • rickertron
    349 posts Member
    edited June 7
    I don't understand why they just don't list the global modifier under the enemy modifier? The last 2 GC's have demonstrated a continuous problem with GC's where the enemy gets a set of modifiers, than there is the global modifier which is almost always is an effect that gives significant advantage to the enemy and very little if any benefit to the player. Stop the charade of having a global modifier if it aint providing equal advantage/disadvantage to the player and enemy.
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    Tried BitDynasty's team with Bad Batch + Cody and had it on second try with Echo faster than Tech. Not a fun GC in any way.
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    scuba wrote: »
    omi is the important part which T8 ( i think t8 is lowest for 2) you get same as T10 crate.

    Actually its T6 with clones to get 2. I cleared T6 with Rex lead, Arc, 5s and BB echo and Tech. My Tech is R9 thanks to platoons, and his Brilliant Idea won the battle.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    I'm settling for the gold box this time due to the Clone feat

    Not with that attit...oh
    I need a new message here.
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    Yep taking T9 box and calling it good. Was able tonuse SLKR on tier 10 for 3 feats and did BB on tier 4 or 5 to push to the 2nd to last crate. If it's too much RNG then I'll take the lower crate with 2 omis still
  • Palawan38
    25 posts Member
    edited June 8
    Because they don't have to play it and beat it, so they can throw whatever they want into these. I'm surprised " Win with R9 CUP solo" isn't in a GC yet.
  • MasterSeedy
    5209 posts Member
    My CUP is still g12, but the guild Alt (for filling in during recruiting, though it's nearly always in our guild these days and only rarely in an alt guild b/c it's hard to keep up) has CUP at r8 for Ops missions.

    As terrible as that sounds (and for sure he couldn't handle any GC solo), it does mean that when Conquest comes around I can load up with ZA disks and have JMK use his first turn to call an assist from CUP, who promptly deletes any toon you could want. There's something deeply funny about that and it always makes me smile.

    Course without ZA disks he's terrible even at r8, but still fun to use when you have the chance. Heck, in TB you can throw him in a mission when he's not in Ops b/c JMK is so good that you really only need a couple good toons around him to go 2/2, with room to spare for CUP and JKG.
  • Lumiya
    1582 posts Member
    My CUP is still g12, but the guild Alt (for filling in during recruiting, though it's nearly always in our guild these days and only rarely in an alt guild b/c it's hard to keep up) has CUP at r8 for Ops missions.

    As terrible as that sounds (and for sure he couldn't handle any GC solo), it does mean that when Conquest comes around I can load up with ZA disks and have JMK use his first turn to call an assist from CUP, who promptly deletes any toon you could want. There's something deeply funny about that and it always makes me smile.

    Course without ZA disks he's terrible even at r8, but still fun to use when you have the chance. Heck, in TB you can throw him in a mission when he's not in Ops b/c JMK is so good that you really only need a couple good toons around him to go 2/2, with room to spare for CUP and JKG.

    Wait until he gets an Omi/rework 😉
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • KDC99X
    762 posts Member
    If you ever run Gidme, you can get a similar effect in GAC or TW. B)
    My CUP is still g12, but the guild Alt (for filling in during recruiting, though it's nearly always in our guild these days and only rarely in an alt guild b/c it's hard to keep up) has CUP at r8 for Ops missions.

    As terrible as that sounds (and for sure he couldn't handle any GC solo), it does mean that when Conquest comes around I can load up with ZA disks and have JMK use his first turn to call an assist from CUP, who promptly deletes any toon you could want. There's something deeply funny about that and it always makes me smile.

    Course without ZA disks he's terrible even at r8, but still fun to use when you have the chance. Heck, in TB you can throw him in a mission when he's not in Ops b/c JMK is so good that you really only need a couple good toons around him to go 2/2, with room to spare for CUP and JKG.

  • Legit
    34 posts Member
    Just a reminder for those that spent hours to get
    Max crate this is what you are getting. GC is not up to scale with the rewards and never has been. CG fix this. As of right now i am not playing any GC as it is a waste of time.

  • herd_nerfer
    2098 posts Member
    Legit wrote: »
    Just a reminder for those that spent hours to get
    Max crate this is what you are getting. GC is not up to scale with the rewards and never has been. CG fix this. As of right now i am not playing any GC as it is a waste of time.


    You're not required to play any part of the game - but refusing to do even the easy tiers is only going to hurt your account - it's not going to send any kind of message to CG.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Legit
    34 posts Member
    Legit wrote: »
    Just a reminder for those that spent hours to get
    Max crate this is what you are getting. GC is not up to scale with the rewards and never has been. CG fix this. As of right now i am not playing any GC as it is a waste of time.


    You're not required to play any part of the game - but refusing to do even the easy tiers is only going to hurt your account - it's not going to send any kind of message to CG.

    Saying “you’re not required to play any part of the game” is basically saying CG made the game for themselves and we can just play if we want too. GC has been long overdue for some major changes. I’m choosing not to play it not to send a message but because it’s not worth my time. I can promise you I won’t be hurting for a couple gears pieces 3 mods and character shards I already have. There are legendary events easier than this mode.
  • Options
    Legit wrote: »
    Legit wrote: »
    Just a reminder for those that spent hours to get
    Max crate this is what you are getting. GC is not up to scale with the rewards and never has been. CG fix this. As of right now i am not playing any GC as it is a waste of time.


    You're not required to play any part of the game - but refusing to do even the easy tiers is only going to hurt your account - it's not going to send any kind of message to CG.

    Saying “you’re not required to play any part of the game” is basically saying CG made the game for themselves and we can just play if we want too. GC has been long overdue for some major changes. I’m choosing not to play it not to send a message but because it’s not worth my time. I can promise you I won’t be hurting for a couple gears pieces 3 mods and character shards I already have. There are legendary events easier than this mode.

    It's funny how people look at the rewards and say "this isn't worth my time" - ignoring the fact that those rewards come around twice a week. Add that up over a year and tell me again how it's not going to hurt your account.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Options
    Legit wrote: »
    Just a reminder for those that spent hours to get
    Max crate this is what you are getting. GC is not up to scale with the rewards and never has been. CG fix this. As of right now i am not playing any GC as it is a waste of time.


    Should CG lower the rewards when the GC can be done with one team in 2 minutes?
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
  • scuba
    14182 posts Member
    Legit wrote: »
    Legit wrote: »
    Just a reminder for those that spent hours to get
    Max crate this is what you are getting. GC is not up to scale with the rewards and never has been. CG fix this. As of right now i am not playing any GC as it is a waste of time.


    You're not required to play any part of the game - but refusing to do even the easy tiers is only going to hurt your account - it's not going to send any kind of message to CG.

    Saying “you’re not required to play any part of the game” is basically saying CG made the game for themselves and we can just play if we want too. GC has been long overdue for some major changes. I’m choosing not to play it not to send a message but because it’s not worth my time. I can promise you I won’t be hurting for a couple gears pieces 3 mods and character shards I already have. There are legendary events easier than this mode.

    You are right omi are not worth it, should definitely skip those.
  • Cois4
    11 posts Member
    The last 4 galactic challenges are for sure not worth the time, thee are just hard up-to-date ridiculousy hard for no reason.. I love playing this game and as a solo player I dont have have a huge roster nor all teams and or galactic legends and thats ok…now, these challenges were always quite manageble and for me actually quite challenging to get a high tier crate. But lately the challenges have become unreasonably hard and iT is cutting into the ‘fun’ for me personally……I heard a developer say the wanted to try something new….. please try something new in a different game, i know im not the only casual player that used to enjoy the ‘simple ‘ modes a lot more prior to these changes.
    This is not the way to bring in new players, let alone keep your current players happy…..unless You only want new players to buy their way to the top…..then i suggest a lightspeed bundel every week
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    Watch out on the latest one.

    Was on my way to needing to finish off Jabba using see and bane for the 3 special feat and it crashes every time due to how many thermals they have.

    Another challenge not tested.
  • Ponnek
    42 posts Member
    Duncan1972 wrote: »
    Watch out on the latest one.

    Was on my way to needing to finish off Jabba using see and bane for the 3 special feat and it crashes every time due to how many thermals they have.

    Another challenge not tested.

    I finished it with that team, but it didn't count for the 3 special feat....did they change something there?
    I think it was possible to link 2 enemys, get into ulti mode and then use the special once for 2 instant kills. Or does that count as using 4 specials? I thought I have done this in the past and it counted as 3 specials.
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    It's 4 specials.

    I've made that mistake myself. Each 1/2 of the Link ability is "one special" for the purposes of that feat.
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    Maybe it is time to stop complaining about how terrible the galactic challenges are. CG's dungeon master seems to take particular delight in our misery. Maybe if we stop complaining the dungeon master will go mess up some other mobile game.
  • wharp
    223 posts Member
    Should Jabba in this current GC should put more than 1 thermal on his 2nd special since he has no ult ?
    Doing only basic, after a while, he is starting to put more thermals like his ult was charging up (1 more thermal per 20% charge).
  • Options
    wharp wrote: »
    Should Jabba in this current GC should put more than 1 thermal on his 2nd special since he has no ult ?
    Doing only basic, after a while, he is starting to put more thermals like his ult was charging up (1 more thermal per 20% charge).

    Yes, the ult charges even though he can't use it and it doesn't show in the UI so this is working as expected. It works the same way for players using Jabba that haven't unlocked his ult.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Ponnek wrote: »
    Duncan1972 wrote: »
    Watch out on the latest one.

    Was on my way to needing to finish off Jabba using see and bane for the 3 special feat and it crashes every time due to how many thermals they have.

    Another challenge not tested.

    I finished it with that team, but it didn't count for the 3 special feat....did they change something there?
    I think it was possible to link 2 enemys, get into ulti mode and then use the special once for 2 instant kills. Or does that count as using 4 specials? I thought I have done this in the past and it counted as 3 specials.

    I’ve always thought of it as 4 but yeah could also be seen as 3.

    Will again as maybe just my phone crashing, iirc I was onto Jabba by getting SEE to ultimate but not using it and Banes and SEEs basics were looking like they’d kill Jabba easily.

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