Star Wars: Acolyte [SPOILER S1:E5] discussion


  • LordDirt
    5171 posts Member
    Bad episode, nothing new to SW. Seems we are doomed to just keep repeating tropes. Disney is too scared to try something new in fear of the backlash.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Ultra wrote: »
    ItsNotMe wrote: »
    Screerider wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    So now we have another created conception using the Force to make Anakin’s story not so special.
    Sheev may well have learned how to do it because these witches knew how.

    Sheev created Anakin to destroy the Jedi. Probably even influenced Qui Gon to discover him with the bogus Chosen One prophecy. There's no need to go looking for a Chosen One when "the Sith have been extinct for a millennium." Ani was just a pawn... nothing special.

    Wait… I thought Ani was an “immaculate conception via the Force” type situation… is the canon explanation that Sheev somehow caused it??

    yeah... a few years ago on a Star Wars comic written by Marvel

    EDIT: I looked up and the writer on twitter clarified that palpatine didn't create anakin

    So then nothing about the twins being conceived through the Force cheapens Anakin being uniquely conceived BY the Force. Presumably if that’s possible, it’s also possible to intentionally do so, but it’s kind of interesting that seems to contradict the whole idea of “ not pulling on the thread.”

    And really, if people don’t have issues with the Nightsisters making zombies and all the other crazy stuff they do, they shouldn’t have an issue with these witches either. There’s nothing lore breaking about them.

    Did find the dialogue in Ep3 to be a bit stilted but the “sky is falling” reactions are a bit overwrought. I’m still curious to see how it develops and ultimately that’s what will determine for me how good (or not) the show is.
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    Well to be fair I thought she was sus until I finished episode 2 because when Ossha or whatever her name is first appears her friend asks her where she was last night and she says, “What I do with my nights off is my business” so 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  • mt875249
    134 posts Member
    It sounds like all the questions from e3 will get answered in e7. Apparently those are the only 2 episodes Jodie turner smith is in. Or maybe I misunderstood what was said in her interviews.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    personally i like not knowing what the next episode is about or any summaries of upcoming episodes
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    It's just another show designed to push alt left propaganda. There isn't an original thought that went into this garbage. Cringe dialog, disrespectful of previous canon, and poorly shot. And then the showrunners blame biggoted racists for it's poor scores when they have no one to blame but themselves.
  • Wed_Santa
    1038 posts Member
    KamelFX wrote: »
    It's just another show designed to push alt left propaganda. There isn't an original thought that went into this garbage. Cringe dialog, disrespectful of previous canon, and poorly shot. And then the showrunners blame biggoted racists for it's poor scores when they have no one to blame but themselves.

    Well that’s one take. I have to confess I hadn’t really picked up on any sinister messaging. Sure there are some apparent plot holes - but I’m still prepared to give it the time it needs to explain them (eg why did the ‘fire’ victims show no signs of having been in a fire etc). As for original ideas? I can’t think of a single show except Andor that’s had one of those. So far what the show has done well is the fight choreography. Other stuff is middling but not the worst Disney has churned out. As for critics? Well I wouldn’t accuse anyone of being a racist just because they have high standards but maybe a bit of proportion needs to come into play. Kids’ show after all.
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    Big fan so far, the design of planets, sets and droids has been my favourite but loving the rites that seem to be needed to become an acolyte. Trying to kill with steel, with poison and with nothing seems important as part of her joining somehow. And maybe once with an enemy's weapon as she keeps going for lightsabers mid fight. That's interesting to me
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    When I realized it was a 'but my evil twin did it' setup I was immediately turned off. I hope there's a very specific reason for the twin thing because otherwise, it's one of the laziest writing tropes around (right next to 'it was all just a dream')

    My hope - the twins are a force dyad (Rey + Kylo) and the main bad guy is Plagueis trying to pull them together because he needs that link to resurrect someone or prolong a life (probably his). It could also be the reason the Jedi did what they did because they viewed the twins' connection as too dangerous to leave intact.

    That’s a really interesting theory. Overall, I’m indifferent about the show. Keeps me entertained enough to keep watching but it isn’t Andor level. The witches were suuuuuuuper cheesy and unneeded though.
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    Well this upcoming episode has to be better. I’m still eager to see it. I’m ready for some wookie action. Hopefully that’s where we’re going tonight!
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Another solid episode

    loved lots of things here

    More politics about how Jedi go about things

    Could explain why Ki-Adi and the rest of the jedi never learned about the sith because they kept it contained and then the jedi that knew about all this ended up dying

    X-23 and Osha's relation is great

    Sol is always a treat

    New Sith is a badass and most likely the apocathery dude

    Also like how Mae tried switching sides and is now trapped into following the master
  • Whatelse73
    2220 posts Member
    "We must inform the high council" "No!" Two jedi are dead to an assassin, how the heck are they hiding this from Grand Master Yoda and why wouldn't the high council be involved? What a load of rubbish. A jedi playing politics inside the jedi order to prevent other jedi from knowing?

    And a "Sith" just showed themself to 8 Jedi, but I'm guessing they'll try to claim this will be "hidden" from the Jedi Order and high council and so on. As if Yoda wouldn't know this is happening. "Oh but he's going to keep it secret from everyone else!" I fear something silly like that is being concocted.

    The art designs and sets are really cool. Some of the interactions and discussions were interesting. The talks Mae and Qimir are pushing that he's "obviously" the 'Sith' (that has been extinct for a millenia), but I think they're making it too obvious he's the one. He might even be a competitor to Mae? (It wouldn't be plageuis because that guy's head wouldn't fit in that tiny helmet) If it isn't the obvious one, it's quite possibly Mae and OSHA NSA's zabrak mother Koril that we haven't seen since the interpretive dance chorus "something something" happened 16 years ago.

    It wasn't as bad as last week's, but there is still a pattern of dumb little nuances and tropes as if some rookie was put in charge of it and had interns flipping through SW lore to find rare instances of things to shove into their 8 episodes of "here's my version of SW that will make everything else wrong!" (Oh, wait...)

    The audience score is lower than the holiday special at this point. But apparently it's the fans' fault it's dumb.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    >why wouldn't the high council be involved? What a load of rubbish. A jedi playing politics inside the jedi order to prevent other jedi from knowing?

    it’s answered

    jedi are political people

    so it’s not a big deal, it even happens in the real world

    > And a "Sith" just showed themself to 8 Jedi, but I'm guessing they'll try to claim this will be "hidden" from the Jedi Order and high council and so on. As if Yoda wouldn't know this is happening. "Oh but he's going to keep it secret from everyone else!" I fear something silly like that is being concocted.

    just because someone has a red lightsaber doesn’t mean it’s a sith

    could be a rogue jedi or ex-jedi like it was earlier discussed

    >The audience score is lower than the holiday special at this point. But apparently it's the fans' fault it's dumb.

    considering fans nitpick over the most trivial and dumb things, i’m not surprised
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    The master will be the witch coven leader. If you pause the scene where the master force pushes the jedi, you can see dark skin arms which would rule out qimir and the zabrak mother.

    It also makes sense for several reasons:
    - she didnt kill osha, just pushed her away, obviously doesnt want to kill her
    - we saw the "power of one" force push against 1 witch, the "power of two" force push against 2 witches, but we never saw the "power of many". Until now, when she force pushed 8 jedi.
    - they already showed us young mae protecting osha against the force push in episode 3, and now in episode 4 mae wants to defect back to see osha again, so episode 3 likely foreshadows mae protecting osha again against their mother again.
    - how would the master know the exact 4 jedi to assign mae to kill? Because the mother didnt want those specific 4 jedi taking her kids away in the first place, its a personal revenge plan.
    - why would the master want mae to kill a jedi while unarmed? To provoke her into using her witch powers and becoming more powerful as an apprentice.

    They could very easily just make it qimir, since they were 10mins away from kelnacca, then mae just happens to decide to turn against the master, and somehow the master gets to kelnacca right before mae arrives when qimir is the only other person that close to him. But i feel that would be a weak cop out, and where is he keeping that armor the whole time they are hiking?

    I also think shes not the true "master", they are just calling her master as a bait and switch. She'll likely die in the last episode, and in the last scenes we'll see the true master taking on a new apprentice - darth plagueis (fan service).
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    I have to agree with Ultra and Wendigo (and other people, but I can't be bothered to list everyone).

    Mae complains that it's hard to find/navigate through the planet and is surprised that Qimir has already been there. She booby traps Qimir, tells him she's giving up and walks away, even though not ten minutes ago she was terrified of what the Master will do to her. Then, she finds that the Wookie Jedi is dead and realizes that he is already there. I mean, it can't be a coincidence. Like Wendigo said, there are so many things pointing to the Master being Qimir it's becoming too obvious. Then again, maybe that's the point. It's supposed to be obvious so that fans will start pointing to someone else, only for it to indeed be Qimir. There are still 4 episodes left, and I can't wait.

    And not every episode has to have an epic lightsaber duel. Some are focused on building suspence, like this one. The music and the atmosphere just makes you feel like something really bad is going to happen and everyone is just walking into a trap.

    And like Ultra said, this is an entertainment show, not a political debate between two presidential candidates. You don't have to nitpick at every scene, especially when the show's barely halfway through. Was I surprised when I saw KAM in the latest episode. Yes. Does it raise questions regarding his statement about the Sith in TPM? Yes. But I am willing to wait until the last episode is released before I start yelling retcon. To say nothing about all that propaganda crap I keep reading about. It's not the end of the world. As long as the story makes sense, I couldn't care less if the character is female, straight, gay, etc. I mean, let's be honest, if the prequels even so much as implied that a character is in a gay relationship, would people have just enjoyed the movies, or would they have thrown a tantrum when they were first released? And don't tell me that if ANY of the movies had been released back in the 40s or 50s with the whole "a woman's place is in the kitchen, nowhere else" mindset people wouldn't have formed an angry mob once they saw Leia, Padme, Ahsoka, Rey, Jyn, Hera or Sabine. What's the deal if they do stuff like that now?
  • Azpiri
    45 posts Member
    Wendigo wrote: »
    - why would the master want mae to kill a jedi while unarmed?

    To me, how do you kill a Jedi without using a weapon? It's not about an unarmed strike. It's a political and emotional kill. Sidious did the same thing. He killed the entire Order by making them political pariahs and traitors to the Empire. He turned public opinion against them. Made them out to be war mongers. The "ideals" of the Jedi Order died the moment they became too attached to the Republic and politics.

    In this case, the "kill" is going to refer to Sol and having him "die inside" ... not from a blade, not from poison, not from a lightsaber. But the emotional distress caused by the "drama surrounding Mae and Osha".

    Or at least, IMHO.

  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    i thought killing a jedi without a weapon meant Force Choking a jedi
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    The episode was a bit better then the last few, I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get to see a Wookie Jedi fight but hopefully in later epside we get the rest of the back story with him attacking Torbin in the trailers.

    I'm going to throw my own theory out there and say Qimir is related to Sol somehow and that they are working together
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    Qimir is a red hearing. Zabrak horns ain’t fitting under that helmet. Mother Aniseya a possibility but I think it’s CAM. I think in the flashback we’ll see the Zabrak attack the Jedi who subsequently slaughter the coven. I think that slaughter led Indara to the dark side and she’s the Sith. Of Qimir is her apprentice.

    This was probably the best episode so far. Overall I’m not a fan of the series but it’s Star Wars so I’ll watch it all. I just hope it is a one season script. I hated when Ahsoka didn’t have a conclusion for Baylan. If they do another season of the Acolyte that’s fine. It isn’t my decision to make. I just hate it when we have a multi season script before we see how the show is received.
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    Let’s say it is the mother why would she wait 16 years to kill the Jedi and why involve Mae

    My theory is that she was left for dead when the coven blew up, but the true sith master found her, saved her and trained her in the sith arts since she is already strong with the force and hates the jedi. She cant exactly go kill Sol because he's a teacher in the temple. Kelnacca's been hiding. Torbin protected himself. Indara i think was hiding? I cant remember her deal.
    Mae was indoctrinated but never trained, so she is now training her to use the dark side (making her believe the jedi killed the coven), i think she has latent witchcraft power that we'll see later but the mother is trying to get her to kill jedi without weapons to trigger her to remember her powers.
    Its likely she only just found mae a few months before the show started given how much of a rookie mae is, so she might have spent 16 years growing in power and plotting, qimir said the master collects people, so perhaps building up a spy network to find those 4 jedi.

    Its easy to say "oh but she could just kill the jedi herself", yes but that isnt the sith way. They want to sow doubt and fear among the jedi to weaken their entire order. If they just popped out and started killing jedi themselves, the jedi would rally together.

    If the mother just revealed herself to mae and said oh btw im not dead, mae would have no reason to kill the jedi. But hiding her identity helps push mae towards her vendetta thinking the jedi are responsible for everything.

    It just doesnt make sense that some random sith is training mae to go kill those 4 specific jedi from her past 16 years ago, how would the sith even know that backstory?
    It also seems odd that the master would reveal themselves to 8 jedi after the sith spent centuries hiding, the only reason to do that is because osha is there - suggesting a connection between master and osha. The mother wants to turn osha against the jedi for stealing her away.

    Of course it could be anyone under the mask, but the master literally has black skin and has humanoid features. The only doubt i see is that in some of the shots, the master has quite muscular arms which suggests a man, but seems bigger in size to qimir so i dont think its him.

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    Well I am happy for the people who really like this monstrosity.The acting is terrible and the script is like it's written by a 6 years old kid.
  • Lumiya
    1583 posts Member
    edited June 20
    How to kill a Jedi without a weapon?
    It’s inside.

    Osha will be the one whom kills her own(and/or Sol's) Jedi inside.

    Something will be revealed in the story that causes Osha to flip. She has always been the one whom could not let go, afraid, angry, attached too much to her past and sister. That's why she left the Jedi(had to?)

    When Sol asks her on the mission, she seems almost happy when she asks if he wants her to join the Jedi, when he tells her it's inofficial and just for the mission, you can see her disappointement.

    As for who it is. An Acolyte is the Apprentice of an Apprentice, so it's easy to assume that Darth Smiley is not the real master. Qimir is hinted at heavily but might be a bit too obvious. In the scene of the ritual of the sisters there is one person whom doesn't chant and is just standing there and their face is hidden. Maybe it's that person.

    Eta: The sisters will switch places. Mae will be working with the Jedi, trying to save her sister from the dark side.

    We are all made of star-stuff
  • LordDirt
    5171 posts Member
    I love SW fans, they aways come up with good theories just to be disappointed with what really happens.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    LordDirt wrote: »
    I love SW fans, they aways come up with good theories just to be disappointed with what really happens.

    Jar Jar is key...
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    Did not enjoy the show, for a multitude of reasons.

    1. The acting and dialogue felt clunky, it felt like I was being told things outright that should have been shown instead.

    2. Watching a stone and metal fortress catch fire like it's made of kindling was incredibly disconnecting; I don't know why they couldn't have just made the interior wood or carpet.

    3. The Jedi are fairly bastardized; I don't mind the depiction of them as a more "police force" during that time period, but the fact that they are seen by people as scary (referencing the scene where a Jedi threatens the shipmate with his hand and they are immediately terrified) and the quote "A Jedi doesn't draw their lightsaber unless they are prepared to kill." When was that a thing? The Jedi have always been peacekeepers where taking a life was a BAD thing. In the prequels we're told that they are taught to always try for the peaceful option if possible. Saying that they should be prepared to kill is incredibly bastardizing. There is a scene in the Clone Wars TV show where a villain specifically is around Obi Wan because he knows Jedi don't kill. They are known for not killing. So where did this come from?

    4. The witches coven seems to have a new, unexplained power that could be world breaking, similar to how world breaking the Nightsisters are. They can just break someone's mind, and only they can fix it? That seems incredibly broken, and there is no explanation as to what the limits are.

    Call it nitpicking, but this is a discussion about what did or did not work for us in the show. If you call my decisions "nitpicking", I could say the same about any decisions. Please find a logical reason to argue against why my opinions are "wrong" if you are going to argue against them.
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    Lumiya wrote: »
    How to kill a Jedi without a weapon?

    Eta: The sisters will switch places. Mae will be working with the Jedi, trying to save her sister from the dark side.

    I'm having a really hard time with this show due to what is very basic story structure coupled with poor writing (IMO) but the bolded above is way too far for this to go while hoping to maintain any sense of plausibility. Mae killed - in cold blood - two Jedi masters and they'd have no reason to believe she didnt just kill the Wookie Jedi.
  • Whatelse73
    2220 posts Member
    They spent 180 Million on these 8 episodes and couldn't take the time to check lore and hire writers that can actually write? They are making it EASY to nitpick because there are so many things they screw up. The show's "lore" even contradicts itself each episode.

    This reminds me of the Rings of Power and the debacle they created there. People taking a property and rewriting it because they have the ego to think they can write it better than the progenitor. "I'll make Star Wars/Rings of Power BETTER because I'm smarter than anyone else!"

    And once again, two Jedi are DEAD because of an assassin. Yoda would know about that and be paying attention. Politicians in real life don't have magic powers to know what's going on. They often don't know what's going on even when they're told by someone else. They're trying to proclaim the high council is too "political" to pay attention to jedi being killed? Rubbish. Writing it like that just reinforces the perception that Leslie is trying to do by making the "Sith" the good guys and the Jedi the bad guys. As if they're a bunch of bumbling rent-a-cops that don't know what they're doing and are only concerned about themselves.

    And this episode was supposed to be not as bad as episode 3, it's worse in some ways, better in others. No matter how they "explain" all this, it's going to be bad explanations and lame ways to show why it's okay. And there are a lot of "issues" to explain away in only four more episodes.

  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    They spent 180 Million on these 8 episodes and couldn't take the time to check lore and hire writers that can actually write? They are making it EASY to nitpick because there are so many things they screw up. The show's "lore" even contradicts itself each episode.

    This reminds me of the Rings of Power and the debacle they created there. People taking a property and rewriting it because they have the ego to think they can write it better than the progenitor. "I'll make Star Wars/Rings of Power BETTER because I'm smarter than anyone else!"

    And once again, two Jedi are DEAD because of an assassin. Yoda would know about that and be paying attention. Politicians in real life don't have magic powers to know what's going on. They often don't know what's going on even when they're told by someone else. They're trying to proclaim the high council is too "political" to pay attention to jedi being killed? Rubbish. Writing it like that just reinforces the perception that Leslie is trying to do by making the "Sith" the good guys and the Jedi the bad guys. As if they're a bunch of bumbling rent-a-cops that don't know what they're doing and are only concerned about themselves.

    And this episode was supposed to be not as bad as episode 3, it's worse in some ways, better in others. No matter how they "explain" all this, it's going to be bad explanations and lame ways to show why it's okay. And there are a lot of "issues" to explain away in only four more episodes.

    the more you complain the more ridiculous your complains get

    To be clear, you don’t think it’s ridiculous that 2 Jedi Masters were assassinated and a 3rd just survived an assassination attempt and the Jedi Council has no idea? Never mind being told about the deaths, you think it’s reasonable that none of the other masters would sense/feel anything?
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Ultra wrote: »
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    They spent 180 Million on these 8 episodes and couldn't take the time to check lore and hire writers that can actually write? They are making it EASY to nitpick because there are so many things they screw up. The show's "lore" even contradicts itself each episode.

    This reminds me of the Rings of Power and the debacle they created there. People taking a property and rewriting it because they have the ego to think they can write it better than the progenitor. "I'll make Star Wars/Rings of Power BETTER because I'm smarter than anyone else!"

    And once again, two Jedi are DEAD because of an assassin. Yoda would know about that and be paying attention. Politicians in real life don't have magic powers to know what's going on. They often don't know what's going on even when they're told by someone else. They're trying to proclaim the high council is too "political" to pay attention to jedi being killed? Rubbish. Writing it like that just reinforces the perception that Leslie is trying to do by making the "Sith" the good guys and the Jedi the bad guys. As if they're a bunch of bumbling rent-a-cops that don't know what they're doing and are only concerned about themselves.

    And this episode was supposed to be not as bad as episode 3, it's worse in some ways, better in others. No matter how they "explain" all this, it's going to be bad explanations and lame ways to show why it's okay. And there are a lot of "issues" to explain away in only four more episodes.

    the more you complain the more ridiculous your complains get

    To be clear, you don’t think it’s ridiculous that 2 Jedi Masters were assassinated and a 3rd just survived an assassination attempt and the Jedi Council has no idea? Never mind being told about the deaths, you think it’s reasonable that none of the other masters would sense/feel anything?

    Were we watching the same show?

    One was assassinated which led Yord to arrest Osha, so the Jedi Order knew about it and were taking active steps to prevent others from three from being assassinated, which is how the Jedi ran into Mae in the second episode

    Also, complaining that the Jedi Council or Yoda was not informed of a Jedi being killed is such a silly complaint

    There are trillion billion of lifeforms in the galaxy and millions of Jedi, to argue that the Jedi Council should have a status report on what every Jedi is going through sounds nonsensical

    Force sensing has always been inconsistent in Star Wars, it seems sensing individual lifeforms is much difficult

    Mace said that if Darth Maul was a sith he would've sensed it

    Vader never sensed if Obi-Wan / Yoda were alive during the reign of the empire until Obi-Wan was in the death star itself

    there are tons of examples i can go on about sensing from TCW or movies and i wouldn't think much of it tbh

    Its just two jedi, and Torgun's death was in the Jedi Temple, so i'm sure the council knew about it, what they weren't told is the information of the assassin that was being discussed in episode 4 for political reasons

    Even in the Clone Wars TV Series, Yoda kept the truth that Clone Army was built by the sith hidden from the senate due to political reasons, are you going to say terrible writing that the Senate / Govt that commissioned and uses the clone army never knew or was never told that a sith ordered its creation?
  • LordDirt
    5171 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    They spent 180 Million on these 8 episodes and couldn't take the time to check lore and hire writers that can actually write? They are making it EASY to nitpick because there are so many things they screw up. The show's "lore" even contradicts itself each episode.

    This reminds me of the Rings of Power and the debacle they created there. People taking a property and rewriting it because they have the ego to think they can write it better than the progenitor. "I'll make Star Wars/Rings of Power BETTER because I'm smarter than anyone else!"

    And once again, two Jedi are DEAD because of an assassin. Yoda would know about that and be paying attention. Politicians in real life don't have magic powers to know what's going on. They often don't know what's going on even when they're told by someone else. They're trying to proclaim the high council is too "political" to pay attention to jedi being killed? Rubbish. Writing it like that just reinforces the perception that Leslie is trying to do by making the "Sith" the good guys and the Jedi the bad guys. As if they're a bunch of bumbling rent-a-cops that don't know what they're doing and are only concerned about themselves.

    And this episode was supposed to be not as bad as episode 3, it's worse in some ways, better in others. No matter how they "explain" all this, it's going to be bad explanations and lame ways to show why it's okay. And there are a lot of "issues" to explain away in only four more episodes.

    the more you complain the more ridiculous your complains get

    To be clear, you don’t think it’s ridiculous that 2 Jedi Masters were assassinated and a 3rd just survived an assassination attempt and the Jedi Council has no idea? Never mind being told about the deaths, you think it’s reasonable that none of the other masters would sense/feel anything?

    Were we watching the same show?

    One was assassinated which led Yord to arrest Osha, so the Jedi Order knew about it and were taking active steps to prevent others from three from being assassinated, which is how the Jedi ran into Mae in the second episode

    Also, complaining that the Jedi Council or Yoda was not informed of a Jedi being killed is such a silly complaint

    Jedi being murdered would be of huge importance to the council.

    There are trillion billion of lifeforms in the galaxy and millions of Jedi, to argue that the Jedi Council should have a status report on what every Jedi is going through sounds nonsensical

    There was around 10,000 Jedi not millions

    Force sensing has always been inconsistent in Star Wars, it seems sensing individual lifeforms is much difficult

    Mace said that if Darth Maul was a sith he would've sensed it

    Vader never sensed if Obi-Wan / Yoda were alive during the reign of the empire until Obi-Wan was in the death star itself

    Yoda hid on a darkside planet which hid him.

    there are tons of examples i can go on about sensing from TCW or movies and i wouldn't think much of it tbh

    Its just two jedi, and Torgun's death was in the Jedi Temple, so i'm sure the council knew about it, what they weren't told is the information of the assassin that was being discussed in episode 4 for political reasons

    Even in the Clone Wars TV Series, Yoda kept the truth that Clone Army was built by the sith hidden from the senate due to political reasons, are you going to say terrible writing that the Senate / Govt that commissioned and uses the clone army never knew or was never told that a sith ordered its creation?

    The murder of multiple Jedi would be reported to the council immediately. Dont make excuses for bad writing.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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