Star Wars: Acolyte [SPOILER S1:E5] discussion



  • Lumiya
    1583 posts Member
    Wendigo wrote: »

    The only reason to hate the show at this point is because its a meme to hate on it. 13% rotten tomato reviews before it even aired. I actually went in preparing to hate it based on poor reviews and those interviews with cast and directors, but its a better show than obi wan was.

    There are many more reasons to not like the show... And that's perfectly fine. Not everyone needs someone else to tell them how to feel about something, if they should like or hate something. Different taste and all that so we should not jump to assumptions about other people's likes or dislikes.
    I for example think it is the weakest of all the new shows. I wouldn't say I hate it but I think it definitely has flaws (some of which I mentioned in another thread). I came to my opinion all by myself, I avoided anything that had to do with The Acolyte before it aired as to make sure not to get spoilered, so I didn't know about anything beforehand. I watched the first two episodes, formed my own opinion and only then did I look what others had to say about it.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    Wendigo wrote: »
    Regardless of views on how good or bad the show is, the blatant lack of maintaining basic continuity ruined the show for me. Doing basic research on a character like KAM would have prevented an incident like that from happening, not to mention that this would also be during the time of Darth Tenebrous, so either the rule of two was broken, or the person who claimed they were a "Sith" is just a wannabe. The disregard for maintaining pre-existing lore is insulting to me as a fan, and prevents me from enjoying media like Acolyte.

    You are nitpicking silly things when the show hasnt even finished its run yet. You dont even know if Tenebrous could be Qimir's master, and Qimir's plan is looking for his own apprentice so he can eventually usurp Tenebrous. Its more than likely Qimir will die and they will hit us with fan service to show us Tenebrous or Plagueis in the very last episode right before the credits drop.
    As for KAM's age, who cares? So what if he's 50 or 100 years older than wookiepedia says? How does that change literally anything?
    Yoda doesn't have a direct force connection to every single jedi, the jedi dont even know kalnecca's location, they had to use a tracker. None of them knew indara was killed until it was reported, they dont sit around "sensing" things all day.

    The only reason to hate the show at this point is because its a meme to hate on it. 13% rotten tomato reviews before it even aired. I actually went in preparing to hate it based on poor reviews and those interviews with cast and directors, but its a better show than obi wan was.

    If they just took mae and osha out of the show it would be much better, those 2 are offering nothing and actually making it harder to enjoy when they stand around looking at everyone the whole time.

    For the 180 MILLION dollars they spent on this show, they should be the ones "nitpicking" to ensure the show is lore accurate and fits in with everything else. For that amount of money, they could've hired writers and directors to make it worth that 180 million. So what did they spend that much on exactly?

    And it could also be said, the only reason to "defend" the show at this point is because it's "edgy" to meme on the "haters".

    Yoda felt Jedi dying during order 66. Kelnacca was "Posted" to the planet, which means they should know he's there. (That's by those very writers who are inconsistent with themselves.)
  • Screerider
    1465 posts Member
    If Kelancca was dead already, I suppose they wouldn't know he's there.

    Even alive Jedi only have pulled a "a presence I haven't felt since...." response from the most powerful Force user. Luke had to specifically call out to Leia in Cloud City, like Vader called out to Luke ("Father?"). Not sure what inconsistency here is new, compared to other media.
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    IIRC, they knew what planet Kelnacca was on. But he went AWOL and they needed to search for him. It's entirely possible he severed his connection with the Force to avoid easy detection--e.g. Cal Kestis before J:FO.

    As for what Yoda could feel, I think there's a huge difference between the sudden slaughter of most of the Jedi in the galaxy and the first 2 Jedi murders. As for what he knows about Ep 5 from Coruscant... idk, I'll have to see where the show goes from here.
  • LordDirt
    5178 posts Member
    What about when Leia died? Rey and Ben were far away from her.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    I really like the show, it's refreshing to get some pre-prequel content in live action. Maybe some retcons are weird but it's not as awful as Filoni's retcons lmao
  • ItsNotMe
    85 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    What about when Leia died? Rey and Ben were far away from her.

    Literally her children??
  • ItsNotMe
    85 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    Wendigo wrote: »
    Regardless of views on how good or bad the show is, the blatant lack of maintaining basic continuity ruined the show for me. Doing basic research on a character like KAM would have prevented an incident like that from happening, not to mention that this would also be during the time of Darth Tenebrous, so either the rule of two was broken, or the person who claimed they were a "Sith" is just a wannabe. The disregard for maintaining pre-existing lore is insulting to me as a fan, and prevents me from enjoying media like Acolyte.

    You are nitpicking silly things when the show hasnt even finished its run yet. You dont even know if Tenebrous could be Qimir's master, and Qimir's plan is looking for his own apprentice so he can eventually usurp Tenebrous. Its more than likely Qimir will die and they will hit us with fan service to show us Tenebrous or Plagueis in the very last episode right before the credits drop.
    As for KAM's age, who cares? So what if he's 50 or 100 years older than wookiepedia says? How does that change literally anything?
    Yoda doesn't have a direct force connection to every single jedi, the jedi dont even know kalnecca's location, they had to use a tracker. None of them knew indara was killed until it was reported, they dont sit around "sensing" things all day.

    The only reason to hate the show at this point is because its a meme to hate on it. 13% rotten tomato reviews before it even aired. I actually went in preparing to hate it based on poor reviews and those interviews with cast and directors, but its a better show than obi wan was.

    If they just took mae and osha out of the show it would be much better, those 2 are offering nothing and actually making it harder to enjoy when they stand around looking at everyone the whole time.

    For the 180 MILLION dollars they spent on this show, they should be the ones "nitpicking" to ensure the show is lore accurate and fits in with everything else. For that amount of money, they could've hired writers and directors to make it worth that 180 million. So what did they spend that much on exactly?

    You DO release that Legends isn’t the lore anymore, right?

    I’m just surprised you haven’t managed to somehow tie in blaming Datacrons in all this.
  • LordDirt
    5178 posts Member
    ItsNotMe wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    What about when Leia died? Rey and Ben were far away from her.

    Literally her children??

    Rey is Leia’s child? I missed that part. Thought she was Palpatine’s granddaughter.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Screerider
    1465 posts Member
    Force Dyad magic
  • ItsNotMe
    85 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    ItsNotMe wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    What about when Leia died? Rey and Ben were far away from her.

    Literally her children??

    Rey is Leia’s child? I missed that part. Thought she was Palpatine’s granddaughter.

    Ben is, and Rey’s connected to her through that Force Dyad nonsense. And Leia was like a matriarchal figure to her, not all family is biological.
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    Screerider wrote: »
    Force Dyad magic
    Basically I think the force dyad thing is pretty much nonsense. As for the first five episodes I think the main characters died before they showed the audience why they are there and what they wanna express. The identity change at the end of e5 is quite interesting since the first four episodes didn’t have much mystery or twist in them. I just hope that the show can shed some light on some deeper connection between Sith and Jedi or simply get a real plot like Andor
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