Star Wars: Acolyte [SPOILER S1:E5] discussion


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    my favorite kind of star wars fans: bad, woke, bad, oh noes, the lore!, bad, oooohhhh, cool lightsaber fights! :smiley:

    after an episode with almost no action we get one with almost nothing but action. nicely done imo. the script could have used a bit more thought at some points, but overall it all worked. the fights were very cool indeed, but what's most important: they were nice in both the old way (not the fighting matters most, but the relationship between the fighters) and the new (much more dynamic, cool powers, etc.). pretty impressive.

    a lot still depends on how the mystery resolves (still not sure they will land that one), but i am actually invested in seeing where this goes. let's be honest, noone has any idea where the story will go from here. anything is possible, which is great. not many series manage that nowadays. and they killed off some characters that a couple of viewers will probably have grown attached to by now. gutsy. i expected the padawan to live, to be honest.

    looking forward to seeing sol's dark side laid bare when everything is explained.
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    This is the first episode in the series I really enjoyed. The Siths fighting style was new, inventive and obviously very effective. He looked wwayyyyy faster than the Jedi and none of them, except Sol, could keep up with him which made him ripping them apart seem inevitable and easy. Jord was a Jedi Knight and this dude demolished him twice in like 4 seconds.

    Whatever he was doing to turn off their lightsabers was a creative touch. Force pulling that Jedi onto another already stabbed Jedi was awesome too.

    They have quite a few holes to fill and logic leaps to close for this series to end well for me but this episode (truthfully because there was so little dialog and plot exposition to contradict the contrived plot any further) gave me a little hope.
  • Gawejn
    1142 posts Member
    When you think it cannot get worse after 4 bad episodes, you can still be surprised.
  • crzydroid
    7386 posts Moderator
    This is the first episode in the series I really enjoyed. The Siths fighting style was new, inventive and obviously very effective. He looked wwayyyyy faster than the Jedi and none of them, except Sol, could keep up with him which made him ripping them apart seem inevitable and easy. Jord was a Jedi Knight and this dude demolished him twice in like 4 seconds.

    Whatever he was doing to turn off their lightsabers was a creative touch. Force pulling that Jedi onto another already stabbed Jedi was awesome too.

    They have quite a few holes to fill and logic leaps to close for this series to end well for me but this episode (truthfully because there was so little dialog and plot exposition to contradict the contrived plot any further) gave me a little hope.

    The thing turning off the sabers was hitting his armor. Which my wife recalled was Cortosis Ore from the old EU.
  • Devian
    678 posts Member
    edited June 26
    Terrorist comes to the airport and starts shooting, police comes and terrorist kills almost everyone. But his ammo runs off and he or they needs to reload
    Police prepares to kill suspect, co he won't reload.
    someone from the crowd: 'Please, don't shoot him, he is out of ammo! he is not dangerous anymore!'
    police stops shooting, lets terrorist reload and start shooting again.

    I say this is flawless logic.
    Anyway, I hope for one good thing from this show: turning Sol into Darth Plaguies and making trilogy about him under better director and writers.
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    In your analogy, I would criticize this police force for having their head too far up their own ideological posterior. And in Acolyte, as well as several other instances in SW media, I would criticize Sol/Jedi for putting their ideology above reason and pragmatism to a fault.

    It's very flawed logic/behavior. That's the critique the show is making as well, no? Are we expecting all the characters to behave as paragons of reason? That would be a pretty uninteresting cast of characters, imo.
  • LordDirt
    5171 posts Member
    I dont understand why they would let a padawan fight someone by herself who just killed 2 Jedi Masters, they thought 3 at that time. Seems very bad judgment for the Jedi once again.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    I dont understand why they would let a padawan fight someone by herself who just killed 2 Jedi Masters, they thought 3 at that time. Seems very bad judgment for the Jedi once again.

    I'd say bringing her along in the first place was also very bad judgement.
  • LordDirt
    5171 posts Member
    So who is going to be either the main Sith Master or the Acolyte in the end?
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    So who is going to be either the main Sith Master or the Acolyte in the end?

    I have a really bad feeling the master is going to be one of the 2 mother witches from episode 3. It will make absolutely no sense in the timeline and won't make sense from a character/emotional perspective either but I think they're strongly alluding to this happening. When talking about the Sith, Yord says something like; "he gets into your head and stays there" and Osha responds: "my mother could do that, get into your head, I saw it once."

  • Devian
    678 posts Member
    edited June 26
    In your analogy, I would criticize this police force for having their head too far up their own ideological posterior. And in Acolyte, as well as several other instances in SW media, I would criticize Sol/Jedi for putting their ideology above reason and pragmatism to a fault.
    why would you use my analogy (example about bad writing) to highlight flawed ideology of a Jedi Security Service?
    I kinda get that these are some sort of Jedi police and Jedi patrol officers and J.W,A,T
    Thats why I used comparison with actual terrorist attack, civilian. And if you are trying to somehow explain that action as jedi flaw... just remember that for 'rogue' force user Force, sorry String is a weapon. So ... no, unless you can prevent someone from using force threads - that someone is armed and dangerous and seeks moment to take advantage.
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    It's because the writers suck and know less about writing than they do about Star Wars. The fighting was decent, but the script was garbage. They've made Mae Bi-Polar and the Jedi are a bunch of weak chumps that take turns attacking a "Sith" that called himself a Sith. And where was Sol while the other Jedi were getting the crap kicked out of them?

    All other Jedi are dead, Sol is gonna die on the ship because he "can't" report back to the Jedi Order. But, yet again, tell me how GrandMaster Yoda doesn't know that 7 Jedi are dead to a Dark Side force user? (I know, because the writing sucks!)

    Good action, sure. But the whole 26 minutes is lame because of the horrid script and odd reasons for certain things happening.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    It's because the writers suck and know less about writing than they do about Star Wars. The fighting was decent, but the script was garbage. They've made Mae Bi-Polar and the Jedi are a bunch of weak chumps that take turns attacking a "Sith" that called himself a Sith. And where was Sol while the other Jedi were getting the crap kicked out of them?

    All other Jedi are dead, Sol is gonna die on the ship because he "can't" report back to the Jedi Order. But, yet again, tell me how GrandMaster Yoda doesn't know that 7 Jedi are dead to a Dark Side force user? (I know, because the writing sucks!)

    Good action, sure. But the whole 26 minutes is lame because of the horrid script and odd reasons for certain things happening.

  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    i can't even deal with whatelse anymore
  • Whatelse73
    2220 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    i can't even deal with whatelse anymore

    well, okay.
  • MaxBane
    20 posts Member
    Ok, now that I have put myself on par with the episodes, I can join this party.

    Well, what can I say about my first impression? Star Wars franchise has never been renown for the quality of his scripts or the coherence within his own universe. So, The Acolyte is not a surprise here, it just reaches unprecedented (?) levels of bad quality.

    Oh, nice mask by the way.
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    Regardless of views on how good or bad the show is, the blatant lack of maintaining basic continuity ruined the show for me. Doing basic research on a character like KAM would have prevented an incident like that from happening, not to mention that this would also be during the time of Darth Tenebrous, so either the rule of two was broken, or the person who claimed they were a "Sith" is just a wannabe. The disregard for maintaining pre-existing lore is insulting to me as a fan, and prevents me from enjoying media like Acolyte.
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    I’ve seen some interesting theories circulating that Qimir could actually be the founder or one of the early members of the Knights of Ren. I don’t know anything about their specific lore, but if so that doesn’t contradict anything regarding the Rule of Two.

    Honestly, the amount of hate this show is getting is competently unwarranted. It’s nowhere near as good as Andor, nor is it as good as some people are making it out to be, but it’s also nowhere near as bad as others at claiming, either. A lot of these criticisms are really grasping as straws.
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    I don't think we have seen any Sith proper yet. All we have seen is a dark side user who may think he is a bit Sith-y. There must have been a few of those, since I'm sure the Jedi didn't manage to kidnap or kill all those force babies.

    KAM can easily be 150 years old in Episode I, so his mere presence is ok.

    There's also the possibility that KAM or the Jedi council won't get to know all the details of what is happening in this series, even if there is a proper Sith involved, and they may just shrug it off as some regular dark side user.

    There are definitely things to complain about with this show, but not more than there was about the sequel trilogy. Right now, I prefer this over those.
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    Qimir didn't call himself a Sith.
  • LordDirt
    5171 posts Member
    Screerider wrote: »
    Qimir didn't call himself a Sith.

    "I have no name. But the Jedi like you might call me… Sith.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Screerider
    1460 posts Member
    edited June 28
    Exactly. He doesn't call himself one. And a Jedi like Sol might.
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    Screerider wrote: »
    Exactly. He doesn't call himself one. And a Jedi like Sol might.

    Yes, they’re intentionally being ambiguous. He might have been trained (is is currently being trained) by a Sith, but he’s not really a “proper” Sith, just shares a similar philosophy regarding using the Force. He may be an apprentice but has his own ideas separate from Sith ideology, or maybe an existing Darth discovered him and helped propel his journey for their own devices, without formally inducting him into the ranks of the Sith.
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    Regardless of views on how good or bad the show is, the blatant lack of maintaining basic continuity ruined the show for me. Doing basic research on a character like KAM would have prevented an incident like that from happening, not to mention that this would also be during the time of Darth Tenebrous, so either the rule of two was broken, or the person who claimed they were a "Sith" is just a wannabe. The disregard for maintaining pre-existing lore is insulting to me as a fan, and prevents me from enjoying media like Acolyte.

    You are nitpicking silly things when the show hasnt even finished its run yet. You dont even know if Tenebrous could be Qimir's master, and Qimir's plan is looking for his own apprentice so he can eventually usurp Tenebrous. Its more than likely Qimir will die and they will hit us with fan service to show us Tenebrous or Plagueis in the very last episode right before the credits drop.
    As for KAM's age, who cares? So what if he's 50 or 100 years older than wookiepedia says? How does that change literally anything?
    Yoda doesn't have a direct force connection to every single jedi, the jedi dont even know kalnecca's location, they had to use a tracker. None of them knew indara was killed until it was reported, they dont sit around "sensing" things all day.

    The only reason to hate the show at this point is because its a meme to hate on it. 13% rotten tomato reviews before it even aired. I actually went in preparing to hate it based on poor reviews and those interviews with cast and directors, but its a better show than obi wan was.

    If they just took mae and osha out of the show it would be much better, those 2 are offering nothing and actually making it harder to enjoy when they stand around looking at everyone the whole time.
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    Further, just because Tenebrous trained Plagueis, doesnt mean he ONLY trained plagueis. Palpatine had maul, dooku AND anakin, and wanted luke.
  • ItsNotMe
    81 posts Member
    edited June 28
    Wendigo wrote: »
    If they just took mae and osha out of the show it would be much better, those 2 are offering nothing and actually making it harder to enjoy when they stand around looking at everyone the whole time.

  • MrRandyWatson
    273 posts Member
    edited June 28
    Screerider wrote: »
    Exactly. He doesn't call himself one. And a Jedi like Sol might.

    I hear what you're saying but from a practical perspective, Sol would have no reason to believe Qmir isn't a Sith.
    Sith have been extinct, at this point, for 900 years which means Sol has no Sith reference to compare Qmir to in order to disprove he is a SIth.

    The only way for this to not break several prequel facts is Sol has to die and the knowledge of Qmir being a Sith dies with him and never makes it to any other Jedi.

    EDIT - Sol being killed bums me out because I think he and Qmir are the best parts of this show by a longshot and I think they both die in the end.
  • ItsNotMe
    81 posts Member
    edited June 28
    Screerider wrote: »
    Exactly. He doesn't call himself one. And a Jedi like Sol might.

    I hear what you're saying but from a practical perspective, Sol would have no reason to believe Qmir isn't a Sith.
    Sith have been extinct, at this point, for 900 years which means Sol has no Sith reference to compare Qmir to in order to disprove he is a SIth.

    The only way for this to not break several prequel facts is Sol has to die and the knowledge of Qmir being a Sith dies with him and never makes it to any other Jedi.

    EDIT - Sol being killed bums me out because I think he and Qmir are the best parts of this show by a longshot and I think they both die in the end.

    I think you’re right about their fates and I agree that Sol and Qimir are the standout characters of the show so far!

    And, it’s nice to have a show runner who isn’t afraid to kill off characters after letting people get attached to them.
  • Gawejn
    1142 posts Member
    ItsNotMe wrote: »
    Screerider wrote: »
    Exactly. He doesn't call himself one. And a Jedi like Sol might.

    I hear what you're saying but from a practical perspective, Sol would have no reason to believe Qmir isn't a Sith.
    Sith have been extinct, at this point, for 900 years which means Sol has no Sith reference to compare Qmir to in order to disprove he is a SIth.

    The only way for this to not break several prequel facts is Sol has to die and the knowledge of Qmir being a Sith dies with him and never makes it to any other Jedi.

    EDIT - Sol being killed bums me out because I think he and Qmir are the best parts of this show by a longshot and I think they both die in the end.

    I think you’re right about their fates and I agree that Sol and Qimir are the standout characters of the show so far!

    And, it’s nice to have a show runner who isn’t afraid to kill off characters after letting people get attached to them.

    Attached to Sol? You must be joking, guy is like a complete ****...not a jedi master...
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    Gawejn wrote: »
    ItsNotMe wrote: »
    Screerider wrote: »
    Exactly. He doesn't call himself one. And a Jedi like Sol might.

    I hear what you're saying but from a practical perspective, Sol would have no reason to believe Qmir isn't a Sith.
    Sith have been extinct, at this point, for 900 years which means Sol has no Sith reference to compare Qmir to in order to disprove he is a SIth.

    The only way for this to not break several prequel facts is Sol has to die and the knowledge of Qmir being a Sith dies with him and never makes it to any other Jedi.

    EDIT - Sol being killed bums me out because I think he and Qmir are the best parts of this show by a longshot and I think they both die in the end.

    I think you’re right about their fates and I agree that Sol and Qimir are the standout characters of the show so far!

    And, it’s nice to have a show runner who isn’t afraid to kill off characters after letting people get attached to them.

    Attached to Sol? You must be joking, guy is like a complete ****...not a jedi master...

    Different people can become attached to different characters for a wide variety of reasons. Your personal opinion is not reflective of anyone else’s individual experience and perspective.
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